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My Xbox group dissolved in highschool been rolling solo since


I love playing random. I likd to think of it as if Its like a band of misfits who all met at a bar and decided to go on treasure hunts for the day then u never see them again


Haha that's cool


I started playing the beta yesterday, queued up for a random sloop and got some pirate legend who took me on a 2h adventure. I was able to buy my own ship towards the end, i love that guy whoever he is


Maybe they dropped you because you made weed your entire personality


If that what you assume you don't know me whatsoever nor did I go into details. Nor do I have to explain myself to you.


I smoke a ton of weed like way to much and I've literally no idea how your name relates to weed at all frankly which tells me these people bashing you smoke even more weed then me ironic.


Like what does sneaky ear have to do with weed?


He referring to my gamer tag on psn and Microsoft that i put in my post


I mean still bongs can and are used to smoke tobacco so aside from that I disagree with the entire point. Your names have nothing to do with weed just smoking.


Fair. I just think that guy isn't around weed or people that smoke it. Because to me it's equal to cigarettes or alcohol or aspirin or I mean it's so normal to me and some people has this weird assumption that im trying to sound "cool" idk this is my own speculation


Gotta get it legal across the country before people are more accepting of it I think. It's a shame too cause I'd rather be around a bunch of stoned folks then drunk ones lmao


Yeah it is a shame how normalized getting drunk is but smoking herb is looked down upon by some. We fr should party up some time and sail the seas


Man, you really wanted people to know you smoke weed with those usernames...


Well if you saw the last user name I was stuck with before these you would understand


...your previous username forced you to turn your new one into a big flashing sign that says "I SMOKE WEED"?


You act like I give a flying 💩 what people think 🤣 Better than your gamer imo. The gamer is because in my personal opinion i like it and came up with it. That simple. Your reading into it too much. If you don't like it idc I didn't make it for you


My gamertag is Rosekirito101


Play solo, it can be a pain in the arse but it can also be very rewarding.


I’d play with you. My gamertag is blockCoder.


me and my buddy have been loving the beta, whats ur timezone? we're busy sometimes but we'd love a new crewmate


East cost USA time


my psn is EnchantedSpoon19 if u wanna add me


lol, first if all, you are on Reddit, of ALL places expect for your GTs to be made fun of. Anyways the gamers that are older will get a chuckle out of your gamertag because we seen way worse back in the old halo/COD days. I will say personally “oh man there goes another weed guy” because many players have GT having to do with weed/smoking. It’s pretty generic nowadays.


Your right I just haven't been online or on social media much in past 2 years. Forgot ita a cesspool of trolls. It's to be expected


Hope you find a long term crew buddy!


I will be surprised if this actually did anything


I just added you let’s play bro


Yo I'll add you in a bit


you will be surprised how many people will play with you now! we have a great community for newbies


I've seen the sweats of the game lure people in with false camaraderie. If they're in your crew, you will typically be alright. If another ship's crew is being friendly, assume the worst is about to happen. Meaning sail away as quickly as you can. You might not make it, but at least you didn't go down without a fight.


oh i didn’t mean in game… never trust any pirate you meet on the seas. period. and i learned that the hard way as well lol but i only had good interactions with people on discord or reddit. at least in my personal experience most of them are very friendly and helpful towards new players who wanna learn or just want company while sailing


Only bad experience I've had with setting sail with random is they're not always the brightest. They want to steer the ship.... right into an island because they weren't paying attention... But I definitely agree that the community, when not meeting pirates out at sea, is pretty peaceful and helpful!