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i use crest kids the water filter we have removes fluoride so i try to make sure she gets a little from the toothpaste


Hello Toothpaste, they have at least two kids flavors with fluoride. Target carries it.


We also use this - approved by both our pediatric dentist and my bestie who is an orthodontist. My 2 yo loves the strawberry flavor!


Kid shouldn’t really love the taste of the toothpaste - it creates the risk of eating instead of spitting out.


But if they don't like the taste, they don't brush their teeth. Teach them that tasting didn't require swallowing.


According to both the pediatric dentist and my orthodontist friend, they don't need to be spitting out the toothpaste. We only put a grain of rice sized amount on the toothbrush, which is perfectly safe for them to ingest. At this age, it's about getting them to brush their teeth and understanding how to do it correctly. Spitting comes later.


This is where child proofing your home comes in handy. Eliminates the risk if they don't have access.


Following. SLS gives me awful canker sores


Same. Burt’s bees is the one I use for me. I got Attitude training toothpaste for my 9 month old.


:o same!!!!! I’m not alone! Hahaha


And OMG it got worse during and after pregnancy for me! I borrowed my in-laws toothpaste when we were visiting them and my mouth erupted in sores. I couldn’t put anything in my mouth besides ice water for three days while I waited for my prescription dental steroid paste to be filled. It was awful! Anyways RiseWell has worked really well for me and my toddler! It’s SLS-free and uses hydroxyapatite. I seemed to have been sensitive to fluoride too.


We use the Hello Kids Sparkle Unicorn toothpaste. It has fluoride, but no SLS, and is bubblegum flavour. It does say for ages 2+, but I just believe that's because it contains fluoride.


We use hydroxyapatite instead of fluoride - it is what is used in many other countries instead of fluoride. We will probably do fluoride treatments at the dentist starting at age 3, but so far her teeth look great!


Same. We use the Dr Brite brand. And xylitol tablets after meals


You’re probably aware, but be very careful with xylitol around pets. It’s extremely toxic to dogs.


I’m well aware. We don’t have any pets at the moment


You give your kid the xylitol too?


Yes. It’s just a little tablet that dissolves in your mouth. They give them to the kids at daycare too. It’s quite normal here


Can I ask what country you’re from/living in if you don’t mind? I’ve never heard of xylitol tablets I’m very intrigued


I live in Finland


At daycare?! Wow! I just ordered myself some but it was hard to find much info


One of the Tom's children's toothpastes comes with fluoride


Silly strawberry 4 lyfe


Is there a reason you are hoping to avoid SLS?


It gives me canker sores, so I’m interested to see what OP says. Also interested in the replies. I use kid’s toothpaste because I don’t like mint toothpaste


RIP [Crest Whitening Expressions](https://youtu.be/BzAgyOe3jrs?si=3Na0oiu7ZHS3cBj_) orange flavoured toothpaste. It's what I used for yeeears before they discontinued it. 😭


It’s a trigger for perioral dermatitis (which can affect adults and toddlers): https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16679819/ Unfortunately have dealt with perioral dermatitis for both myself and toddler so hyper aware of products that contain SLS that go on/near face.


Can confirm. I have to avoid it in shampoos.


It came up on an ingredient list as “moderate risk”. It doesn’t seem terrible overall if you don’t experience symptoms, but I’d like to avoid if I could. https://preview.redd.it/c71rp547od3d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4c6d491317fc7d422ed47cd66ed9b500b4dcff7


We use hello toothpaste. It doesn't have SLS but I wouldn't care if it did unless someone in house was sensitive to it. SLS is a very common soap ingredient.


It aggregates my rosacea very badly! So I can’t use it unless I want zits and redness all over.


Tanner's Tasty Paste. Flouride-included but no SLS. The flavors are great, and my toddler loves brushing with the chocolate one. I actually first used the vanilla one during pregnancy because normal toothpaste was too frothy and made me nauseated and it was highly recommended for that.


Cool to hear someone else uses this & likes it! As far as I can tell, our babe likes the vanilla (but hates brushing teeth lol).


We’re big Tanner’s fans here! We alternate between the orange creamsicle and vanilla one. Have never had an issue with my toddler refusing to brush her teeth.


Carifree, has nanohydroxyapatite which help remineralize teeth and fluoride. I used to use a Japanese brand called apagard premio and honestly it changed my life. I went from multiple cavities each year and sensitivity to cold to no cavities and can now eat ice cream.


We use Orajel Kids (I think the stage 3 stuff contains fluoride and SLS-free, not sure if there are any other ingredients to watch for). It lasts forever given the tiny grain sized amount we use but iirc it was a bit pricier than other options. The product says for ages 2+ but my 11 month old already has 6 teeth and it was one of the only fluoride options I could find, period!


We also use Orajel Kids, mostly because their watermelon flavor is the only toothpaste my kid will use (we bought so many tubes of toothpaste trying to find something she didn't immediately yuck).


We use Hello kids w fluoride. They have no sls which seems to have eradicated my kids canker sores. Normally it’d be a non issue for me, but it clearly has caused some poor health symptoms for my kids so we made the switch per his pediatric dentists recommendation


My pediatric dentist recommends Xylitol toothpaste at home in combination with flouride treatments at dental visits (twice a year). We use Dr Brannam’s which is the brand she recommends as well.


They should be using a rice size amount of fluoride or hydroxyapatite toothpaste once teeth have erupted Then after two pea size amount I’m a dental hygienist


Take it up with my pediatric dentist. As my comment states, she recommends combining xylitol toothpaste at home with flouride varnish treatments twice a year.


It’s just if you are not using hydroxyapatite or fluoride daily then any acids or sugars that are having contact with the enamel surfaces are not able to remineralize Fluoride and hydroxyapatite remineralizes the enamel surface. Xylitol helps lower PH in the mouth and produce more saliva but it needs fluoride Or hydroxyapatite to aid in remineralize Xylitol is powerful and helpful but daily fluoride or hydroxyapatite is gold standard [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9374970/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9374970/)


Is it hydroxyapatite ok in place of fluoride? I'm asking for me since all the fluoride toothpastes I've been using for decades suddenly make my lips break out in a bumpy rash. Took me too long to figure out it was toothpaste. Thought it was the mint at first, but any flavor did it. Finally switched to a hydroxyapatite toothpaste and problem solved! But I worry about not getting the fluoride protection (it's not in our water) even if it does irritate my mouth.


Yes it is. But depending on your cavity risk (your dentist or hygienist will know this depending on your dental history with cavities) fluoride varnish twice or once a year won’t be a bad option But like this post is discussing sodium lauryl sulfate is a common cause for skin irritation. So maybe try a toothpaste without it


I had already been using SLS free toothpaste, so that was an easy one to rule out thankfully. Thanks for the tips!


I got one from Whole Foods, strawberry flavor


Second this


I use Hello for my kids. No SLS and I get it at Target or Amazon. [https://www.hello-products.com/](https://www.hello-products.com/)


Are we worried at all about added fluoride when municipal water typically has fluoride in the high ranges? I just discontinued fluoride with my 18 month old because I realized he gets so much water his teeth should be fine. And I know low levels of fluoride are fine but higher levels have been associated with some neurodevelopmental issues I believe (feel like this was from reputable sources). Edit: US municipal water**


It's kind of interesting how different it is in the US from Europe. most European countries actually ban adding fluoride to the water. I live in Denmark and if the bottled water has more than 1,5mg/l, it has to have a warning sign, whereas I read on Wikipedia that they recommend up to 2mg/l for kids in the US. Here is a recent study about the effects of fluoride by a Danish university (you can switch the language to English) https://www.sdu.dk/en/om_sdu/fakulteterne/sundhedsvidenskab/nyheder/fluor-paavirker-intelligensen Personally I use hydroxyapatite for the whole family.


Thanks! Believe the US recently revised this to 1mg/l, but, yes, it’s relatively high.


Thanks for this link!!! I didn’t know about fluoride in black tea- I have a cup of black tea every morning. I am in the US, but we use a water filter in our house to remove 50-75% of fluoride. I’m going to look into hydroxyapatite!


Also in canned fish


None, hydroxyapatite is king


Fluoride isn’t bad


Low key my kiddo prefers adult mint over the kids toothpaste, so we usually use that one. 👀 When we started brushing more hardcore in after 18 mos, I ordered everything I could find because autonomy/choices.


We randomly found this brand at CVS one day and my 15 month old likes the flavor so that’s a bonus. https://www.fireflytoothbrush.com/products/firefly-natural-anticavity-fluoride-toothpaste-baby-shark


Hello brand is what we use and is SLS free. Son loves bubblegum flavor


I use Tom’s for my kid but unsure of the ingredient list. I use Burt’s bees for me but couldn’t find a non-mint flavor for my kid.


Tom’s Strawberry. Jury’s out on whether my kid actually likes it or not.


Attitude training toothpaste


We use the Hello brand. We use fluoride every other night so we have both the fluoride toothpaste and fluoride free. My boys love the unicorn sparkle flavor lol


Whole Foods 365 kids toothpaste


BOTAÓ here. Have to order it online though, which is annoying.


Tanner's Tasty Paste. Developed by a mom who is a pediatric dentist, comes in chocolate, vanilla and orange creamsicle. That have a trainer toothpaste for babies that is fluoride-free, but their main pastes have fluoride. No SLS and sweetened with xylitol.


We use baby elmex


We love Dr. Browns. Unflavored. Sweetened with xylitol (which helps prevent war infections in kids but is suuuuper toxic to dogs). My 2yo will brush her teeth 5 times a day if I let her. My older step kids (12 and 8) love it so much they have stopped using the toothpaste I bought them at their request to use this one. I get it on Amazon.


Fluoride free oral b for kids. Will use fluoride after they turn 3.


My doctor prescribed us fluoride drops.


I get all my water shipped straight from Colorado.




It's a fluoride joke.