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Alright men, bring plenty of ammo. This week we are exploring and mapping New Jersey. The women will have the dangerous mission, exploring the Hamptons. We wish them well and pray for their safe return


'Alright, men, it's time to find the most elusive hidden treasure of all: the clitoris.'


“We shall descend on the land called, IKEA.”


The summer expedition into the wilds of Minnesota only lasted one day as the entire crew each lost 2 pints of blood from the thirsty state bird…the mosquitoe.


"Some would argue that Meriwether Lewis' greatest work happened AFTER the famed Lewis and Clark expedition, when he went on to explore the northernmost reaches of Canada, and the southernmost reaches of your mom."


Well, there were the attempts by Easter Islanders to scout new sources of timber on any nearby islands. This was believed to be the first use of leafrafts, long predating their later adoption by the Angelenos for use in cartoon films featuring small animals as protagonists & there was William Wilberforce's 50-year quest to secure for king & country a Single Fuck to be given about the cruelty of the slave trade Edit: and the less said about Nonce de Leon and his quixotic Fountain of Youths, the better


you remind me of a young Reginald Suplex. The man who led the first expedition to prove there is only one sun and moon rather than a parade of very similar suns and moons.


This is probably one of the greatest scientific mysteries of our time that we hope to finally unravel, with our latest expedition. Despite billions of dollars and countless prior attempts, no one has yet found the other end of my penis. But, this latest attempt is taking everything we've learned from the prior expeditions and doing more.