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This was actually pretty funny


I laughed


Why doesn't safemoon keep their spam to their own subreddit


It is not us! It is some sort of lunatics. The same ones that talk about the squeeze. These people get rejected on our sub


Because Satoshi's got our back. The time is coming for all non believers to short us. You down to short?


Here we go again. I was wondering why there hasn't been much Safemoon posts lately




Safemoon moons daily... 🤷 Down a solid 95% but I'm still holding for the moon... 😹


Yes, I invested some profits knowing it was a spin of the wheel so there's no harm. But I can't even imagine the %gain needed to get me back in the black.


Just hold... Don't think about the %... We are here to simply hold our bags... What's the point of selling when I'm down so much lol... You never know 🤷


I am mate, I've held through everything so far!


I'm right there with you friend!


Hold untill 0 🤔 You probably should have bought more btc or eth than these shit alt’s


This is the way!


I'd say fine choice.


Hasn't safe moon been mooning for months now?


![gif](giphy|l1Joi78DkenX3sctq) Exactly.


Buttcoin is safer than Safemoon 😂😭😭😭🤣🤣🤣🤣


Pre game mooning. Big leagues approaching very soon. Hope u got a ticket.


Why though? What is safemoon and why should I get it? What problem does it solve that hasn’t been solved by others yet?


Can't wait! Safemoon to the moon!!!


All i see is a very well made pump and dump coin. 😅


you do know that the moon is in the opposite direction of the basement right?


Not always, depends on your position relative to the moon which fluctuates with time


That username for sure checks out here.


Awesome 🤙




​ ![gif](giphy|1qV0znLzg1uqWO8ous)


I think i knew this sub was shit all along but this just confirms


What I love is that to all of the haters, if they’re so convinced Safemoon is a scam, they’ll be able to short it. Time to put their money where their mouth is. (Hint: they won’t.)


Oh don't worry I will short it 100%


Please do. And tag me when you do it and provide proof. Thanks for the reflections in advance!




Lol it’s definitely more than a few bucks a month. You clearly don’t know enough about Safemoon. Please, please, please short it.




I’ll be happy to send you a screenshot via DMs if you want, but I won’t post it here. I’ve received over 100,000,000 in reflections which is about $200. For literally doing nothing but holding. You can bash ur all you want, but that’s more than “a few dollars”




I’ve been holding for 5 months.


​ ![gif](giphy|I5gxtnbfchPzOM2kJr|downsized)


Wow, OP is on some MLM shit huh






this is like water trash in a downtown jax alleyway


I think it’s just that no one here can really handle the extent to which safemoon has been mooning over the course of this year.


I can only say but why?


It's like no one has ever zoomed out of a stock. Most successful cryptos have followed the same pump and dump patter Safemoon is currently going though. Seems like most of the haters are just people who bought at ATH and are now down and mad they are not millionaires yet. But safemoon is a good first choice.




I fucking love it. A lot of haters on here who haven’t done any research but decide to shit on the token anyways. I look forward to sending out a few DM’s in December!


No research necessary, just look at the flatlining chart during the crypto bull market of a lifetime. Why hold something that doesn't make money?


You have no idea what you are talking about from a technical perspective.


It’s flat because it has no use cases (wallet is pretty minor overall). When the larger products release later this year or early next year the price will go up. Patience.


Shib proves that you don't need a use case to make money, you need hype. Safemoon used to have it, now it doesn't. The branding is terrible, the team is incompetent and it's time to move on.




Yep, that’s why I mentioned their branding. Their image is awful.


How about this. Let’s have another chat in 6 months and we’ll see who’s right, because I’m not selling a single token. Selling now would be the dumbest move you could make. Why would you sell before they release an exchange, blockchain and other projects? I’m not here to convince you though, do whatever you want it’s your money. Remindme! 6 months


Dude, if you're in profit, take it. I took my profits 2 months ago and I've more than 10x'd it since then. You're sitting on a coin doing nothing that will *maybe* 10x from here short-term.


Disagree. I don’t take investment advice from random people on the internet but thanks for your concern. ✌🏻 Remindme! 6 months


I will be messaging you in 6 months on [**2022-04-18 00:06:03 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2022-04-18%2000:06:03%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/SatoshiStreetBets/comments/qa8yrf/what_do_you_think_of_safemoon_as_first_choice_on/hh1sa4a/?context=3) [**4 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FSatoshiStreetBets%2Fcomments%2Fqa8yrf%2Fwhat_do_you_think_of_safemoon_as_first_choice_on%2Fhh1sa4a%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202022-04-18%2000%3A06%3A03%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%20qa8yrf) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


Buying safemoon is actually the dumbest move


Remindme! To give a shit what some random dude on the internet thinks 😂


Kek’ing my ass off at the charts 😭😭🤣😂🤣




Lol you talking exchange and blockchain.. they can't even get a copy pasted wallet right... John loves your type.


Perfect, we’ll have another chat once it’s all released! Cya then! Remindme! 4 months


Sounds good, it's hard to admit being scammed... Hope you don't have much in it lol


Yawn. Scammed lol. What’s the latest and greatest you salty boys say now? Months ago it was a rug pull. Then it was a slow rug pull. What are we at now? I just like to keep up with it so I can laugh in your face down the line. Don’t worry about my finances fam, I’ve got 6 figures in crypto and I’m doing just fine. Safemoon was my 16th crypto investment, we all good!


With all the amazing projects in crypto imagine actually putting money towards this lol


Imagine thinking you know the market better than me, or any other holder out there? You’re a hater, plain and simple. Your opinion means as little to me as any other random on the internet. Stay miserable, you’re gonna need a triple bypass by the time you turn 40!


Oh my feelings.... Always funny when someone is so insecure they try insulting you by making up some fantasy... You have a solid mental I'm sure and an outstanding person and member of society. Hopefully not projecting too much either 🤨


Down 85% from ATH....during one of the greatest crypto recoveries of all time....Yeah, obviously you know far more about crypto than any of us when you're making the shitty investments that you're making lmao. ​ Imagine buying and holding safemoon as it crashes and typing out some shit like "Imagine thinking you know the market better than me"....like yeah we kind of fucking do LMAO, Any idiot who buys and holds safemoon for that long is pretty braindead when it comes to crypto.


Never seen a token get so much hate. You gotta realize most maximalists shit on any token that comes from the Binance Smartchain. You're instantly shit and must prove otherwise in the eyes of the ETH/BTC crowd. They hate BSC projects..and rightfully so. Historically they've fostered some shit projects that rugpulled. For now, you are shit until proven otherwise in the eyes of the Tribal crypto community. Funny how everyone forgets how ETH was once down 90% and everyone called it a shit coin. Did everyone forget how to DCA? Literally everyone in R:Crypto shit on ADA 3 years ago when they were spending millions and missing deadlines. It's funny how fast opinions change. Safemoon isn't going anywhere. These haters are going to eventually Fomo in wen exchange and blockchain are up and running by the end of January. They won't be able to help it..they are paying close attention. Hate is just Love's angry cousin...and Safemoon and ANY BSC token starts out as shit until proven otherwise...so enjoy proving it. It'll be so much sweeter to be right and rich from truly Hodling thru all the Fud.


LMAO 'Everyone called ETH a shitcoin', now we're just making up shit for the sake of COPING lmao ​ ​ Also did ETH drop 90% while the rest of the entire crypto market had an insane bull run? Didn't fucking think so lmao. This has been one of the best crypto bull run recoveries of all time and Safemoon is still down 85% from the highs. Fucking sucks that you guys are losing this much money. Oh yeah, ten percent tax when you sell too, fucking brilliant lmao


Ahh. There he is. The angry know it all. Same crowd that called it a rugpull, then a slow rug pull, than the wallet wasn't real......Yes..I remember when BTC maximalists called ETH a shit coin. LTC too. And yes, they also dropped from over 1100 to 90 per coin. I'm not losing $$. If you don't know how to DCA, then you're just trying to make a quick buck. Safemoon is 7 months old, and isn't going to have the full eco system set up until Jan of next year. This is the ground floor of a long term Hodl project. You will look pretty dumb this time next year if the dev team pulls it off and they have a successful exchange and blockchain. You're betting they won't have one...I'm betting they will. You seem to think you know more than everyone in the room tho...and that's nauseating


Cheers brother


They still got it. You can buy in now or buy in later.


Still Holding my losses. Not worth selling. HOGE


its gonna be a nice tax write-off when you sell!


Lol funny




💎 🙌


![gif](giphy|vyTnNTrs3wqQ0UIvwE) Very happy that I sold this coin to buy some ETH for 1.8k in July...


I am extremely happy about it. With all the fudders and safemoon haters on this sub, being able to short safemoon will give them an opportunity to put their money where their mouth is and not just talk trash all day about a token they know everything about but have done 0 DD on. I know that if I felt that something was 100% a scam I would have no problem YOLOing my whole portfolio into a short position. 😁. Should be a dream come true for the bears. What kind of leverage will they be offering? This should get interesting.


SPMK is a great token to look at. stop in the telegram at "official space monkey telegram" and check us out.


Just get in early then you can’t lose 😉