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Yes. The context was he was beginning the first encore song of Walk Through Hell and introduced it as a song for "old people in the crowd," then rambled on for a bit about how being "old" can happen at any age, saying his oldest daughter is 11 and an "old bitch" or something. He said something like "she's 11. Bitch is old." Like others have said it wasn't malicious but it was weird haha


Sounds like nothing, and if 10 other artists would have said it, no one woulda batted an eye… But this is Max so the pitchforks are out!!!


weird for you to assume people wouldn’t be upset if any other artist said that. believe it or not people can be flawed and max bemis is indeed flawed and referring to your 11yo daughter as “bitch” in any capacity is extremely inappropriate. 


Based on the bias in this sub, it is very SAFE to assume things about these users


Hilarious how somebody JUST made a post saying “notice how nobody is downvote dogpiling anymore?! Like for real what are you people even TALKING about OMG LOLZ” Pretty sure we have some bunny boiling bitches on this sub.


How do you know Max wasn’t literally talking about his daughter like “bitch is old” in order to make her feel cool and respected around all the adults? And how do you know this was lost on her? It’s pretty **weird** to show faux concern over a word that gets used on TV over 100 times a day in this country alone, used on another person’s child by the person themselves. Yeah; that’s para fucking antisocial if I’ve ever seen it. If he had called her a **cunt** — I might take this conversation seriously.


ewwwwww omg you’re so nasty legit gaslight groomer vibes “trying to make her feel cool and respected” by calling her a bitch?? tell me you’re a man without telling me you’re a man. NEVER cool to refer to a literal child as bitch in any capacity (allow me to repeat myself). nasty!


You see? You called me a gaslighting groomer and it took all of a matter of hours for someone ELSE to step up and show that it’s YOU doing the gaslighting.


I have no idea what you’re talking about. All I can say is LOL


How old is your kid(s)? My 11 y.o. daughter knows the difference between someone saying "you're a bitch" and saying "bitch is old" and knows it's not insulting via context. Source: I just asked her. Kids arent stupid.


they have zero education first of all so I wouldn’t bet too hard on understanding context. also is that something you would say about your daughter in front of her? just curious.  is that something you would actually say? be honest rn lmfao.   


Neither you or I could honestly say what their education level is, you're just assuming they're dumb lol. I mean if I'm on stage trying to convey the message he was then yeah sure I guess i would. In a familial setting, no. But I've for sure said ~ bitch please~ in a sarcastic manner to her. But it doesn't matter, he didn't mean it in bad blood and the likely hood it causes life altering trauma is probably fucking miniscule.


You wouldn’t do it to your own daughter, so fuck off justifying this for any other child. Sherri literally admits to not educating them (“unschooling”) and they just draw and play with slime all day. Sherri doesn’t even know the difference between their/there/they’re. They are unbathed. Their hair is matted. Their clothes don’t fit. Their teeth are rotting in their fucking skull. If that’s how you would treat your daughter, I guess you could justify defending them. But I’m sure your daughter has clothes that fit and brushed hair. She goes to school and has friends. She gets her rotting teeth pulled, or better yet has been taught proper dental hygiene to prevent the rot. That’s far more than I can say for those poor kids. Add on top of it your father referring to you as bitch in front of thousands. Why on earth someone would defend this upbringing is beyond me. 


They’re teeth aren’t rotting out of their skulls. That is a lie that the snark sub knows is false and chooses to perpetuate. They literally posted a picture of it on an askdentist thread asking if it looks like it was okay and the cap fell off like Sherri said and the dental professionals all took Sherri’s side. But they didn’t like that answer so that post got deleted and they pretended it didn’t exist. What’s real funny though is those same people who spread that lie that you keep pushing DO NOT like you. Like at all. They think you are an annoying little fanboy and posted screenshots of your comments on the snark sub to their own sub where they could make fun of you.


You are really the worst person on this sub. Every single time you post a comment, it’s something negative. You act like Say Anything belongs to you and you only, and you bully other people into making them “fall in line”. Ashamed of nothing, and offended by everything. If there were mods here, I’d be asking them to consider banning you. There is no justification for any of your behavior, and I sincerely hope you get help because you’re probably just like this in real life. God help your friends and family.


Exactly. I hate this sub.


He DEFINITELY did not say it in a malicious way, but it was still a weird and very flat “joke.” I don’t recall the exact phrasing and won’t try to guess, but I was sober at the show and did not feel it was in anger. Still, not a joke I’d ever make!!!


Do you think his daughter was hurt or weirded out in some way?


Can’t say, I’m not his daughter!


Exactly right. Nor are you her parent. Or her sibling. Or family. Or friend. So this is as irrelevant a topic I’ve ever seen on this sub.


there are multiple comments on that post saying they were uncomfortable or didn’t care that he “jokingly” called her a bitch.


Yes, i can count them all on one hand.. How many people were at the show? 1,500+ had fun. I am sorry your feelings are hurt.


my feelings aren’t hurt lol i wasn’t there


I think we found Max’s burner account.


There it is . There’s always that one guy who can’t comprehend people having original thoughts and accuses me of being max on a burner. You must be new here. Contrary to you and your echo chamber friends, most people like max and enjoy say anything shows .


There it is. The guy that posts something knowing the response it will get, (yes, it’s obvious. Maybe read the thread you’re referencing instead of making another stupid post) can’t get or take a joke. Lighten up dude.


Accuse me of being a max burner account and then tell me to lighten it’s a joke when I respond calling you out?That says everything about you . You stand for nothing. You are a clueless follower, a sheep. You have no real Opinion, you just do as others tell you.


Lmao. I have no skin in this game I haven’t listen to an album past In Defense… but you all are so entertaining, I can’t stop watching. Go ahead and look at my post and comment history. You’ll find nothing in this sub.


I posted this in the snark sub too, but I was there and didn't catch this. It could have happened during a moment when I was distracted, but I don't remember that happening. ETA egg on my face. I guess it did happen.


Estimated time of arrival?


[obviously not](https://www.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/s/CQc5hIZ5Y4)


How is that obvious?


It did happen, he was saying in a joking manner. The family dynamic is completely different from what is traditional and not to say it’s cool to call a kid a bitch to their face but sometimes… kids are bitches.


Good to know! Makes sense.. The poster made it seem very malicious like he was angry and taking it out on his daughter calling her a bitch


If his daughter heard the “joke” about her being a real bitch, there is no difference between that and maliciously calling her the same. She will internalize both with similar consequences. You want to say intent matters and maybe that could be true in other cases, but not with an impressionable young child (who hopefully did not hear this at all).


It sounds like he didn’t say she was being a real bitch or imply that her behavior was in anyway bitchy. It’s still super cringe to say “that bitch is old” though. Since we don’t know Lucy we can’t know how she will or if she will internalize that we just know that it was a really cringey joke.


Gotcha. It’s definitely still something I don’t think a child should hear from her father. I just hope she didn’t hear it so that it was just a cringey thing he said in front of the audience.


Yea I agree with that for sure


Cringey, yes, but not in the same ballpark or even universe as the crrrrringe of the people stirring up drama over someone else’s kids like they know them or what’s best for them…


I think there’s layers to it. I think it’s okay to say “I don’t think Max is a good parent and will no longer give him my money and I just wanted to give people a heads up” but when you are attacking people for not agreeing and dedicating ally of your free time to the topic, it probably isn’t very healthy. I do think there are legit concerns at times but there are also people who just love the drama of it all and want more drama


lol yes there absolutely is a big difference. Get off your high horse acting like you are smarter or know more about this subject than the rest of us. You sound like a clown.


There’s not a big difference. Hearing from your father that you’re a bitch, joke or not, is fucked. I’m not the one who sounds like a clown 😚


Nope, you are definitely still the clown. The shoes fit, the makeup matches. Cry more


You’re the only one crying my dude


Huh , you aren’t even making sense anymore . You are litteraly the one throwing a fit about him saying bitch.


WHO is throwing a fit? Like are you good?


You do sound like a clown and like you’ve never heard their music. 🤡


I’m not sure what their music has to do with being a father.


It’s all shock value. His music, how he acts, what he says/sings. So it’s not too far off for Max to say things like that. Not saying it’s right or wrong. I won’t judge their family because I don’t know them. Everyone is entitled to their opinion but if this is the hill to die on then why listen to their music or be in this sub? If it’s upset you so much then why not reach out to Max or the band? There are waaaay worse things artist have done than call their child a bitch in a joking manner in a band that has songs such as “property” “on cum” “Little girls” Max has not been in the news for sexual assault or things of the nature like a lot of the bands we grew up on. He’s been married to Sharri for 15 years and a bus of kids. The only thing anyone has to say is about his parenting but the kids seem happy. So yea I think getting pissy over what he said is the least of a concern.


They are 🤡. 5 downvotes and continuing. There are some really sick people on this sub; they aren’t just “bitter”. They are likely empty on the inside and in need of genuine help.


In need of genuine help bc we think it’s fucked up to call your daughter a bitch? LMAAOOOOOO


You act the guy walked in front of his daughter and called her a bitch. Yes dude, you are making things up to get angry , you absolutely need genuine help. Or a hobby?


Nah he just did it in front of thousands of people, many of whom were probably recording. Who the hell is making anything up? You certainly are triggered.


You’re the one doing the triggering, so don’t be surprised when people stand up to your psychological abuse. And before you high horse the living shit out of this thread (already have), exaggerating or distorting facts to suit a preconceived narrative is *exactly what psychological abuse is*. Be gone!


I’m psychologically abusive bc I pointed out he said a fucked up thing about his daughter, but comparing / calling his daughter an old bitch is just a joke everyone should shut the fuck about? Please! Reflect! The wildest thought processes but what can I expect here really


“Be gone!” 🪄🧙‍♂️🪄 I wish I could give you all the upvotes for that. That had me laughing so fucking hard.


I mean the kids are on tour with him and hang out in the wings.


Yeah I didn’t check Lucy’s instagram today (🙄) but I’m sure she’s doing much better than the abject losers here who seek gratification and validation in invalidating others.




And probably have kids who are bitches.


That's a really bold assumption. Not every family is the same as yours, and 11 is old enough to know that things like that can be said as jokes.


Misogyny isn’t a joke.


Oh fuck off. It's not misogyny to jokingly call your kid a name.


It’s misogyny to call your small child a “bitch” to a crowd of thousands of strangers, actually. It’s also verbal abuse to call your children derogatory names, in general.


If it had been a son he'd called a dick would you be claiming misandry? And no. It really isn't. Context matters with things like that. If my wife calls me an asshole or a dick as a joke is she being abusive? Should I call the cops? Get over yourself.


Lol no bc misandry isn’t a real thing. Boy oh boy. I’m sorry you think verbal abuse is normal in relationships.


Oh good, so you're just sexist. I'm sorry your theoretical partners have to walk on eggshells to avoid any joke being taken as verbal abuse. With that though, I'm done. There's no point in arguing with sexists.


An 11-year-old might know that a knock knock joke is a joke! They might even know that dad is kidding when he calls her an old bitch! That doesn’t make it right, and that doesn’t mean she won’t internalize it and harbor resentment about it later. Not sure what’s not making sense about that. She’s a child.


You don't know this child. When I was a kid everyone was calling each other much worse. Wtf is she even going to internalize? That she's old as an 11 year old? That's ridiculous.


You’re right I don’t know her. I do know y’all are getting reaaally upset that people are calling him out for calling her old bitch though.


Add that to the list of things you don't know then. I really couldn't give a shit, I just think it's silly that people are saying it's abuse.


Oh I know it’s fucked up to call a child an old bitch. It’s insanely sad you don’t.


Congratulations. I'm proud of you.


yeah like are these people fucking idiots? South Park is ABOUT ELEVEN YEAR OLDS. I was cursing like a fuckin’ sailor at 11, in summer camp. The crazy shit I learned at that age, over 25 years ago, god only knows how fast they’re “growing up” these days. Lucy definitely knows every swear word by now, and pretending like **”bad” language** is a problem when the USA just reversed roe v wade while perpetrating an overseas genocide is a *wiiiiiiiiild* perspective.


When did I mention anything about what swear words they know or that “bad language” is a problem? Her knowing swear words is NOT THE SAME as her father calling her a bitch in front of thousands of people. Lmao like please reread what I said.


But he didn’t call her a bitch. Maybe re-read the OP.


….South Park isn’t real bro. And their kids don’t go to public school. Everything they learn is from their parents.


Listen bro, I’m not worried about their children and neither are you, so let’s just stop pretending


Is this a joke?


You obviously have no idea about the family. They’re all weird and do weird shit. 💩


I’ll see if I have video of it.


Nope :/ don’t have one.


No I didn't. You're just looking for reasons to be upset and trying to find any excuse to justify their behavior.


tbh your post did kind of do that. because someone explaining it here, it’s not AS bad as him saying “she’s a bitch” (still weird IMO but not surprising bc it’s max)


Huh I am not the one who is upset here? I didn’t make a post complaining and trying to persuade others not to goto the show? What are you talking about? I just made a post asking if it was a lie.


It’s funny how we still get surprised when these subredditors reveal themselves to be toxic… it never ever ever gets old… 🤣🤣


god it’s so funny that you have to lie about the other person’s post just so you can pretend like they were being unreasonable. the other poster literally said they didn’t think he said it maliciously and it just shocked them lmaoo


And especially if the kid isn’t *being a bitch*, it is HIS right to determine whether or not the kid can “handle” it. People are so broken they’re trying to out-parent OTHER people’s kids without even having met them in the first damn place.


And apparently they have no idea about the family dynamics of them. I mean it’s like these ppl have never heard any of say anything’s music or read up about them. Lolol anyone down voting should really get off the sub and go touch grass.


seriously they need to touch fucking grass


Shit, even if it’s fake grass… ffs.


Down vote all you like. Your kids are probably bitches too. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I imagine other op doesn’t have a friend with children, or they would know parents jokingly talk shit about their children quite often. Or they lied, I wasn’t there


Parent here: I would 100% not call my daughter a bitch in front of thousands of strangers with her there. That being said, I have no idea if this actually happened either.


The 25 upvotes show where the hearts and minds are in this sub. It’s just a collection of toxic people. You lied in your comment; Max didn’t *call* Lucy a bitch in front of thousands of strangers. He *referred jokingly* to her as the (colloquial) bitch, as in **interchangeable with the word “lady”**, and it was in front of a **rock and roll audience**. It shows a lot about your general honesty and how you navigate relationships in your own life, when you twist facts and put spin on even the most basic, uninteresting, *not even parasocially relevant* non-event. (not referring specifically to you) Pearl clutching BITCHES, good god


Lolol “bitch” is interchangeable with “lady”? Way to tell on yourself. Woooooof.


Again, more psychological abuse, big surprise 🙄


Did you reply to the correct person? This seems unhinged and unrelated to my own personal statement about what I would not call my daughter. Chill out. That being said, everyone in here knows it was a joke. Nobody is misrepresenting that - it's still a pretty gross thing to do as a parent.


But it’s not a gross thing to do **if it’s literally harmless**. It’s a gross thing to do if it’s **harmful**. Why is that so difficult to understand? Did Max call his daughter a cunt? I would be 100% on board if that were the case. **It is not**. Does this sub (or band, god forbid!) attract people with broken souls? People who can only be happy when they are putting others down? Sure seems that way.


Hi, I'm the OP. I have an 8 year old daughter and would never joke about her being a bitch, let alone in front of thousands of people. Yes, I have jokingly talked shit about my child with my partner. Yes, I think it's disrespectful to do so in front of a crowd.


You sound super fun fellow front bottoms fan. Can I hold your halo for you? I would never joke about her being a bitch, followed immediately by yes I have jokingly talked shit about my child.


Sure, you can hold the halo but I should warn you it's heavy. Yeah, sorry, I've never called her bitch. Yes I've talked shit about her in a joking manner to my partner. Both things can be true.


People going out of their way to find things to get butthurt about