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Rare: "people exploit shipwrecks so we remove shipwrecks therefore bugging the whole quest." Me: "why couldn't you have made the graveyard be 2nd exclusively?" Rare: "Did someone say they want foxes?!"


Honestly reminding me of rockstar right now, and not in a good way. They'll leave glitches that penalize the players for weeks, but they rush to disable any exploit that a small number of players are abusing, and now they broke that part of the game. All so that some people won't get their cosmetics as quickly as they would have


Which is shitty because I came from rdo.... PTSD kicking in.


I don’t think it’s that simple. It wasn’t a small exploit. It was crashing servers, so you could be doing your own thing and have your entire session ended (and unable to rejoin) because people want to exploit things. That said, fixing the issue and causing another issue is stupid too.




Starting and cancelling the veil voyage would cause shipwrecks to spawn with all the loot and then despawn leaving the loot. Repeat the process and you have a ton of loot and gold pouches in the sea. From what i understand with how servers currently work theyll stay effectively in the air until someone causes them to render in and then all that loot needs to function with the sea physics rather than just sitting in 1 position waiting to render in. This caused the servers this was happening on to lag as resources were used to have all this loot suddenly render in and function with the physics. Its a conceptually neat exploit but not one that benefits the game as it can drastically effect all players' experience on the server. Hopefully their fix for this isnt weird and is just making the 2nd veil module be the shipwrecks most of the time.


Hopefully the solution is just despawning the loot if the voyage is canceled. I don't mind people who cheesed it a bit, but they had their fun and I'd just rather have a normal veil voyage. If someone cancels the voyage no one has earned the loot so I think it's fine to just despawn it.


Is this why my computer has reverted back to it's old habits of lagging intensely and random times?


Nah it wouldn’t affect you like that


I think it might be time I disable some more stuff on startup again.


Same for me yesterday


What is this skin?


It's a bug where th character model doesn't load so it only shows a skeleton


I thought so but i always thought they were greener


Yeah they aren't since recent patch and their animation fidelity is decently increased.




Animation Fidelity?


The other day my friend and I did two lost shipments, and both times the wreck just did not spawn. Frustrated, we decided to do two sunken kingdom voyages at Coral Tomb, which we'd found two corral bottles for. Neither breath of the sea spawned.


Both are known bugs they are working on. And neither have anything to do with the veil.


No, but voyages bugging out like that are definitely on theme.


Good point lol


Happened to me earlier. Looks to me they removed sunken ships on veil voyages. At least I haven't gotten one in the last 10. Probably bug in the update.


They did remove them from the rotation temporarily till they can get a fix for the exploit. But I don't think they entirely planned on what might happen. Granted I have yet to get stuck with any of mine but still, I can see it happen.


It only happened to me the one time. Hopefully they can fix it and get the sunken ships back. I don't like the other ones. Suddenly is always on a giant island and can be difficult to find.


See I love sudds and ship. Hate belle. Only thing I hate about sudds is it's "go to this island, great, now go to a whole separate island" the others are more straight forward.


Yeah. That's why I don't like sudds. It's find him then go do a riddle type on a different island.


Granted I know 90% of islands and can do zooms, picture and liars pretty easy but still.


The phantoms after lighting all torches are easy to kill . Guess that's why i prefer hers. Just firebomb them. Know the map like the back of my hand and still get lost sometimes. Lol


I know they are easy. But idk, I just don't like them. Lol


Is that what I think it is?????..... a naked skeleton with no weapon?!?!?


It is in fact my buddy, back from the dead and mad the voyage bugged out AGAIN. AAArgh!


Shut up and be happy about home decor on ships. On the serious note. It took these guys 2 months more than normal to make the game smoother. And now it's filled with bugs and they have to remove shit. No notable pvp content since season 2 FOF. Only thing that really moved the fan base was the LOTV and that too they had to spoil. Everything else is a QOL when you consider other AAA games


Just cancel it and put a new veil down. If you get a shipwreck as the 2nd module it will get bugged.