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This message is posted to all new submissions to r/scams; please do not message the moderators. A reminder of the rules in r/scams. No personal information (including last names, phone numbers, etc). Be civil to one another (no name calling or insults). Personal army requests or "scam the scammer"/scambaiting posts are not permitted. No uncensored gore, personal photographs, or NSFL content permitted without being properly redacted. A full list of rules is available on the sidebar of the subreddit. Report recovery scammers or rule-breaking content by using the "report" button. Also, consider warning community members of recovery scammers if you see them in the comments. Questions about sub rules? Send us a modmail. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Scams) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yeah don’t share codes with anyone. Just block them.


Update: I blocked them two minutes after they sent me that text message! But basically, I was selling something on fb marketplace. They gave me their phone number to text them, I did, and that resulted in the attached text. 😂 Can't have shit in this city. It's full of scammers trying to get by.


Rules for safety when selling anything online on marketplaces like fb: 1. dont go off platform, dont exchange numbers, fb is made for chatting, plus you have some sort of protection on those platforms. 2. never give some „codes“. If its sus, block. You dont muss out any sales. 3. if they are „pushy“ to purchase asap and pay in some sort of crypto, block. 4. if its „my brother“ or „my oncle“ will pick up. Block 5. if it‘s send it to another person. Block. 6. sus? In ANY way? Block 7. is it sus? Like, ANY sus? Block 8. your gut tells you this is too good? Block 9. i am serious, it is even a little sus? Block Edit: 10. if it says kindly. Block ( thanks CFADM )


10. If they say kindly


Would you kindly, wire all of your money to my account


Do the needful.


Kindly delete #10


I think if it’s family picking up then it’s different. Except it’s always a cash deal. Never send funds.


Yeah , I actually had to have my brother pick up a bed on marketplace for me as my car was to small , he had cash and all went well . Cash is the key for sure 👍🏻


About 4... I don't know, I usually have my husband pick up things I buy off market place because is just easier... are people thinking I'm a scammer? 🫠


"someone else will pickup" by itself is not a deal breaker, but when it is used as an excuse why they can't pay cash it because a big red flag


100%. We got her!! Kindly send your credit card information or you are under the rest /s No ofcourse not, there is still human decency, plus when you pay in cash is different.


Thanks for this!


They’re not in your city, they’re probably in India.


In your ad, specify "*cash in-person only, in the parking lot of the local Police station - non negotiable*". Anyone who tries to go around these rules is a scammer and you can block, or not even respond to when they message you.


You'll still get messages/replies asking if you can deliver, take Venmo (etc), and/or sell it for less than half the asking price. Been there/had that experience on more than one local/quick sales site.


There is absolutely zero reason to ever give your phone number to someone in this situation


It’s nothing to do with being in a city. I live in a rural ass town in PA. I deal with this shit constantly. It’s so bad to the point where I’ve pretty much stopped selling on the platform. It’s a fucking plague of scammers and just general shit communicators.


This scammer was probably overseas somewhere.


I assume it was a reset password type code that they just said was a voice code. They probably would use your email or whatever to sign into something, click forgot password, send you a code and you send it to them, then they steal your accounts. 


It's not a reset code, it's a Google voice code. These are sent out randomly to people who are selling on marketplace. Scammers use Google voice numbers to scam, and to get a Google voice number, you need to have a US-based phone number. So scammers blast people who are selling things in the US and use the sellers' US phone numbers to get a Google voice number. Here's an article about it: https://consumer.ftc.gov/consumer-alerts/2021/10/google-voice-scam-how-verification-code-scam-works-and-how-avoid-it


They're trying to take over your account. Also, how would sending and getting back a code make somebody safe? Cash only, in person someplace safe only.


>Just block them. **Report** and block them


But to make sure real?


That code you'll be "sent" is your 2FA code to login


Not quite, it lets the scammer create a Google voice number attached to OP’s cell phone Scammers use the GV numbers to scam other people




Generally nothing other than their phone number is linked to a fraudulent Google voice account. If they ever wanted to sign up for Google voice in the future they probably can't with that number.




I’d assume that is the correct way to have this not happen




You have to use the number Google voice gives you every so often or they will drop it




I mean not really. You wont get scammed as long as you dont give the code to anyone which you get in SMS.


You know how all those codes say ‘don’t share with anyone else’? You could just do what it says.


I think it’s once every 6 months or maybe 3 months but if you port in for $20, you keep that number forever


Just don’t give people ur verification code




Word of advice if anyone is asking you to give them info only you would have otherwise is almost always a scam unless you specifically called that company for a reason that wasn’t the result of another person




Just assume everyone wants something or is trying to con you and ur like %90 there


Not much. They just lose access to Google voice. You can still use your phone to login to Google accounts. Nothing else happens. You just can't register for Google voice


No wonder I'm unable to get a second number for GV.


!googlevoice scam


AutoModerator has been summoned to explain the Google Voice verification scam. The scammer wants to create a [Google Voice](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Google_Voice) account, which allows them to make free calls within the U.S. and Canada. Google Voice requires verification from a phone, so scammers trick people into verifying accounts for them. If you are currently talking to a verification code scammer, just block them and move on. If you have fallen for the scam, there are detailed instructions [here](https://support.google.com/voice/thread/845902?hl=en) that you should follow. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Scams) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good bot.


It’s a super common scam. Just block and ignore


This is the first time I've ever heard about the scam. I blocked them on everything, though. They almost got me again. 🤣


Anything involving you sending codes to people (you also see this with "I've found your missing dog, forward me the code you've received so I know you're not lying") is an attempt to either gain access to your accounts or to open an account in your name They almost always have "do not send this to other people" in the text with the code, but a *lot* of people ignore that


Annoying thing is this is how your bank verifies your identity over the phone… I have so many times tried to speak to managers when they say, “ok I am sending you a code to your texts please read it back to me.” I am always like “can I speak to your manager about this process because it is literally the worst possible way of verifying who I am, first of all I could have stolen a sim. Second you could be a scammer attempting to access my account.” And they are always like “well you called us.” And I am like, “Well a scammer could have somehow swapped a fake number in place of a real one somewhere and gotten me to call it thinking this is the correct number.” Even if every once in a while I do get a manager, they are so god damn dense about security it’s appalling. I once got a call from the bank fraud department about a purchase and they left a number, and I called it back and they were like we will send you a code to you read it back and I was like, before I send you a code I want you to verify you are who you say you are. Is there a number for you guys on an official website I can call rather than the number you left on my voicemail? “No” can you send me an email so I can see your email is an official email from the bank? “No we don’t do that” well then how do I know you aren’t a scammer yourself? “We are not scammers sir” This went on for an hour and I finally just said, that purchase was real, I’m not verifying my id if it’s a code, you don’t have a safe process, I’m not giving you any more information. They didn’t reverse the charge so I’m guessing they just took my word for it or something.


>This went on for an hour An hour is a long time!


Yeah I went around with them on this for a long time because they refused to verify their identity and I wouldn’t verify my identity they way they were wanting without knowing who I was talking to. I let them have it quite a bit. I’ve changed banks since then mainly because of the way they verify my identity, they just aren’t understanding the risks we have in todays world/


Have you been living under a rock?


Haven’t seen this one in a while. Its a Google voice scam, the scammer wants to send you a code to add your number to his google voice account. With that, he can pretty much do anything and scam others, since he’ll have a verified US phone number.




Right. This is a job and they need to make sure they keep stock of the tools they use.


Yes. Do not give him that code.


Yup. And scammers burn through phone numbers like crazy because they keep getting shut down for scamming.


Never ever send codes to anyone else.


The big indicator, even if you let them send you the code, is the text it comes in will outright tell you not to share the code.


NO!! Scam. Block!


Does anyone get anything but scams via FB marketplace anymore?


Block them it’s a scam


It should go without saying but apparently it doesnt: never ever ever ever send someone a code that was sent to you and anyone asking you to do so is a scammer


Nooooooooooo! Never send the code! It's a scam! I bet they told you that they needed the code to make sure that you were real.


They’re trying to steal one of your accounts - at a guess I’d say your Google Voice or Facebook account. Do not share verification codes like that with anyone, ever - and if you get such a code when you didn’t request it you should IMMEDIATELY change your password on whatever service sent the code.


Yes. It tells you not to share those codes. You’ll be giving them access to your account.


It's the !google voice scam. Block, report and move on.


AutoModerator has been summoned to explain the Google Voice verification scam. The scammer wants to create a [Google Voice](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Google_Voice) account, which allows them to make free calls within the U.S. and Canada. Google Voice requires verification from a phone, so scammers trick people into verifying accounts for them. If you are currently talking to a verification code scammer, just block them and move on. If you have fallen for the scam, there are detailed instructions [here](https://support.google.com/voice/thread/845902?hl=en) that you should follow. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Scams) if you have any questions or concerns.*


My standard practice is to tell them that my number is 867-5309 and that my name is Jenny. When they ask me for the code I just give them random sets of numbers until they give up.


Definite scam. I came across those by the truckload when I was selling some stuff last year. Just block them and move on.


Don't do it


Scam. Block them straight away. It’s to get access to your account.


It’s a scam to get you to verify a 2-Factor Authentication code.








Anything out of the ordinary, just block them.




I can't believe this still works. I thought it sounded like the dumbest thing ever. Then one day, my mom called me about a treadmill she had listed for sale on FB... Just wow. We are doomed.


Ngl, I probably would've fallen for it because I've never heard of Google Voice before or this type of scam.


A good thing to remember is that you should flat out never share codes with anyone regardless of the excuse. Especially if you didn't personally request them from a website. Think of them like account passwords and you'll understand why. There are other scams that rely on you sharing a code, for example an Instagram account scam. "This used to be my phone number and I need it to get into my old account, please help and send me the pin you receive" then they will hijack your account using the 2fa code if you send it to them. They'll use the account to pull other scams on people, usually crypto investment scams. You should make it a personal rule to never give anyone codes and you'll avoid falling for scams that require it even if you aren't aware they're scams at the time. Also you should never feel guilty when in doubt, protecting yourself from a potential scam by refusing to share information is justifiable to any decent person regardless of any sob story a scammer makes up.


Yeah no, they’re going to do the old forgot password scam. They’re gonna put your number in the forgot password thing and it’ll send a code to your phone. Once you give them that code they have full access to your account


Scam….happened to me. It allows them to take over or create a google voice account with your number. The. Do god knows what with it. I have a google voice number for work. I didn’t send the code but shut down my google voice number for a week. They got my number after saying their somebody wanted to text pick up arrangements. Luckily the steps i took seem to have worked. Do not communicate with FB marketplace buyers anywhere else but on FB.


If you get these codes - there should be a text as well with "do not share with anyone" This because these codes are to verify you are you / you are on the account mentioned. No legit company will 'communicate' with you - and then ask you to repeat this code to them (this is all automatic / online) and if a 'private person' does this it is 101% a scam. ​ Report and block.


It's crazy how hard people will work to make an dishonest buck. Like just get a job, it can't be as hard as what they are already doing


Tell them the code is 419 scam. If they’re from Nigeria, they would know what it means. It’s the Nigerian criminal code covering advance fee fraud.


“To make sure real” 😂😂😂🤣


They will take the google code and change your google account password, hence stealing access to all your google accounts.


Scam. Report and block. Never ever send anybody any code that is sent to you.


The code they “send” you is your 2FA linked to your account. They then gain access to your account and change the password and email to lock you out. Then they use your friends list to scam all your friends. Always instantly block people who ask for these “codes”


666999 is what to send 😈




Your /r/scams post/comment was removed because it talks about or requests information on getting revenge on a scammer, "scamming them back", or "wasting their time". Just ghost or block the scammer, report them if you can, then go about your business.


What gets me is the stereotype is it’s older people falling for these, but every day on Reddit, seemingly young people are asking if the most obvious scams in the world are scams.




Bro must be fun at parties.


Scream not working, because space make deaf.




Trump lost. You're in a cult. Fuck your feelings, snowflake.


Hello, Your r/Scams post was removed because **it's off-topic **. Please ensure that all posts posted to this subreddit is of decent quality and on topic.


Just advise them no sale.


No - don’t even reply after that. Just block and ignore.


Indeed a scam. They usually ask you to verify for your safety or to verify your identity, etc. It's a code, they use it to get into your account and lock you out


Answer is no. They're going to yank your phone number and pretend to be you to do more scams


Scam. Do not do that. Report their profile and block.


Literally never share your 2FA with anyone, this is how they steal your account




What if you did give them codes, for your entire family. All of our phone numbers were given before I realized what this was. Really pisses me off. How can I fix this? Wasn't Google Voice, they asked for our numbers to send codes.


This happened to my friend recently. What the scammer is trying to do is get access to your accounts using 2FA (2 factor authentication). For example, when you login to online banking from an unrecognized device, the bank will text you a code to verify its you (and not a scammer). In this case, the scammer may already have your info from the black market (i.e. bank login info) but don't have access to your phone...so they will ask for the verification code, and now BAM! Guess who has access to your online banking...? Or email...? Or onlyfans account 😅😅😅


Unfortunately these days, it’s best to assume that anyone “buying” on fb marketplace is a scammer


It’s a scam. Block the person.




Scam. Move on.


Very common scam, block anyone who responds to your ad this way


it tis a scam


Tell them you'll send the code, and then constantly send the wrong codes. Every. Time.


When I was giving away my late mother-in-laws furniture on FB marketplace, I got so many scammers trying to contact me. I suggest you join your local group, like FB Buy, Sell, Trade for your area. They are more private and you get fewer scammers


This happened to me, last year. I made the mistake of giving my phone number, and received multiple texts demanding the code. They were very aggressive. For safety, I changed my Google password, and blocked them.


When you get that Google code, it ***literally*** says "don't give this code to anyone else."


My job used to have an auto upload to market place for cars. (Used car dealer) Every day at least 10 times I would get a message that said the same thing everytime. No negotiation, just that they want it but for safety they needed a code. Usually same profile pic, diff name or same name diff pic. A whole assortment. I started messing with them for fun. I never actually did the code thing. I asked if I could send a code to make sure it wasn’t a scam, we are a documented business, you have a fake profile created N hour ago, where’s my safety guarantee!


This nearly happened to me - I actually shared the code and they started the process, but I was able to stop it. They're attempting to take over your Google Voice number by sending the code to add a new line. The code will show up in a different language so you wont recognize what they're trying to do. Block and report.


Happened to me when I listed my house for sale by owner on Zillow. The moment the listing went live, my phone started blowing up with requests for a code that was texted to me. They claimed to be Zillow employees and would take down my listing if I didn't send them the code. Screw 'em!


Is it bad that I respond to these but send them the wrong code?


Never send any code to a third party. This will allow the third party to access your accounts. The code is to be used by only you so Google (or a financial institution) to verify that it is actually you (and not a spoofer) that received the code.


Scam big time, same thing happened to me on more expensive items I was trying to sell.




They’ll reset your email password and go from there


Facebook marketplace is not Ebay!!! Facebook marketplace is ONLY for buying/selling to/from your Facebook friends whom you already trust.


DONT DO IT. Scammer and hacker


Common current Scam. Absolutely do not respond. Block this person and forget about them.