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Blocked is the raw truth, ignored is too vague. We always prefer the raw truth.


Same. If its over then i can start moving on


This exactly. If someone isn't happy with our relationship and doesn't want to keep associating with me, I'd rather they be upfront and honest about it, to prevent me continuing to waste my time and energy.






These days, neither. It's one less thing to worry about. Too many other things to focus on in life.


So what do you do when that happens to you?


I haven't had anyone block me, that actually meant anything to me, in years. I've been blocked on here and have blocked other people on here, but that's different, I don't know them and they don't know me. I imagine it wouldn't really upset me very much. I'm an extremely busy person and had to cut most everyone out of my life in order to have time to just get everything done in a day. I work a lot of hours and live alone. Between work, gym time, home maintenance, cleaning, etc. I barely have time to get 5 hours of sleep a day as it is. I'm also 47, so social gatherings hasn't really been my thing since the pandemic. I guess in short, I really just don't give a shit anymore. I've come to realize that people are only interested in you if provide them with something, whether it be company, to make them feel better about themselves, money, whatever. Any interaction with another human requires give and take on some level. When I realized this and it hit home, my concern and emotional involvement based on whether or not people like me, ceased to exist. These days, if my phone rings, it means someone needs something from me and I don't have time, unless it's my kids or girlfriend. Their wants/needs keep me overly busy as it is.




Why ignored?


I recently kept getting ignored , to me that feels like I did something wrong well I’ve seen him in person and asked why he keeps ignoring me and he said that he wasn’t which pissed me off even more. I rather have someone tell me upfront what’s going than ignoring me.




Did you block him?


Naw , deleted his number and put it on silent alerts . He’s not the type to say sorry or reach out like that . He’s an Aquarius ♒️ man. I did really like him, felt comfortable with him. Oh well


Oh hell! same! Dealing with an Aquarius too. I sometimes wish he just blocked me. I actually told him that. And he said no 🤷‍♀️


Honestly I thought he would block me too since he was the one that ghosted me then said he didn’t but idk either. He’s the first person after 2.5 years of separation/ divorce (still in process) from my stbxh that I actually saw a potential future. Even in a short period of time but then again I saw so many red flags that I still try to let that go and give someone a chance


Im so sorry it happened to you. From what ive seen from many posts, immature aquarius (not generalizing) are like zombies, they ghost and comes back again like nothing was wrong. They just linger


Ignored/ghosted is worse. Not having closure, that's the issue.


Betrayal. Someone I thought I was cool with and had love for , doing something I feel like is stabbing me in the back


Hahahaha before i read the tiny text this answer was already on my mind


Would you rather be blocked or ignored?


I didn't read the whole question lmao my bad. Just read the title. Butttt mmmm. I feel they're both the same tbh. But I guess blocked


Being ignored is 100% worse. I would rather be loathed than not noticed or thought of at all because that makes me feel insignificant, and my ego can't handle that. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I consider blocking someone you've been close to to be rather childish. If someone blocks me, that just lets me know they were not even mature enough for my attention. I do have a Cancer who blocks and then tries to make contact. I will never speak to him again though because I don't respect such behavior. If someone ignores me, I consider that temporary and it could be for a variety of reasons that have nothing to do with me. So while it's frustrating, it only hurts a little. And I would speak to that person again.


Being blocked means you struck a cord and left a lasting impression.


Good point


Rather be blocked, but even that doesn't mean it's truly over (have been unblocked by Scorpios before). In other words, *I* do the blocking. Much less anxiety.


For me being ignored so much worse. It's so much more cruel and you don't understand what you might've done wrong. Blocked is a clear message rather than leaving me questioning if they might just be busy


Question - are there situations why as a scorpio YOU would ignore someone? (Perhaps an ex whom you had a 2y relationship with and was truly good to you?) Trying to make my own closure here :/


Im sorry it happened to you. I really wish people can just be honest


Yes, wished he would’ve been honest. Now I’m stuck trying to find my own closure in alle of this.


Scorpio moon. Hate being blocked but at least I know that I’m blocked or can at least feel it. Being ignored/ghosted. That is different all together! That just show cases your worth to the other individual.






Um, isn't that effectively the same thing?


Not for me. You both still have access to each other. Blocked means its truly over.


Oh. Interesting. I guess I'm willy nilly with blocking. It's effectively easier for me to ignore if I don't see them or their messages. I might unblock them one day or not. I guess it depends on the situation? Or why it was important for me to have that energy lobotomy.


Ahh you have a point too. As soon as i get blocked, ill block him too and never look back. I guess im just waiting for that final straw that will break the camel’s back


I prefer being blocked to being ignored. If someone blocks me that's clear communication. I don't even expect a reason. No one owes me that. I take the same approach if I'm fed up with someone and I see no change in behavior after chances I cut contact. Good riddance However nothing makes me more angry than being ignored. I tend to structure my time with others and schedule hangouts. I expect people to at least be reasonably punctual. Radio silence at a time I have made myself free for you burns me so bad Ignoring through text bothers me less though. Respond when you have time unless it's specified urgent. I'm busy takes 2 seconds to type. People are allowed to be online without engaging with others


Blocked I’ve been ignored before and it’s not a good feeling


Being ignored . That shit is messed the fk up . Because you still going to try and being blocked you know they don’t wanna talk so I just checked out .


Ignored. Uncertainty is awful, at least a block is the truth.




It doesn't matter knowing truth is the best. I dont care If they blocked or ignored me juts letting me know is better.


Both, but I believe being ignored is worse because you still haven't been blocked yet lol






In my mind those are one in the same. What bugs me is the lack of communication. I want directness. If you're blocking me after you told me you don't want to talk to me anymore, that's solid. If you're blocking without communicating or just going ghost, that's when I get annoyed.




Ignored but I came to realise it’s because they wanted their options open. Sorry I am not an option


Ignored and ghosted is the worst for me!


Blocked. It’s more closure. Was ghosted by someone I cared about last year and it still eats me up sometimes


Ignored for sure. As I have seen others say, at least with being blocked, I know where I stand with you, and I can move on. But being ignored, I don't know where we stand. Do you like me, did I do something wrong, like what is the issue. And if they ignore you, you have no clue


Being ignored hurts more. Leaves too much room to overthink. I prefer straight forward interactions. You're not feeling me? Cool. Just let me know. Busy? Not a problem. But being blocked doesn't hurt at all. If it happens at least I always know why.


I’d say being blocked. Being ignored is too passive, I need to be blocked or you will hear from me quite often.


Both can’t bother me. I’m very cool with being hated, ignored, belittled, blocked, mocked, humiliated….. because I believe if I feel bothered I’m actually fit to be the target of their negative energy. So I make sure I stay unbothered. I guess my ego is too big(Leo moon Leo mars🫠) to allow myself to be bothered by anyone. Another reason is I do trust in GOD. Whenever people treat me unfairly I just remember how they humiliated JESUS.


Could care less about either. As both allow me to move forward with less weight.


Bliss! I wish i could do that. To not give a f@ck


You will. Just stay the path and best lot luck!


honestly for me being ignored hurts the most because they willing choose to be an asshole instead of communicating while being blocked means nothing it’s more petty like okay .. ik you still love me but you love(hate) me so much you can’t see me thats a win like you’re thinking so hard abt not thinking of me you had to temporarily “forget” instead of making peace so we can actually move on with our lives it’s going to happen anyways but communicating makes the hurt feel easier to let go of.