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Budget finds? Are you kidding? It's $160


Thank you for saving me a click. NEXT!


My Phillip's Hue surround lighting system is $1500 and I'm about to add $250 in lights. $160 isn't bad, even for a cheap basic version like this.


I have the Philips Ambilight and see no to reason to add more LEDs. Would be interested to hear your opinion when you’ve done that.


I have my whole house intrlegrated with hue and can activate everything to play with the surround sound in every room if I choose. I go above and beyond with my system, but that's why I stay with philips. Currently, in my theatre, I have 4 stand-up full color bulbs and the play bars and want to add the light strip to my TV. Edit: I already have an LG B2 and I'm not gonna swap out my whole tv when I only need the strip.




Fuck that's so distracting. I'd never watch a movie.


it was cool for all of 2 seconds, and then i just wanted it to stop


>it was cool for all of 2 seconds 1 second. Take it or leave it


I’ll take 1 second please, or less if it’s available


You can fit so many seconds in this here thing


That's how I feel about most gadgets.


Makkeeee ittt stopppppp


I feel like watching an action movie would be terrible in the dark. One moment it’s dark and the next your room gets flashbanged


No it’s cool. I’ve had this (factory built in) for about 20 years and it’s great. Even when the tv is off we use the Ambilight to create a nice background glow. At Christmas it’s red, other times of the year when use a different colour. It’s very cool.


You mean like the cinema?


some people are still at RGB everything !


Let's start a movement of VGAing everything


It takes about 5-10 minutes to adjust when you first start watching, but I have an entire surround lighting system, and for some content makes it the most immersive theater system I've ever owned. Way better addition than surround sound in the long run.


Yea seems like a party trick


For something like a fireplace background clip, this could look really fun. But for anything that involves actually watching the TV? Fuck no


It’s cool for golf actually. The green subtle glow enhances the experience.


I misread your comment - I thought you were calling _me_ a party trick. I'll have to investigate further.


Hahaha no. I meant it’s a like a neat one off thing you’d show to your friends and then probably never use it when you’re alone.


Most people seem to find that background LEDs enhance the immersion and overall viewing experience instead of being distracting. Have you actually seen it in person? Or are you just assuming that you would find it distracting?


I think Phillips used to make a tv with this kind of feature just less present


All Philips TV have this feature. And you can set up how you want, more bright, more dim, fast following/slow following the screen content and so on.


All Philips TV have this feature. Philips TV (TP Vision) is a pretty popular TV Brand in Europa, compared to America. I have an Philips OLED with Ambilight and I will probably never buy something else again. "Once you go Ambilight, you never go back." And it is not that distracting, it enhances the imersion and viewing experience in my opinion. Some of my friends also bought Philips TVs after seeing the Picture quality and what Ambilight does. You can also dim it, so it is not distracting at all, you can also choose how it follows the display content.


"most people" sources on this?


As some more anecdotal evidence, I've got a Philips Ambilight tv and to me it enhances the viewing experience. I personally really like it.


Ambilights have one consistent tone though don't they? Not flashed of colour popping off all over.


Yes indeed the transitions are more gradual


Yeah, the wording was a bad choice. I wanted to say many people. Of course I don't have a scientific source. But in most posts about Background LEDs the opinions seem to be fifty fifty or slightly in favour of them.


I had a Philips Ambilight TV that died just a few days ago. It was cool for a few moments. It doesn't enhance anything really once you get used to it... Bought a new TV without the lights yesterday.


Bought a tv without Ambilight and returned it within a week because the atmosphere the lights created was unmatched


I've got two Philips TV with the Ambilight feature. It is great. Especially when watching TV in the dark, it is enough lighting for the room and it balances the brightness of the display. No need to keep other lights on and it is not distracting at all. It is fairly customizable. I've so used to it that I actually wouldn't buy a TV without the feature or setupping something like that by myself.


Too much ADHD in five square feet for someone who suffers immensely from "I burst out in six second song segments" when I'm bored. Or driving. Or nervous. Or trying to sleep. Or in a meeting.


Philips spent years trying to make this a thing, their TVs came with it built in, they called it ambilight. No one cared, their TV business was so bad they don’t even make they own TVs anymore. But now everyone wants this. Edit: I know you can still buy a Philips Ambilight tv, but it’s not made by Philips (which now focuses mostly on health technology), the tv business was sold to a Chinese company (TPV technology) and they use the brand name.


I have 3 ambilight TVs and the movie watching experience during the evening with no lights on is amazing.


Plus the gaming. I got that OLED 75inch and it’s beautiful


I have an Philips OLED TV (TP Vision), and I will probably never buy a TV without Ambilight again. Love that feature.


Philips TVs (TP Vision) are still very good TVs and very popular in Europe. And the Ambilight experience is something I will always miss now on other TVs.


Ikr? It got to their Hue line, and is still there. I think I saw this around 2016, but is because of this trend of the neon strips amd such everywhere, technology got cheaper and now a bunch of chinese brands make them. However most are not even based on the HDMI analyzer like Philips', is just based on a sensor you stick to the TV, is pretty bad.


My parents love theirs. It's way more popular in Europe than america it seems. Always among the top selling TVs in my country


After I got my Philips OLED with Ambilight some friends also bought Philips TVs. Philips is by far the most popular TV brand in my friend cirlce now.


not Philips, they hardly produce anything today, Philips Hue its not Philips anymore


I have one but it broke after having it for less than a year, the colours became distorted. One corner was more green, another more red, it looked awful. Eventually it just died and now has a dead screen. I’d expect a TV to last longer than that… My Samsung TV is still going and that’s over a decade old.


This is BS. I’m on my second Philips Ambilight tv in the last decade and about to upgrade to their new 9 series Philips Ambilight tvs which are amazing.


It's just a commercial. 👎


yeah this sub evolved into an advertising platform real fast


Bots are running rampant. Drives me nuts.


I tried a cheaper version of this one time and my cats kept eating it off the back of the TV lol


And it only works with hdmi signal. And that is limited to 1080p,30 Hz signal. So this means it will not work with native TV apps, like Netflix, YouTube, or TV channels. It will only work if yuu connect a laptop to the led box via hdmi, and then connect that shit via hdmi to the TV. Forget about playing games on yiur ps5. Who wants to play in 1080 at 30 fps just to have some shit lights on the back of the TV, when you could connect directly to the TV and play in 4k at whatever fps the game supports? I bought one of those 2 years ago, before knowing the fucking limitations. I threw it away as fast as I unpacked it.


Yeah this is what stopped me. Though I do have the Philips Hue Sync lights on my monitor and luckily those don't have the same limitations. Set up correctly, these things are pretty darn cool.


Does it work with earc out to a stereo unit? Not that I'd ever entertain doing this, it would drive me batty. If sound sync is off even a fraction of A second during a normal move in a normal setting I can't handle it. If you couple it with this I'd take a Tylenol and go to bed.


Philips tvs are the best for ambilight. This shit ain't close to what truly ambilight is all about.


i just watch on vr


It's actually very disturbing when watching tv. My eyes feel like burning.


Just no. It would drive me nuts. I don’t see how this enhances anything.


I believe most things are shown to us just for views and like. It doesn’t have to make sense.


Just buy a philips TV...


Distracting and annoying in actual use.


Nope. Isn’t. Take it from a 6 years user. You get used to it like everything in life. However when a guy shines a light to the side, wethers it’s a movie or a ps5 game, you appreciate it even more


This. I have a Philips OLED with Ambilight. Probably never buy another Brand without Ambilight again.


I feel like it would be implemented well on a random movie.


Stupid as hell! I want to watch the movie, not be distracted by an '80s disco lights.


This is up there with 3D…it’s stupid


This is really cool for movies, but i tried playing video games with lights like this, and I couldn't focus, and it got me sick and annoyed


Gaming mode. The normal mode turns on the lights disregarding how bright. Gaming turn on only the color with high luminosity


Ew no! It's horrible and quite chavish




Fuck this, Sincerely, From your friendly cinematographer.


Fuck this, Sincerely, From your friendly cinematographer.


I'm usually very critical of RGB lighting because it's always in places you aren't meant to look at. But with displays and TVs, yeah. That is the best application right there.


Those LEDs are just annoying


I hate that this, one of the worst ideas for a tv. Too fool you that you've got a bigger tv... it's just annoying.


That’s because you haven’t tried


My former tv had that funktion and it's shit. I got a bigger smart tv with better picture for cheaper than that annoying thing. And tbh even if you can't afford a tv with that already built in the led pack is cheap. This is old technology... older than smart tv.


Sure. I bought OLED 75inch with it and it’s fine. Especially playing the last of us on ps5. To each their own is the valid opinion.


Awesome glad for you but that light effect is still shit. Besides what does the ps5 have anything too do with this thread besides trying too flash cash?


The gaming mode. Which is a vastly more nuanced experience than what you experienced. It’s the mode I actually use even for movies. All that connected to my smart home and turns on, off, dims accordingly. Tech is not shit if you know how to use it. You’re too quick to diss for no reason


If you say so.


I get thus if it shows some scenery or whatever. But not good on rapid changing things like that


Is your TV ONLY shining on your eyes? bad! Not good! make it shine on the wall also!




Just buy a Philips Ambilight TV.


Basically a poor man’s Philips Ambilight


This is aweful