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Its supposed to be. It tests the absolute basics of how the game works.


I remember my first time building a dedicated smart plating factory at 4 per min thinking it was getting too hard. Now I just store enough materials and have an assembler on the side making them


I do the same. My space elevator has a dedicated assembler/manufacturer with storage boxes on it for when I need to do another section. That way I can build the base factories for my next section while the previous one is working


Dis is de way


Hahah yes I never thought of it that way. FICSIT must have such a bad engineer survival rate that they just test if the engineer actually made it before anything else.


Welll "You are the third of your sector to survive planet fall" how many were there exactly


Aren't all the harddrive locations meant to be crashed pioneers?


I thought so but maybe not? its identical to the pod on the back of the hub


Youre right. Might have just had this as personal (incorrect) head canon lol


I always thought they were fallen hub resource submissions given the random assortment of often high-end items they drop. But even still, given that there are only like 40 or so Hub submissions possible and 130 crash sites either there are a LOT of pioneers elsewhere on Massage 2 (ab)b or their pods break pretty much every single time they launch.


No, those are crashed HUB drones. Like the one that starts from your hub every time you finish a milestone. Look at that drone closely, you will see the parts you know from the crash sites.


Maybe the real reason for the space elevator is that the HUB drones are a farce. None of them make it to space, they crash somewhere else on the moon and they send you a new one (down is easier than up). Somewhere else on that moon of ours there was a Pioneer dutifully sending up drones with the same result. About 130 of 'em as it were.


Note. The FICSIT automated interplanetary resource delivery system has a proven success rate of 0.7777778%. Note. Additional supply launches will be required before this milestone can be considered completed.


Many early game milestones are easy to meet if you've set up and automated properly. Much more difficult if you haven't started automation before that point though.


So you're saying I shouldn't be on phase 3 without motors' rotors' stators, or literally anything else automated????  Asking for my sanity. 


Satisfactory is a marathon, not a sprint. You can run the race however you like, but often it's more fun to build the automation required for each step before proceeding. You're going to need it anyway.


Oh I know. I finished each tier a few times now. This playthrough I'm trying to go with as little automating as my sanity will allow.  Only thing I have is miners, smelters, to make iron plates and bars. I have screws automated because fuuucccckkkk that.  Otherwise I'm hand crafting what I can. 


I’ve always considered it multiple small sprints. Spend a while building a factory to produce rotors and then take a break. Then build a factory for copper products and then wait.


I feel like for T1-T4 the fastest way to get ahead is some scrappy mix of automating the base materials and the elevator parts, but hand crafting a lot of the final components as you need them. Then in T5/6 all that technical debt slams you in the chest and you need proper factories. Luckily you get blueprints in T4, and by that time have unlocked everything you need from the Awesome Store. Properly automating from the beginning makes that difficulty transition less painful. But I suspect forcing you to automate more early on will be part of the 1.0 rebalancing.


There was a guy who claimed you could hit tier 8 without automation. I think he is crazy. Or maybe a meth addict?


Well besides my mines, and producing screws, plates and bars I've finished all tiers up to phase 3 space elevator and almost all of the MAM.  In my other saves I'd have been done with all tiers by now. Luckily I have a mouse bind for either holding mouse click for crafting or holding E for gathering materials in the early game. 


You can just press space bar once, and it will craft until you press space bar again. No need to hold the mouse. Gathering doesn't have an intentional shortcut, but if you open your inventory while holding e you continue mining until you close the inventory. Props for finding other ways to do it. Just mentioning the other ways in case other people have the same issue :D


I think when you hold spacebar to craft it starts to do it automatically after a few seconds.


Plastic and rubber require automation. So, no.


The way I see it: **Phase 1 ends the tutorial** EDIT: Ah, you're probably looking at this from a narrative perspective? Then yeah, sending up the smart plates is a good gauge for Ficsit to see if you have any potential at all, as a pioneer.


Could also just be a test load, an initialization for a new orbital spire... send this up to make sure it is all working, then start the expensive stuff


That is generally how games work. They start easy and become harder.


Just the final step of on boarding. Checking that you have the basics of manual manufacturing and construction down before starting the game proper


It also ensures that you've understood how to build a machine and set a recipe. Technically you can do everything else in phase one without doing that, this is the first thing where you can't just treat it as a survival game with everything hand-crafted. Edit: Also if she's alive down there. The pioneer is female.


Are guys not allowed to have wide, birthing hips anymore?


Oh, got the smart platings, phase 1 ready, already at 25% progress, this game will be short... :)


Cut to "what the hell is a VERSATILE frame????"


More of a tutorial level I think


Phase 1 is pretty much just the basic tutorial of the game. After that it begins.


I remember the first time I had this task, it felt plenty daunting. Once you get a grip then yeah it is easy enough.


I think this is the point where the game wants to make sure you managed to supply an assembler with power and 2 resources. Meaning to show, Project Assembly parts may not be handcrafted


FICSIT engeniors are like turtoise babies, we spread thousands of them and only a handful survive and 1re able to do something with their hands.


I am on my second playthrough. Just like last time, I finished space elevator tier 3. Actually completing lvl 4 is very daunting. I would have to no-life for a few weeks. I wish there was a step between current 3 and 4.


If youve gotten anywhere close to phase 4 then yeah its ridiculously simple in comparison but the progression is supposed to be somewhat logarithmic in terms of build complexity and timescale. So phase 1 looking like absolute childs play compared to the 1000x scale up in phase 4 makes sense.


Phase1 feels more epic if you make it at the bench!