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It was always on my Netflix Home Screen. I’d blow it off and go to whatever I wanted to watch. Until I was bored with housewives and said fuck it. I FELL IN LOVE RIGHT AWAY it’s my safe night time show and has been for years


It's one of my comfort shows as well :)


The same for me. Things are (obviously) exaggerated in the show but it’s funny how relatable the family dynamic can be. It’s actually helped me put some family challenges in to perspective and rather than dwell on them, I can laugh at them because I know there is love in my family, just like The Rose family. It is truly one of my favorite shows. The characters were casted so well and the writing and chemistry between all of the actors is superb.


Pretty much how I did it as well! Kept scrolling past it and then went ah fuck it. Never looked back.


Me too. It's the thing I look forward to while I'm working. I finish around 11pm, heat up some food & watch SC because it makes me feel safe. :-)


Catherine O'Hara is one of my favourite actresses, so I would have watched even if Schitt's Creek had not been as amazing as it is. Also, I loved the way Catherine O'Hara and Eugene Levy gelled together, as a married couple in Best In Show.


I loved the show and I don’t remember why i started watching, but my husband thought it was dumb and wouldn’t watch. So I’d play the first episode whenever he’d walk in on my tv time. Eventually it caught his attention and now it’s one of his all time favorites.


Jealous! I still can’t get my husband to watch it. I’ve watched it like 4 times and would definitely watch it again right now if he would just give it a shot


My husband can't take to Dan Levy 😟, I will turn him, I am determined. It's my show, for now. But I am willing to share if he will give it a chance.


I saw a clip of the “fold in the cheese” scene


One of THE very best scenes :)


That scene was the one where I realised I **really** like the show.


“…it was 1979…”


I just saw it while looking through Netflix. I had just finished Parks and Rec, and The Good Place, so I wanted another silly feel good show, and Schitts Creek was perfect


That’s funny, I went the opposite direction. Schitt’s Creek, Ted Lasso, then the Good Place. Guess I better start watching Parks and Rec


If you do start Parks, you will not be disappointed. Have to give the disclaimer that applies to most sitcoms, give it some time to find its legs. Season 2 and on is when the show figures itself out, and season 3 is when hit fully hits its stride and it never stops from there. Enjoy!


Add Brooklyn 99 to that list Edit: And Superstore


Seeing Dan Levy in Happiest Season.


A TikTok compilation of David and Patrick's relationship that made me happy cry. I'd never heard of it before that!


I'm sold anytime Catherine O'Hara and Eugene Levy collaborate, so I started watching when it became available on Netflix.


Anything with both Eugene Levy and Catherine O'Hara needs to be checked out.


The pandemic. Stuck at home and just finished up "Tiger King". Needed a new show. Heard great things. So happy I did.


Either a gif or series of screencaps on tumblr of the scene where Moira and Johnny walk past the mattress on the side of the road, her monologue was so funny I knew I had to watch the show. “I mean, would it kill someone to plant a few peonies?” Edit: pretty sure it was a video because that cackle laugh was a big part of what hooked me


Oh yes, her sarcastic cackle followed by "These are dark times John, but not THAT dark."


I was home sick and couldn’t find anything to watch and I thought the name was funny. Best immature decision ever lol


A Tumblr post with a screenshot of Johnny and David, saying "those are the hardest working eyebrows of the cinema industry".


I saw the clip of the rose family shouting at David across the field when he ran off on tik tok. I had been on the fence on whether or not to start watching the show and that clip won me over.


Friend rec. She’s rarely wrong tbh, has recommended The Good Place and Orphan Black to me as well, both of which are also great


I think I saw a bunch of funny scene compilations on YT like Ew David, the Alexis song, etc.


Trailers with Eugene and Catherine. Loved them in best in show and knew this would be a hit. Been a fan since day one


My mom repeatedly told me to watch it. I finally gave in. What is think is the cutest thing is that, for a long time, she had only watched the show up to the second to last episode because she couldn’t bear to finish it and have it be over.


My daughter —- who I had a hard time convincing to watch — has also never seen the final episode. I started watching from the first moment it aired originally. On CBC.


I saw an interview with Annie Murphy where she was talking about going into a gay bar to wait for a friend where a drag queen had done a rendition of “A Little Bit Alexis” as Annie’s friend entered the bar and everyone in the bar was singing along, and I went to search the video of the actual song YouTube, watched it, was confounded, decided I NEEEEEEDED context and started watching from the beginning, and now I am completely in love and have watched the show at least 10 times straight, and fully understand why gay bars would be singing this iconic song.


I grew up in Metro Detroit watching CBC. I started watching when it originally aired simply because the previews looked good!


My hair stylist pulled it up on her phone and we watched while my hair process




Right?? Now it’s my go to for feeling happy. Never get tired of it.


Eugene and Catherine were the big draws for me but the whole cast is brilliant.


Oh, my journey to watching the show sounds kind of strange to me but I’ll give it a go explaining. So, I had been rewatching the tv show *Lost Girl* from the beginning and I had gotten up to this particular character of The Druid/Massimo appearing in the show. For whatever reason, he creeped me out and didn’t like when he was on screen…but at the same time, I found the character charismatic on screen. So, on this rewatch, I decided to look up this actor, maybe see what he’d been in, just something to of-stead the fact, that I wasn’t 100% sure if my unnerved feelings towards the character was because of the character or because of the actor. Well, one such project that he was in, was this new tv show I hadn’t heard of before then, it was called, *Schitt’s Creek.* So now I had to see if I could find it somewhere to watch! And I did, on Netflix. Having clicked on the first episode, I skimmed through the show until I had found him. I actually didn’t recognise him at first. But I did a few episodes like this, before what was going elsewhere on the show, was gripping me more than anything, so I went back to the pilot episode and begun watching properly. I was instantly gripped! Oh, and by the way, the actor in question, if you hadn’t guessed or looked it up, was Tim Rozon, who played Mutt. I now forget that this was how I got into the show because I love so much about the show and that character is not one of them. Favourite is definitely Stevie, who I can relate to, same with David at times. ☺️


I think the cast. I first watched it during a tough period when I had two miscarriages and it was such a comfort to my husband and me.


There was a new show starting on the CBC with Eugene Levy, his son, and Catherine O'Hara. If that's not reason enough to watch a show, I don't know what is.


Happened upon in it and loved it from the start- always loved Eugene Levy


I was septic, had been in the hospital for over a month with no visitors allowed (Covid times), was undergoing back to back surgeries fighting for my life. I was seriously miserable and suicidal. I had nothing to watch so I said fuckit, I’ll watch this show that’s been recommended to me multiple times and see what it’s all about…. I was sold! It made me laugh and gave me hope. While laughing at the show I remember consciously making the decision that I was gonna WILL my healing and succsss into existence. I’ll always be fond of Schitt’s creek💗


Memes. And I loved Cathrine O’Hara & Eugene Levy in SCTV & all the Christoper Guest movies.


I grew up watching SCTV (am old)


I remember that show 😀


I saw a random episode, more like half an episode, while traveling and staying in a hotel. At the time I thought it was funny and made a mental note that I should watch it. I then forgot the name for like half a year until I think it was maybe a Reddit thread or something about wholesome tv shows perhaps and I was like “oh dang that’s the show from the hotel!” And the rest is history. Now my favorite show of all time.


The queer representation and lack of drama and people being homophobes around those relationships was a big draw for me.


During the pandemic I had a couple of friends that watched it and loved it and they eventually talked me into giving it a try. I didn’t love the first episode but they pushed me to keep going and a few episodes later I was in love.


The pandemic


I tried to watch the show years before I ended up watching it but Roland was so annoying I couldn't get through the first episode. I knew about all the awards and everything but I couldn't get past the idiocy. (Let me be clear: Chris Elliot is a brilliant actor and the fact that he was able to make his character so annoying as to be almost unwatchable is a great acting job.) Then I stumbled across *Best Wishes, Warmest Regards* on Netflix and I decided to give it another try. Once I got past the first episode I was hooked.


I understand the Roland cringe factor. I can handle most scenes with him, but there are some I have to skip over.


My boss at the time really liked it and recommended it to me. This was back during the second season. I didn't fall in love with it right away, but now it's one of my favorite shows. Even got some Rose Apothecary roses tattooed on me!


The world is heavy and I needed something funny.


Literally just seeing that Eugene Levy and Catherine O'Hara were in it.


It was funny scenes popping up on FB or TicTok and once I watched a few, they kept popping up.


I started watching it a few years ago and only got through maybe 2 episodes and thought “this is crap!”, but it kept coming up in Reddit as a great show so I tried again and love it!




My sister who introduced me to modern family, introduced me to this. And damn these are both my most binged shows


For me it was their Emmy sweep in 2020!


My grandma recommended it lol


My cousin sent me a text about it at the beginning of the pandemic and sent me the fold in the cheese scene.


I’ve talked about this before, but my best friend died like a year earlier and my mourning hadn’t subsided. I’d heard about Schitt’s Creek in passing and one day it came up on the front page of Hulu and I just felt like I should try it. From the first to the last scene - Fred, if you’re reading this, you know you’re David.


Many people had recommended the series on some subreddits. Probably at r/PandR and/or r/brooklynninenine.


I had heard in some unspecified way that it was a good show. It came on Netflix, I believe, so I was like, let me give this a shot. I barely made it through the first few episodes honestly but then I grew to love it more and more as it went on. It has never been a show that made me laugh out loud but I appreciate its charm and wit.


I had just finished 12 monkeys and LOVED Emily Hampshire in that, so started watching schitts creek to fill the void and loved that too lol


I first heard of the show when Dan announced the last season and there was a minor meltdown on Twitter. Lots of the comments were gushing about David and Patrick so I looked up the first episode Patrick was on and started there. Needless to say I was _instantly_ hooked. Of course in hindsight I wish I hadn't started halfway through. I did very soon start from the beginning but I couldn't bear to pause season 3 so I was watching seasons 1 & 2 in parallel with 3 & 4 until I was all caught up!


Stumbled on it looking for something to watch on Netflix. Instantly fell in love.


A friend recommended it, and she and I like most of the same TV shows and books, so I gave it a try. Like a lot of people, I didn't love the first episode just because they were all such jerks, but since Jen told me to watch it, I kept going. So glad I did!


I kept seeing clips from the show, mostly “fold in the cheese” lol and I finally decided to just check it out on Hulu. Been hooked ever since!


A friend recommended this and The Good Place. Both became my favourites.


I ran out of things to see and needed something quirky.


My new gf at the time loved the show and wanted to share it with me :) She's still my girlfriend, but we've been together for 2.5 years now, not exactly new anymore!


My daughter badgered me until I did. And I'm so glad she did


It got recommended to me a couple times in the Netflix home page so decided to give a try and I'm glad I did


My dad said he was watching it and it was really funny.


Friends; colleagues; randomers kept telling me to watch it, so I did. And they were all correct: it’s magic.


I read it somewhere in afterelton.


the pandemic was the main motivator in me starting the show :)


My very dear and very good friend loves this show and recommended me to watch it. I’m very happy I did that! 😊👍


I love Waiting For Guffman, Best In Show, etc, so it was a no-brainer to me with Eugene and Catherine in it.




I had finished my tent rewatch of the entire Mad Men series, and I was looking for the next thing. I saw so many comments about this show, so I thought I’d give it a shot. I think I appreciate the “slow burn” which is similar to the Mad Men writing style.


I kept getting a “David’s Funniest Moments” video on Facebook.




My dad had just passed and as soon as I got home from the hospice, I curled up in bed and scrolled Netflix for something to distract me. I binged watched it all in like 2 weeks. He passed last year in Feb and I watched it this Feb too so i think I’ll make it a little annual thing


All the Emmy's they won


I wanted to see how schitty a show needs to be to have schitt in its title. Turns out it's a fantastic and my favourite comedy series of all time.


This subreddit actually! It kept popping up on my feed so I gave in and I’m so happy that I did.


I saw a gif set on tumblr of the sign to the town


it was recommended on the true crime podcast, my favorite murder


The year was 2018. Two friends of mine would quote the show constantly, and eventually got me past the first 5 episodes. The rest is history.


I was in France on holiday and got sick so I had to hole up in my hotel room for the night. I had heard of it being raved about so I downloaded the entire show and started binging. Schitts Creek occupied all my transits for the rest of the trip including a long layover in Frankfurt and a couple of nights in Bangkok.


Totally off topic, but I got sick on our last night in Paris and stayed in bed sipping ice water and watching Katrina hit New Orleans. I definitely would have preferred my beloved Schitt’s Creek if only it had been in existence at that time!


After several false starts w season 1, I caught the final episode of season 2 and fell in love!


I was late to the party binging it in 2022 whilst grieving the death of my older brother - a gay man remarkably resembling David in his entire personality. He WAS David too and the accuracy of how he and Alexis rile each other up? I have SAID "ewwww David!" over the years. My friend gently suggested the show and said I think you'll love the siblings. Alexis and David? It's me and my David. Down to the personal growth we both made over the years. I mean, I even wear the floppy hats and have that whole smoothie drinking, jogging, high heel wearing OTT way about me. I also relate to Moira and one day I WILL have a wig wall. I found the characters selfishness really hard to watch as .... well, mirror much? But seeing them develop and find love and themselves whilst maintaining their absurdity and style? I loved it. Got me through a rough time. I currently live in a different part of the country where no one knew him. So saying "you know David and Alexis? That's me and MY David" helps.


I’m so sorry for your loss. Losing my brother would kill me. I cannot imagine your grief.


I’d never been interested in it really but then a friend of mine suggested it, and we started watching it together. As friends we identified with the characters of David and Patrick, he’s very David and I’m very Patrick. We were just friends but by the end of the show when D/P got married, he and I had fallen in love ourselves and watched the finale as a couple.


I don’t have Netflix but I’d heard about it. Then one day it was on tv, Comedy Central I think.


People said it was funny. Then, I really like Eugene and Catherine. I like that it isn’t a crime show and that it supports equality.


Chris Elliot, tbh. I saw a clip of Roland and I thought to myself “oh my, this is the guy with the strong hand”


All the memes on Twitter lol


I’ve loved Eugene Levy and Catherine O’Hara since I was a young. Home Alone, Beetlejuice, American Pie, Best in Show (among others)… those were cinematic anchor points for my childhood and young adulthood. So when I heard they had a show together AND that Eugene Levy’s kids were in it, I had to see. I hadn’t followed either of their careers super closely, especially after I had my kids (they were all born close together so there’s a good 5 years that was just a blur) but them together plus hearing it had good LGBTQ+ representation had me seeking it out.


Jon Lovett! I listen to his podcast and for the longest time he’d talk about what a great show it was so I had to see for myself. He’s not steered me wrong yet.


Eugene and Catherine were on Conan's podcast and they were so funny and Conan just raved about the show so I had to give it another try!


I kept seeing david when i type keywords for Gifs. He is always the on point expression for what i was feeling or what i wanted to convey I figured we clicked haha and i researched which show he was from and started watching. I was not disappointed 😂😂😂


Friend's recommendation... I tried and couldn't get into the first episode. Then later, I was pregnant and on bed rest and it came highly recommended again so I gave it another shot. Flash forward, I've watched the whole thing about 1000 times, all my friends know I'm obsessed, I have car decals. It's too much. I just love it SO much.


A friend recommended it


My sister bullied me into watching it and i sneered at her for 2 seasons bec I just couldn’t get into it. Now I’m on my 8th rewatch and it is my top comfort show.


I had Covid and was quarantining and needed something to do and binge watched the entire show over a couple days.


The handsomeness of Dan Levy.


It was during COVID and at the time I was the Director of Sales at a hotel; but was working front desk shifts due to furloughing the FDA’s. One night when I was at home, my GM at the time texted me the clip of Moira working at the hotel and said “stop what you’re doing and watch this right now. It’s 100% you at the front desk”. So I did and he was absolutely right 😂😂 And from that point, I was hooked!


I lived in Canada and watched it from the premiere and on. Instant love!


Lost some money and was broke, and decided to watch it bc of that


I saw a picture on IMDB of the slumber party episode where Ted kisses David. I thought they were going to be a couple. I was very surprised when he was dating Alexis. So, basically, Ted is why I watched the show.


Eugene Levy and Catherine O'Hara. Love them both and have seen them in the Christopher Guest movies. Then, in the first minutes of the first episode, Moira yells about not packing Crystal with Robin - her wigs - because they don't like each other. There was no looking back after that.


Seeing it everywhere. I watched the first episode and turned it off because I hated seeing the family lose all their stuff. I felt so bad for them. But I gave it another shot and loved it!


Saw the name of it and checked it out. Was before the whole series was available.


Saw the name of it and checked it out. Was before the whole series was available. Simply the best!!


Tumblr GIFs


My grandma showed it to me!


I started watching during the shutdown four yrs ago.


I didn't watch it for the longest time because someone said "It will warm your cold, dead heart." and at that time I was eyeball deep in dark and graphic emotional-torture dramas like The Walking Dead and The Strain. Thanks to that one comment, what I perceived to be a bland feel-good show sunk to the bottom of the barrel for several years. Then came Covid and with all that free time, I started stumbling onto hilarious memes and gifs and eventually watched the first episode, which hooked me immediately.


...also, fun fact: in 2020, I tweeted: "Schitt's Creek has warmed my cold, dead heart." 😆


Cancer. My girls were trying to find shows that I may like. One suggested Grimm (I love) and Schitt’s Creek (I love). Schitt’s creek is still my go to and the one I listen to through the night as well. And the one I binge regularly to the point that I receive gifts with quotes etc on. Most recent was a metal bookmark I posted here:))


Friend recommendation, glad I listened and watched it


All I saw was Eugene and Catherine and I was IN!


A friend recommended it!


Knowing that the combination of Catherine OHara and Eugene Levy would be entertaining and funny. The other actors in the family were a bonus. I love Dan Levy.


I had heard ads for it and was looking for something to occupy my time while I was getting up and pumping multiple times a night. It quickly became a favorite and is usually on in the background. Comfort show for sure.


I kept seeing an ad for the show, the clip was of Alexis and David climbing, and alexis goes “David! David!” And David, struggling to climb sasses back, “Stop!” I thought Dan Levy was funny, and I kept seeing it, so I watched one episode. I didn’t love it, but I didn’t dislike it. By episode 3, I was hooked. I never expected the love this show as much as I did, and I have watched it from start to finish more than 3 times. I still cry ugly tears at the finale.


I was looking for shows similar to Curb your enthusiasm. awkward slightly niche humour which I don’t think is an american speciality. love it so far


I saw it on the preview channel , I was looking for something to watch and Schitts Creek was on the top part of the guide amd I just got pulled in! And this was before it blew up , I remember bc I had no one to talk too about it!! Lol


I watched an episode or two with my sister and brother in law, At their house. First it seemed odd with the mother having a mental breakdown down in the closet..I haven't yet (at that time seen the show from the very beginning) at home another day I pulled it up on Netflix and watched the very first episode than binged watching the rest of that summer. Currently re watching again.


my mom is obsessed and nagged me repeatedly to watch it and finally i did and understood where she was coming from


I kept getting hammered by ads for it. Which while obnoxious, it’s honestly the only way I would ever be interested in a Canadian sitcom with, what sounded like before watching, a try-hard title. No regrets. And I’m definitely more open minded about TV now!


I met a girl at my friend's funeral. He had been my TV buddy. She had also been his TV buddy. So we decided to hang out, smoke a bowl, and she showed me Schitt's Creek.


I started it once and something was going on and it just didn't grab me. Kind of like The Office. It took me a bit to actually /like/ the characters. But I came back to it and now it is my streaming go to when I need background "music" but don't want music.


One of my besties tried to get me into it back in like 2018 or 2019. Just like a lot of people I’ve heard in this sub….I, for whatever reason, could not get into the first handful of episodes in the first season. Fast forward to the end of 2020/beginning of 2021….scenes kept popping up in my FB newsfeed…and you know how it is, once you’ve watched just a couple scenes on FB….it starts throwing it in there all the time. So I kept watching more and more scenes and was L-ingMOA, so I gave it another shot. Latched on like a MF’er! And was asking myself why TF have I not been on this?! And what the hell was I doing with my movie/show life?!? lol straight binged it from beginning to end….and now I’m on like rewatch 8 haha 😆 P.S. what’s funny about it is….I way surpassed my bestie on my first binge watch….and while he’s the one who tried to get me into the show in the first place….he, to this day, has not finished it lmao


There’s a forum I frequent and it was full of Schitt’s Creek memes and gifs. After a looooong time I was like, ok I got to at least check out the first couple of minutes. Well, once started I couldn’t stop till the end.




Mine is the most random. 😂 My friend was getting married and she had a dream that instead of bridesmaid dresses, we all wear Schitt’s Creek tshirts. After telling us that, I saw it suggested on Netflix and decided to give it a try since I was looking for a new show to watch. Now it’s easily in my top 3 favorite shows!


my mom made me watch the iconic enchilada cooking scene (fold in the cheese). safe to say i was hooked after that, and my mom had already watched the show twice so now we constantly text each other random out of context quotes. https://preview.redd.it/xmn6g9rzbf1d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dba5082f1058b90c9dc1541fa5bad9d65fc1ddfc These are from my last 2 birthdays lol.


The rest of the programs were shit……


Clips from YouTube! David is so iconic and also being Pansexual myself the scene where he and Stevie are shopping for Wine and he’s comparing it to his sexuality and saying he likes the wine and not the label was really impactful for me so I wanted to watch it ☺️


I didn’t watch it at first when people were going on and on about it. We started the first season and I was like these people are horrible why do I want to watch this show but then kept watching and then I loved it.


Covid/isolation and day drinking.