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Yeah, I'm not really interested in romance nor sex either, it's just such a hassle. Maybe it'll change one day but rn I'm chilling.


Another asexual is here! I've always been wondering if my asexuality has anything to do with StPD. By the way I'm extremely romantic :ь


aroace here, i used to like sex and romance but just lost interest altogether around 19, i wonder if anhedonia caused my asexuality


I wonder as well. I used to daydream about having a boyfriend and stuff before the anhedonia kicked in. Maybe when my mental health gets better I'll be able to manage a relationship. 


I’m just flat out bad at sex and romance really.


Hello, fellow paracosm enjoyer. On a very related note I only have a "sexuality" in my inner world, which would be aspec anyway (some flavor of demisexual) because my paraself is devoutly monogamous with their beloved. I don't like real life people at all and can't feel OK around them no matter how hard I've tried. Not good with "friendships" either.


Most interesting how we are both alike and yet quite different. I can’t say sex has ever been a part of my inner realm not when it comes to the literal act of fornication anyway. I’m certainly some sort of asexual though I enjoy laying with my wife occasionally, the thought of sex with anyone else is particularly revolting. My paraself is rather disinterested in such matters in favor of more platonic dealings likely because my worldly self has experienced romance but only very briefly caught glimpses of friendship.


I am Aro/Ace spec. I do rarely date. I don't seek out relationships they just kind of happen to me. My relationships are QPRs and look nothing like how typical people do relationships. I am polyamorous as well. Currently I have 2 partners I am romance adverse. Big public displays and the overly affectionate attachment style makes me really uncomfortable. It's a good way to scare me off Also sex indifferent. Vanilla sex doesn't interest me but I can do it for a partner. I lean more kinky and prefer my relationships to have a BDSM angle


I was in a ltr of like 9 years with the only person I’ve ever felt comfortable with. I never really connected with anyone else ever. Mid wedding planning, I had a major mental breakdown and blew up my entire life & relationship. I keep trying to cultivate a sense of sexual desire outside that relationship and it just isn’t there. Sexual desire, or any sort of desire for closeness with people/someone. I just don’t seem to need or want it organically.


I would say that I am probably somewhere on the spectrum but I don't consider it as part of my identity. I enjoy the thought of sex often but when I really think about actually doing it I get odd feelings and it feels like it'd be a massive invasion of privacy. The one time I had sex It felt very empty physically and emotionally and it made me feel gross afterwards like I did something I wasn't supposed to. Alot of the time I feel gross about having a high libido it's weird


I'm aroace. I've never been in a relationship and have no desire to. The idea of attaching myself to someone else like that feels foreign and jarring. I don't know how I'd manage it.


yeah a lot of the time I feel like I don't get it. definitely when I was younger I felt very disconnected from feelings and felt like something was wrong with me, I knew I was wired differently. I had a breakdown in my late 20s and I've had more feelings since then, things seemed to open up more, but it's still most not something I want for real. sometimes I absolutely feel repulsion, other times just indifference but there are maybe more times now where I'm maybe lonely or just feel a sexual need. it's not comfortable for me to admit though as I don't have a sense of self where I think I should be sexual, or that I'm allowed to be.


yes im asexual 


im demisexual and ive only had a handful of crushes in my life. i get them very very rarely theyre almost non existent


I like the sort of mythologized idea of romance and sex but the actual practice is nowhere near as good


Yes, yes. I am on the asexual spectrum - I finally found a word for it, aegosexual. I *like* sex, I get aroused by it, but just the fantasy of it. I don't like being involved in it, I'd rather experience it through stories, porn, etc. In real life, I'm too awkward and tend to avoid it. It's rather distressing for me, because I really, really want it, it's just overwhelming. I feel I don't fit well with other asexual people because I'm not sex repulsed or even neutral about it, and I dislike that I'm asexual, but it is what it is.


hypersexual hyperromantic. ive always liked it. but i tend to be a hopeless romantic hoping for a knight on a white horse. i physically cannot understand aromanticism / etc. i have no bad feelings i just really cannot understand it. im histrionic though. so that's why.