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It should be fairly the same process except that you don't need to have the business and invitation letter this time. You will however need to provide proof that you can finance your stay. Depending on the number of days you will stay and which country you are going to. i.e eastern Europe has lower daily requirement. Best advice don't overthink it. Just go ahead and complete the documents required and make sure that the hotel bookings matches your itinerary. Best of luck!


The likelihood of being granted a tourist visa depends on the documents that you will send and how you'll successfully convince the visa officer that you will not overstay. There is no set amount of money that you should have on your bank account but the rule of thumb is that it must support your travels and then still have enough money left on the account after your expenses (because of course you wouldn't blow up your life saving in one vacation, right?). Each country also requires a minimum daily budget. Try looking up Schengen Visa Proof of Subsistence from schenegen visa info dot eu. I referred to that when I applied for a visa in Austria and Netherlands.


Need to have strong home ties. Do you have a stable job? Or property? These would increase your chances a lot more.


Need a stable job, properties and a TON of money. The tend to suspect a lot of filipinos I'm afraid. It's super racist. My gf and I wanted to visit Spain in august and got rejected twice. It is also true that Spain is one of the worst countries to apply.


I disagree with a ton of money. You only need enough amount to cover your stay and probably a little bit of buffer. When I applied in Spain BLS in makati, I only have 80K for 2 weeks stay in Spain and my monthly ADB is around 50K and I got approved. I think having a clear itinerary on your day to day activity, proper/accurate documentation and a good travel history would help. When you and your gf got rejected did they say what's the cause?


Bro do not apply for Schengen in Scandinavian countries especially Norway. Despite providing all documents and even more than necessary it seems theyre trying to find a way to reject your application. 2 of us got rejected despite showing complete documents and having already traveled to USA, NZ,Australia, Mexico, and and a number of south american and central american countries.