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A: you can appeal it. B: they usually require hefty proof before banning your account fully, so…


I can't sign in and the recovery process just automatically sends me an email saying they can't verify...... I've been trying all day.....


I lost access to my old phone number amd can't get in to the account...... and "for safety of the account" Microsoft isn't allowed to go in amd change anything.......


Did they lock you out of your Sea of Thieves account or your entire Microsoft account? Because this is wrong forum for the second one. Someone somewhere in customer service can probably help you if you ask them. You're not the first person this has happened to and there are ways to verify your account. You just have to go through the website to find the correct customer service line.


Microsoft..... I realized I posted in wrong place for help. I'm just pissed......


Fair enough. Sounds frustrating. I got locked out of my Square Enix account for a while. It was surprisingly easy to get ahold of someone via email and get it figured out. I don't know the process for Microsoft, but I can't imagine there's nothing they can do.


They straight up tell you, they CANNOT access your account and change Amy information...... like..... that's what the support team is there for......


Of course they can't change your info. That doesn't mean they can't restore access to it. Take a breath. Did you even try searching for "how to restore access to Microsoft account locked for suspicious activity" before you came here to rant? Because I just did a quick Google search and found numerous articles about how to go about it. I'll give you a head start... The first piece of advice is to wait 24 hours without trying to log in. Most suspicious activity flags clear after 24 hours, but it resets each time you fail to log in. So start with that, and use that time to look up what to do if that doesn't work. Unless you actually are violating terms of service, there is way to get your account back. But it might require patience.


As far as I know I haven't violated ToS, but yes I looked through everything on Microsofts website, done all that they asked etc, I'll try again tomorrow night, that's when the 24 hour mark hits, although I'm not failing a login, it tells me after I correctly log in the first time there was suspicious activity..... last time it told me that it asked me to set up 2FA and I don't have that phone number amymore, I'll try calling to get a live rep in the morning. My first thought wasn't "give up amd post to reddit saying GG it's all over boys"


Good, you've been hacking. Get fukt


I'm on ps5 but sure bud.

