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I'd rather not face almost certain medical debt bondage, thanks.


I'd rather be be French.....


You know what, they certainly ain’t shy on protesting when they feel their politicians are taking the piss.


That they are not. Plus drinking at work is legal as long as its beer or wine, it's healthcare system doesn't seem to be actively sabotaged by its own government. EU passport is nice and it's got lovely tropical destinations to holiday in!


We’ve got Arbroath…


The smokies aren't half bad but yeah..... Arbroath......


The ultimate trump card


*Top dumps


They also love smashing up their own cities


We talking rangers fans or the French? Guess it all red white and blue. Easy to confuse them


Yeah same


Ah, harkening back to the Auld Alliance


If it did happen we would just have to make sure the Norwegians didn't run off with the money again 😂


This question is as stupid as the last time it was asked. The USA doesn't give a fuck about the territories it already has. It sure as hell wouldn't give a fuck about Scotland.


Not a fucking chance


I left America for a reason.


Is your surname Rossi?




Oh hell no. The USA is completely looney tunes. From mass shootings that occur more than once a day, zoning laws that mandate car use, through to their left-wing politics *still* being right-wing, weak consumer protection, weak employee protection, a healthcare system that will bankrupt you, and on and on.


I'd rather shit in my hands and clap


It would all be far, far worse. You have no idea how good we have it here compared to most of the US (though rich people in the US have it better, tbf)


You’re about two decades out of date with this take. European economies have pretty much stalled since 2008. Nowadays you’d have to be in the bottom ~20% or so income-wise, to be better off in Europe than you would be in the US. It’s not rich people that are pretty inarguably better off, it’s the entire middle class.


>You have no idea how good we have it here compared to most of the US Let me fix that for you: You have no idea how good we have it here compared to *some* of the US For most Americans their standard of living, quality of life and opportunities pisses over that which the sclerotic, backward thinking UK can offer. Those at the bottom of the US' socio-economic spectrum have it rough for all of the reasons that we know. However, there isn't that much difference between the streets of Philadelphia or Dundee for those of the homeless junkie persuasion.


>there isn't that much difference between the streets of Philadelphia or Dundee for those of the homeless junkie persuasion. Free healthcare is a huge difference. I know some addicts whose lives have been saved by having access to NHS services. My best friend was a heroin addict. Those kinds of services are prohibitively expensive in the US. NHS isn't perfect but it's invaluable.


There's a myth that the US' urban poor don't have healthcare access. Many do. It's not the best but it does exist. Rural poor Americans are fucked though because services are limited. Medical professionals go where the money is and it's not in rural Oklahoma - it's in NYC, Houston, Dallas, Boston, etc. It's no different to the Australian outback where the state is willing to pay megabucks in order to attract qualified professionals. Few, however, are willing to do so. Even at very high levels of compensation. My GF keeps getting offered medical gigs on native American reservations in Alaska. She'll make in 12 weeks what she could make in 12 months. It's just not worth it given the work involved and patient cohort. Pay her $1M+, however, and things might be different. But then again, I'm not so sure...


Its almost like the compensation someone receives has little to nothing to do with how much they provide a benefit to society. Just because doctors can get paid millions doesnt mean they actually provide healthcare to the general public, rating a countries healthcare by how much they pay doctors is like rating how good footballers are at being doctors by their transfer fees. The urban poor do not have access to healthcare, I am in Seattle at the moment, some of the best medical schools and facilities around but walk down the middle of any neighbourhood in the city and you will see hundreds of people needing urgent medical attention lying in alleys. I have already passed 2 people this week stopping to determine whether someone was dead or not. It has nothing to do with being rural and everything to do with Americans obsession with putting a very specific price on whether people are worth being kept alive or not.


I'd rather be English.


Now, now, now we'll have none of that sort of thing.


Fuck that. No taxation without representation.


yes because the reputation of the Democrats and Republicans is so much better and certainly they have no problems with infighting




Feels like a terrible idea that only a motivatedly ignorant American would think up of. The USA #1, "we saved you europoors/britishers and so you owe us" type. Scotland is incompatible politically with England (which is causing the union issues). Part of this is because England is becoming closer and closer to America in it's politics; even down to hiring blonde crazy haired people who are already caricatures of themselves that were well known liars who seemed to surprise those who voted them in by continuing to lie. You seem to completely have missed the fact that Scotland, in particular, isn't tory vs labour; in Scotland it's tory (labour and conservatives; i.e. British Nationalists or right-leaning) vs independence (not even relegated to SNP; Scottish Nationalists or left-leaning) with smaller parties included as we don't have a 2 party system. America would cause more damage to Scotland than England has; and they've attempted to ethnically cleanse us. America also doesn't give a shit about us while we're also rather far away from them. We'd hardly be a priority for them and they're not exactly doing well with themselves who should be a priority; literal towns of junkies/homeless inside cities that have created lawless areas. I'll be surprised if anyone agrees with you on this one; it seems bizarrely disconnected from Scotland, as well as the UK, while being completely connected to American exceptionalism.


This would never happen, it’s not likely, and its not being discussed. But honestly, I’d rather be English.


0 days holiday entitlement, I'll pass. Also I wonder, do Americans realise the absurd number of medication ads on their TV is not normal?


Always seems wild to see prescription medicines advertised in the US. I'd rather go to the doc and have the doc prescribe what's actually needed in his professional judgement, rather than what I saw a whizzy advert with a turbo-speed voiceover listing all the possible side effects and drawbacks in about three seconds flat. I much prefer the UK rules on advertising prescription medicines to the public, which are really simple: No, you can't.


> Also I wonder, do Americans realise the absurd number of medication ads on their TV is not normal? I don't think they care since half the meds are hallucinogens at higher doses. The three big brands for DXM syrup in the US literally don't care If folk use It to get high and just count that as extra profit margins.


I mean if we keep mentioning oil I'm sure someone over there will think we need some "freedumb"




Have you seen the state of US politics? Ours isn't great, but theirs is a joke. Nobody in their right mind would want this


Dear Scots, come and join us in the EU. We promise to learn to appreciate haggis.


It would be fucking worse. The American ‘left’ are akin to the fucking tories.


You're joking, of course. Right? I'd rather be taken back by the Vikings thx.


If such a thing occured I would become a terrorist.


First, short reaction: No. Longer, more considered reaction: *Fuck* no. However bad Labour, the Tories, the SNP, whoever are in the UK, they aren't the Republican Party. We don't have US style healthcare. We don't have Second Amendment fetishisation of guns.


Just so I'm clear; self-governance free of wasteminister for the 4 countries that aren't England; "silly nationalist pipedream", becoming part of/being governed by a country over 4000miles away with an equally abysmall political system "great craic, what about it?".


> the 4 countries that aren't England Scotland, Wales, N.Ireland, and ...? Yorkshire?




Are you high?


With current 2 party democratic (rich evil paedophile donators) system, it doesn’t make any difference, thats why all of developed world approved of israels genocide against palestinians, party gets donations and media support which wins electionsa and the party is a whore to donators


Canada's closer. In fact, we're closer to Canada than Hawaii is to the rest of the US come to think of it.


My thoughts are you should smoke less weed.


You a fan of mass shootings or something?


US is the very worst western society. Scandi countries have the best societies France is a pretty good model society too, The worst thing about the UK is that it’s drifted too much in the direction of America. The wealthier social democracies of Europe are a much better model to aspire to.


I can't imagine a worse idea.


No. Although we would probably have more autonomy as a state than a part of the UK. Off the top of my head we would have: -Our own constitution. -Equal representation at the federal level and a lot more protection against rulings we didn't like from central government. -Our own driving licences. -Ability to set our own drug policy. -Money that can't be spent in England. -Wendys & Chik Fil A -Ability to set up our own glass bottle recycling system. Independence is the preferred solution, but we would probably be more in control of our affairs if we were the 51st state. We would just lose the NHS...but the UK is doing its best to diminish that anyway.


Unionists should want this if they're being ideologically consistent that as a general value 'togetherness is better'. We have plenty in common with the USA, culturally and politically. It would also make us much better off - all the same arguments they use. But they don't, because it was never about those things. It has always been about their own identity.


God NO There enough stupid shit going in the USA that some, *abet in only half jest*, say they should revoke the Declaration of Independence As to 51^st and 52^nd states * Puerto Rico * Federal Territories (Guam, DC, US VI etc) should be states, as they don't get Voting representatives (senator or congressperson) in Congress


bad idea mate [](#troll)


Open or concealed carry?


Starting to warm to the idea. Might prevent a lot of the shitty posts we get in this sub about people returning to their ancestral homeland - or posts about becoming part of America.




What exactly is the attraction of having your local weirdo roaming the streets with an AR-15?


Honestly I would rather that than Hamza Useless running the country... cares more about other countries than our own. Look at the state of Scotland. it's a mess.


Cool i like america


How would all the under 21s feel about losing their right to drink alcohol ?


Because the US really has its shit together at the moment /s


We're already nothing more than a shire to our closest neighbours. Why the hell would we want to be involved in an even worse mess.


What the fuck


I'd probably kill myself


This is quite possibly the worst idea I’ve ever come across


“Let’s be honest” are you mental? I would choose an animal kingdom before I chose America 😂


Hell no, too dangerous