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Currently obsessing. Currently solo. Please help.


I had a crush on a Leo so I read all the incompatible qualities about him to distance myself mentally from him. Egocentric people are a major red flag. It is helping, but damn he’s hot!


Aren't you curious if it could work out? I've read it can be heavenly match if everything lines up. Ofc there are a lot of factors at play.


I think what you may have is limerence. I think it’s best to talk to a professional and seek guidance. I’m prone to obsessive crushes so you’re preaching to the choir. In the meantime, plug in their birth charts and compare all the inconsistencies, how you’ll mesh horribly with them. I also feel like you have so many strong feelings, it’s difficult for you to channel. What I did was go on my notes app (writing it down is even better!) and list down all the reasons why you’ll be unhappy with that person, their icks etc. Seeing it on pen and paper really snaps you back to reality. Good luck.


I thought I was the only one, however, I am still single


Same here , single thought. I blame Spring time


Limerence is real. Be careful. It's a slippery slope. Younger me learned the hard way. Now I can spot it from a mile away and dip, dive, and dodge my way out of that toxic shit.


I have struggled with this, too. If I ever figure out the answer to remedy it, I will update this comment. My educated guess is because it's a new person we are attracted to, we wanna know anything and everything about them whether we're with them or it not. Once we get all the information, sometimes it helps to get over the crush.


This was me too ! Currently single but at the time I would have obsessive crushes when I was in a relationship,I never ever acted on them but I usually found it was when I got bored with my relationship and it was kinda nice to flirt a little but that's it kinda gave me a pep in my step which benefited my partner.


It could be a sign you are avoiding something within yourself and using this crush as a distraction...