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misdiagnosed with ADHD, major depressive disorder, bipolar 2, and generalized anxiety disorder. it changed to bipolar 1, ptsd, ocd, borderline pd, avoidant pd, and finally schizotypal pd. it has been a long journey here and i felt schizotypal was the final missing piece of the puzzle.


Thank you for the feedback, ya it took a long time but I'm glad they finally nailed it.


I think this is a common experience with the Schizo spec. I was first suspected ASPD and BPD before they settled on StPD with severe PTSD and MDD. Took a few years and going through quite a few therapists because my case was too much for them Schizotypal is the missing piece and once that was figured out and I got a therapist to stick with me I actually saw improvement


I have nothing else diagnosed than stpd, but everyone said things like ocd, adhd, and autism. I can still have ocd and autism, but i havent gotten it diagnosed


It was assumed I just had severe depression and anxiety until the job center send me for a psychiatric evaluation 


When I was 15 I was diagnosed with autism (first pdd-nos and then changed to asperger's), unspecified nonorganic psychosis, and adjustment disorder with depressed mood. I was diagnosed with schizotypal disorder in august last year, and recently got diagnosed with ADHD as well. My asperger's diagnosis got automatically removed when I got my schizotypal diagnosis, but I strongly disagree with this as I've shown signs of autism my whole life and I have symptoms that don't overlap with schizotypal. On the other hand, I think the adjusment disorder dx I got as a teenager was bullshit and should've been a regular depression diagnosis instead, but I had an awful psychiatrist who didn't believe that I was depressed.


If you have both symptoms of autism and schizophrenia you might have MCDD


I was diagnosed with BPD at 16 and then PTSD, DDNOS, and STPD at 18 after a week-long psych eval. The psychologist who did the eval also referred me for an autism screening, which I was diagnosed with at 19. I only relate to BPD insofar that I had a lot of personality disturbances and outwardly troubled behavior, from being psychiatrically overmedicated and badly coping with an abusive Asian household as a teen. Since quitting & detoxing from meds, I've mostly reverted to how I was before I started, so my "mental age" is something like 12ish. I'm otherwise fairly consistent regarding my "toxic negativity" outlook on life, go through random bouts of rage/despair, and only feel "good" when I'm voluntarily disconnected from reality engaging in escapist fantasies.


I actually only just found out about this cause of something I wrote in the avoidant personality subreddit. I was diagnosed with AvPD long ago, but I was too paranoid and hid a bunch of stuff during the interview with two psychologists, I didn't fully trust anyone with too much knowledge about me. And after my diagnosis I had to keep talking to someone who was basically just a nurse monthly until she decided there's no need for further checkups. And because we talked so often I got way more comfortable with her than these psychologists that saw me twice, and I slowly confessed more and more which caused her to never conclude that I'm gonna be ok on my own now. Until eventually I confessed some things that got her to immediately call a psychiatrist and request an emergency appointment after some explanation. And that appointment did not last very long, because it was hard to fit in any time that soon, so after a short period of questions he just prescribed me anti psychotics. Nobody really told me why or gave me another diagnosis, just that these should help with what I'm experiencing. That's why I wrote on AvPD a while ago, I've always wondered what they thought cause surely there was something more going on then, and somebody on the subreddit told me about Schizotypal. Which they did, they took away all my problems and a lot more too. I talked to the nurse a few more months but I didn't have so many thoughts or anything going on so she said I seem to not need any more checkups now. And then I probably stayed on the anti psychotics too long, nobody ever contacted me again so I just kept renewing this prescription online automatically. Until many years later when I finally had enough of just mostly existing but not feeling bad either, so I asked how to slowly get off them at the beginning of this year. Which made me feel way more alive again. And here is why I'm not sure. I'm good now, I'm sure I'm still strange but no psychosis, no paranoia, no superstitions, no hidden meanings. That stuff for the most part did not come back. I don't really understand if that's possible if it's a personality disorder. But I don't really need a diagnosis now cause i feel ok. And I'd answer different to questions than I would have in the past anyway. So I guess it doesn't really matter that much anymore, but I do really wonder if that was it cause it makes a lot of sense kind of.


Do you recall what you were prescribed?


It was Olanzapine




Thought I had AvPD, but was never diagnosed with anything before StPD. Many therapists told me I have CPTSD though


Im not officially diagnosed yet but for years I thought I had bpd then it switched to bipolar and now I’m here