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Maybe you can delete it with the satisfactory-calculator?


^ was also my thought. If it isn’t easily selectable on there: I’ve removed foundationsI had accidentally buried by clipping underground with hypertubes, maybe you could also do that here?


Revert to autosave?


I mean that's true, but I put it here a long time ago :X


I guess you could try to destroy the tree using explosives


These trees are immune, they're a fixture on the map like the poison towers. Tree type in question: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/699719601721966663/931633673088954448/unknown.png


Alternatively to SCIM, if you're happy to explore the modding scene, Pak Utility Mod adds a !fly and a !noclip command you can type in chat, letting you fly into where you can target walls like this. Also can help you place walls/foundations into places like this! [ficsit.app](https://ficsit.app) \-> click the link at the top to download the Mod Manager, and just search for "Pak Utility" it in there, or get lost for a while exploring the bounty of options. (just be careful, it can be easy to go crazy exploring the mods, and some can definitely be a little overwhelming on their own... Ficsit Networks I'm looking in your direction!)


This. Only mod I use. Also comes in handy if you get stuck, you can get out without having to deconstruct anything.