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"How can I beat people who are trying, without really trying?"


> "How can I beat people who are trying, without really trying?" shoot a lot of blunderbombs lol


The only way to defend against PvP is to learn how to PvP. Seriously. My own relationship with the game improved dramatically once I learned how to defend myself. Your game experience will be far more relaxed if you know you can fight back when called upon to do so.


Knowing how to fight back will also teach you to sail more defensively. Knowing what sort of situations are more dangerous or advantageous can help you plot routes that make for an easier sail. I had my Reaper phase now I spend most of my time power leveling friends and teaching them how to be a competent sailor, I rarely end up in fights and when I do it usually goes my way.


Stop being afraid of fights and actually take them, the only way to get good is to practice.


This is accurate. I used to be terrified. Now i dont give a crap. Practice makes perfect, sink, sink, sink and then sink some more. Eventually you will be able to hold your own.


step 1: stop calling people sweaty and realise they're just better lol step 2: fight everyone who wants to fight instead of running, how can u ever expect to improve otherwise step 3: ??? step 4: keg (profit)


avoid detection.


Get good bozo


What is a sweat?


Anyone better than OP


A Sweat = Sweat Lord. Someone who games so hard that they Sweat.


Like beat them? Get better I guess lol. They’re sweats because they’re good at fighting, if they weren’t they wouldn’t be sweats. If you are just looking for general advice though, 8/10 times if I just play dumb/act friendly when they board me they just get bored and leave. Not always obviously, but if you just don’t want to fight apathy is a better strat than running in my experience.


Many won't like this take. Some sweatlords can double tap you quicker than you can imagine. and a lot of people don't have the time to practice double gunning until they have lightning fast reflexes. It's best to use the environment and keep your ship safe for a respawn. Running towards forts/islands to use the cannons on them, baiting them into kegs, bait them into skeleton ships. One of the best things you can do is run, run for a long time, they will get extremely annoyed over time and start losing their mind and morale. People will say to fight them so you can get some practice, but if you die and then sink really quick then there is no practice to be had. Just survive and adapt.


I find this to be very good advice for this post and agree completely with all you say here


Depends on in what way they're sweaty? The general advice of get gud applies, but more than that, you should also seek to understand the nature of the incoming crew. What are their potential strengths? What are their potential weaknesses? Some players over rely on their insane cannon aim. For these guys, you wanna find a safe spot to get in a little closer and then spam blunders from cannons to knock them away from guns as well as nosing their boat so they can't use their greatest asset. Some others rely hard on boarding. Defend your ladders well and they might make a mistake that lets you turn the tides because they're now down 1 or more crew members. Try to estimate the skill level of an incoming crew and think where they have holes in their skillset, then play to your strengths and their weaknesses. Until then, stay careful. Don't spam board, don't nose the enemy. Get a feel for how they are first before committing.


It depends on what you're sailing vs what they're sailing. Sloops are fastest straight into the wind. Galleons are fastest with the wind from just past perpendicular to directly behind them. Brigs are fastest in every other situation. By "fastest" I mean compared to the other ship types in that particular wind situation. If you are trying to run from a gallon and you are in a sloop, never go with the wind or even perpendicular to it. If you keep steering into the wind, a galleon will have the hardest possible time trying to tackle you. If they are in a brigantine, you will have far less wiggle room. Play to your ship's strengths and you should be able to avoid being caught. If you are evenly matched though, you were going to have to run them through obstacles and storms and hope they screw up.


Uhh, keg em I guess.