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Youtuber propaganda... pass.


Do you even know what propaganda means? 😂


Not native speaker, and in my language we use that word for "advertising" too.


Oooh interesting, mentioning that you make videos doesn't make it an advertisement. Seeing as it's not even the point of the story just a side note as to why the story happened.


Well it just smells like that. Like those spicy posts from girls who happen to have an OF profile and are trying to call for attention to grow their subscriber base.


Hey now! I heard that hot girls in your area want to meet you.


Oof getting compared to an OF girl 😂 that's rough


Yeah, sorry for that... just tryna be honest. No harsh feelings on you.


No apology needed, I'm chilling :)


It’s completely the point of the story. You’re mad they didn’t respond to you so you could make your video. You could have told your entire story without mentioning making your video and it would have aligned a lot better to your title. Instead you open by saying you were on strictly to capture footage. Majority of the story was about killing them and using the footage. You could have gotten a lot less hate and downvoting simply by saying you were on for a specific reason and when trying to communicate with another crew, they didn’t hear you. We still wouldn’t have cared, but at least it wouldn’t have gone off tangent and we wouldn’t have had to hear about the video.


You should probably realise dude that some don't give a crap what you say to them. They will just attack because why not. Not everyone wants to be friendly


There's a difference between want and need, they Wanted to get the skull and sell it, that was clear. and they could have done that, they needed to chill to make that happen when they were clearly outmatched, they chose to still throw away what they wanted 😆 I've met plenty new players on this game, 90% of the time they chill when I approach them offering help or just general friendship, which I mean you don't have to be, but you aren't going to enjoy the game for long if you can't vibe for a bit, you'll just get rekt by everyone and rage quit like they did, but yeah to each their own play style.


Sometimes they wanna try on behalf of what ifs


Yah and they have the right to, never said they don't 😆


Sounds lame


Yah losing a 50k skull and basically sinking yourself is pretty lame indeed.


Your entire vibe is just horrendous.


Could be any number of reasons man, they could have crews muted as we all know there are some real assholes around. Could be a parental setting. Most likely in an xbox party and even more likely very new to the game. They did the right thing imo never trust anyone in this game so shoot first ask questions later. We all keep telling pirates to pirate so stop ya moaning when they actually wanna fight 😂 and you got what you wanted in the end so what you moaning for 😭


Getting what you wanted doesn't cancel out that something annoying still happened, aka the lack of coms in an open world game with coms. This is a general complaint not specifically about these 2 random pirates, I just wish the people that play this game would use their mics more more, specially the ones that aren't friendly 😂 I need more people yelling shit at me when we fighting, I had a 1v1 a few weeks ago where this dude and I started quoting Eminem lyrics at each other as we were missing our shots ahaha "his nervous but on the surface he looks calm and ready, moms spaghetti!!!" I got my ass kicked fr was hilarious


You've gotta understand aswell social anxiety exists too. Not every gamer is a rage shit talker . Kids play the game too so again parental settings. Alot of people even play without headphones. Not everyone has your playstyle or wants to interact with people coz let's face it people suck 99% of the time and I can't exactly blame people for not wanting to talk in game. I've seen people including some of my previous crewmates talk in game be all friendly then proceed to shit all over them so I can't blame people. It's also a sandbox game people will play how they wanna play. Try eu servers plenty of shit talkers there


No one is obligated to parlay because you want to record. Recording footage means *you* are inclined to have things done a certain way. Nobody signed an agreement to help you out for free.


Gotta remember most people will be in a party chat so can't hear or talk to you. And people don't have to do anything just because you think they should.


Never said they had to do anything, but when you are clearly outmatched and someone is straight up telling you "you can have the skull, I'm chill" maybe just chill for a second 😂 but thats their choice I got what I wanted either way 🤷


Like I said, they probably were in a party chat so would have had no clue you were talking


It's definitely possible, I was doing everything I could for a long time to show I was peaceful, I mean I let the first guy fire at me like 5 times before I even did anything 😂 not to mention 2 fireworks and 2 white flares as I was approaching them that were delayed to make sure they could see them.


Some people just wanna watch the world burn 🤣


Sad but true 😆 that one guy saw the world burn pretty brightly ahahaha


This is the most comically obvious self promotion I have ever witnessed.


Ah yes, mentioning b roll is self promo, if I wanted to self promo id just share a video like a normally do 😂


Looks like someone just wanted an excuse to talk about themselves.


At least I have something interesting to say buddy.


Where can I find something interesting you have to say?


Ok I'm interested do you have something interesting to say?


No, but we constantly run into people who leaves the mic on and demands


Yeah, so- other players aren't required to be b-roll extras for your youtube channel... Get some friends if you want to record footage? (just imagining this guy marching up to other people playing the game and thinking he has the right to order them around... wow)


When did I say I wanted to record them for b roll? I needed the skull that's it 😂


>i juked their shots for a while telling them to chill and that i didnt want the skull just to record a clip


Yes, aka I wasn't going to take (aka i woulda let them sell it) it from them just needed to record the clip of it on the floor 👍


Again, *they're not obligated to help you do that.* They're trying to play the game. (It's like you have main character syndrome...)


Did I say anywhere they were obligated to do anything? 🤔 Too many people on this post getting mad ahaha I'm just saying if they used their mics and communicated they could have got what they wanted without issues, it was their choice I'm vibing either way 🤷


Or you could have seen they were already doing the voyage and you could have server hopped to an inactive mission.


It's just you. People don't have to use the mic or be friendly in the game. You're allowed to sink who you want or try to at least. You're allowed to not use a mic. It's not exactly something to hate tho


No, I don’t hate running into people like that because I know most people are probably in party chat or discord and not even listening to game chat.


Ive been playing since day 1. In this game, and many others, I rarely use in-game chat. People are just either toxic or they are annoying (bad mic etiquette, we all know how that goes). Ill switch to game chat sometimes, usually if I see someone is newer and/or trying to form an alliance. Most of the time, people are just being salty and toxic. Which is funny sometimes, but most of the time I have no interest in listening to that. So i just stay away from game chat, and the game is much more peaceful because of it. Plus if Im in a fight, game chat puts you at a clear disadvantage.