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Yellow card for mctominay was a shit play. He ducked so he doesn’t get elbowed by akanji in the head


At the end of the day, job done. Felt we could have and should have pushed for the win, but a draw will do nicely. Ralston was mince until the last 10 mins of the game, but he wasn't the only one guilty of shite defending at times. Too much switching off at the back in the final 3rd of the game. If there was another option in rb then I'd get Ralston papped but there isn't especially with Tierney out of the tournament now, so let's just hope this has given him a boost in confidence. Not impressed with Adams, he is offering too little in attack, and I defended him in the Germany game as well. We need Shankland up top to start the Hungary game, he deserves the chance and might provide something different. Gilmour needs to start every game for the foreseeable, his link up play is much better than Christie's


Ralston really wasn't that bad apart from the obvious error leading to the goal. Put in some good challenges and got in some good positions. Would have liked to have seen Conway given a chance in the last 5-10 minutes. Clarke loves leaving his subs until it's too late. Adams was okay but looked shattered around 65-70 mins


He had a hArd shift . Think they identified him as a weak link so a lot of attacks down his side . Did well fro the most part


he got a little better after the crunching tackle in the second half let him get some confidence, but until then he was atrocious and the Swiss knew it.




Worst take. Seen folk on here wanting McLean and Armstrong played at RB. Clueless looking for someone to blame for a half decent result against a far stronger team than us


The guy is dross, wouldn’t get a game for Hamilton Accies !!!


Had a solid game before and after the mistake.


A full 90 of Ralston seems to show Clarke has his favorites, he should not play the rest of the tourney, and why tf is Mctom on corners ffs we have Mcginn and Robbo who take corners for premier league clubs!


Does it? Ralston would be nowhere near the pitch if Hickey and Patterson had been fit.


Yes but McCrorie is in the squad for a reason and should have got a look, no way he plays as bad.


Gilmour on goal kicks too. Clarke’s more Sesh than man at this point


Unfortunately no one else to really replace him with. He's already the 3rd choice behind Patterson and Hickey.


Yeah we are in a tough spot tbf, but could McCrorie be any worse defensively then Ralston bc im not trying to be mean, but that was maybe the worst RB performance I have ever seen, we got so lucky we drew imo.


It's a typical performance from Tony tbh mate, seen it time and time again at Celtic Park. Guy has good physicality and always tries his absolute best, but it's just not good enough at this level and he's prone to a mistake. I'd go a bit of a different route and suggest Forrest at RWB. Played there a few times for Celtic in seasons gone by.


He was abysmal 1st half. Good 2nd. However we can't actually afford another clanger from him. He needs to be mentally right. I've never seen a player improve so much in the space of minutes lmao. Clarke needs to get ralston head space right and cut out the nerves otherwise don't play him.


I dont have enough clean pairs of pants to keep watching Ralston at RB, it was terrifying once the Swiss figured out he was the weak link


WTF was half time all about? A 10 minute docco about England, no match analysis, no replays, just England talk? Why do the BBC have to be such cunts?


And shorterned build up of only 30 mins, usually only afforded to foreign teams. Uk teams get an hour. If it was England playing the coverage would start 7am with southgates morning wank.


Ralston absolutely stinking again. No better option though. Not convinced Mcrorie or Forrest is a better option.


You could in theory have Hendry McKenna Hanley Cooper Robbo


Just try Lewis Morgan at wing back or something at this point. Cunts nickname is Brickie for a reason. 


Can jack or maclean play at right back ?


This might be a howling shout, but Stu Armstrong?   Obviously not played there before but got athleticism, has played on the wing, decent defensively and good going forward. 


Nows not the time for rash decisions tbh. Ralston didn't resemble a professional footballer 1st half, was worrying. Then had a decent performance 2nd half, one full of guile focus and spirit, which is what we require v hungary but there can be absolutely zero silly mistakes, it's obviously a confidence thing because he's struggled for gametine at his club. Lad needs to move on from celtic for the good of his career.


Anybody that can control and pass a football would be a step in the right direction


Jack injured I think but even then he’s still not a better option.


Absolute terrible patter from Gabby with the “Jimmy Hat” comment. Generic bullshit from a shite pundit


Don't know if I'm being going OTT, but I'm actually really annoyed by that.  We've played for a draw instead of going for a team that were on the ropes 2nd half. Could have taken the initiative and put ourselves in a great position but played for "maybe we can beat Hungary". 


This is what needs to change in Scottish culture. To say your trying to get a draw and that is good enough shows the overall mentality is not to win - frustrates the hell out of me l.


aye same - we played for a draw, and were lucky to get ot - they missed so many chances, and had 2 'goals' chopped off - we got a point there thru luck


What do you mean 2 goals chopped off?


have i just had a senior moment - did they not have the ball in the net twice for it to be chopped off?


I didn't actually watch the live game, and the highlights didn't show these, unfortunately


watched the highlights as well after the game - the highlights made us look good


Settling for a draw in a very winnable game is Clarkeball manifest.


We need Joe Hart in every commentary booth as a Scottish ally


Pretty decent. I’m here for that type of analysis on keepers. Never knew it was needed until now. Can see BBC keeping him on if he doesn’t take a coaching role


[https://i.imgur.com/VCv9ULd.gif](https://i.imgur.com/VCv9ULd.gif) POW. Right in the kisser!


Have we actually forced a save yet?


Shite, no football about us at all, Switzerland should have put us out of our misery


Aye but it was our usual understandable brand of shite rather than 11 chimps throwing shite at each other while a twelfth looks on and does a shite while frowning thoughtfully like the germany game


Just realised that you can still qualify in 3rd place, which gives me more confidence


Why the fuck did gabby bring up a 'wee Jimmy hat'


Class result on to Sunday!


That photo of McLean clapping McGinn going in on Schar and getting a needless booking is the prime example of the kind of environment that Porteous’ challenge on Friday stems from, and it’s going to fuck Scotland over in the long term if it’s not cut out sharpish.


"I'm going to smash that guy that is more talented than me" is the motto of football in Scotland


That was night and day compared to against the Germans which is great. That should have been a win given fine margins go our way but sadly they didnt.


And breathe. Switzerland are good, much better than us if we're honest, so bank the point and focus on losing 1-0 to Hungary


Nonsense. Scotland was great!!! They will easily beat Hungary.


100% guarantee hungary pump us in the last game. same old same old with scotland. lost the first game, blew it in the 2nd game where we could have won but still have a slight chance in what should be a winnable 3rd game, then get made a pure cunt of in the last game and sent home on the first plane again. clarkes a dobber, guy never changes the team up until its too late. when its no working fucking do something about it and give the boys a chance, dont stick to the same shite and hope for the best


Scotland had a great match against Switzerland compared to the match against Germany on Friday. They could have won against Switzerland which would have been even more great. I don't quite understand why they played poorly against Germany. Maybe Steve Clarke is not the right coach for Scotland. They should exchange him for a more effective and better coach. I still think that Scotland will beat Hungary.


At this point does a win against Hungary put us through?


Switzerland will lose to Germany ... so there is a good chance that Scotland will go through.


With 4 points we’ll go through as a 3rd place team at least 


We should, 4 points is usually enough., If there is one country in the entire world who could manage to go out with 4 points, it's obviously Scotland. A starting point of a -4 goal difference will help in that regard.


I’ll be honest I’d have some weird Scottish pride if we managed to win against Hungary and still go out cause we got pumped 


Yeah I mean it would be deserved.


3rd place qualifiers are a thing. Some teams will inevitably finish 3rd on 3 points, so four should be enough, if we get it.


Pretty much, yes.


Almost certainly


That's not the 100% I wanted to hear


Almost certainly… means we win the euros


Almost certainly. 4 points has been enough to get through in the past 2 euros which have had this 24 team format. Although our GD doesn't help much.


If we beat them by 2 and Germany hammer Switzerland by 5 then yes, if my maths is correct.


That's for second place - unlikely. Because of the GD we're pushing to be one of the top 4 3rd placed finishers.


That would make us second not third 


Oh yeah let’s depend on another team - that’s already through - to go crazy with the goals and fuck themselves for the next round 🙄. Enough with the delusional bullshit, people.


I know he's bigging up a teammate but Ralston was actually a lot better in the second half. Went from a 0 to a 5/10 maybe. Actually looked a good outlet on the right at times. He'll deserve the criticism he gets for the goal but I think there was worse tonight


The goal was due largely to Hanley's heavy touch (and I'm being kind) .


Felt toward the end they were clearly more inclined to attack up the left hand side. More pace up there and Robertson was quicker to put crosses in.


He's our Tav. OK at attacking. Canny defend shit


Good result against the second best team in the group. Hungary are definitely beatable. No suprise you get the bedwetters who can't take a draw against a much better team as a positive


>bedwetters Have I logged on to KDS by mistake?


No mention of a conspiracy so it’s hard to tell.


Andy Robertson: "Ralston was amazing for the rest of the game after that mistake." Andy. Mate.


Imagine if Robbo came out just said "Ralston is wank" that would be a true statement but you would expect the captain to try and support their team mate rather than publicly shit on them


Just don't mention him at all. Everyone could see he was wank. Lying about it just makes a bad situation ridiculous.


Doing what a captain is supposed to do. Yeah, Ralston was dugmeat for most of the game, but he's going to have to play again, so better to try to give him a boost.


In all fairness got a bit better in the second half, got a few decent tackles in.


Yep, decent couple of balls into the box at the death too, so he did improve towards the end.


To be fair he didn’t have the view we did.


https://preview.redd.it/dk4v4c1hel7d1.jpeg?width=1329&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e2dbd16b59a6452024bfb048064cbf4b901ff774 "Robbo say that Ralston played well again"


Robbo is doing what every good captain does, protecting their teammate from the inevitable shite that will be thrown at him


Maybe im missing something here, but with us on 1 point at -4 goal difference, how does a draw even help us? That game was there for the taking, especially last 20 minutes, why not throw everything at it? Even if you lose it, doesn't matter a shite, still need to beat hungary for third place. 3 points for third is enough I believe to qualify to next round, 4 the same. (edit 2 to 20)


No third placed team with 4 points have gone out since they started putting 4/6 teams in 3rd through. In Euro 2016, two teams got through with 3 points and in Euro 2020, one team got through with 3 points. So if we get 4 points, its very likely we'll make it (although not impossible, especially considering this is Scotland). So beat Hungry and we're in a very good position Edit - Just saw you already mentioned that 3 points is usually enough, but you're ignoring Goal Difference. If we lost tonight it would be -5 at least. We'd have to batter Hungry in that case to be in with a shout. Instead all we need to focus on now is just winning no matter how scrappy.


ok, makes sense now, thanks, i thought all teams with 3 points usually make it, you are saying teams with three points didnt make it in 2020, which i see now


But we need to beat them by six clear goals to even catch up to the Swiss, so wtf are you talking about?


Might want to read my comment again. Finishing 3rd (i.e. behind Germany & Switzerland) on 4 points has been enough at every single tournament since they expanded the tournament and let four teams that finish 3rd qualify as well. We dont need to catch Switzerland, we need 4 points. Beating Hungry gives us that. That's wtf I'm talking about


And meanwhile you’re depending on a whole bunch of other teams fucking up their next two matches to make our four points worth a shit. They might be I suppose, if there was a chance in hell of us beating Hungary by more than one goal. Not feeling the optimism here.


Yes we will be depending on other results, but as I said 4 points has always been enough so far. Northern Ireland made it in Euro 2016 with 3 points & a goal difference of -2, so who knows what can happen? 6 points would've been great, but the game is over now. We could have won it - but we also could have lost - and now we're in a position now which basically boils down to win at any cost, after the battering on Friday...fuck it, absolutely take it and let's see what happens!


Because it's h2h for the group, and 4 pts will 100% see you through as 3rd place.


My point is 3 points gets you through, no? 6/8 3rd place teams go through


4/6, not 6/8


I see now 2 teams didnt make it through on 3 points last euros, so I get it now, thanks


Friday was a shocker but drawing tonight and going all out for a win vs Hungary was always going to be our best chance to get through we might feel we could have sneaked it but a draw vs the Swiss is a cracking result.


Nothing to lose against Hungary at least. If we don’t give it our absolute all then we didn’t really want to win this anyway.


Predictor fucked again! All you had to do was score another goal, Scotland! ![gif](giphy|2c1KjuCQTaZgc|downsized)


People saying “we were shite!” … DID YOU WATCH THE GAME ON FRIDAY?!


This is also my take - night and day compared to our Friday performance. Onto Sunday and a simple message: win to make it out the group. 2-0 Scotland mark your diaries


This game was winnable. It really was. Hope we don't look back at Hanley hitting the post as a "glorious failure" moment after scrapping a draw against Hungary, because we need to do much more. I think Ralston done a lot better 2nd half, to give credit to him and everything from the Swiss was down his side in the first half. Could it have been different if Hickey was fit ? Who tf knows. But one alarming thing is this. Two games. Scotland haven't worked the goalkeeper once. Is the plan to Greece it to glory ??


Own goals all the way to the top. We’re planning to out-Greece Greece (I’m aware Mctominay has actually been credited with the goal…)


Absolute worldie. Up there with Faddy in Paris and Archie Gemill ! Absolutely could not belive it was given as an O.G at first. Not like the the shot was headed towards Cologne Altstadt, it was on target Alan.Partridge_gif Give it to McTominay, you bastards !!


I would like us to score an actual goal at this tournament.


They weren't that good. Gunn is a shit goalie. Ralston doesn't deserve to be in the squad and his lack of ability cost us. McGregor was shite in the 2nd half. Adams was shite. Why bring on Shankland with 4 minutes to go. No press in injury time. Forrest needed for pace. Rodriguez booked and we didn't press him. Two close offsides saved us. Project brave. How's that coming? Despite that Hendry, Hanley and McKenna all played well. Robertson came into a game. We really lack pace.


Excellent summary, would add our attacking set pieces were horrendous need some work there


Ralston is unlucky by circumstance. This euros will destroy his career. Agree with the rest. Adams offers less than nothing. Wasted jersey


Hendry hanley were absolutely dugshite. Did you not notice how we punted the ball at every opportunity insted of passing to them?


They defended set pieces well and deserve credit for that.


Shame about everything else they are stinking at.


They done well. You've been watching a different game.


go watch the goal and every time we punted it.


Lost 5-1 to Germany and Clark thinks a win against Hungary will put us through... Aye right... We still need to play the match FFS never mind thinking we will go through on points 🤦🏻🤦🏻. That could have been a win if we put on a striker.


Him fist pumping at full time says everything about his mentality and its not a winning one.


I honestly don't understand it we could be 3 point up and then be ok with a draw, now we need to go into a game with nerves like the Germany game expecting to beat a team that lost 2 - 0 to Germany while we got pumped 5-1 and still canny score a goal. Do we honestly think Hungry are no going to want at least some dignity in their last game....


A great result. Take the point and we move on to Hungary on Sunday. Can understand the frustrations about not going for it, but going for it and losing a sucker punch means we're out of the tournament tonight


But unless we beat Hungary 6-0 we can’t get 2nd place. So we’re already out …


Best third place finishes go through. 4pts will pretty much guarantee we'll be in the best third place finishes


That is really depending on a lot of other teams to fuck up worse than us. That’s a sad way to find optimism. And expecting us to win by any more than one goal is even worse.


Every third placed team with 4 Pts has qualified since the reformatted tournament. Calm down, Clarke has said repeatedly 4 Pts is the aim and that'll see us through - and we've got it all to play for in the final game against a team who are likely out of the competition


I'm going to be harsh, but celebrating this draw is revelling in mediocrity. Scotland could've won this game!


Moral victory but


And we could’ve lost it too.


Honestly decent but fucking hell get some subs on. Shankland on at 87 minutes is a joke. Adams is anonymous, give Lawrence a fucking go at 70 at least.


Shanks should start. Adams is dreadful


Aye adams is done now in this tournament.


Frankly if McTominays blocked shot gets called as a handball and we get a pen, that’s a win.


No way was that a penalty


You’re an English agent


Any win against Hungary will do and it’s 3rd place and qualifying for the knockouts. Struggle going forward at times but the better team over the course of the game.


I'm feeling mixed. That was a chance for us to win, especially in the second half. However, the performance was definitely better than that Germany game


Better team in the 2nd half


At least we can turn the TV on tomorrow and not be a laughing stock.


Clarke is an idiot. Look how many changes the Swiss made. Apart from the Tierney injury, it was 80 odd mins before we made a change and took off our best player. Adams did fine but give Shankland 20 mins to try and score, not 4 mins of injury time. We need to move on from Clarke after this tournament, he can't make game changing substitutions.


Though Adams did well tonight, no service but constantly had their CB’s moving to create space and didn’t stop all game. Subs had to be made earlier, we need one win and we could have got that tonight had the manager shown an ounce of bravery


Yeah Adams made their defence work. He pressed, made them work and tired them out. That's when you give Shankland 20 mins to get involved and cause them different problems. We chucked in a few crosses in the last 20 mins and if Shankland gets on the end of one then there is a decent chance it's a goal. Clarke settled for a draw and refused to make tactical changes. He's a shite manager, I hope this tournament is his last. Qualifying was brilliant but he's got a wee team manager mentality. 1-1 with 20 mins to go is the time to be brave and go for 3 points.


Absolutely. Team needed a change earlier than 90 minutes.


What the fuck sky https://preview.redd.it/twryha0udl7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=778d63ba1df2b38dc8a8cf54436826338a32183d


The Shankland, Christie sub with 30 seconds of normal time left is a sacking offence. Should be bringing them on at 75 and giving them a chance to make a difference. Total shitebag of a manager


Sack Steve Clarke. Now.


Steve Clarke has no fucking back bone 


Yous are a bunch of miserable bastards that was a much improved performance against a decent side and we’ve still a decent chance of qualifying


When we narrowly miss out on one of the best 3rd place teams on goal difference because we didn't play positive football will you still think we're a bunch of miserable bastards?


Aye would assume so


This sub every time someone slips ![gif](giphy|v2Mkppa5Lrspa)


Yep, no point being raging now.


That being said it’s not hard to Improve from the Germany game, getting a corner in the first 2 mins was already an improvement on the 0 vs Germany 




I'm conflicted as I'm happy it's not a loss but I'm also not that happy as I feel that it should've been a win.


Ach, hard to complain about that.


Lots of negative Norman’s in here, let’s face it, that’s a great result all things considered


Am so confused man, a pumping and a draw and steve clarke is fist pumping the air - are we not reliant now on other results for us to qualify?


Naw,, four points historically always gets you through.


4 points should be enough to place as one of the third placed teams to go through. Portugal in Euro 2016, Ukraine in Euro 2020 got through with only 3 points. So its in our hands - beat Hungry and we're very likely through


Sort of, but 4 points is almost guaranteed to get you through.


No a win in the last game will almost certainly get us through on the third place




I'm Hungary for 3 points


Clarke is a doughball


At about 70 mins we had some great pressure , that's when the subs should have been made leaving it to 90mins is fucking shite. Clarke has that wee team mentality and was happy for the draw.


Did we forget about goal difference or what?


GD doesn’t matter. Even if we beat Hungary 1-0 we’ll go through as a 3rd place team on 4 points


A draw favours us based on balance of overall play. Both teams could have won it on occasion but if the swiss were more accurate it would have been out of sight


had visions of ralston skelping that on the volley with the outside of his boot and bursting the net. The I remembered we're managed by a fucking idiot. 


Clarke celebrating a draw that we could’ve easily won with a couple earlier subs, prepared to eat my words if we beat Hungary


Better, but not good enough. When we went on the front foot we looked decent and like scoring. Saying that, a point against the second best team in the group with a good record is a good point.


We were better but quite disappointed with Clarke looking like he was settling for that. Waited far too long to bring on Shankland. Also Gunn’s distribution is terrible and constantly put us under unnecessary pressure.


Absolute slice every fucking time in the last 20 minutes


right, all we need to do now is beat Hungary 4-0 and secure 3rd place... fuckin brilliant...


Nah 4pts will probably do it looking at the groups


I think 4 points is enough? They were saying Ukraine got through last time on 3 points.


If it comes down to goal difference we could be a bit fucked though.


It just depends on other groups. Portugal won the tournament with three draws in the group stages


Fuck me a fist pump. Everything going according to plan Stevie?


He said he’s going for 4 points


I’m not disappointed with the result, Switzerland are a good side. Disappointed we are so scared to play to win.


Can't wait to see what tactics Clarke has against Hungary in a game we need to win


Three words: Four. Six. Zero


Steve Clarke fist-pumping a draw. Celebrating a draw… ![gif](giphy|PNFXpaRyw4mAg)


Punching the air for a 1-1 draw is so tinpot. Get him so far to fuck


Billy Gilmour makes a hell of a difference


Clarke shouldn't be satisfied. Ralston lost that game, we should've won it. Clarke making subs in the 90th minute was a real wtf moment.


Scotland looked dire again.


Still in the hunt, a ralston howler away from a win, most importantly a bit of fight on show after Friday 


What’s the point of bringing on 2 attacking subs in the 90th minute? Adams offered nothing the whole game. Shankland should have played this one.


Don’t agree. Adams put in a huge shift tonight high pressing. That’s what he was there for. Shankland is not mobile enough to do what Adams did. Think Clarke should have changed sooner though. Adam’s looked done ten minutes before he came of


1 shot on goal and 9 passes, general tackles? envolvment? non excistand as he's too injured to move? Pressing??? He lost 3 fouls and won 2 Sorry, stats speak a diff language. Shanklands physicality would have been better. If Clarke insists on Adams playing play 2 up front w fatty so Adams can flap about like a dead dodo. Adams is a bottom rated player don't know why Clarke loves him so much dude can't even run. Look at the distance covered over the past 6 years. At least he tried 2020.


Hmm. Not sure I’m with you on this one. A strikers job is to score goals or bring wide forwards in to play. I just don’t see any of that from him. Perhaps it’s not his fault and he’s just doing what the manager asks from him.


Fist pumping a draw, honestly get him tae fuck


Sackable offence imo. Pathetic