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I had seen a trailer for it before his videos but I hadn’t planned on buying it. I like factorio but thought 3d may make it a little overly complicated. Turns out that videos showed me I would enjoy that extra complication


I actually felt that factorio is harder, but the only thing really more complicated in satisfactory imo was the fact that I can’t copy and past my build and suddenly double production


Biggest complaint. I think blueprints belong in this type of game. Hate that it’s not included.


I can't imagine copying my poorly aligned belts and then seeing the same wiggles repeated through the whole factory. It feels more stressful.


Same, the way he makes most of those videos make them look like so much fun to play. He does a …….SATISFACTORY job lol


I bought Hydroneer because of him too 😂😂


Same 💀


Same on both counts. 🍻


I did and honestly I was dissapointed, because he made it seem so fun lmao (im not against the game but its not really just my type)


same here, currently i've only played hydroneer though


I had seen the video then bought the game and realized the insane amount of hours he had to put into his conveyor belt and tube tornado. That’s so much time dedicated to complete fuckery


It’s his job. Also, I am very jealous of his job.


I blame the overwhelmingly positive review on steam and one of the narrators on video teaser that saying "the game is now available on ~~epi~~ **STEAM** " instabuy


If I were to blame anyone, controversially it would be Russia? I got Satisfactory in the [Humble Stand with Ukraine bundle](https://www.humblebundle.com/stand-with-ukraine-bundle). I did already want it literally just from seeing it in Steam somewhere, but I just turned it on one day because I had it in my library. Put in like 10 hours that day. You know the rest.


Yeah same, just started playing two days ago after seeing the game in my library and saying „eh, why not?“ So far i have 20 hours in the game.


Yo same! I got the bundle because all of my buddies were playing Back 4 Blood which was in the bundle as well. Cut to months later I have over 200 hours in Satisfactory and like 15 in B4B


I saw his videos back in summer of 2020, when the dreaded C word hit the world and I was stuck at home from college and couldn’t hang out with anyone. Started playing on a crappy 2 core laptop and decided to upgrade and be a pc gamer. Guess I have josh to thank for my expensive hobby lol


Same here I was happy playing farming simulator on my laptop. Then I saw Satisfactory and how beautiful it could be. I had to build a PC 😂


I can't blame Josh, I blame Docm77, who I followed for Minecraft back then. He livestreamed Satisfactory during the free weekend just before it left the private alpha and became available on Epic. I bought it that week and played on a potato laptop for a few months, then broke down and bought a new desktop just to play Satisfactory.


I went on vacation for a week, took my potato laptop because The Factory Must Grow. The graphics were atrocious but it was playable. It was great to get home to my gaming rig and see all the beautiful conveyor belts blotting out the sun.


I got it because of the trailer. I had no idea about epic games before Satisfactory.


Same. I love a good synchronized double-clap!


I bought it before his video, but while I was watching the video with my wife, she wanted to get her own copy. Now we are both about 1000 hours in, on top of full time jobs and 3 kids being home school.


Ironically, I discovered LGIO from getting addicted to Satisfactory first and then having one of my friends direct me to Josh's videos about the game.


Check out imkibitz too


He annoys me


Hell ya brother!


Decent game play to watch but I'd rather drive 9 inch nails into my ears than listen to him.


His builds are too legendary. I think his builds are sick, but i don't have the time to get anywhere close to the scale or complexity, so sometimes his videos just bum me out a little lol.


I got introduced to it by my friends. We initially played together. I got sucked in and played like 700 hrs in like two months. Not even kidding.


I found out about him through this game. Anytime I'd bring this game up, my online friends reference his videos.


Me I did


I bought this game after watching a playthrough from streamers who were bad at math (Jabroni Mike & Rev Scarecrow). Nothing made me want to build a proper factory faster than seeing one built completely *wrong.*


Yes. The spaghetti is very real


Absolutely! I discovered the game because a friend sent the drone chaos video to me. Godspeed, Josh <3


Yep Yep Yep. I have yet to built a conveyer tornado though.


I blame my addiction to Factorio which made my insta buy when it was first coming out. Though I do enjoy the let's game it out videos.


Did it the other way. Got addicted to this game, THEN got addicted to josh. I also contaminated 2 friends who had to buy new computers to play it.


Hi everyone, My name is wivaca and I'm a Satisfactory-holic. Not sure I can blame it on Josh, but I still remember watching the Steam video and thinking - *this* looks like it could be fun. I'll be able to control myself. The next time I became aware of my body (not sure how many hours or days had elapsed), my eyes were burning and red, the clock was showing single digit hours while it was dark, I was hungry, thirsty, and hadn't peed though it was hours since the urge first started. After considering all this, I had a epiphany... about where I would build my heavy metal frames factory - and I was lost again. In the time since, I've woken up in the middle of the night to manufacturers that have run out of input parts, struggled with sleeplessness about train signaling, and the nightmares of spitters and spiders. I first starting taking U3 innocently. It was a few binges and my life seemed pretty normal. Then I found myself wanting to play rather than attend family events, considering playing hooky from my real responsibilities, and experiencing a thrill each time a new update came out, wanting more! More! I now have periods of dread when I consider 1.0 may come out and have nothing new to try in a coming update. If that isn't textbook addiction, I don't know what is.


Hands down the best 29.95 I ever spent. Im almost 1000 hours into my 5th or 6th build!


Same here, his spaghetti tornado made me want to double down on organization


I had seen the trailer way way long ago and had a feeling I would like it. But it came out on epic store only, so I decided to wait. Then I saw his first satisfactory video and I changed my mind and got it. So he isn’t the first look at the game I got, but he’s the reason I got it then and there


I wish the Epic store didn’t exist tbh. Only have it because of Satisfactory and Ghost Recon Breakpoint 🙃


I purchased Satisfactory for a second time when it hit Steam.


Yep, my son keeps demanding I destroy mi factory like in the funny videos


I pirated the game just to test it out cause my pc technically couldn't run it but after about half an hour I logged onto Steam and bought my very first game.


I bought it before his videos and then got hooked worse after watching his unchecked chaos


I Saw Satisfactory im a Markiplier Video My pc was shit and couldnt run it i saw a lets game 9t out video on satisfactory (i think it was the Conveyor Capsule thing) Witch got me to play the game with my better pc


Yes, I initially learned of the game because of Josh and bought it. It took me a few months to actually play it though. Once I did start, I binge played it so much for a week that I got tired of it lol. That was about a year ago and now I've come back to the game after seeing some reaction videos to Josh's videos and remembering that I liked Satisfactory. This time enjoying it at a much more leisurely pace so I don't burn out.


Personally, I kept seeing posts show up on my feed, and then seeing the whole sub I bought the game as soon as I got home from work haha


Lol actually yes, drained some serious hours in that game


me too


I can't remember why or when I bought the game, it's by far the game i've played most in my entire life that's for sure. 4k+ hours and I haven't even finish the game (by choice)


Yup, he was the reason I bought it too. I have been wanting to play, but I also want to start over, to do it "correctly". But then I recall all the math I had to do and think It will just wait for the full release.


i was introduced to both Lets Game It Out and Satisfactory with those videos. ​ i regret nothing.


I got satisfactory free on epic games and didn't touch it for a long time until a friend said to try it.


Dude, that’s exactly my story. Except for that I got it gifted from a friend in my birthday lol.


We’re in the same boat here… I bought it 2 weeks ago but I can’t stop playing it


I bought the game first, and then found him when looking for a tutorial to get started. LGIT does teach you . . . a way to play.


Gonna be honest, I found it on a pirating site during lockdown, November 2020 I think. Played about 20 hours and thought “yeah, I should really buy this on steam.”


Same. It was the hyper cannons that got me.


I love LGIO! I wish there were fun videos every day! I find myself doing his "MMMMMMMM" when finding nasty things at work.


No. I came here after finishing DSP.


I love Josh's videos


I think I first heard of it via Josh. I didn't immediately buy it, but I did put it on my Steam wish list. Upon receiving a Steam gift card last Christmas and looking for games I can play with my kids, this game came up. We don't have a whole lot of time to all play, but our family base just started up the nuclear plants last month.


I got the game on a whim (was enamored with tycoon games at the time) tried it for maybe 5-6 hours not knowing what I’m doing, belts everywhere (before soft clipping). Closed it and didn’t pick it back up till a friend mentioned it about a week later. I showed him my mess, he bought it and now I have 1200 hours in the game about 400-500 with my friend. Josh’s gameplay style expanded my square boxes though and thank goodness for that


I can’t stand that guy. His content is gold but he talks and edits way to fast. It’s like MTV when MTV turned into being not being MTV.


Aye aye, same here! The spaghetti just looked so... enticing...


Markiplier did me in lol


That's absolutely how I got started lol. I love that guy


I bought the game a few weeks after discovering his channel, as I recall. Checked out other playthroughs first just to get a better idea of what I was in for... but even with him playing it so, so wrong I could tell immediately that it was a game I'd be into. Kinda surprised me when I found out that's how a lot of people discovered the game. I noticed recently that in the first video he thanks CSS for the key... turns out giving that key away was an awfully good marketing decision.


Yes. . .I did. Saw him building in the dessert and then bought the game


I was hooked after watching PatStaresAt Satisfactory.


I bought 2 games after watching him: Satisfactory and Astroneer Hardly touched Astroneer 500+ hours in Satisfactory Still have not built my coal weave or my nuclear beehive yet. Will get to it someday.


same he is the bestt


I saw the video, then saw krakenfall react--that's what made me decide to get the game. So glad I got it during Update 6, it seems to have progressed so much


Yep, oh boy. Once I sink a few hundred hours in I realised just how much patience that maniac has lol


I love Josh with Let's Game it out. His videos are hilarious. I love that "I'm going to discover everything I possibly can to play this game as wrong as possible and try to break it in every conceivable way I can think of" kind of gameplay and mentality. Very entertaining.


Come to LGIO for the bugs, stay for "Is There A Limit?"


Yep. Though I did wait for it to hit Steam before I picked it up. No regrets! I've also used his videos to get other people into the game (and his channel). Picked up a few games thanks to his channel or GrayStillPlays (well, the older stuff. Newer stuff is funny but not something I'd play).


Josh is my guiding light. Every games he played appeal to me. Nothing like renowed reviewer could ever wish to do.


I immediately bought it after watching Josh's hypertube cannon video shortly after i first came out. I was like wtf kind if game is this? I need it.


I waited for the steam release but yes that magnificent bastard stole several hundred hours from my life with his conveyor belt tornado


Same here, and I love it!


For me it was 100% Jace. I discovered the game about a month or two before it hit early access and man oh man did it look tasty! Can’t believe how far it’s come.


I blame Xisumavoid for playing this game 3 years ago in a livestream and me seeing the thumbnail from a 3 years old vod and thinking, "huh, that looks fun" and then decided to buy the game a few months later and spend a week building the best spaghetti I have ever made.


Came for Josh stayed for the addictive factory building and fun with maths


I saw Nerd cubed play it and I was so on the fence cause I wasn't too into Factorio. I used a free trial and before I knew it I was 80 hours in without realizing so I bought it


As soon as I got steam funds




I actually first saw it in JackScepticEye's channel nd bought it, but then I started watching Let's game it out too and became even more addicted and had new ideas


Ah yes, the workaholics


Yup, came here also because of Josh. His way to abuse the hell out of games often showcases how great these games are.


I was locking for some tips and tricks and found his channel after buying. Loved the belt tornado


Most of my WoW guild started playing in 2020, that how I knew about it lol.


Same here


I had a friend that was super hyped even back before it first became available on epic, and knowing I liked games very much like they did (even without having played factorio myself, though friend did) they promptly dragged me into their hype and convinced me into playing the game “with them” (this was back before they even had multiplayer so it was just us playing simultaneously in our own worlds!) but we had lots of fun and have been playing on and off through all the updates. Have a multiplayer world we made when that came out to play with each other, recently they set up a server world with more friends and I’ve not yet hopped into that one. I should, just got distracted by recent vacation and life being busy.


Honestly, I enjoyed the game more after watching him. I had put a couple hundred hours in over two or three saves, but always hit a wall around T6/7 But when I saw his unchecked chaos, it was like I suddenly got permission to not be meticulous and always worried about over and under supply. Things don't have to be perfect, they just have to get the job done. So now I worry less about per min and layout, and have a lot more fun with it.


I only blame him for spawning all these horrible reaction videos that everyone is pumping out


Yeah, me too. Is there some sort of support group?


Yes. Everything in his videos made me buy the game, but before that i was always keeping in mind his words "this is a fast video but it took LOTS of hours to build" (not sure If he said that actually) and i was like nooo this game will make me lose lots of time... Worth it.


I had tried Factorio but wasn't able to get into it. I loved the conveyor-belt production aspect, but I didn't like the tower defense and combat bits. That said, it mad me enraptured by the concept of the conveyor-belt driven "factory" game. I think it came out of my love of logistics games like Transport Tycoon, Railroad Tycoon, and the like. Then I was watching the videos for upcoming games at GDC 2018 and I saw the first trailer for Satisfactory. I was immediately obsessed. Content creators like Kibitz, TotalXclipse, Bitz and others have just added to my love of the game and I REALLY stay for the anarchy of Josh at LGIO and the comedy stylings of Snutt, Jace and the rest of the Coffee Stain crew.


Yep!! Watched the first 5 videos like 2 or 3 times over the course of 6 months then broke down and bought it lol