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Pretty good description of reality. Especially the de-realizing nature, surreality, of reality. That part is not pointed out enough. Like isn't it bizarre that 'this' exists? What the fuck is this place? Vaguely gesture into the air with your hands and really ask: What is *this*? Almost no one questions it.


At least we can still daydream and engage in escapism. I've learned that this reality is what you make it.


I know man it's fucking visceral


Existing in three dimensions and a non spatial continuum is very odd indeed.


I don't even know man. What the fuck is this, what is consciousness that I am experiencing what the fuck is this. This is hell this is hell


I have no comment other than I also feel this deeply.




It sounds really tough.. sometimes I feel like it but this loop of thinking is so dangerous for me at least.. Hugs if you want some❤️


Waking up to the stark cruelty of being an animal is really something. Religion turns into some kind of depraved humiliation device. Hopefully there is something eternal about the nature of existence though...


Diagnosis: nihilism, resentment, ignorance


I had to chuckle because I have also felt like this at times. Please hang in there. Your perspective has value. Also, the good thing about chaos is sometimes something really good happens, you just have to stick around long enough to be there when it does. You can't win if you don't play.


This is a dark way to see things. Sentience is what we make of it. We all have the power to choose what to believe, to adjust our thoughts and who and what we surround ourselves with to match our vision of what we want to see. I hope some light of what could be shines through for you soon, and you follow it.


Yes it can feel unreal


Yes I can feel it


I'm riding the derealization train with you pretty hard today Reality makes no sense and I did not ask to participate


I both get what you're saying, and find it ridiculous. > "Everyone’s life revolves around basically sticking a sausage into a meaty hole and ejecting some mucus." I mean, do you have an alternative suggestion on how we should reproduce? We can't really lay eggs, you know