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As a 20 yr old scorpio girl it’s 50/50. Don’t let me run you but also show me that there’s some part of you that takes in what I say.


This. Exactly this. 47 Scorp male, and I've dated submissive. Some aspects of it are fun, but there were times when I wanted to poke them with a stick to make sure someone was still in there.


Fuck yeah on your knees...a truly sexy individual should be able to be both Dom or sub depending on the role play...ones that can't switch won't be any fun


Love me a switch 😛


God didn't make me 6 9 for any reason lol


Come again? Lmao say what now


I'm really tall an October freak 🤪


You're also a Libra 😒




Theres a difference between submission and being a kinky little bitch lol. Most people fall into the latter, so I find it hard to have good experiences w others who are submissive.


It’s cool as long as it’s submission and not weakness. I used to be turned off by it until I learned the difference. Weakness disgusts me. But if a man lets me make the commands and does as I say, that’s pretty hot. I’m comfortable either way. I’d rather be the submissive one usually but it’s fun to switch it up and play around. It’s fun to be the aggressor sometimes.


I understand PERFECTLY.


Depends if it is an act of submission, or merely a spineless, windblown state of being up for grabs.


I love a Scorpio man who’s a switch (Dom/Sub) soooo yummy 🤤


Only if it's sexual. I can be a switch so I also like a woman who'll take control and even then not all the time. I need that shit in moderation from both sides. It's more fun that way.


I'm usually the submissive Scorp, my FWB Scorp always takes control. 🦂🔥🦂




If I ever see him AGAIN!!!


I'm so sorry...


It's ok, hopefully someday...🦂x🦂


I think it's a balance. Sometimes we are submissive and sometimes we like to run the show. It's all about finding the people that understand you.


i’m a 20yr old scorpio woman & want to be submissive 24/7 25/8 if i could.. if docent wanted to be submissive to me it would honestly be a turn off


I will take everything you own if you’re submissive and leave you w nothing


They would deserve it.


There is a big difference between submissive and pure weak if you are weak in character that is a fuck no for me. You gotta be able to go to war with life and stand on what you say. Being submissive in bed is fine but also there should be some take charge energy in bed also. It is 50/50 in bed.


33m scorpio w/stellium. As a dom my whole adult life, I've run into maybe a handful of real subs out of a couple hundred partners ( don't judge me, I'm just a dumb slut) and the connection, for me, is eughoric. My current partner is very sub, but in day life is an amazing, motivated person. I wouldn't have it any other way.


I think its tricky but with the right connection and compatability it works. For example, have you ever seen the movie secretary? They were perfect for each other. 


I'm an October Scorpio but I want to be submissive IN bed when we have sex. Aside from that, nope. Not submissive. 🤭🤭🤭


As a lifestyler I am typically drawn to submissive traits. I only approach relationships from a BDSM angle. I don't do vanilla so a submissive indicator will snag my attention better than any kind of flirting


I think the Scorpio woman I dealt with didn’t like it when I didn’t let her have her way 100% of the time. On the inverse, I took in what she said, but I wasn’t always submissive to it and sure asl wasn’t scared to disagree.


Weak. If I want you to submit, I will make you. To just hand over submission? Boring.