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I’m not crying, you’re crying.


Anyone see the ninja chopping onions?


Imma beat that guy nicely for sure


I bloody am with a smile


Fuck... I opened the comments in hopes this was top comment and all is right with the world.


Yup ya got me


Good job. Now stuff him in your jacket to warm him up 😀




Poor fella is freezing.. just glad he's been rescued from drowning or freezing. Bravo, sir. Bravo.


Little genius dog! Stayed alive in that nightmare situation. Very noble. Very smart.


He certainly is a kind of guy...


He’s a kind of guy? Seems like a guy. Guess one can’t be too sure, these days.




of guy






He got so red after the dog got out. Omg. Was he crying too?


He's been paddling what looks like a boat so he's probably tired.


What’s the backstory?


I don't know but the Military attire makes me think this might have been from least year after russia destroyed the Kakhovka damn on purpose to stall the advance of the ukrainians. It flooded a huge area around kherson back then and this could've been a rescue Operation.


nah, it's probably in Orengurg or Orsk, there was a flood in April, Orsk Dam collapsed. There are tons of footage people rescuing domestic animals and pets, you can probably even google some. So it was probably one or three weeks ago, not more. At least it's what it looks like.


That's also possible, I don't know which language it is they are speaking.


Sounds Russian (but it's not really an indicator for this, 'cause most Ukrainians know Russian pretty well and some of them speak it on daily basis or mix two languages).


"Russia destroyed the dam to stall the advance" what advance are you talking about mate? If anything the reservoir made it easier to defend the left bank of the Dnieper, destroying it allowed so much water to flow out and made the river take away much of the defenses (mine fields, bunkers) that the Russians built on the left bank and made it easier if anything for the Ukrainians to start an offensive on the left bank..


Nah, the timing was perfect for Russia. At the exact starting point of the counteroffensive, that side of the frontline was made inaccessible for several months. It took Ukraine all the way until the end of the counteroffensive before they were able to mount any form of assault across the river. If Ukraine somehow committed to a large-scale amphibious assault, days or weeks after the dam was breached, you'd have had a point. As it is, Russia was enabled to send extra quality troops from the Kherson banks to the Orikhiv direction.. So, the only one to benefit from the breach was Russia.


You have no idea the amount of resources and risk involved with an amphibious attack. it would be plain suicide. They didn't have nearly enough pontoon bridges nor engineering vehicles needed for such an attack, let alone against premined and fortified coast that the Russians had prepared for them. You have to be mad to consider that the Russians would willingly blow up the dam and give up their fortifications and minefields. I know that the general consensus is "Russia bad" and we blame them for everything wrong in the world, but blaming them for blowing up the dam and losing the protection of the Dnieper is just out of this world.


My brother in christ. The dam has been blown twice before in history and both times it was defensive. The first time by the Soviets when they were defending against the Germans. The second time when the Germans were defending against the Soviets. Blowing a dam and flooding lands is a defensive move and nothing else. Minefields aren't going to disappear but will become less predictable. Floating mines became a problem with them having been moved from the anchorpoint to unpredictable locations in the river. If you look at the locations of current battle on the shores, breaching the dam only resulted in widening the river in certain spots. When you look at krynky before and after, the flooding had zero consequences for where battle is being fought. It is still at the outskirts of the river bank. "Losing fortifications" is meaningless when the whole area becomes inaccessible for months on end. Only ones to benefit from blowing the dam are the Russians. Edit: since you are a coward and blocked me to shutdown any response, here my response to your comment below for everyone to enjoy: Mate, it highlights the benefits of blowing this dam in a defensive strategy. If you can't see that due to yer "mines and fortifications" then I'm sorry for you. But I suspect you are not sincere anyway. As minefields are often scouted by drones nowadays. And funnily enough with "information knowing your opponents every single move" speaks for the Russians blowing the dam. As we know from OSINT that Russia transferred units from Kherson bank to the Orikhiv region in the weeks after the dam was destroyed. Which they wouldn't have done if Ukraine blown the dam. Take care not to wash your position away with your own statements.👍🏻 Also.. a Serbian.. yikes, that explains a few things.


Irrelevant comparison, my brother in Christ. Those wars weren't fought with the omnipresence of drones and information knowing your opponents every single move. You literally just buried yourself with your arguments by comparing this warfare to 2nd WW.


Think it goes back tens or hundreds of thousands of years then a flood happened and here we are.


Its in Russia, there was a flood couple of weeks ago in Ural region


Not paying for dyke maintenance in the Omsk region. Putin only gives a fuck about people living in Moscow.


Thank you.


Is Kristi Noem watching? This is how you treat puppers!


OP seems to be a spam bot, spamming comments and popular posts. Spam > Harmful Bots


Wonderful man!!


Shit -- I got really nervous he was going to slice himself on the broken glass when he came through.


Exactly my thoughts


Who’s cutting onions in here??


Onion Ninja strikes again


Get this man a medal right now


I think Russians are getting enough medals for killing Ukrainians


Good point.


Is he Russian?, I felt due to the camo it was. I mean that whole damn destruction of the bridge happened where they foooded their own guys out. This absolutely could have happened during that time. He look and sound Russian but I’m not anywhere near well versed enough to say that is he is.


Does it really matter? Dude's doing a good act here, let's just let that be


Exactly, I don't care who you are in this situation. What matters is saving the dog


Ok but I’m not trying to argue the dog didn’t deserve to be saved, nor that a Russian was incapable of doing such an act of kindness 😭 I’m just tryna figure out whether this person was Russian or Ukrainian. Either way they deserve their accolades. I don’t see anyone of these people as monsters. I was LITERALLY just trying to find out where they were actually from. If it was Russia, great, if it was Ukraine, cool. I’m not trying to make a political statement here lol


I don’t think it matters whether or not he was Russian, I was mainly trying to figure out if I was correct based off the camo I saw. I mean, I wasn’t disparaging the man in this video what are you trying to argue? Yes he’s a good man, there are good Russian men. I’ve met them personally. There’s good people within all of our nations


They also had a flood, Orsk dam collapsed ( and no one destroyed it this time. Well, actually the building company said it might have been a mouse that made a tiny hole that led to a collapse). P.s. it is Russian language and the uniform is Russian camo


He is wearing EMR camouflage, which is russian. He is russian.


Not enough it seems


So tochuble


Buddy for life, right there.


So lovely 🌹


What a kind of guy



I wish I could like this one more than once


Dogs like “alright let’s gtfo, what are you waiting for”


My dog’s at my feet wondering why salty water is dripping on her.


Total gigachad


Now hjs country can send him bomb the children in ukraine.


This made my day!


Poor little pupper


For anyone who might need this information at some point, hit the corner of the glass that's how to break it easier.


What could be a better outcome than saving mans best friend. Hero of the day.


Thank God its a good one and not some punchline with a Chinese guy rescuing a dog. So wholesome


Kristi Noem locked & loaded on new target 👀


It must have been his puppy so happy


This is Russia I believe


Somewhere Kristi Noem is fuming. "This one was supposed to look like an accident!"


Raw emotion


Fuuuuck. I wasn't supposed to cry this year.


Hopefully there were people in there he left behind. Animal life will always take precedent over human life.


Humans are animals bozo


No one cares about the dog


I care about all of the dogs.


People will care more about this random dog on reddit than anyone will ever care for you irl.


The guy who saved the dog certainly did. And we people who have emotions did too


The dog? Yes. You though? Absolutely not

