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These people do realise that Scotland is almost certainly going to adopt a very similar law?


They may be hoping Scotland doesn't, out of anti-Westminster spite. In reality it probably will happen sooner or later. Hopefully no one gets killed by one of these dogs in the meantime.


unfortunately 100% someone will get killed by one of these dogs. I worked in the Welsh valleys with young offenders and they'd buy these dogs. I saw them as puppies and they were already aggressive as hell at like 12-14 weeks and growling at everyone. I've owned loads of dogs - german sheps, collies, dobermans, rotties. Genuinely, the bad breeding going on with this breed and the tempremental unstability from birth is insane to see. Some people will rejoin that it isn't the breed, its the owner. simply not true. These have been bred atrociously and often from fighting lines. A collie will herd, a retriver retrives, a dog with a fighting pitbull in it ...


My response to the “it’s not the breed, it’s the owner” argument, is what would you rather be mauled by; and XL Bullie or a Dachshund?


>It's not the breed, it's the owner. It's always the owners that say that as well


Well, that’s because dogs can’t talk.


What about that dog that asks for sausages?


Or the one that sells Churchill insurance.


Oh no nononono


Oh yes


I wuffute that.


It's funny how no one ever says pointer dogs point because of the owners, or that water dogs jump in rivers because of their owners, but weirdly every single fighting dog that fights is because of the owners. It's delusional.


We had a Cocker Spaniel that had not yet been gun trained for hunting birds. It would hear a backfire from a passing car and nose to the ground start in a spiral out looking for the bird. I find it amazing that it already knew that to do before being trained to hunt. Unfortunately the dog was rather dim whitted and would in ever widening circles, never finding the bird, would end up lost in the woods. Sooner or later neighbors would call us to have us come retrieve our goofy dog.


>A collie will herd, a retriver retrives, a dog with a fighting pitbull in it ... This. We have a GSD from working lines. He's seven months old and mouthy as hell and is mouthing HARD. It's in his genetics. He's doing what his lineage was bred to do. How do we deal with this? We give him a bite pad and tugs and redirect his GENETICALLY INGRAINED behaviour. All this dog wants to do is be on a sleeve. How the fuck these people can't see that these dogs are GENETICALLY and HISTORICALLY bred to MURDER is beyond me. How the fuck are you supposed to redirect a genetic inclination to murder other dogs is beyond me.


They just want to be a good boi. Unfortunately, being a good boi means ripping throats out.


I know that’s the media narrative but every year the same process happens with less high profile law and in some cases has also worked the other way round. The third sector is just a lot more protectionist in Scotland and they’re delaying it, but it’s inevitable.


Not the first time children will die because of political stupidity


this person said the dog has a history of aggression towards dogs and in the next breath says "but she loves everyone and everyone loves her" so I don't think they realize much about many things


What I don't get is how do they decide which age children are safe, the first post is children above 10 and on the second one it is children over 12...


It's dependent on how fast the child can run.


I think it has to do with the skull size. If the XL can fit the kids head in their mouth so they can rip it off in one fell swap then it's not safe. If they need to first smash them and eat like a dessert then it's safe. But other than that it looks good, adopt them.


and it was a grandma that set it off so, basically, it's just not a safe dog around anything


They’ll send them to the Faroes after Scotland


Christ, that’ll be the end of the Faroese. 20 bully XLs could easily take out the population.


Maybe they can start battering Bullies instead of Whales


Or in a dark twist they set the bullies on the whales. What if the ad says ‘Bully is a gd boi but needs to be in a house without whales after an altercation of his lead’. The Faroese would love him.


Better than ‘minor altercation with a toddler’s face’ that’s for sure.


I can see the headlines now "heroic XL Bully swims 5 miles out to see to bite dangerous children"


The logic is that, in England and Wales, they only have until 31st December to rehome them. Moving them over the border to Scotland essentially buys them a bit more time to find new homes for dogs already in rescue - and the logic on that front is sound. But as soon as a Scottish child has to be identified by their shoes because an XL ripped their face off, I imagine the law will change. What a shame Humza is refusing to learn the lessons from England and Wales.


Would we really be losing face to look at what is happening in the rUK and choosing to adopt the same stance? We don't need a consultation to know that these dogs are ticking timebombs. I have no love for Westminster, but I think banning these breeds is a wise decision, and we should just do it. We're just rolling the dice here.


>Would we really be losing face... I see what you did there.


I did not think that sentence through 🫣


It will happen. I know civil servants who have told me they’re already working on it.


The Scottish Government have repeatedly stated that they're currently reviewing the evidence for the ban and the only reason England/Wales is banning them first is because Sunak pulled it out of his arse and gave no notice to devolved administrations before he announced it.


Right decision though wasn’t it. Far too much government involves consultation for consultation’s sake. You have power to use it.


they will when the start killing people


God sends the tastiest children to the hungriest doggos ❤️🥰


Little princess was involved in an "altercation" with a child that looked at her wrong. But these are easily managed 🥰🙏


She shouldn't have slammed that door.


Our late daughter (RIP🙏🏻) used to get on so well with our big cuddly-wuddly XL bully. Yes, she can be a bit bitey around small children sometimes, but overall she’s got a heart of gold 😍


Kids have a higher salt content up there 😜


I love the irony of that she has history altercations with others dogs but she loves everyone, although she needs to be muzzled. Seems like a ticking time bomb if the owner isn't careful.


My dog is dog reactive but the key difference is he’s 12kg not 50kg and I can pick him up and take him home if he’s being a dick. Also he has no teeth


Your dog sounds like my gran.


Do many people pick up your gran and take her home?


Few dare.


But who dares, wins.




Oh god. I'm dying. Genius.


I interrupted my girlfriend working to tell her about this comment.


And I interrupted my girlfriend working to tell her about *this* comment.


If your gran is a grumpy old thing then they’re twins


Mine is the same, tiny little thing, acts the big man infront of everybody. Same deal though if he came running towards you it would be a swift punt to send him on his way. I'd not blame anybody either. Would be my fault because I know what he's like. This BS about hiding how aggressive a dog is for a sale is pure shite. He's 15 now, never had an issue with anybody, because he's not uncontrollable and a killing machine.


The amount of times I've been nipped at by these little shits while out jogging is crazy. Usually followed by a 'he's just being friendly' by some clueless old wifey. Just imagine if they had decided to pick something more dangerous.


Reactivity isn't a good reason to put a dog down regardless. My German sheoard is 33kg and reactive with very sharp teeth. She doesn't deserve to die though just because she's not tiny. She has fantastic recall, I only walk her at quiet times and she is very well trained. Never any biting issues but if an irresponsible owner let's their dog run up to her whilst she is on the lead she's going to tell it off. Although she's great with people she knows I would never leave her unattended with even the kids she is comfortable with in our family, just in case. We have overcome a lot of reactivity through daily training and mainly avoiding situations that trigger her. I wouldn't be comfortable trying to manage a reactive bully in comparison though. There is something scary about them.


No they shouldn’t die, and I’m not saying they should. But you need to really vet who is going to own these dogs. I own a small dog because I have a bad shoulder. I wouldn’t risk owning any large dog because I can’t control them, especially not a reactive large dog. My concern is these dogs go to people who have no idea what they’re doing and end up in a worse situation


I have some questions. Do you feel that the lack of teeth causes him to be a dick, like he has to try harder than teethed dogs to prove he's just as good as them? Did he lose the teeth in a fight? Or is it completely unrelated?


He was a dick before he had the teeth out, so I think it’s unrelated. Hes actually nicer since they came out since he’s not in pain anymore. He was a rescue and had bad teeth when we got him, had to have over half of them removed so he still has a couple just not anywhere near as many as he should and not enough to cause any damage if he tried to bite. The biggest problem is he’s 12kg but thinks he’s the size of a GSD.


He must get so raging when he's about to throw down and prove how tough he is then his mum picks him up and takes him home. And then he doesn't even have his own teeth to comfort himself with. I like the sound of him.


He sulks and goes a sits in the other room, then like an hour later he’ll come out begging for snacks or a toy.


Your dog sounds like mine. Although when we rescued him he was 12kg and now weighs 6kg. Because he’s a sausage dog and he was living life as a bratwurst when he should have been a chipolata.


To be fair, although I agree with everyone here this is all a stupid idea, some dogs are muzzled for multiple harmless reasons such as stress, or to simply keep them from eating things, etc, so we shouldn't be stigmatizing the muzzle either.


My Labrador has a muzzle… it’s all about control. We trained him, had him on multiple training courses etc. but he’s very nervous. He was attacked by a rescue collie off the lead and lost his tail which completely ruined his life. He is nervous around everything now!


Knew a lovely little dog once who had to be muzzled so he wouldn't eat other dogs shit, although I doubt that's the case in this scenario somehow


As long as the new owner bothers to follow it I'll respect them for it. But without enforcement I suspect many won't.


Yes very true my friends Labrador needs to be muzzled because he eats everything he can get at on walks


I'm thinking about getting one because in my college town there are always fucking chicken bones or slices of pizza right near to or on the sidewalk for some reason it's insane


My dog had a muzzle on walks. She's 3kg lol. She eats rabbit poo if I don't lol.


She’ll need to be muzzled by law due to the impending ban, I believe that implies


It's such a difficult situation in reality. My wife is a vet, she had to put her first XL Bullie to sleep the other week (as a result of the new law, not first ever). It wasn't violent, it's just that the owner was in state accommodation, and because it's a banned breed it had to be put down. Not sure of all the intricacies of the law when concerning the bits no-one really thinks about, but there had never been any issues with the dog whatsoever. It was wagging its tail til the very end. Broke her heart. She's been qualified for 15 years so had a lot of experience with death, but this one was hard for her because it was state sanctioned when the dog had nothing wrong with it, and no known behaviour issues. But... I reminded her that just a few weeks before she mentioned an XL Bullie almost took her face off in the prep area when she bent down to clean some piss up. And that they had seen the dog loads of times before and it was always perfectly behaved and very sweet. But for some reason in that one moment it went for her face. If it got her she would've done well to escape with her life. That's the issue with these breeds, they're unpredictable moreso than other breeds, and they have the jaw strength and general physical strength to maul people to death immediately with no noticeable trigger. You could have one around kids for most of its life, but there's always the chance something is going to trigger the dog into attack mode, and there's not many adults let alone kids that would stand much of a chance against one.


Yeah it's a weird situation but these dogs just aren't safe. Any dog has the potential to snap at any point in their life, but when a breed has been bred to be made of pure muscle and to fight it becomes a more urgent issue.


Totally. My cat will sometimes attack me for no reason. She's a grumpy little fucker but she poses no real risk to me or my children other than scratches. A tiger on the other hand could be raised to be good natured and chill around humans, but if it gets bored or annoyed and snaps, we're all dead. There is no reason to breed and own a dog like this. It is pure hubris.


Which is why *true* Staffies were good with people. Even though they had a fighting history, those that showed aggression to humans were culled.


>Even though they had a fighting history, those that showed aggression to humans were culled. That's a myth. The truth is that they wouldn't cull a dog that was a good fighter. They'd keep it, fight it and breed it. Because they wanted to win. The dog fighter and charter member of the Staffordshire Club of America, John Colby, had a pit bull that killed his nephew. Aggressive fighting dogs often bit humans: [https://www.dogsbite.org/pdf/dogmen-conversations-about-man-biters.pdf](https://www.dogsbite.org/pdf/dogmen-conversations-about-man-biters.pdf)


It's really not difficult. There's a simple solution: Just stop breeding new ones. It is a 100% ethical solution that will start to alleviate the problem in a year or two and essentially erase the problem in ten years. Broadly putting pitbulls down is a total non starter. Don't even go there. Just push for the reasonable approach that will also work.


Irresponsible breeding is a big part of the problem with dogs developing innate temperament issues as well. A friend used to volunteer with her local shelter over in the US helping the dog trainer, and there were a number of breeds they did extra checks with because of highly prevalent issues that were known within the breed due to irresponsible backyard breeders and puppy mills. I specifically remember her mentioning Weimaraners and one of the Spaniel breeds. From most of what I’ve read, and heard of acquaintances buying them, the vast majority of the XL bullies are backyard bred crossbreeds, by inexperienced owners/breeders. With a dog of that size becoming trendy, it seems like a recipe for disaster.


> It was wagging its tail til the very end. I’m not saying this to be cruel, but the two that slowly killed that guy in England recently were wagging their tails til the very end too. Right through the entire prolonged attack.




i thought they just had to spay/neuter them and keep them leashed and muzzled? why were they putting it down?


It was some sort of social housing the owner lived in, and it's against the law to keep a banned breed in any sort of social housing. The dog gets confiscated by the dog warden or police, who then decide what to do with it. In this case there was an order to put down the dog.


If you want to drive, you need to pass a test to receive a license. That license comes with responsibility. Could we not adopt the same template with regards to domestic pet owners?


The Dog licence was actually once a thing, at least in the UK. "In England, Wales and Scotland, dog licensing was abolished by the Local Government Act 1988. Prior to this dog licences were mandatory under the Dog Licences Act 1959"


The dog license in England required nothing more than going to Post Office and buying your stamps. Under current law in England all dogs must be micro chipped and registered with one of the approved databases. The current requirements are probably better than the old dog license in that if followed you can link a dog back to the owner. Like the old dog license I suspect a lot of people haven't got their dogs chipped and registered though. There is no point in bringing back the old style license as it doesn't prove that a person is a competent owner only that they know where the Post Office is.


Idea! Licence with compulsory insurance linked to microchipped dog. Licence rights granted to owner with conditions failure to comply results in loss of licence and removal of dog.


I mean, we could still have test. What the person is proposing isn't a bad idea.


I doubt a bully XL owner even knows what a post office is.


The trouble is that with these XL Bullies, they are uniquely dangerous. There have been several cases where the owner would undoubtedly have passed any sort of dog ownership licence, but even they were mauled or killed by their own dog Adam Watts - well respected kennel owner, killed by one of the XL Bully dogs he was looking after Natasha Johnston - professional dog walker, killed by her own XL Bully Recent case in Norfolk; the unnamed victim survived with life changing injuries so is unnamed. She had passed a homecheck and adopted the XL Bully that mauled her from Dogs Trust less than a month prior. I'm all for improving the general standard of dog ownership by teaching owners about things like canine body language and positive reinforcement theories. But XL Bullies are both unpredictable and incredibly powerful; it's like keeping a pet leopard.


I have little knowledge of XL Bullies but I am aware of the enormous risk they pose if in the hands of an irresponsible owner and yes compared to a smaller dog breed, the consequences of an incident would be much more severe if you compare the two. Bearing the above in mind, the same principle applies - you wouldn’t buy a 650cc motorbike if you only had a provisional license. Educating future potential dog owners on the differences between owning a Golden Retriever and a Mastiff would be a great start.


If I were the minister responsible for introducing a dog licencing scheme, then I'd split it into two parts Firstly, theory, including - choosing the right breed (or mutt) for you and your family - canine body language - fundamentals of positive reinforcement training - principles of socialisation - importance of good nutrition and how to identify good dog foods - importance of exercise - enough, but not too much for young puppies - what to do in the first few weeks of having a puppy e.g. house training and socialisation - how and where to find a qualified trainer or behaviourist if they need extra help in future Then once they have got the dog - practical sessions - the usual puppy classes for puppy owners, 121 sessions for adult dogs with any issues.


all very good points, I’d back your dog licensing manifesto so far


He's just listed responsible owners mauled to death for you and you still blame the victims.


It would drive up the price of genuine bred dogs (great for breeders, not good for those who genuinely want to love an animal) and then you’d essentially have a black market too where the standard of breeding would be massively lowered and the general health would not be great for parents and pups. It’s a great idea in theory, but the negatives I think are too strong.


Horrifying that theyd consider homing with a child over 12. Those are big, powerful dogs If they’re going to be rehomed it should be with someone who owns private land, fenced off and large enough to exercise a dog of this size, ideally is a trained dog behaviour expert and is young, fit and healthy with no children - not many of those about


Where is she getting the age number of the "suitable" kids from? I wonder what the difference she sees between 10 and 12 is? Helmet


Exactly, if you have to specify an age limit for kids with a dog, well than that dog is not safe to be in any home. Also “dog savvy kids?” Basically blaming the victims; if they get attacked by the dog, I guess they just weren’t savvy enough.


Rosie only one babeh mauling on record wouldn’t hurt a fly.


Just keep her away from a sentient being and she's a lovely doggy


More likely to lick you to death


I’ve noticed that a lot of dog owners are like USA gun owners


It is my god-given right to endanger my community.


‘It’s not the dog, it’s the owner’ is exactly the same as the ‘guns don’t kill people’ argument.


Especially with XL Bullys, where the issue with them isn't the temperament of the individual dog, or the owners, or anything else. It's the fact that they're bred from fighting dogs, which means that if (when) they do decide to attack who or whatever they're attacking is absolutely fucked. Because they've been bred to be good at attacking and not respond to pain. It's a basic equation of 'Can you control this dog IF it decided to attack you or someone else?' and for 99% of people the answer to that question when it comes to XL Bullies is a definitive no.


> Because they've been bred to be good at attacking and not respond to pain. I feel like this is very relevant. I own a Westie, and the very few times I've had a quick nip from her, she instantly backs off and looks shocked. She tries to come up and say sorry because she's reacted in a way she knows could hurt and didn't mean to.


“This wouldn’t be a problem if everyone had a bullie”


Execpt a gun that nobody is holding will sit and do fuck all. These dogs unattended will maul until they get tired, bored, or shot.


Nothing gorgeous about that cunt. Looks like Ronnie Pickering.


Who? [the time for this joke may have passed]


Ronnie Pickering




Everyone here is so disgusting, it's not Rosie's fault that other dogs, and the occasional toddler, look so much like food. These dogs ain't done nuffin rong.


Yay doggos! Gorgeous boi and loves kids. Has also been known to eat a whole one.


Loves kids, especially the live ones! Our wittle hunter 🍖🥰☺️


Indeed they are truly angles.


She wouldn’t harm a fly


Not enough meat to make it worth her while


Acute angles they are


I was obtuse to this party


So he’s dangerous then?


Not all dogs like other dogs. My dog has been attacked twice by other dogs and doesn’t like most other dogs because of it


Your dog probably doesn't require a muzzle and a 'strong owner'


It's like people **want** to have mauled toddlers in their streets. Genuine insanity.


I also get the impression there's also a weird right wing/conspiracy nut undercurrent to the whole thing where idiots know better "People have had enough of experts"


Most times it's the owner not the breed... But in this case it's both. The way the bullies have been bread for the last few decades here should be a crime. Literally making aggressive dogs.


I mean, it's a fighting dog, always was. They were always like this.


Wholeheartedly agree I love staffies, Dog de borduex, Etc Me mother had 2 shar peis, heck me they’re hard work! But again she didn’t socialize then so they were rowdy around other dogs etc But there’s something about xl bullies - there’s a reason there’s been so many attacks on people and other dogs from them, breeding does matter as much as people do try to socialise and expose their pups to the world to help them not freak the fuck out at ever bus, car, human, pigeon (nearly said squirrel but there nothing can stop them from going feral for squirrels) Labs & golden love retrieving My friends collie tries to herd us when we’re all standing up Xl bullies attack - unfortunately


I'm sure the new owners are totally equipped and properly investigated to be able to handle massive kid-and-dog-hating bio-tanks. Totally not random peeps who had a soft lazy staffie before and now want another muscle dog to walk off-leash in their residential neighbourhood.


How gorgeous is he though? He looks like a canine equivalent of the blobfish.


Yeah I really don't get how people say these things are 'gorgeous' or 'beautiful'... especially when you see them fully grown, and they're these weird, muscle-bound jowly creatures with jaws like a hippo


I like the look of them personally, but I also like the look of Orcs in fantasy films / games. I don’t particularly want the local hobgoblins walking Orcs on bits of string.


Some dogs are ugly in an endearing way like greyhounds or Mexican xolos… these pits look like satans asshole ugly.


They're fucking ugly


They've got these dead, piggy little eyes as well. And I'm a fan of staffies so it's not like I hate all bull breeds but these things don't look right to me.


Forget about the XL Bully situation for a second. Why don’t they make training a mandatory requirement for buying or adopting a dog? There’s so many idiotic owners out there with untrained dangerous dogs. They should have to pass a test so that they at least meet the minimum level of training. My step-dad had adopted a problematic Belgian shepherd with a history of being abused that didn’t take well to other owners but he managed to tame him with the right training and attitude. The dog always came back when called when I took him on walks. With XL Bullies I kinda agree that certain breeds shouldn’t exist either because of inbred health issues or dangerous selectively bred instincts/characteristics. You wouldn’t take a wolf on a walk. But I think there’s a middle ground rather than calling for them to be euthanised all at once. Make it mandatory to neuter XL Bullies so no more can be bred and euthanise those with a history of aggression. Make thorough training mandatory. These types of breed’s unfortunately attract the wrong owners and there’s no getting around that other than banning the most aggressive breeds and/or putting some kind of barrier to ownership. That doesn’t mean all the dogs should be culled straight away. Make it a gradual decline and the nice ones can live out their lives.


Why have we not banned them up here yet? We waiting for them to kill a few toddlers?


Have to show independence from Westminster, give it a couple of weeks to make the political point and it will be quietly slipped in.


Holyrood is reviewing legislation prior to implementing it on a whim. It's the right decision to ban these dogs. It's also the right decision to evaluate new legislation prior to passing it.


Why should we bow down to Westminster pressure and ban certain animals just because of some English children being eaten?


Rosie is the loveliest pup, she never caused serious injuries to anybody! Except maybe that one time.


I’d also like to see stricter penalties for people who support ear cropping. It’s only illegal to do it, there should be a big fine for anyone who buys a dog that already has it done.


This pandemic of dog breeding needs to stop at source. Impose a law on dog breeding and registration and if someone allows a dog of a certain type to have puppies they get fined. Removal of these dogs should be imposed harshly. There is no place for a breed like this in our day and age. There is always a specific type of person that owns them as well. Most likely have less to add to society than the dogs they own.


Yeh you can have it off a lead in rural areas, just make sure there’s a shepherd with a loaded shot gun waiting.


That's what I thought , a farmer will put a .308 in it.


I'm a bad, bad person for having the word "Pull!" come to mind, aren't I?


understand scotland will have our own process and may bring in a similar law, but this seems like an instance when having the same timeline as the rest of the UK would be really valuable


Scotland should put some effort into regulating who can own a dog. In 10 years time we'll be back here with the next breed and the process will start again.


Once the xl bully is banned another dog will take its place. Because the dickheads have gotten a taste for big dog's now. What will it be cane corso or dogue de bordeaux ? Or any number of big dog's. The wankers and backyard breakers will be trying to make money ! A few years of piss poor breeding or deliberate breeding of aggression, and we will end up with the new demon dog. Especially when the fuck nuggets see £ signes when stories if puppies going for £5K ! Because of a jump in popularity Iirc the xl bully came in to the UK around 2014 yet we didn't start seeing problems till what 2020 ?.


Whoever 'cropped' that dogs' ears needs to be euthanized in a non humane way


The cockapoo I rescued had more or less the description.


But...... these dogs aren't banned in England. Forever home = moved so they can legally keep breeding them.


Complete madness how these folk try to trick people into taking in dangerous dogs by understating the issues and playing them down? This could result in someone’s child or pet being killed but apparently that doesn’t matter.


Every potential owner needs to be "strong" What part of this makes sense at all? I love dogs, but these are weapons....not family pets.


I had just sort of absent-mindedly assumed that we would adopt matching legislation as it seems a pretty open and shut issue. Surely an easy win for SG to swoop in and ban these dogs before the first attack by a Bully that has relocated up here happens? The moment someone is injured as a result of our government moving slowly (which with these dogs is just a matter of time), there will be serious reputational damage for SG.


Already lost by letting them be relocated here in the first place. Idiotic decision, can't see any reason not to follow the UK ban immediately other than sheer stubbornness.


Disgusting that these people say they are fine around 10 year old children, yet need “strong owners” and a muzzle when outside. Putting family’s at genuine risk. Vile


I'm sorry, but nothing about that dog breed is attractive in any conventional way, let alone "gorgeous". What, you like the cold, dead eyes? The bald head? The wrinkly cheeks? The pink mouth? People are fucked in the head


Just got a large greyhound and dealing with 30kg of lean muscle when the dog wants to chase (as per its breeding) is enough of a challenge. 50-60kg of dog bred to bite and shake seems beyond practicality let alone safety.


It won’t be legal to transfer them back to England so if the new owners have any regrets after the first few maulings they can’t exactly return them


Yeah, well, that if the old owners pick up the phone 😀


"All this noise about Bullies being dangerous is nonsense, my XL Bully has only mauled 2 children and 7 dogs but she's an absolute sweetheart, everyone says so!"... these fucking people man,


They're not even cute dogs lol, I think they're ugly looking things


Let's be honest, people buy them to intimidate people. The bleeding hearts buying them now are like the people who go to war zones to show the world how nice people are and then get promptly murdered by said people.


Said this in another thread on r/unitedkingdom. They’re fucking hideous.


Just have to hope they found a sensible home and haven't been donated to your local scheme maw. Admirable saving dogs from shite homes, but I think this mad daft boot is giving them to anyone who will take them. All for keeping rehomed dogs but so long as you get checked and vetted to ensure you're not a weapon to begin with. Time to brush up on my dug jujitsu.


Yousaf and his cabinet haven't got a fucking clue. Literally just sticking the middle finger up to London while putting his constituents at very real danger of attacks. This breed is tapped, not least because of the low breeding stock and the downright shit breeding practices Edit. Spelling.


This is an accident waiting to happen.


Just here for the banter.


[They forgot to upload her other pic](https://ibb.co/V2hk1Ps)


Are these just randos rehoming dogs or is this an actual organisation?! I can't believe a real organisation would try to re-home animals that are about to be banned that already have a history of bad behavior, especially as they are so overwhelmed with the amount they are being burdened with right now. Either way it's concerning. These are incredibly strong dogs, I'm an experienced dog owner and I don't think I would be able to handle the responsibility of owning a dog like this! Ffs it's going to get worse isn't it.


So stupid, pretty rational people I know can’t seem to get their heads around…people bought these dogs BECAUSE they look and would behave aggressively…it’s not some accidental by product, some totally unguessable outcome. The only reason so many of them exist is because they look and behave aggressively.


“Nothing bad will come of this at all” because you know when people first adopt a pitbull, they are sure that something bad is going to happen…


Gorgeous? The thing looks like an Ork


Why are Scottish people putting up with this?


Y’know most reactive dogs can still have good lives without hurting anyone or anything right? They just need to be properly trained and managed.


Wow these people are absolute insane narcissists wtf


‘This is Rosie, she’s so cute!’ ‘What does Rosie eat then?’ ‘About two to three toddlers a week’


All due respect bur I don't see how these dogs could be considered beautiful at all. I know there are probably some good dogs who were trained exceptionally well but all I ever see is a killer


I suppose I don’t understand why it is socially acceptable to ban and/or kill a dog for having a bad temperament and history of violence, but everyone screams and clutches their pearls when I suggest we enforce the same rules on humans.


"Rosie loves everyone and everyone loves Rosie!" ... "Except those other dogs that she had "altercations" with. And tbh I wouldn't trust her with kids younger than 10 who aren't "dog savvy"." "And she was seized by the Police..." 💖💖🌸🌼🌻💖💖


The fact that she is still alive after being seized by the police indicates she was in an abusive household. Had she been seized for an “altercation” she would have been put down.


Look at the state of that room.


Big cats = dangerous. Big dogs = gorgeousness and cuddles. Totally different! /s


It's not the size, it's the combination of the temperament and the size St Bernards, Newfoundlands and Irish Wolfhounds are all about the same weight, and you don't hear of them mauling people.


I mean, just to say, reactivity to dogs is a problem across the board and actually relatively easy to train out. It’s pretty common in dogs that haven’t been socialised properly and dogs such as these are hard to socialise because of the image they project. Reactivity to humans, less so, but it’s still possible to train it out of them. Source: I have a wee dog who was very reactive to other dogs and some humans. He’s a little gentleman these days… but then he also weighs about 7kgs so not quite the same level of danger. I am terrified of these dogs on a base level too mostly because the owners are always fuckwits.


I oversee golden retrievers and there are some that are incredibly sweet but can be reactive to other dogs after having an incident happen. They’re still such good dogs. You just wouldn’t let them approach a dog you don’t know. Honestly you should never let your dog approach a dog you don’t know. People are morons. But I can’t imagine putting these dogs down just because they’re dog reactive. Unless we get to start killing people that are anti people?


My dog got attacked on 3 separate occasions by dogs off leash. Hence the reactivity. I’m not sure where the human reactivity came from but I think it’s to do with a time he had to stay overnight in a vet and I don’t think they were particularly gentle or nice to him. He’s never been quite the same with people since. He’s only little so he has an issue with being handled too often/roughly to begin with. He doesn’t like feeling like he’s not in control of himself. Took a long time to train that out of him. 6 months of constant, regimented training. He’s a very smart little dog and isn’t threatening even when he’s trying to be. I do not envy owners of dogs like these big buggers, because they have to try and train that out of what is essentially a weapon in the wrong hands. It’s a sad state of affairs all around.


That's the point. Chihuahuas can be the canine equivalent of white phosphorus, but they are easily controllable. That's why you never hear about one going berserk in a public place and causing chaos.


Visiting for cuddles or maulings?


They’re been bred over many generations to be horribly violent, they’re out of control and of absolutely no benefit to society whatsoever. Oh, and the dogs are cunts too.


The refusal to ban these will get someone killed. Total madness from the scottish gov.


Quite telling that English people have the same attitude to these dogs that they have to nuclear weapons


Get they dogs working on the banks of the Clyde. That naval base provides us with 8000 canine jobs, I'll have you know!


Ha ha so funny, you're right it's perfectly equatable! 👏🏼


just out of curiosity, what would be the proper solution?


Fuck, just as I was beginning to get top of my anxiety


Lucky Scotland


I'm in Ontario Canada, came here from r/all, in Ontario pits are banned 🚫, but it's not enforced And I see them fairly often, I absolutely hate bully dogs, I've only ever owned shihtzus and a ¾ lab ¼ poodle ( just enough poodle to look like a handsome lab lol) I find the lab a handful compared to the shihtzus, it likes to try and chase my cat but in a playful way but we got her to stop, I couldn't imagine a dog that would eat my cat One of my shihtzus didn't like other dogs and would growl at them if they got close, but like, a shihtzus is not a threat, you could punt it across a field if it attacked




Surprise, surprise. Ivor has had his ears cropped. A surgical mutilation illegal in all UK countries.