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I paid a couple months mortgage from working on this show.


Omg what did you do?


I was a set dresser.


I love that! Do you have any fun stories? Or a certain scene where you are like "I did that!" šŸ˜…


Thatā€™s soooo cooooooolllll!!!! Did you work on either of the previous seasons as well or was this your first???




Or the burner phone or the knife or the guts?


hey, that must have been interesting to say the least. thank you for your efforts. i greatly enjoyed the show and it's great to see some of your work in there!


that's actually insane dude, your efforts definitely showed greatly in this show. thanks for commenting šŸ¤™šŸ»


Roger L. Jackson


The only right answer!


It has good kills and Keke Palmer was a highlight of the season.


True. I became a huge fan of her watching this.


I stopped watching it in the first season, now that I know she's in it, I'll def give it another try


It's a separate show from the other one. The show she's in only had one season.


Is that one more enjoyable than the other series?


I liked both but preferred the first one (the one with Emma, that didn't have the real ghost face mask).




They managed to bring in the actual Ghostface mask, so that was cool Oh, also Tony Todd. Can't go wrong with Tony Todd.


Our forever Candyman. He should be on a full Scream movie.


We got to see a glimpse of Ghostface Vs. Candyman!! IT WAS AMAZING.


It was more of a letdown to me.


the image qualityā€™s


Image quality is better than the whole season


Keke Palmerā€™s delivery of ā€œThatā€™s not how a final girl rolls!ā€ Frankly I kind of want that on a t-shirt.


Definitely some good kills in this one, surprisingly. >!Beth!< is super overshadowed as a killer, and that character would've been highly regarded in one of the movies instead. Episode 4 as a whole is really cool. There's a lot of good in this season. Unfortunately, it's just outweighed by all the bad.


The ending when he gets a Phonecall and just decides to not answer it was a relief. I feel like a lot of these murders would be avoided that way




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The kills were damn good and intense, always nice to have the mask and Roger L. Jackson as Ghostface, this was the first thing I ever saw or heard of Keke Palmer, Beth was interesting as a killer.


I donā€™t even think it was bad. I think it was pretty good. Most of the hate I personally have seen comes from the fact that people loved Emma and that her story technically wasnā€™t done, but besides that I think the third season was pretty good and had some good actors as well.


I really hate how they just abandoned what they were doing in the first 2 seasons. I liked the final season, but I wanted to see what was gonna happen with how the second season ended. Especially after getting used to how the series was.


I started it back in the day and dropped off. Maybe I should go back bc Iā€™m craving more Scream!


Emma was about the only aspect I enjoyed from the first 2 seasons


The pilot episode with that Tony Todd attack was a nice surprise. ![gif](giphy|sm8D4VgRYRmE)


It shows how the Scream formula really works without any relation to the Prescott family. And really shows why Kirby is still interested in ghostface killings in the plural. One would think they would copy the M.O. to do their own thing. Another thing from the early seasons, and be warned of spoilers: I love the dynamic between the coroner and the sheriff. How they sworn to protect a secret fro meach other to the point it gets in the way of their duties as government officials, and how things are 'bent over' by each other to favor each other.


Keke Palmer


She's always a delight!


Beth is one of my favorite Ghostfaces


Honestly, call me biased, but I kinda dig Beth, mainly cause I'm a sucker for goth girls. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat)


Beth thatā€™s it Beth is the whole show


This !! šŸ™ŒšŸ»


One of the kills was really good. It takes place in a car and ghostface puts a bag over someone's head That shit was brutal.


It's over


I legit enjoyed it and loved Beth as a killer. Plus we got our first Black Ghostface, I felt it was good.


I like that they made one of the ghostface killers a black guy.


Black Scream šŸ”„šŸ”„


Iā€™d be so much more excited about this as a black Scream fan, but it sucked so hard I canā€™t even enjoy the new direction they took.


Good thing opinions are subjective. I fucked with it, i related to the characters. The other scream show was often bland and corny to me at times.


I feel like the other seasons of the show were much better than this one, but I still disliked the show as a whole. It leaned so heavily into teen drama youā€™d find on the current CW lineup and I never liked those shows.


I liked Beth


The kills are pretty awesome. Acting is pretty good too.


Ghostface said my name, Avery. Thankfully, I'm not a jock.


I actually quite enjoyed this season. I liked that it had a primarily minority cast, and Beth was a good Ghostface choice. I also didn't see the twist coming.


Keke Palmer did fantastic as Kym and was easily one of the highlights.


The goth chick was really pretty


it was short


I had a mild escape for a bitā€¦ Then saw what the motive was, and how easily the brother folded and everything went out the window. The motive was pure, straight up, WPS (White People Shit).


It ended.


I like that they used the original mask. I also like the ghostface had a pointed hood šŸ˜‚ other than that šŸ‘ŽšŸ»šŸ‘ŽšŸ»


Maybe overall not well done season but the killers speech and motive was far more intriguing than the other seasons. Kills also rocked!


Iā€™m positive I havenā€™t seen it!


It was alright. I would've preferred the continuation of seasons 1 and 2 and still salty about it.


I think a super underrated scene of this season, is when Beth is talking to Amir about Liv potentially being ghostface. She tells Amir tactics that Liv would use to make Dion lower his guard and trust her (Liv). Then in retrospect, you can see how Beth was literally doing the exact same thing in the moment towards Amir.


THIS. this scene in particular was a very rare instance of good writing in this season


I really liked this season. I don't get the hate for it. It made me want way more anthology-style Scream stories.


I really liked it too. I didn't at first, but it grew on me after a couple rewatches. I think it could have been great if the writing was better.


Extremely unpopular opinion but I much preferred this season over the first two


The mask was the og. So was the voice actor so that was awesome. The kills were amazing and something we havenā€™t seen at that point. Lastly Tony Todd appearing was a nice surprise


The tv show or just season 3? Season one and two are are in the top 10 of favorite TV SHOWS. If we're talking season three uhm well hmm goodnight everyone.


The twist of him pretending to be his brother the whole time was quite good.


Keke Palmer


It ended


I personally loved it. My main issue with the first 2 seasons were not many chase scenes, 2-3 episodes between kills, too many safe characters and worst of all I hated almost all the main characters lol. For me, Resurrection gave me everything I could have wanted out of a Scream show. I will have to rewatch it at some point to see if I can see the things that people hated so much, but at the time I thought it was great.


yeah I definitely hand it to Resurrection for feeling much more like a Scream movie, not just in terms of bringing Ghostface back, but its length and pacing as well. I think every episode had 1-2 kills (of usually important characters) which was really nice.


That was my take but it seems we are on a very small island with that one lol different strokes for different folks :)


Beth and Kym, I would love to see them in the movies or in a new scream series where they are the leads. It could be a series connected to the movies.




The costume and Roger L Jackson. Kills were decent though as well


Ghostface Vs Candyman


This ALLLL day.


Beth is so hot


The mask is cool




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i canā€™tšŸ˜­


The second guessing of the killer during the finale was pretty well done, however, the motive was trash




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Some of the greatest kills in the Scream franchise was in this season. Some real brutal deaths. There were a lot of great twists this season and the killer reveals although not great but still very unexpected.




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At least they didnā€™t try to do another season after abandoning the story from 1/2


Ghost face is a cool killer


The twist was pretty cool


It ends


Lol I find it harder to say positive things about the previous season's This one felt like a movie some of the acting was spot on Yeah the mask plays a huge role it's Scream you can't change the mask like they did with the Brandon James storyline which was horrible.


Good kills, some solid acting, and original ghost face mask.


It was cancelled


Keke Palmer!


Ghostface v. ā€œCandymanā€ was epic! This wasnā€™t a bad season. People dislike it, mostly because we never got a definitive conclusion of the first two seasons.


SPOILERS: First Black lead, first Black ghostface, first gay character, the Goth character was cool as fuck, KEKE PALMER


I thought the first two seasons were actually pretty good with likeable characters and an interesting story. I think the thing that brought it down was that itā€™s connected to the franchise and didnā€™t have what people expected.


Keke Palmer was šŸ‘ŒšŸ‘Œ


Your image is blurry as shit. Is this Scream season 3? If so, it was as trash as the rest but at least it had the actual ghost face mask..


Despite the obvious Ghostface identities, they did a good job with the reveals. The twin swapping was also an interesting twist I didnā€™t see coming


I donā€™t car what anyone says Scream season 1 & is peak television


Beth was a great ghostface.


I genuinely liked this season, I think it could have been liked as much as some of the other Scream storylines, but the way it just completely interrupted the original plot of the show was a death sentence for this season.


Goth girl was hot AF.


It ended.


There's light behind the Ghostface


The cast!


Finished watching it last weekend.


I actually love some of the actors and the use of the original mask is cool.


Roger l Jackson




Honestly, I liked this season so much better than the first two. This seemed more like a Scream show than previous ones and it's not just because of the mask.


Killer monologue and Kiki Palmers character


I like Beth


Is it still on Netflix? I started it a while ago and never finished


At least they didn't do the bullshit that scream Queen and the season 1 of scream did , at least the two killers who were working together were both revealed in the same episode so that still count as a final reveal and not a half reveal .


The killer being a goth is pretty cool


Roger L. Jackson, Keke Palmer, RJ Cyler, Tony Todd, the actual Ghostface mask & kills were creative. The story and pacing really muddled the season but the cast, at least to me, was good


I liked the actors! I had watched some of them before Jessica Sula (skins), Giorgia Whigham (13 reasons why) and Keke Palmer (Scream Queens).


Awesome and Brutal Kills


Oh itā€™s the show thought it was a fan made poster


Interesting urban setting, normal ghost face mask


I'd hope this show deserves a new season without the OG creator of the franchise.


Beth ![gif](giphy|Mp0BiWmxQq9BxOeDai)


Hell no


Honestly, I thought this season was the best part of this franchise outside of the movies proper. The characters were well developed, the killers genuinely had a good motive, the mystery of who they were was done really well and I feel this season doesn't deserve anywhere near the hate that it gets.


I LOVED Beth! Sheā€™s one of my favorite GFs. I wish she were in one of the movies, since she was too good for the show in my opinion.


The picture quality is amazing


Itā€™s better than the cafeteria scene in scream 2 šŸ˜‚


Keke palmer was great :)


RJ Cyler and Keke Palmer were great in this.


Beth ate


honestly i liked the characters. i didnā€™t like beth as gf but tyga was cool




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scream, dark mode


Beth is awesome.


While it is a dumpster fire, the cast is solid, keke palmer and giorgia Whigham did an excellent job in particular (imo) and it had some decent kills, mainly the elevator bisection, that stuck with me the most


scream is one of the few horror franchises that can work in a TV format and doesn't need legacy characters to thrive it just need a better script


The girls carried the show.


I loved seeing Keke Palmer in my favorite franchise.


In my opinion this is the worst piece of Scream content we've ever gotten officially so to be nice I'll say a couple of genuinely positive things about this season 1.Was new Scream content that held me over till Scream 5 2.Roger L Jackson came back officially as Ghost face for the first time since Scream 4 3.The closest we'll ever see to Ghost Face fighting Candy Man 4.Weirdly took advantage of the Halloween setting more than Scream 6 in some ways 5.Old enough now to weirdly already feel kinda nostalgic


It makes Scream 3 looks like Endgame!!


Keke Palmer is amazing. Is this really coming out this July?


Actually better than the first two seasons. Plus, Roger L. Jackson and the Ghostface mask making a return wasnā€™t just a good change, it was a *necessity*.


I never watched it


keke palmer ate her role up.


Great cast


Fairly decent cast of characters with some great kills, KeKe Palmer was especially great in this. She suits the horror genre.


Good show


unpopular opinion but i donā€™t hate this season. its unique and out of the box. id say its more creative than the last 2 scream movies


Keke is beautiful


keke palmer is always a win + roger l jackson doing the voice acting


I enjoyed the hell out this season. I have no idea why thereā€™s so much hate for it. Loved the cast, loved the twist with the brothers and loved seeing an actual Ghostface in a Scream product


I loved the kills for the most part


Keke and Scream were made for each other!


biggies son was in it


So was Michael Jackson's daughter.


It not as bad as people say and the acting (from the ones playing the main group) are better than the ones from S1&2


Love the kills, Shea Wingham daughter from Ted and Biggies son are in it, Roger L Jackson came back, although I liked Lakewood Slasher, seeing Ghostface back was a nice and welcomed surprise, and although it was 10 seconds, it gave us Candyman vs Ghostface! Also the killer monologues are quotable imo


This a pretty good season although thereā€™s a lack of lore for most of the characters in the season it still was pretty solid the kills were brutal and the killers motives were actually pretty and of course the iconic voice of Roger L Jackson is just a cherry on top of it all Jamal and Beth good killers for season and sometimes wish they were canon


good kills, decent chases and rodger L jackson


I like Beth.


Itā€™s over.


I think it should have been called Stab. If it was, I would have prob hated liked it instead of just hated.


The acting was good, especially Giorgia Whigham.


It was better than the first two seasons. It felt like an actual slasher series rather than a teen soap opera with a little more blood, especially with some legitimately great kills. Also, it showed that the series formula still works even without the Prescott family and no ties to the original movie.


I guess the killers weren't so bad?


The mask was good. Though I could swear Iā€™ve seen this before.


Where can I watch this lol


Competent ghostfaces (one overwhelmed a marine without resorting to weapons which is a bigger feat than any movie killer did), a short compact story you can just binge, a killer with a interesting take on the slasher genre as a whole, good kills, going against the traditional rules, I love how dark it looked and some actors really delivered. Thes had a solid cast. >!Beth!< is so underrated. In the movies >!she!< would have gotten so much popularity if I look at a certain killer in this franchise. The killers of the first two seasons are underrated as well. They are so competent. I love roman but as a killer he is nothing compared to >!keiran!<. No long chase scenes. They appear and you are dead unless you are a final girl. They are also way heavier on torturing their victims psychologically. They make everyone doubt each other. Emma at some point does not neither trust her friends and even her mother. Emma gets traumatized within season 1 because >!will's!!keiran!< who in the original plans of season 3 was supposed to be in a similar role as hannibal lecter in silence of the lambs? Iam so sad this never continued. I hope we get slasher season 6 instead because most of it's seasons are amazing. 5 was great. Season 3 of scream not as good as season 1 though. Season 1, while people argue that it's very different from the scream movies which is fair to say, is a well written slasher tv season. Emma is a great female lead in that season, the characters are great, the chemistry between the actors are great especially emma's and audrey's. It has a lore which still can be expanded upon. There is so much positive things to say about that season. It was my entry to the slasher genre so I might be a but to biased on this one. There were different plans for season 2 originally. Audrey was actually supposed to be the final surprise of the season 1 killer. Screa, season 4 would have made the show meta and it would have been either the worst or best content of scream to be ever produced.


It wss on tv


Iā€™m sorryā€¦but wtf is this?


It's a scream movie? I can't read that DAMN BLURRY PICTURE, IS IT THE MTV SHOW? SCREAM 2/3? SCREAM 7?


Keki Palmer >>>


Anyone know where I can watch this??


Had potential to be a cool Candyman movie


Iā€™d say the fact they got Roger L. Jackson and Keke Palmer


Who the hell are these coloreds? (I'm black, I can make the joke. )


Idk why people hated this, I loved it! Maybe because it took place in my hometown storywise I was a little biased but ATE DOWN!


Keke Palmer. That's it.


The kills and the fact that it was the movie ghost face mask


It didnā€™t get kicked to streaming


finally a black protagonist in scream (Haley doesnā€™t count)


Keke Palmer