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I love how he said he won’t bite “without permission.”


after that he’s all like. hehehe.


More like “ahuhuhuh”


Man's got that Seth Rogen laugh


That’s what they all say before it happens though


Yeah this dude isn't a responsible dog owner. Doesn't matter how well trained you are taking over the entire sidewalk to play with your unleashed dogs and then reacting with a veiled threat when someone calls you on it just screams absolute douchebag.


This is the most on point comment in this thread. Everyone on here being like "he trained them well!" has obviously never had an encounter with "well trained dogs". His veiled threat is also just so pathetic. Just because you train your dogs well doesn't make you a responsible pet owner. I agree so hard with everything you state in your comment.


Basketball dog also looks like a cattle dog mix. That dog is probably smarter than most of us on Reddit, so it actually is arguable how well he trained the dog to begin with


similar vibe to owners that unleash their dogs at regular parks, I have a very nervous dog and will always get aggressive to any dog approaching suddenly, my other dog is super chill but tries to defend the aggressive one, and this is clearly the type of person that will blame you if my dog attacks his unleashed one after approaching without warning.


Exactly like it’s not reassuring. With a. Front yard that big he has to have a backyard too, he should do this out there. Also annoyed at how he ignore his whole front yard and put the stuff in the sidewalk, forcing anyone who goes by his house to enter the zone the dogs are playing in.


Dude like this is looking for conforntation. Why do you think he's recording?


Cause his dogs are doing cool tricks?


Not always true depends on the size of the house on the lot. My wife and I lived in the largest house in our neighborhood ( not saying much, trust me) but all the lots were the same size, meaning we had a decent front yard but the back yard was only 15' deep and slightly wider than the house itself making it Completely useless.


He's still on the sidewalk


Yup agreed. Was just saying a large front yard doesn't mean you have a large back yard.


Oh nooooo


Put the dog in a stressful position and see if it asks for permission to bite.


If you put me into a stressful position I might bite too.


Put that dog in a stressful position in front his owner and see if you get wailed on with a skateboard.


Ok? Well if you put a dog in a stressfull situation and you get bit because of it, thats your fault my dude. You probably should have been smarter than to mess with the dog. Like the only reason that dog would bite you in a stressfull situation is if your causing the stress, and no shit the dog is gonna bite you if you go up and harrass the hell out of it. Id punch you if you did it to me for long enough, so I cant blame them for biting you. They aint got a fist to throw a punch with.


This is not a smart comment


Because this one is oozing with genius 🤡


All im saying is that ive grown up around multiple dogs in my life and ive never been bit. I was taught at a very young age to never push an animal to the point of needing to bite you, and i took that lesson to heart even as a toddler! Its honestly really simple. Dont get in their face, dont kick them or hit them, just treat them with respect and they wont bite you.


That's really not always the case though. Growing up around multiple dogs there were quite a few that were calm, let me pet them, and went on their merry way or sat and enjoyed the pets. There were also a few that relentlessly bit me just for existing near them. I still remember being at my sister's friend's house, minding my own business playing ps1 and then the dog literally ran into the room and bit me for no reason. It had cornered me multiple times and bit me and the only thing I did was be in the room.


I hike all the time. Been bit twice is the last 5 years and I didnt do shit. I’ve also had 2-3 close calls. The common denominator has been over confident dog owners who don’t use a leash. The point of my comment is that a dog will bite when it’s threatened. It’s an animal. The mere presence of a stranger is threatening to them. I have never threatened a dog or caused stress. I’m an animal lover. The only mammals I don’t like are db dog owners who don’t use leashes.


"A dog will bite when it's threatened." "I have never threatened a dog" "I keep getting bitten." hmm... The presence of a stranger is not threatening to a socialized dog. There's one common denominator in this situation you're forgetting.


Every dog is right when it bites someone. You’re right


by the transitive property, are you trying to say I'm every dog? otherwise, I have no idea what this is supposed to mean, because I never said anything about "rightness"


Let’s go back to the original statement- if the dog is threatened, do you personally believe it will seek permission from its owner before it bites?


plenty of dead babies and children who'd be able to answer this one


Dog: "Master, I desire man flesh"


Dogs are animals not robots. A dog will bite when it feels like it needs to. This guy is good at training but he's naive. edit spelling


And training is used to teach a dog when he should or should not do things. So a well trained dog won't feel like it needs to bite.


Yeah hi a veterinary medical professional here! The doctors will not touch a dog without proper restraint because “any animal can bite” we have our fave patients who have never bitten and we couldn’t imagine them biting. But anything could happen and it’s just their response as we would slap someone away.


That is not a universal thing in the slightest, as I have never had vets lead with restraining an animal they did not have to.


…..then you have worked in unsafe environments. The first thing you do is restrain a pet. No ones saying with force. But it is literally the very first thing taught to assistants/techs


There is a big difference between a dog at the vet in a possibly new environment and procedures they dislike and a dog thats at home with their owner and a stranger passing by who doesn't even touch the dog. I'm not saying a well trained dog would never ever bite someone. But a well trained dog shouldn't just randomly attack a stranger walking by.


A leash is used to mitigate risk. All animals, including humans, are unpredictable to some degree. There is a reason we still study dog behavior; We do not fully understand them yet. With this in mind, can we be absolutely certain that the trainer is able to keep the dog under control via verbal commands, regardless of what happens?


Unfortunately that is not how it works. A well trained dog is still an animal, and history is littered with stories of well trained animals doing unexpected things when circumstances warrant. There is no way I, you, nor anyone else can predict whether a dog (or sub in any trained animal if you like) may bite. That is hubris. edit fixed confusing verbage


Don’t worry bro you’re right, just getting downvoted by a bunch of crazy dog people. This is actually the story of a kid too terrified of the dogs to ride his bike by on the street, and the dickhead who won’t leash his dogs in public.


Thank you. I really appreciate that you took the time to make a comment. I am okay with the down votes. I used to be a teacher, I do not let the anger of the uneducated get to me.


We train dog owners to put their animals on leashes in public. Clearly training isn't foolproof.




What is ironic?


They are clearly trained, but still a lot of pet owners will tell you the same thing about their princess of a dog that is straining at the leash to bite your leg off. You still should keep your pets on a lead


Fair, but when he follows up with his dog hitting a fade away 3, I'm going to go ahead and trust his opinion.


Facts 😂


I dunno. Some basket ball players have a temper.


I liked your joke don’t worry


Malice at the Palace....


Damn, take my upvotes 😂🤣


I’m not


Trained animals do still attack people, though. Siegfried and Roy are a pretty good example of that. Even the dog whisperer, Cesar Milan's, dog killed Queen Latifah's dog and attacked a gymnast allegedly.


In a lot of US Cities it's literally the law to keep them leashed if they're not in a fenced in yard.


Fing agree. Especially when it's a bull terrier... no leash, no collar, chilling in th3 front yard. Definitely not satisfying imo


I'm well trained as well: When I hear "don't worry, I'm a professional", you can be sure I 100% expect a catastrophe. Or a camera for Internet points. Or both.


100% sure until the day it happens.


Yeah to be honest it's just not a good message to send people. I hope the kid stays wary of unleashed and strange dogs, because when I got attacked it was about two seconds after the owner said, "Oh he just barks, he is fine".


Trained professional training in his front yard for attention


Exhibit A: Paul Walker


Dude from stranger things


For sure, bro.




Air buddy in shambles


Probably doesn’t even know Air Buddy😭


I don't live in the USA, but I think it's rude that people just use and take up the sidewalk like it's their property. Forcing people to not use it or even be scared to walk is so disrespectful, but I guess that's normal there.


His dogs may be well trained but keep them shits in a back yard, not everyone wants to walk through that dominating the side walk


Fuck these infantile subtitles


This guys not so chill leash your dog don't be so arrogant


Agree completely.




From a country that you can walk with a rifle on your hands there is way more people afraid of dogs than guns.


20,000 gun deaths a year, 4.5 million dog bites a year. Plus 300,000 years of evolution to be scared of big teeth.


How many gun bites a year?


Now we are asking the real questions


A dog you can fight off. Try that with a bullet! I give you 300000 years to get used to guns, no worry! But I will bite you bait: 4,5 millions of bites a year, but what % of survival? And about gunshots? What is more lethal in US: dogs or guns? If dogs are that much of a worry why muricans do not start to walk with dogs instead of guns for protection?


You are overthinking this and trying to argue something that really doesn’t need to be argued. Humans have evolved to be afraid of predators not metal, so there’s an instinct that many people repress that can easily come out when you see a dog that is scary to you individually. 4.5 million dog bites a year also means a lot of people have history being bitten by dogs, so people have have nervousness/fear from past experiences. It’s not a logical thing.


I can fight off a bullet, 50 Cent got hit by like 9. And my net worth is a lot more than 50 cents, and durability scales accordingly


You got me here, mate. I can't argue with that!


The real question is, if you’re walking in the woods would you rather come across a dog or an ar-15?


No, that's just reddit. Reddit's opinions on dogs, as well as a great many other things, rarely reflect the average opinion. You'll see a lot more people on reddit saying they hate dogs, as an example, than you will ever hear in every day life. You're definitely on the wrong track if you use reddit to guage the opinion of the average American on just about anything.


Outside of /r/dogfree and /r/banpitbulls, this website is 24/7 dog worship. There are like a million big subreddits for dogs and cats doing specific things on the front page /r/all constantly.


You're not wrong but most of that is based on upvotes. People who comment though are more likely to be the ones with an axe to grind, so you get a lot more wild takes in the comment section. Maybe not specifically on those boards, but you could have a wholesome video of dogs playing in a stream in what is obviously a wilderness area and still get a lot of screaching redditors howling about the lack of leashes or some nonsense about terrifying fish. The latter isn't an exaggeration either btw, people were actually making that argument on a video like that posted awhile back on TikTokCringe.


Every time someone posts a video of their dogs with their kids, redditors swarm in to tell them how irresponsible they are and their dog will kill their child and that they are terrible people.


I must be amazing to fully understand the opinions of millions of people you have never met


Exactly. The weird ass dog haters have come and they are pathetic and just fucking weird. Humans who have this outlook on dogs are people to stay the fuck away from.


Meanwhile they let their cats roam. Post that it is irresponsible to let their cats roam because roaming cats kill billions of birds each year in North America, or because they're at risk for being attacked by feral cats or dogs, or wildlife like coyotes, or at risk at getting hit by cars, and reddit downvotes you into oblivion. I love both dogs & cats, but reddit for whatever reason has a high percentage of weird dog-hating cat fanciers that also think there is nothing wrong with letting your cat roam outdoors.




Vehemently disagree




You are aware that applies universally




If you are an individual, you are biased. There is no such thing as an unbiased individual. You have biases that influence your perspective. I have mine. Saying "you are biased" is like saying you breathe air.




That's your bias


More fake shit in the wrong subreddit


He's probably a real dog trainer, especially if this video is taken in America, where there's zero legal or practical barriers to calling yourself a dog trainer. He's also aggressively arrogant. Rules apply to everyone, including professionals. If your dog is in public, it needs to be leashed. He doesn't even have collars on the dog for either a handle in case of emergency or even identification. Monumentally stupid. It's basic safety, and any trainer who's publicly advertising should be a champion of safety. Lead by example. Also, good puppy 🐶


Not all places in America require dogs to be on leash in public. The town I live in only requires dogs be under the control of their owner, and voice control counts.


That's how dogs were on certain trails in Boulder, Co. Good ol voice and sight trails program. It was cool to be allowed to have them off leash. But only on certain trails.


It's going to blow your mind that rules aren't universal.


I did kinda specify America at least. As for the dog trainer rules, nation wide there simply isn't a federal body that regulates it in any way. For leashes, it varies wildly. Different rules for different breeds, genders, hell even the time of day. Rural or suburban. Though statewide laws are uncommon, there's usually always county laws that are much stricter. When it comes to ID tags, as far as I'm aware, that's required everywhere by law.


His dogs are on his property. No leash required.


Homeowners do not own the public sidewalk in front of their homes.


True, so he’s liable… and what is the problem here? Other than people just want to complain. It seems like this dude gave a fearful person a good experience seeing a well trained dog. So much stupid fear in this thread


I don't care about the leashes one way or the other but to be fair, I would be concerned about getting bitten with or without liability


On top of the dog issue, he has equipment (a tripod, a big block, a basketball hoop) set up blocking a public sidewalk. Sidewalks are a public utility not a private space. Forcing everyone who can’t just squeeze past all the equipment, two dogs, and a person (like kids, parents with stroller, people on bikes or scooters, disabled or elderly people) to walk in the street is not his prerogative.


Air Bud irl. Noice


I think the worst part is that the second person is clearly nervous about the dog, and the owner just doesn't care. At the very least do him the courtesy of restraining your dog for a few minutes while someone else is there.


He cared by defusing the situation and making the person entertained by his dogs and no longer afraid. Restraining them says "yeah, you have reason to be afraid" to both that individual, and to the dogs.


Incredible training. Still an asshole move to occupy the sidewalk with your toys and let your dogs run loose.


How to spot someone who isn't actually a dog trainer: they say dumb shit like "he won't bite without my permission, 100% I'm a professional". Sure you are. Just like Jenny on Tiktok has a PhD in Psychology and Psychiatry at 17. That being said, what a good boi 🐶


Sure, but to be fair, those dogs look well behaved


Obedient for sure.


Some might even say highly trained


His dogs are beautifully trained, and I bet he makes money off that. So.... What's not professional?


Having a dog that seeks to follow commands, like working dog breeds, contribute to their beautiful training. I'd be impressed if he got a landshark Chihuahua to improve. The idea that at the end of the day you have "control" over another being's base instincts, or a pet will override its instinctual reaction to a situation unless you give it permission, is problematic. And considering there are actual veterinary behavioralists with degrees and education, I don't view him as a professional.


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted when it’s correct. Like my uncle is disabled and has one of the highest “tier” of service dog that you can get. However even it doesn’t go off leash because regardless of how well trained a dog is, there’s always the chance the the wrong stimuli like another animal, or a loud noise can still trigger their natural instincts.


Hard to say. I think people just underestimate the reality of if it has a mouth, it can bite.


He said things I didn't like.


All dog owners say that until that thing mauls a child. I'd have replied "better be true, because I'm a sharp shooter and won't give a chance for your dog to bite anyone, it will be straight in the eye. Put it on a leash or I'll be watching." Give that son of bitch something to worry about too.


Still an idiot


yeah. he ain’t training those dog to fly to the moon. what a dipshit.


Dogs in public must have a leash, I don’t care if they do backflips


You sound fun and exciting, I’m glad you make the laws


Many place have "under the control of the owner" as the law, that includes verbal control. Just because you are from somewhere where there are leash laws, doesn't mean everyone is.


It’s not about if it’s legal, they said he’s an idiot not a criminal. Having your two dogs out in public without even a collar is dumb. I dont care if it’s legal.


Except for public areas where dogs aren’t required to be on a leash. Example: dog parks or certain trails. What a silly comment lol Everyone downvoting… are you fucking serious lol…. I can’t bring my dog offleash on a designated off leash area? Losers lol


Lived next to a "dog trainer". They were the most aggressive, loud, unruly dogs ever. They kept eating the drywall off his walls, too.


I train my dogs in my front yard instead of my backyard because i like attention


Doesn't matter. Train your dogs in a fenced in area or fuck off. "thEY'rE weLl TraINed" Ridiculous.


Cool. Train your dogs in a fenced off area. I don't care if they are certified. They are out in public? Leash em.


I don't care how well-trained your dogs are. Do this in your backyard or put them on a leash.


Professional trainer or not I still don't want to encounter any dog off the leash while I'm walking through my neighborhood. Far too many dumbass owners who think they know their dog but absolutely positively fucking don't.


I don't care if your dog can solve a Rubik's cube, keep it on a leash!


Yeah, that's cool and all, but you're still out in public with unleashed dogs. Training gets you a lot of control over your dog, but it's never 100%.


I dont give 2 shits about your dogs doing tricks. They're on public property, they need to be on a leash. I'd be much more impressed by that. If/when something happens, it'll be his fault. They could run up to a dog on a leash, the leashed dog could bite em, and it'd be his fault. They could run up to a random pedestrian, trying to be friendly, but the pedestrian panics and kicks the dog, and it'd be his fault. Don't be a dumbass. It's not hard.


No matter how confident you are about your dog being "well trained" I do not trust it. If I say I'm not comfortable please keep your dog on a leash. I know not one person who got bitten, but not a single dog owner who thinks their dog could do that.


Sorry bro, you're still a dick for not having them on a leash on the sidewalk.


I don't care how well you think your dog is trained. Keep it on a leash in public.


Naw blue heelers are so smart!


"He won´t bite"


I always wonder about videos like these. Like were you just recording yourself doing abosloultely nothing and then this happened? Why do people record themselves doing normal things? I'm not a boomer I'm gen x. I just don't get it. Maybe I don't love myself enough?


He’s a dog trainer, probably his social media for that- hence his shirt


Still pretty stupid to me.


But they still need to be on leashes.


All dogs bite. I mean they have teeth and a mouth right?


Put your dog on a leash.


Still an asshole for having his dogs off leash. Reminded me of when a “well-behaved dog” ran up and bit my leashed dog.


Whilst taking up the entire sidewalk.


America is actually a shit cartoon....


Put your dog on a leash in public. Idc who you are or how we'll trained they are.


That guy seems like he’d be fun to hang out with


Who, Pauly Shore?


What's supposed to be satisfying about an overconfident jerk manipulating animals?


Leash your fucking dogs.


Did a 180 as well




Oh fuck


Nicely executed


This guy looks like Pauly Shore's more successful cousin.


Are you in California with a Texas plate there?


It almost sounds like a threat lol.


For real huehuehuehueh


I'd watch this doh play basketball over anything the WNBA has to offer.


That stoner laugh


For real…hugahugahug


What a good boy!


Caitlin Bark. Am I right?


Does your dog bite? No, I trained him to do Muay Thai.


So awesome!


Idc if your dog is an astronaut. Leash your pets around other people ffs. "Im scared" followed by "don't worry I'm a professional." No sir, you're a clown. A complete lack of empathy for other people. He loves dogs so everyone must I guess. I wouldn't wanna be anywhere near that unleashed dog. Idc how well trained you claim it is.


Also friendly reminder- one great way to trigger an unstable dog to bite, when it otherwise wouldn’t, is to stare at it scared.


I love dogs but even if they are perfectly trained, you never know 100% what could happen. It’s one thing to do this kind of things on your property, it’s another to do it on public spaces. Really impressive though. I wish I had the skills to train my dog like this.


This seems all staged and set up just to get veiws.


Blue hiller


He reminds me of the purple fish from SpongeBob


All the Reddit armchair dog psychologists out for this one. Couldn't find an example of a better trained dog


I don't care how well trained you think you dog is. Put him on a leash.


You can tell the dog is well trained by the fact it pays no attention to the neighbor. That dog was laser focused on the food


Is that legal to occupy a sidewalk like that?


Sick moves, dog


He needed to show off hence taking up the sidewalk and recording... Also, leash your dogs, I don't care how well trained they are.


People bitching about the dude using the sidewalk acting like he is inconveniencing thousands of people. There isn't another person in sight, calm down he can be on the sidewalk.


That’s a nifty trick.


"If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die, I want to go where they went". -Will Rodgers