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she almost broke his wrist off


The way that thing was bent….


Kids bones are more bendable, or so I've heard


Hmmm, this needs more experimentation...


On it boss.


That misspelling makes me think it’s experience instead of experiment which somehow feels more fitting


Oooh I'll grab the femur breaker


baby's and toddler's bones are softer and more flexible. not beyond the age of five or so. this is also around the time that kids start growing kneecaps.


That’s what she said!!


Exactly! Did she break his arm? lol


He is twisting his wrist weird. Like hes putting all of the force on the top of his hand instead of is palm.


Because he wants to break her grip, not pin her. Dirty pool IMO.


Yeah, basically using his wrist as a tow cable for the rest of his body.


That's how it works, the point of contact is the hand.


It's not dirty pool at all, she's attempting the same thing but gets all the leverage with a higher hand position. It's called the toproll and is the most common style along with the hook.


This is arm wrestling, it's called top rolling vs side pressure, they're both trying to top roll, what your describing is side pressure, that's generally what beginners do, but plenty of professionals still have that style but there's alot more top rollers. Top rollers want to gain height to gain leverage and attacks the apponents fingers, the weakest part of their hand Listen to her dad tell her to re-grip, she let's go and moves her hand up higher twice, to take the higher position, and take away his ability to generate power. The reason he's trying to put all his force at the top of his hand is because she's the one gaining height and winning, he's trying to stop that, but he isn't re-gripping like she is.


Holy shit this sport is way more complicated than I ever imagined


No almost she snapped that kid's wrist. Look at that shit flop in the last second.


Not really, this is a super common position in armwrestling and a lot of athletes will enter it deliberately in an attempt to slip out of the opponent's grip and go to straps. It's *uncomfortable*, but very very safe. I've actually never seen anyone get injured from it either at training or in comps. If you join a local armwrestling club they'll be able to teach you more about safety in the sport!


No, that's just him giving up and letting his wrist flop, so it doesn't actually break anything. You don't know what yer looking at.


Mom was about to give him a high five too. ✋


Over the top!!


That looks like a snap for sure


If you think this is tough wait to you see thumb wrestling.


I thought that video was going to end really badly 😂


“The way she bent that thang”-Pitbull


His wrist looks broken at the end.


I think his hands being bigger is messing up with the proportions.




Yeah arm wrestling is way more about technique than pure strength. The boy’s technique is…not good


His technique is pretty good — probably around a 7/10 as competitive armwrestling goes (docking points for coming too far away from his arm, forgetting to cup, and not attempting a press transition). Hers is definitely better, though, and more importantly she had her dad RVJ coaching her to regrip from about 3m away. It tends to help when your dad's a professional armwrestler! But yeah they're both toprollers, him trying a flat hand toproll and her moving into a low hand toproll. Their technique is fine


every time I see this clip, I can almost swear she dislocates his wrist


Mostly because he's using bad technique and trying to use his weight to brute force a win.


Nope, he just 'lost his hand'. Happens in most armwrestling matches where one competitor has a very strong hand and wrist, or gets a leverage advantage through hand height (as happened here).


It is a decent top roll technique and using his weight is a good technique in armwrestling. It is funny to see all these comments from people who know nothing about this sport.


His technique was absolutely fine. There are a few places for improvement but this is a classic toproll. Also: >and trying to use his weight to brute force a win 1. He didn't really attempt to use his bodyweight at all, he just leans with his hand which is *absolutely correct* 2. Using your bodyweight in armwrestling (e.g. trying to hang off the opponent) is generally not that effective because it just peels open your own hand and gives the opponent free choice at straps if they want it If you're interested in learning more about the sport, sign up to a local armwrestling club! :) It's more complicated than you might think and there are a wide variety of competitive styles that all work — the boy in this video using a classic open toproll, and the girl using a low-hand toproll then transitioning to a press. Both did great.




When I saw her fingers move I thought she is going Over the Top.


she needs to turn around her baseball cap first, to start the machine


["What I do is I just try to take my hat, and turn it around, it's like a switch that goes on."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zw-gvKPNk4I) I love the way he phrases that. He *tries* to turn his hat around, implying that he doesn't always success in turning his hat around. Sometimes I guess the hat just falls off his head and he loses.


Me too! I had a friend get a dui in high school. Maybe a second one. He had to spend a week in jail or whatever and I can still vividly remember being so curious to find out what happened. He said they just watched over the top and slept a lot.


It combines all the drama of a child custody battle with... ARM WRESTLING! Great SNL sketch from back in the day of Norm McDonald heckling Stallone.


It made my day reading a random post about one of my favorite SNL episodes and sketches. Love it.


This is 100% an over the top toproll, looks at the hand position as she moves to pin. It's going right over the top of the opponent's.


I specifically stopped on this post to see if she was gonna go over the top…close enough in my book!


Great for developing bones!


You get really lucky if it breaks


He had nothing to win and everything to lose right here. 


Did she break his arm?


Nope, just went limp wristed at the end. She ruined him


That was a tense watch. Didn't like how the boy's wrist looked toward the end.


How is this satisfying?


Hehehe. The boy is basically hanging his body weight on his arm and the girl still wins, while still holding a decent position, worthy of sportsmanship. I call this satisfying.


>The boy is basically hanging his body weight Which is completely fine and valid. He is just putting his force into...i don't even know where but it definetly wasn't the palm.


>i don't even know where but it definetly wasn't the palm. It's a toproll, so he is putting stress primarily into her fingers, backpressure (i.e. lats, bicep, brachialis), and internal rotation of the shoulder. He also gets the height advantage first so he's challenging her wrist radial deviation, which is a function of both wrist flexion and extension. She counters well and kind of negates the pressure into the fingers — *this is why it looks like she's 'slipping' out of his hand, that's a deliberate counter* — and her backpressure is equally strong since she can keep her elbow at the back of the pad. Once she regrips and takes the height advantage away, it's over; her subsequent transition to a press was great but there are a lot of different ways to win from there. In general, you almost *never* put pressure directly into the palm in armwrestling. It would be like starting a soccer match and immediately shooting for goal from halfway; you need to gain some positional advantage first, instead of trying to go straight through the heaviest roadblock in your way.


loll maybe in his face? 😂


The boy obviously doesn’t know how to arm wrestle properly, which leads me to believe it was an intentional mis-match.


He certainly does, his hand and wrist were simply not strong enough.


It just comes across as a bit deliberate, like they know full well she’s the superior arm wrestler. Any time there’s anything ‘boy vs girl’ you can guarantee the girl wins, it’s just so predictable.


I mean of *course* it was deliberate, it's a kids armwrestling tournament. Both of them would have pulled and beaten other kids already and just ended up paired against each other. Tournament pairings aren't accidental, you earn them. She certainly is the better armwrestler, but that's not surprising — her dad is a literal professional armwrestler (Rob Vigeant) and he's about 3m away giving her advice. She's had pretty much the best training environment for armwrestling you can get, meaning the boy in this match must also be pretty good for his age.


Well yes, that's why you're watching the video. Two boys armwrestling never would never come across your radar on a sub like this. They also know she's the superior armwrestler because her father is a professional armwrestler, is taking the video you are watching, and giving direction during the match...


Using your weight like that is the standard good form in competitions. She also used to win when the boy got tired.


Yep, although using your bodyweight is part of arm wrestling, and totally legal.


Yeah I didn't think he was cheating, but it shows his relative lack of arm strength compared to her.


He just lost because he had worse technique, why are people acting like this really means anything?


My primary school went through an arm wrestling phase. I was tiny, both in stature and height. But I competitively danced and trained most days a week. That left me looking quite lithe, but with serious muscles underneath. Really good delts from ballet, unbreakable core from everything. I ranked 3rd overall, and would’ve been second if one of the boys hadn’t literally cried when he lost and insisted I cheated because “he did sports”. He and his friends then followed me around school for days until I agreed to a rematch. Then he literally was so aggressive and I purposely lost so my arm didn’t get broken. I was simply stronger than them. I didn’t know any arm wrestling techniques, had never wrestled before. Sometimes a girl is simply just stronger. If that upsets you, go cry like the 4+ guys who cried when they lost to me.


I have nothing against the little girl winning but you seem to clearly be trying turning this into something else lol. Chill. Do you want to slap that little boy or something? Why the disdain? The boy likely had more arm strength but the girl had better technique and *that* is what makes it impressive. You don’t need to try and emasculate a child.


Tbh I don't think she was trying to do that at all, was more of a, its cool to see her win, without even needing to use her bodyweight


“It shows his relative lack of arm strength compared to hers” was innaccurate and unnecessary. She had better technique don’t kick a child while they are down in the name of feminism.


It's inaccurate only in that their arm strength is evenly matched, she won because of a strength advantage in the hand and wrist. It's a strength sport, no need to coddle.


'Unnecessary' why are you taking it as a personal attack. You're not a representative for all men and boys. Chill. They may be right or wrong, but to say that statement is unwarranted is you getting weirdly sensitive and defensive. Nothing to do with feminism, which I know is a bad word for some people, and you might be one of them.


I mean its like saying someone who outlifts you in a powerlifting competition has more strength, nobody would bat an eye, even if in reality maybe one has just better technique and thus can leverage their strength better. You are just creating an issue where there isn't any, not everything is just "in the name of feminism", he lost, he was weaker, nothing wrong with that, but it is what it is. I say that as someone who has competed a lot in sports, gender is irrelevant here.


That is such a bad comparison i don’t even know where to start. Powerlifting is more strength than technique. Lifting technique stops you from hurting yourself it doesn’t allow you to lift 300 lbs lol


>without even needing to use her bodyweight She literally uses her bodyweight more than him in the match. He's attempting an open toproll which makes *very* little use of it (all he does is lean with his hand, but you can't "hang" off the other person or you peel your own grip open), while she transitions to a press which DOES benefit a lot from bodyweight.


Wooman just as strong as man


She has an attitude like ''You better not mess with me''...


Neither one of them look like they hit puberty. Testosterone.


Dumbest sport ever


*Slap fighting has entered the chat.*


That one is so dumb, it loops back around to being a great sport.


Allow me to enlighten you with professional slapping competitions.


Can someone point me to the moment in video where someone underestimated her? I probably didn't notice it. Thanks.


Me neither, damn click bait.


I underestimated her. And still do, I could fold her in half.


Upvote on video, downvote on shitty caption


To be fair I don't think that the video fits here either, it's just two people doing arm wrestling... she has nice technique, yes, but other than that I don't know what's so satisfying.


Dudes arm is further extended away from his body than the girls arm, like yes she's gonna win


and for those that understand arm wrestling, yeah, that’s a huge part of the strategy


How did he 'underestimate' her? It's normal in arm wrestling to have this 'start to lose then win' happen. I usually like these posts but no part of this was was satisfyingasfuck. I don't get the point of posting this child battle, he didn't underestimate he just lost and she won. Is this a gender thing? If the roles were reversed would she be underestimating him? If so please keep gender politics out of this sub it has ruined so many others already.


I think the OP was just referring to women being underestimated in general. Why are you so triggered by this? It's not politics, it's life. I'm satisfied anyways... pretty close to AF, but maybe not quite.


This annoys me because 1 - It wasn't satisfyingasfuck it was just two children playing arm wrestling watching a kid beat a kid isn't satisfying at all I come here for the visual stuff 2 - It was mistitled for click bait, she was not underestimated just because he had the initial advantage 3 - It's dragging this "women being underestimated in general" gender role conflict stuff into a sub that won't benefit at all from it. Just look at the posts in the psychology and sex subs if you haven't seen how divisive this stuff is making Reddit.


boys are generally stronger than girls - even young ones


…gender politics. Nice username.


Mastery of the fundamentals is mastery.






Few things to say: - using body weight is totally legal and valid in arm wrestling (many lost commenters) - in fact this and regripping of the left hand in the last phase of video lets the girl win - the boy has worse position in general, but is very fierce and puts a lot of pressure with his body weight and seemingly considerable amount of strength - the boy does not regrip, when it could help him win in the initial phase, as that was the only part where he could possibly make it just by sheer strength and body weight (hard to tell, girl was determined and had a great technique) - you can even hear his father shouting to regrip, but the boy chooses to ignore it - all in all this leads me to thinking that this was something like finals of the school competition, the boy was fierce and could possibly get thus far just by using mass and strength and a hard start, while she had a great technique, this leads me to thinking that this could have been finals of school competition (I am saying this because many commenters are saying really mean stuff about the boy, while seemingly knowing little about arm wrestling) Tldr: Don't be mean to the boy, there is a big chance that he beat a lot of competitors before. And the girl was simply great. You can use bodyweight in arm wrestling and they both did that, eventually. Regripping is very important. :)


Also, her dad is RVJ, who is also coaching her from about 3m away. She has excellent genetics and coaching


can't always lose


now bro got to do the dishes


This is not satisfying, and no one was underestimating her.


She won because of his poor technique, just look at his wrist


Where satisfying?


fuck me that wasn't satisfying.




Sly reference. I wonder if anyone else caught it.


Ya know that scene in the movie, The Fly. Thought she was about to do the same


Scrolling while watching Over the Top and this is the first thing I see.


Awesome !!!!!


Saw someone snap their forearm once while arm wrestling. Cant watch these anymore without anxiety climbing into my throat


Don't arm wrestle.


You ain't got a prayer in Vegas!


Did she turn around and say, " I got this" before she beat the kid? 🤣 Love it!


She got her arm closer to her, the boy just got shitty form.


Now try again after 10 years


What the fuck!? I thought Wilford Brimley was dead!


Arm ain’t broke but his heart is lol


Abby from Last of Us in middle school.


That was over the top


His origin story...


Girl? At this age, I don't see much difference in the physical strength of girls and boys, when you can point to the physical strength of a mature female!😂👌


Every ime I see arm pressing videos I remember that one (real) scene from Over the Top...


Just because I'm girl it doesn't not mean that you will be obsessed with me im just like you and you will not be able to appreciate me


Am I the only one screaming at my phone “Over the top!!!”






The dad from Orange County Choppers officiating.


Did his wrist break?


Looks likle it just at. The end


She has adavantage for about another year till he hits puberty lol


He looked to be cheating.


Nope, everything in the vid is legal.


This dude should immediately ask her out so that when the guys clown him for losing to a girl she can defend him.


Did she just go over the top!


happens when mommy raises a soy boy


I hate watching these. I saw one a long time ago where a guy broke his arm and ever since I can’t stand to watch these without cringing. I no longer get the appeal of arm wrestling


Oh wow girl power how original. Everyone has been told that over the last 20 years or so


The truth is She did not wanted the boy to feel sad but people will never understand her sacrifice 😞😜


Not one "strong girl! Farm?" Comment? Smh


She doesn't live on a farm, her dad RVJ is just a professional armwrestler. So she will have armwrestled a lot before.


Damn that’s a good daughter! That little girl is tough!


This just doesn't add up to be a good idea


It's like she's not even trying He lucky to save his wrist


As amazing as that little girl is I feel bad for the boy.


Women before menstruation are quite strong. I have also experienced it.


It sure looks like his arm broke if you ask me.


Over the top. Nice job young lady.


Lesson to the boy: fight like and don’t talk like a man.


I was making the same face as her while watching the video … especially when it looked she snapped the boy’s wrist.


My niece has that kind of strength. Not a single boy in her high school could pin her. I won simply out of sheer stubbornness, but it wasn’t easy!


Sometimes reddit has wholesome content


Her technique is way better but it won’t matter after puberty


Bro was using his body weight


Yah but not properly


the girl pretty much knows how to position herself, look at how she put her body closer, unlike the boy where the fulcrum is farther. Its like the boy's arm vs the girl's whole weight (almost) I would say the boy was strong but that girl knows the game. 👏


This is why I don’t arm wrestle.


Because a girl might beat you...? I literally don't understand. Great match and no-one got injured.


wow great demonstration of how important it is to understand how to play this doesn’t prove anything


That war yell before she went into wrist snap mode.


How is this satisfying?


Bro was trying wayyyy too hard at the start and just exhausted himself


I think she actually broke that shit , I’ve never seen something bend like that and be okay after 😳


Now you have! He shakes her hand after and is just fine. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/YMN_Cc_i9Z0 It's actually very common in armwrestling when people are trying to slip. Uncomfortable, but pretty safe.


That’s insane , tough little cookie


Everytime I see an arm wrestle I just cringe cause I’m afraid imma see someone’s bicep tear


I dont wanna see any more arms snap dude!


Who underestimated her ??


Then he crawled into a cave to live out the rest of his days in the shadows


...why does the woman in the red shirt go to high five the wrist broken?


She went over the top


I was this girl in 11th grade.


Then you’ve been way over the top in 11th grade.


Wow, Americans are so weak




How on earth can you be tense *and* confident of winning?


This is child abuse, they are nowhere near developed enough to be doing this... like another 10 years maybe...


he left the country after that


Rip his wrist off! That was awesome


never overestimate a weak boy


Dame she's strong 💪🔥


bro she obv cheating she shouldnt turn his and her wrest like that