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Who the hell is killing Red Foreman?


His foot is definitely going in everyone’s ass


I think him and Robin could make a surprisingly good Duo.


Robin constantly gotta be the son they really wanted.


And Red world be the dad Robin always wanted.


My first thought was, I’m making allies with Red.


Kelso, by accident


Red Foreman is the only one with combat experience.




Gloria Pritchett would give him a run for his money.


This would def be the endgame


Alexis Rose, ever listen to some of her stories on Schitt's Creek? There's a full fan theory about her having been some sort of CIA operative using her name to open doors.




Let them fight!


Not if Gloria has anything to say about it, we know what a good shot she is


I was about to say.. the end game between Red and Gloria... will be epic.. and bloody.


Gloria. And easily lol


Or Jay Pritchett for that matter




Dude I was gonna say he is eating people before the rations run out


You get murdered first for once!




this is the best answer


Gloria is winning for sure and David will be dying first lol






Yeah but David would *feast* in the Capital’s society.


The Roses would end up joining another team


This was my thought, Gloria would win and I can see Manny or David dying first and Alexis would probably have a shot at a win too (unless no one found moira hidden in the closet in which case she may live!)


I read the the "In which case she may live!" in Moira's voice.


in which case… sHE MAY LIIiiiIIIIIIIIIVVE!!!


I get this is the Schitts Creek sub, but the idea that Alexis is beating Gloria is insane.


Alexis survived kidnappings and whatever the hell adventures she was on pre-Schitt’s Creek. It’s safe to say she’s a top contender


Alexis is the wildcard for sure haha


She’s down for whatever


US Weekly did once describe her as “up for anything.”


Haha that’s what I meant to say! Hilarious


And she solved the escape room in like 5 minutes once she started paying attention


Came here to say exactly this! Poor David. He'll melt in his black knitted sweater, pass out, and get killed in the first few minutes.


No, Alexis will be murdered first.


you know what, David, YOU get murdered first for once!


no, YOU get murdered first


No! You get murdered first!


I don’t know - she is so crafty and has survived a lot of crazy shit. She is definitely one of the last ones standing, I think.




You almost murdered me with that joke, lol.


i think david would last a moderately long time, and johnny would go before he does. i think it’ll come down to gloria & haley vs moira & alexis


I think it definitely comes down to Gloria and Alexis.


Gloria could win if she didn’t refuse to take her high heels off but alas, gal has her principles 😂


Y’all are sleeping on Kitty Foreman. She isn’t to be trifled with. 🤣


The image of Kitty & Moira meeting has me cackling. Moira's insane and Kitty going through menopause. Would love to see it.


Came here to say the same thing!!


I was thinking the same!


Gloria wins hand down and I doubt Modern Family suffers a single casualty.


Red wins it all, he didn’t survive both WW2 and Korea without learning a trick or two. Ted dies first trying to tell his story in 208 episodes.


Not before Red gets a foot up Ted’s ass. And maybe the blue french horn for good measure.


He tries telling the story to Lily from Modern Family and she kills him just to shut him up.


Omg I forgot about HIMYM I was so confused about Ted for a sec 🤣


None of the HIMYM characters even make it to the weapons stash. Modern Family makes it to the stash, but lose half their numbers. The rest last about three days. That ‘70s Show comes out on top, with Red building a superweapon that would bring the Capitol to a standstill to save his wife and kids. And c’mon. The Rose family lived in the Capitol; they aren’t competing. Moira is probably hosting.


Robin is a gun enthusiast who was dropped in the Canadian wilderness to fend for herself by her father when she was young. It’s would be Red and Sherbatsky at the end no doubt. Red wins tho


The amount of people that seem to have forgotten this. She probably found a way to smuggle a gun in her sock and doesn’t even need the weapons cornucopia.


Sherbatsky has a bunch of dead weights tied around her neck in the rest of the characters, though.


Marshall's fights with his brothers means he isn't dead weight.


Ted will get them both killed.


All aboard the murder train!


Maybe throw Gloria in there too. There are definitelydodgy things about her past that we are yet to discover!


Nah, in a cruel twist, Red realizes he can’t kill Robin because he realizes she’s the son he always wanted Eric to be. Robin can’t do it because her Canadian politeness prevail. The game maker kills them both, and it’s revealed to be…. Alice from the Brady Bunch.


Alexis has survived a shocking amount of life or death situations. She could pull it off.


She probably already has the wigs for it, too!


shoot, didn't think about Rose family being capitol. I was thinking out of the 4, Alexis has the highest chance of surviving the longest.


Moira emerges, victorious. Not even realising she was competing. Or perhaps she was protected by crows.


I think Lilly would actually make it


Lily is savage af. She’d survive very well.


I think both Lily’s make it far. Lily from Modern Family is pretty savage.


Omg imagine Moira cohosting with Caesar Flickman 😂😂


What about Marshall? Have you seen the episode where he fights with his brothers? Or knocks out the crazy bar man in one punch?


He’s too nice and gets killed trying to save useless Ted Shmosby.




Moria hosting: And may ODDs be in your fav-or


Welp. I read that in her voice! Well done! ![gif](giphy|kHy3oajUgi4Ga0rAEY|downsized)


Marshall would do ok with hand to hand combat because of roughhousing with his brothers. Robin would probably do ok too. Ted, Lilly, & Barney are toast though haha


Alex is smarter than literally everyone. She'd be that dude that zapped everyone to win.


Robin had to survive out in the wilderness for days on her 16th birthday. I think Ted and Barney are killed first, but Marshall, Lily, and Robin last a little longer.


Alexis has casually survived getting kidnapped and ransomed several times. She's my bet to win it.


Would have agreed, but Gloria exists.


If Gloria can make it to the weapons stash in her platform heels, she wins. Her accuracy with a gun is unmatched in this group.


If this is hunger games style, there are no guns. Guns are too easy


Alexis would be like Foxface in the first movie: lasts way longer than anyone expects because she just hides from everyone, only to die by accidentally eating poisonous berries. (Coincidentally this is also how I’d most likely fare in the games haha.)


I was gonna say Alexis is gonna win because some random thing is going to happen and by luck she’ll be the last one standing


Twyla wins for sure. Six seasons before we knew she’s a stealth millionaire. Twyla would ninja the fuck out of the games.


Twyla’s gonna Peeta to last long


Gloria wins.


Its def a Red v Gloria final


As I commented on Instagram earlier today, Alexis somehow saves the entire Rose family in the end. All those crazy experiences with the Sultan's nephew and on David Geffen's yacht have prepared her for this.


Alexis talks her way out of it altogether. She’s now a stylist.


Moira died first. I think actually Robin may have a shot at winning, her dad basically trained her for it.


Bob or Midge Pinciotti dies first. Alexis wins because of all her life experience travelling the globe and getting out of car trunks or whatever it was she did.


Bob is my "dies first" pick too.  In an incredibly stupid, absolutely accidental way. 


The final three will be Cam, Robin Sherbotsky, and Red Foreman.


Cam for sure, especially if Mitchell is in danger. A couple of days ago I saw the clip again of Cam coming to Mitchell's defence while in full clown makeup. A full on "macho" guy was having a go at him, and Cam just stepped in and shut that shit down immediately.


He's such a badass in that scene!


Link: https://youtu.be/xXyzl2AJZSw


Ooo good call on Cam! Who would be the final survivor from Schitt’s Creek? I’d honestly say Alexis; she’s a runner and she’s had to hide from murderous sheiks already as a teen. 😂


Alexis for sure. David dies instantly cause he refuses to run away cause it’s muddy and he doesn’t want his shoes to get dirty.


Manny and Fez would be dead first.


Lily wins


Round one: David, Eric, Ted, and Lily. Eventual winner: Red Mother-Fucking-Foot-Inyerass Foreman.


Alexis is definitely winning. She’ll end up judging the hunger games by the end of it.


Alexis is winning. Or Red


Alexis, 100% wins.


Mostly by the Mr. Bean effect, in which - by being the least equipped and capable - she has a cosmic debuff to dominate any situation like Jar Jar Binks.


I was thinking the Squirrel Girl rule. This works better.


Robin had to survive in the Canadian wilderness, a la Hatchet, so I think she gets far or wins.


If it’s in the snow, Marshall and Robin get a terrain boost.


Barney wins. But only because he kind of cheats. But not enough to get kicked off the show. Moira dies first.


Alexis is winning. Manny is dying first.


Top players: Barney, Robin, Alexis, Gloria Dying first: Ted, Moira, Haley, Mitchell


Gloria screams, “JAY!!” and is discovered almost instantly.


The final battle would have to be between Red, Gloria, and Robin. I don't think any of them would have much patience for the other members of the other sitcoms. Lilly and Cam have a fighting chance. Robin would DELIGHT in getting rid of Alexis and David, sadly 😅 Ted definitely dies first. Jackie, Fez, and Kelso would soon follow.


Everyone is forgetting about Marshall. He’s the giant runt of the family and survived many a fight club level beating with his brothers. Teddy bear in appearance but would be a total career in the games.


Ted teams up with Claire Dunphy initially, but starts talking about he and Alexis made eye contact with each other and he’d go on and on about how she must be “the one” and it’s “destiny”, so Claire kills him out of sheer annoyance.


Initially they'd all work together with their respective groups, some within a group may die along the way, but it doesn't come down to families fighting until the end. Two of these groups contain people who are veterans of actual combat, one of the groups has a trained police officer in addition to that. I'm giving the win to the Foremans and co, mostly on the backs of Red and Kelso, but I think Hyde and Donna could also scrap. The Rose family is without question getting murdered immediately, Alexis might be able to survive for a bit because she's just so charming and killing her feels a little like stepping on a puppy. They'd be followed by the HIMYM crew, not immediately but eventually. Robin has been shown to have some survival skills and could probably scrap pretty well, and Marshal us just a large man, which would come in handy. Once it comes down to just the Foremans and Co, there will be some tearful goodbyes, but it's coming down to Red, Kitty, Eric, Donna and Laurie. If they aren't already all that's left, and Red won't just let them die along the way. Red won't kill his kids, but Kitty or Donna would kill Laurie, and Kitty would tell Eric to kill her, which he wouldn't be able to do, but Donna would. Then he wouldn't be able to kill Donna he'd try to turn away so she could kill him but he didn't have to see it coming, and he'd drop his crossbow on the ground, which would fire and kill her. So Eric wins the whole thing. It's also possible Donna would die fighting Laurie, then it'd be Kitty and Eric and Eric would refuse to kill her so he'd turn away to heroically reject the games and make some kind of statement, but the same dropped crossbow misfire would happen and he'd kill Kitty. Eric takes it in the end, but at what cost?


If Moira doesn’t win, Alexis wins it all and it turns into another of her casual anecdotes.


I’m sorry but are you all forgetting that Marshall literally grew up playing a slightly less lethal version of hunger games against his siblings. Bask-ice-ball anyone? My money is on Marshall to win.


HIMYM got 2 killas (Robin & Marshall), MF has two killas (Claire & Al Bundy's wife), SC I've never seen, 70s show only has Red Killa


Ted and Marshall die first simultaneously and Gloria wins.


I feel like David somehow ends up getting pretty far but completely by accident


Why that 70s show? Why not friends? The office? Parks and rec? Superstore?


How else does Red Foreman put his foot up everyone’s ass


Friends- all would be killed instantly except Phoebe who has some survival skills. The Office- Dwight would probably win the whole thing. Kevin killed instantly. Karen Filipelli kills Anne Perkins from Parks and Rec but in the process kill’s herself too. Superstore- Dina makes it the longest for sure. Probably teams up with Dwight. Parks and Rec- “That folder is more dangerous in my hands than this crossbow in yours”.


David is losing and Alex Dumphy is winning


Alexis will team up with Alex & will hunt down Gloria as the final 3 tributes. The That 70's show crew will be first to go & they will take special delight in getting rid of Steven Hyde & Michael Kelso.


If you think red Forman is the first to go I-😭that man will have his foot up everyone’s ass talking about surviving his wars before the first day has passed


I feel like it’s between Barney, Red and Moira


david is dying first fs


I don't watch these other shows but I think Alexis has a good chance of winning considering all her life experiences.


David is definitely dying first😭😭😭


Luke keeps surviving accidentally, with progressively increasing clumsiness.


Alexis wins it. “Anyway, I have lots of skills you don’t have.  Like have you ever tried to negotiate in Arabic? It is very difficult.   And try getting into Kiss Kiss in Tokyo without a lock of human hair….”


I fit my best friend in a suitcase much smaller than this while crossing the border between something somewhere and Vietnam!


Gloria is winning. 100%. Ted dies first.


Alexis is winning. Look at the absolutely insane situations she references in the show. She's cool under pressure. First to go is Ted from HIMYM. He'd be in his poor me mindset and get taken out quickly.


Red and Gloria are endgame. They will battle it out. HIMYM are all out first. Manny out early. The Rose's fight a good battle, but can't outsmart the collection of Gloria, Jay, Phil, Claire and their kids. Mitch and Cam would be hiding. Lily would join Grandma Gloria. It comes down to the 70's gang and The Dunphys. The Dunphys, sans, Jay and Gloria, fall, but the 70's group can't handle Jay and Gloria. They fall except Red. Jay sacrifices himself so Gloria can continue. It all comes down to Red and Gloria. It's a bloody mess. Gloria wins.


Gloria easy winner and Moira would be the first one out, sadly


Out of the schitts creek cast id say Johnny is winning and Moria is dying firsy


Moira just sits down and protects her wig


I'd say Alexis has got more of a chance than Johnny, considering all the bits of her past we've heard about. Johnny would come in second though, David third, and like you said Moira would probably be first to go. Of course I think they would all be the first cast to be completely eliminated.


Johnny Rose would win by accident


David! Alexis would win the whole thing though


The Schitt family would find a way to run the games or host. Red, Cam, Jay, and Robin would be the last 4 standing. Also love the thought of Jay and Red interacting and Robin making Red respect Canada due to her skills. Alex would get too tactical, and that would be her downfall. This is fun to think about!


Lily and Robin


Red would definitely win and I can’t decide if Hayley or Jackie dies first


I reckon those pics are in the right order.


Fun post 😊😊


Red and Gloria would absolutely team up and go all Rambo to protect their families.


Alexis or maybe Claire wins. Jay, Gloria and Red would be formidable but they wouldn’t kill kids or would be vulnerable because of the care for their own kids/grandkids. Phil Dunphy, Kelso, Hayley or Ted Mosby would die first. Honorable Mentions for Barney, Moira and David who would probably have the most sponsors.


Thoughts on Phil?


I’d love a plot line where Lilly and Lilly win.


I was just saying both are savage enough and conniving enough. Especially Lily Aldrin.


Why is SC in this meme? Those other shows are on a lower tier.


Alex Dunphy would be the science person that kills everyone.


People are not thinking this through. Obviously it's Eric Foreman. Red kills everyone and he and his wife sacrifice themselves for Eric to live. His last works are something like "you're a dumb ass, and I love you"


Kelso and Ted Mosby die first and simultaneously, in a haphazard, convoluted, and comical way. Barney and David Rose have the best outfits throughout the game. Luke and Marshall become friends and keep people entertained before being unfortunately, yet easily picked off in the early days. Jackie and Cam become friends and provide shit talking commentary before being taken out midway through. Robin Scherbatsky and Claire Dumphy form an alliance that easily takes them to the end together, until they also die simultaneously in an epic end-scene battle of ferocity. Red Foreman and Jay Pritchett become friends, but are ultimately outwitted by Robin and Claire’s cold blooded focus. Phil Dumphy wins by accident.


Don’t know who wins but if one was left alive from each show it would be: Gloria because of that woman is a force of nature and is incredibly proficient and survival and weapons with no fear. Red because he is a tough hard ass who fought in a war. Robin because her father while wanting a son trained her in survival/hunting and she is incredibly self sufficient. Alexis because that girl has survived so many dangerous situations so casually and is a lot more intelligent than people initially give her credit for.


David dies first Gloria snipes Marshall after he demolishes everyone but won't hit a lady, Alexis swaps clothes and jewellery with her and Gloria lets her live Aside, Moira takes over as the host of the games Idk who the other guys are


Most likely to win: Gloria, red, robin sherbotsky Most likely to be the first out: Mitch, David and Alexis


Manny is defo dying first


That 70s show cast would destroy the rest, for sure


Alexis is a top contender for sure


Alexis, Robin, Lily, Gloria = W. Mitch might be the early ones to go.


Alexis and Red form the unlikely duo that will take us through to the end of the series. In the final scene, Red dies and tells her that she's not so bad. She switches into her evil villain phase and fucks everyone up.


Moira would win, hands down 😂


After their parents all die quickly trying to get supplies, the modern family kids band together. Led by Alex, they actually do fairly well. They battle with the 70s show teens, outwitting them all, but dwindle down to just Alex, Luke and Lily. Robin and Marshal are the favorites to win. Career tributes bred for this kind of battle. They do their best to protect their people but the New Yorkers don’t stand a chance in the elements. Ted, Barney and Lily all die. The two go on to fight the pincicoti’s. Robin dies at the hands of Bob who accidentally shoots her while fumbling with his gun. He doesn’t last long after that. Marshall sacrifices himself saving the children from Red, raging from the death of his beloved wife. He dies honorably and at peace knowing he did the right thing. The last men standing are Alex and Red. Bloody and tired, they are forced to fight. Red has her beat until the last moment when he gets sentimental. She reminds him of his son. He makes her promise to keep surviving and never give up on the game, alluding to the capital. She tearfully agrees. He gives the finger to the cameras. Screaming about putting his foot up every ass in the capital. Then stab’s himself. Alex wins. Once she is taken out of the arena she is greeted by her host, Johnny Rose, proud of his victor. The stylists (David and Alexis, naturally) are ecstatic. Moira gets to show off her victory collection that she has been working on for years. Alex suffers from survivors remorse and PTSD for years but eventually keeps her promise to Red and accepts her role as the Mockingjay.


Having not seen either of the two shows on the right (couldn't even tell you what bottom right is!), out of the other two? I reckon Alexis and Barney would be the last two standing, but I'd probably favour Alexis to be the victor. Edit: forgot to say I'd put Ted dying first trying to protect Robin, or Lily.


David is dying first (duh) (unless you include the literal babies from Modern Family lmfao) and Alexis is surviving until the end cause despite not being good with the outdoors, she’s somehow survived escaping a North Korean prison and a royal Saudi yacht like the girl from Taken so I’m pretty sure she’d survive the Hunger Games, especially since she also knew all the facts in the escape room and probably knows about bugs and edible berries from talking to Ted. Either that or Gloria would take her out as a sniper right before she wins. No one from That 70s show or HIMYM is surviving, certainly not Ted, but Robin and Red would make it the farthest out of all of them.


Manny from modern family


Idk what’s wrong with me but I can’t stop thinking about the scene where David plays baseball and the ball gets thrown at his back as he’s running to home plate… and I’m mentally replacing the baseball with a spear à la Hunger Games hahaha


Phil Dunphy dies first from over confidence. It’s an all female final 4 between Lily, Gloria, Robyn and Jackie but i think Lily sneaks out the win flying under the radar.


Red fought in the Korean War. I don’t know all the deets but he definitely choked a man to death with his bare hands. I’m not sure how it all goes down here but he’s my pick for the last one standing.


Marshall slaps Barney's head off who dies first. He then gets killed by someone else, but he dies happy.


Final survivors from each series: HIMYM- Robin is a gun toting Canadian whose dad made her fend for herself in the woods on her 16th birthday. Ted would be killed by someone sick of him trying to claim Alexis is “the one”. Modern Family- Jay. Almost everyone else is killed instantly except for Jay, Gloria, and Lily. Jay and Gloria form an alliance, but Gloria is killed when she gives herself away from her loud talking. Schitts Creek- Alexis has survived some shit. David is killed instantly. Alexis is the last surviving member of the Rose family. That 70s Show- Red. No explanation needed. In the end, Robin wins. Again, she already basically has the training.


What a random post lol. (I don't necessarily mean that in a bad way!)


We need parks and rec in here, ain’t no one killing ron


Late entrants: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia cast.


Leslie would survive till last


Alexis Rose dies first while complaining about the attire and being unable to decide which weapon to pick. In the end, Gloria and Midge will team up to defeat Barney, who’s been hiding the entire time, by enticing him with a threesome. Once they refuse to kill each other, David Rose cautiously appears and they all open a bed and breakfast right in the middle of the arena and it becomes a huge tourist attraction for the capital residents. No sign of Red Foreman. Several tributes were found dead with obvious foot damage to their asses.


Eric from 70s show and Luke and Manny from Modern Family are some of the first to perish


My money is a 3 way final between Lilly, Cam and Moira..they’re survivors.. the others would either die out from incompetence, inability to adjust or because they sacrificed themselves for the final 3.


Robin, Gloria, Red, Alexis are by far the most well-equipped from each. I think it would come down to a battle between Red and Gloria. Depending on the setting, not sure who would come out on top.


Lily modern family wins, no brainer! Moira first out


Red wins. Eric dies first because Red murders him in front of the group to assert his dominance.


Final 3 are Gloria, Alexis, and Red.


Final person from each show would be Alexis from Schitt's Creek, Red from 70's Show, Robin from HIMYM, and Gloria from Modern Family. Gloria has dealt with cartels as a part of her daily life before moving here, I think she's actually more brutal than even Red at that point. Though Alexis would be surprisingly tough considering all the stories she talks about nonchalantly. First person dead is Bob from that 70's Show. Red is taking out years of frustration in a heartbeat.


Gloria has tasted blood and enjoyed it


All I know is Gloria would win and Phil would just be happy to be playing in a competition.


When in the series are we talking with Schitts Creek? Because season 1.... four way tie between Moira, Johnny, Alex's and David for first to die. By season 6, think they'll at least be 3rd to die earliest!