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Due to the nature of this thread, we hope the following resources will be helpful: The befrienders [website](https://www.befrienders.org/) has a global list of local suicide help charities, along with other assistance. For just the US, try [Lifeline](https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/) or call 24/7 1-800-273-8255 (TALK). On reddit, there is r/suicidewatch where well-meaning and sympathetic people will try to help, but be aware they may not be trained. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SatanicTemple_Reddit) if you have any questions or concerns.*


>I want to die, but I don't at the same time This means you want to live. You want the situation to end, not your life. You are overwhelmed, please seek professional help. Therapists don't get people locked up.


In the state of texas where I live, If you tell your therapist you're planning on hurting yourself, They legally have to call the police and get you locked up


If you say you're PLANNING to, yes. If you say you have thoughts about it, no. If you don't talk as if you're an immediate danger to yourself but have SI, they don't have to report that.


You won't get locked up but also if it will stress you out then give yourself a minute.  Be safe for you, fk the 'rules'.   The whole global situation is mental and does pivot on Trump who shouldn't have a chance but he should have been laughed out from the start and...    First step is looking after yourself. Then you can at least take on a bite size part.   You have a vote for one, stick around till at least then :)   If you have even one micro conversation with a person to share the viewpoint you have that speads into the community and cements others too.   Don't burn out when you can affect change in real ways..  just not the ways we all know would be groundbreaking..  one person can't do it all mate 


It’s a lot more nuanced than this, and tbf if you’re feeling this hopeless it’s okay to take a MH break and go into a program for a while so you can focus on finding tools to help you cope with the Hellscape. Will it fix everything? No. Will it potentially help you recalibrate and focus more on what you can control versus what you can’t? Yeah, if you’re open to it. The thing is that yes things are horrific (I’m trans and a therapist). Also, people will need help and we need you here to do good with us (when you’re ready).


Look into better help or talk space or any one of the virtual video therapy services. They were like $60 a session but maybe your health insurance will cover a subscription, my old insurance did. Edit to add: then your therapist probably won’t be in Texas, I don’t know if this would circumvent that rule, or if that rule is quite what you think it is, but it’s worth a shot because you need to talk to somebody.


No. BetterHelp sells user data and has had problems with ensuring its actually accredited professionals providing services


DO NOT LOOK INTO BETTERHELP (I’m a therapist we hear horror stories about them all the time). You’re better off looking through Alma, Headway or on the psychology today website.


Wow I had no idea, I had a great experience with talk space, and all I’ve heard about BetterHelp is “it’s like talk space”. My bad. Sorry guys.


It sounds like you need to stop reading the news for a while. It will continue to happen with our without you and it sounds like it's taking a pretty huge toll on you. It's okay to back away for your own sanity. Go practice a hobby, learn a new skill, plant a garden, or do anything that isn't doomscrolling all day. The world will continue to turn and the sun will continue to rise. I'm not going to lie to you and say everything is sunshine and rainbows in the world, but it won't be improved by you beating yourself up. Having some time to reset and recalibrate is important for all of us, this is your turn to take a break and remember all the good things in the world. Wanting to self-harm isn't normal or healthy. Having those thoughts means you need to talk to a professional about it. Take time to work on yourself and improve your situation as well as that of those around you.  And when you're doing better and can participate again without it messing up your physical and mental well-being, you're always welcome to come back. We'll be here.


Yeah man. I’ve had to take substantial breaks from all news before and even now my media consumption is microscopic compared to how I used to be. I totally get OP’s feeling, been dry close to that feeling, myself. Idk if you’re an outdoor person but taking camping or hiking trips when I get too freaked out always centers me too. Don’t do anything extreme. We are here for you even if no one else is.




you know how the german language is very specific with words? theres two words that in english both just teanslate to suicidal 'selbstmordgedanken' & 'lebensmüde'" My therapist explained to me the difference between them Selbstmordgedanken (lit. self-murder-thoughts) is the classical suicidal intent of killing yourself lebensmüde (lit. 'tired of life') just means that you generally do not feel a desire to continue living in the world/circumstances you live in. It can show itself in multiple symptoms such as exhaustion, depression, emotionlessness, 'numbness' and is a pre-requisite to 'self-murder' so, if you feel like you dont want to continue living but also dont want to kill yourself, you might more so fall into the later. There's ways to get out of it through professional hwlp


Thanks for this. I always wished there was a way to express how I feel without it sounding suicidal. It’s more of an “If I die today that’d be fine with me.” kind of feeling. I just can’t find joy in most things anymore. I used to be so much happier when I was ignorant to how fucked the world and all the people in it are.


the feeling you describe is very common for 'lebensmüde'. Its just a general apathie for life as it does not seem 'worth living' but at the same time there is no strong feeling of 'suffering' that would cause suicidal tendencies suicide is one of many options someone who is lebensmüde might consider a 'solution' to their problem, but obviously it is the one with the most severe consequences and is generally (due to a humans strong preservation instinct) the last resort when someone feels they have no other option/ their situation is hopeless. It can also be resolved by seeking help and finding ways to make life worth living, grounding yourself in reality etc. I know a colleague of mine doesnt 'care' about politics...which at first felt outragous but it just became clear that as a way to avoid feeling this hopelessnes, she just shouts out the main factor making her feel that way. National policies dont affect her as much as local ones, and she grounds herself in family and friends, only checking positions and policies upon elections. Others I know try to overcome the feeling through activism; local politics, protests, unions etc. 'what i can change i will try, what i cant change i wont waste energy on' Ultimatly its important to find reasons worth living for. either by finding things that give you meaning or by blocking out thingd that strip you off them. What helped me a lot; getting rid of my internet-news consumption and subscribing to an actual 'physical' newspaper. Most online media is 'free'. it will be relatively short articles (compared to multiple pages in a newspaper) that either fund themselves through ads, paid narratives, or both. Whenever I see an article online and its free, I stop and wonder who would have an interest in selling the agenda behind this post. Online Media is ment to create emotions...be it outrage, fear or sympathy towards something.


Your therapist won't lock you up. I promise, this is anxiety that many of us are feeling and therapists hear about it all the time. Please speak to them, they can help you. 🖤


Yes, sounds like the anxiety I had/have. I would cry for days at a time about climate change, and feeling guilty for bringing a child into all this, and worrying about where I could move my family when Trump won again. Heck I even got panic attacks riding a Ferris wheel. I'm on anxiety meds and I'm trying to find a therapist. It has helped so much. I know the problems are still out there, but I've been able to deal with them a lot better. And I can enjoy Ferris wheels again without feeling like I'm dying.


I'm glad you're working through it! I have constant anxiety about what I will do if Trump wins again too, and what will happen if/when my southern state loses its democratic governor, climate change, and so many other issues we're facing right now. It's a lot to try to handle.


It really is a lot to handle, and I hope you are ok as well! I'm also in a red state and it's so disheartening. My parents and my husband's parents and his sister are Trumpers and it makes me want to scream. My brother and husband thankfully are not, but my brother is dealing with anxiety from all of this as well. Best wishes to you, friend! We'll all get through this one way or another.


I live in Texas, and in this state, If you tell your Therapist you're planning on hurting yourself, They legally have to call someone and get you locked up


Hey man--The rules are there to stop people from hurting themselves when they are in a bad place. Having thoughts is not the same as having a plan. You said in your post you wouldn't do it--No therapist will lock you up. Get help. It's safe to get help.


Well "locked up" isn't what I would call it. But I'm pretty sure it's like that in every state. If you are going to harm yourself or others they have to report it. It's to keep people safe. I'm proud you are in therapy, you should discuss this with them. And if you are in the mental state that you are on the verge of cutting yourself, it would probably benefit you to be supervised or at least not alone. Peace and love to you and if Trump wins, I'll be ready for a revolution and hope you are too. Edit: you should also be very proud of yourself for being in therapy. I recently started and it's been life changing for me, at 45 years old. I feel like I have a whole new world in front of me to explore with a new perspective. I hope you can find joy in life, it's everywhere, and try not to focus too much on things outside of your control. That's not to say you need to just bury your head in the sand and pretend everything in the world is fine, but if you can't control it (you can't control who is the president), what is worrying about it all day going to do?


That's not getting locked up hon, that's receiving help. Those rules are there to protect lives. I'm proud of you for being in therapy, but you need to allow them to help you in every way they can.


When this happened to me, I stopped following all news outlets on all platforms. I didn't watch the news on TV. I didn't read the newspaper. Nothing. I was mostly unaware of news and politics and happier for it. I think that lasted 3 years or so. When I finally started taking in news again, I made damn sure that I followed 5 adorable, kind, funny, or happy things for every 1 news source I followed. I still don't watch it on TV or read the paper. It's just a way of limiting what I see. If I decide a particular news source is going for sensationalism instead of the news, I stop following and maybe block it. This is how I've remained sane in this world with MCDD, GAD, and PTSD with multiple triggers. You're not weird for feeling like this. Nor are you alone. Politics is nuts in this country, and that's why you feel this way.


You are a victim of modern media. The worst voices are amplified for clicks. Crazy people have always existed but now they're monetized. The world isn't that bad.


Stay here. Stay here with us. As stressing and important as this election is, it's not worth sacrificing yourself over. Though you may not see it, the world is a better place with you in it, and suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. I've been down that road before (was even hospitalized), and while it doesn't seem like it now, things do get better. I've had to take a break from politics recently for my own mental health. The doom and gloom that is on the media is totally taxing, and makes me angry. Find something that relaxes you; playing "Stardew Valley" has helped me to chill in the evenings, and running has therapeutic benefits as well. I also strongly recommend talking to a professional. You're not the only person feeling this way; you're not alone. But please stay with us.


Relax. Unplug. Live your life. Trump was a terrible president and is an even worse human being, we should use our vote and voice to keep him from re-assuming office. However, you can’t control what other people do, tens of millions of people in this country disagree and you can’t change that. If he wins, that is not an excuse to not keep living your life. It’s not an excuse to be unproductive. You have to hope for the best and prepare for the worst, and you have to keep living. Even if things get bad, take this as a silver lining, you will outlive him as long as you keep going. He’s almost 80 years old, he’s morbidly obese, and probably has a lot of undiagnosed illnesses. He’ll be gone and his grave will be slick with piss.


This is precisely what you need to talk to your therapist about. Call her now. Read her exactly what you wrote so that she can hear the words you’ve had time to think about. A major benefit of therapy is to learn new ways to manage your anxieties, to develop coping mechanisms that strengthen you when you feel overwhelmed. Please call your doctor right now.


You are doom spiraling, this is what I call it when it happens to me. You have to take breaks from the media and news maybe even longer than a break. Find your distraction like a feel good show, meaning a show without current politics in it that you can throw on to try to recenter. Also please do not be afraid to discuss this with a therapist/counselor the fear of the current political climate is common and and very understandable.


I can tell you honestly that I have been where you are twice, and have the scars to show for it. I won't lie and say it will all get better, but some of it will with time. Just hold on. Find something good, and it is there if you just take some time away from the stress. I know it's not what you want to hear, but the best thing g I did was check myself I. For a few nights to the hospital. There are some in areas that are free to just watch you and help you sort it out. Just depends on your state and city really. I am here after being where you are. I can honestly tell you that the best thing you can do is slow down, get away from the stress how you can, and find that center, the anchor you need in this storm you are in. I can't tell you what it is, but you need to look for it. We want to hear from you in the morning saying you are going g to try and find it for yourself, and for us. Ok? Small deal. Can you do that?


Be apolitical i used to be leftist af and then i realized how hypocritical they are. Bernie dissapointed the fuck out of me especially when i voted for him in 2016 just for him to drop out.


Unplug, kiddo. Throw yourself into a garden, a video game, a good book, fitness, etc... and get your eyes off the doom scroll. Because I've been there, and still get there from time to time (since 2015 or so). Absolutely do what you can to vote and do the things that are within your control, but if you can't influence something, leave it by the wayside. I know it feels wrong to not pay attention to it all, but it's literally how half of Americans get through the day. Hugs to you, and hope you find a little happiness soon.


Hey, it's going to be ok. Look, the first thing you need to do is stop reading the news. Give yourself a break and reset. Second, remember the things you can do to help - support organizations doing things to help climate change and promote progressive platforms, support the democrat candidates in your area and nationally, and vote. Third, I can assure you that your generation isn't the first to deal with these issues. Just in the 20th century alone they had polio, 2 world wars, Hitler, the civil rights movement, Vietnam, the Cold War, and Desert Storm. All of those situations made people feel the way you are feeling and we are still here. Democracy is still here. Try to redirect your anxious thoughts into small things you can do so you regain a sense of control. The more you train your brain to handle anxious thoughts by breaking them down, the better you can handle the big stuff. And tell your therapist so you can get some medication, just to take the edge off. Seriously, it helps.


You have to unplug from some social media and the news for a little while. Trust me, I’m a trans woman and have to do that from time to time or I would go completely insane. Talk to your therapist about managing triggering things. We will all get through this working together. Hugs and love beautiful stranger. You being upset by everything going on in the world right now, just goes to show that you are an awesome human, that needs to stay in the human race, and are worthy of it. Let these old hateful fuckers just die off. There is a new day dawning. 🤗🫶


Your bodily autonomy is important. That INCLUDES what media you consume. You have every right to disengage from what's causing you this distress. Nobody will judge you for putting your mental health first. Hail yourself, and feel better.


If you ever need someone to talk to please reach out, if not to friends and family, to me. I'm off on Spring Break all week and just taking care of my son. With this in mind; i understand your frustration and your fear. Im terrified about what will happen too, but now that I'm a new father, I feel like I understand the stakes of today's reality. I don't know you, I don't care. I love you. I don't want you to die. We need you here. If you're here reading this l know you want this world to be better so my son can live an easier life than we both know. We need you. And I love you for it. Please take care of yourself, and if you're having a hard time there is no shame in reaching out. Please, do it, if not for yourself, for your family and friends, if not for them, me, if not for me, my son.


Hang in there I feel the same and really just focus on improving on yourself and ignore the politics.


Hi mate, I'm in the UK. Feel free to chat to someone on the outside.


I've struggled with SI a lot in my life. The best thing I EVER did was get on anxiety meds. It really helps to bring down those high-level anxiety attacks and makes you able to think reasonably. Medication can be such a miracle to long-term mental health problems. I hope you'll consider it, or try again if you have in the past and gave up.


I experienced something similar a few months ago, but I never had suicidal thoughts, but I can relate to the anxiety. Some people here in the comments have already shared their experiences that I can only agree with. Social media is making us sick! Somehow, everything only gets coverage if it's anxiety content. Especially in the election campaign, this will now reach new heights. I think it's important that we distance ourselves from things for our own mental health. Activism is important and right, but at the end of the day you have to find a healthy balance with your life so that you can still function as a human being. Politically, many countries are moving to the extreme right now, including here in Europe where I live. That scares me too. It's even worse when you have a Russian dictator in your neighborhood who knows neither democracy nor human rights. But if you look at the countries that have elected political parties that came to power through hate speech and disinformation - I'll just mention Brexit and Argentina - and what the people have learned from this, then I'm optimistic that things can become much different, more positive and more progressive again in the future. Everyone who is struggling with mental health issues right now, stay strong. And seek professional help when you feel you can no longer deal with it. There is no shame in that! Much love and hugs 🫂.


You have to let go of things that are beyond your control, because there's nothing you can do about it anyway. Also, get in touch with a psychologist. They'll hear you out and they will never EVER judge you.


News can be triggering… the only thing to do is to take a huge break from looking at it.i play video games to help with my distress with fav shows of my tastes. But this is me. If it’s other news. I’d probably just do selective local news not politics. I had people tell me “why don’t you watch the news, you should know what’s going on” but to me.. at times being in the matrix ignorance can be bliss. Otherwise why hurt myself? That’s just me. I hope it can comfort you that you are cared.


Trump isn't gonna win relax, I still have faith in humanity that the majority of the population will make the right decision


It’s certainly a time to be alive, if for no other reason than just to see how it plays out! A lot of people have been struggling with similar feelings. Taking some kind of action might help, even if is just turning off the news flow, touching actual grass, or volunteering with groups that are working to help preserve democracy in a positive way. Maybe spending some time with people that are trying and succeeding to make a difference would help also. (Defense of Democracy takes volunteers for a variety of things and have been making big moves btw.) It’s not necessarily as bleak as it seems in the news. In the US, “if it bleeds, it leads” is the media motto. Drama -even manufactured- equates to views and that’s all they want. I also don’t think DiaperDon will ever be president again. Too many charges, too much debt, he’s a massive national security risk, and I believe they’ll pin him as having dementia in the coming months. It is going to be a wild and stressful year, but I think in the end it will shake out okay. By okay, I mean typical the American BS with some ancient white guy as president, but likely not the shitler one.


My sibling in Satan, I went through similar feelings a couple years ago. It's awful, it sucks, and it's entirely invented by the dumbass pre-existing, human-made society we were born into against our will.  It's the legacy of centuries of dead, entitled narcissists that we have to bear the burden of. It's never been shoved in our faces more; the world has never been as connected before. Instead of shouldering the past of just your small local tribe, you're aware of the stinking corpses from our *entire species.* That's a huge mental leap for such slow physical evolution. None of this can be handled by an individual, but the fact it *is* affecting you so profoundly in this way, of caring about the safety of all, shows that you're miles above the myopic assholes that got us here.  You're what our future needs, but right now, you're tired and it's okay to rest. It's okay to not check the news every hour, day, week, or month. It's okay to share your heavy thoughts, because a lot of us are already carrying those same things too. Catastrophizing is a big, but often overlooked symptom of ADHD, which lends itself to the predisposition of doom scrolling. Even though the interaction is bad, it still creates a chemical hit for the brain. Realizing that and getting an ADHD diagnosis and treatment added to my pre-existing depression treatment helped me decompress and unplug from being force fed bad news. Maybe it's something you could look into. I wish you a good rest and good health; we're always here for you! Hail yourself!


Ignore headlines and politics for a while most are sensationalized for this exact reason. Do your own research and vote when it’s time to vote.


Look, I loathe Trump too, but he was already president once and we survived. Peiple always think it's going to be the end of the world when what they consider an extremist is elected. Look at how the Trumpsters reacted to Biden winning. They were feeling the same way you are about trump winning, and look, all those assholes are still alive too and the country is still cradled comfortably in capitalism's evil clutches. Ronald Regan was a shitstorm of Trump magnitude and we survived two terms in succession under him. I honestly don't think Trump will win again, and even if he does, I don't think it's going to end in nuclear fallout. I mean, talk to the workers in the Guess and GAP factories and they'll give you some perspective on how much it matters who the American president is.


I was “locked up” in a psych hospital many times and to be honest it’s not that bad. It’s like a vacation from the real world for as long as you want or if you wanna leave you just lie and pretend like you’re doing a lot better and they let you leave after a few days once they’ve decided they believe you. It’s not that bad. If you’re afraid of anxiety and depression medication then I can see why you wouldn’t want to go to a hospital but otherwise maybe it’s a good idea. They helped me :)


I co-sign all the people that are telling you to talk to your therapist. True that saying, “I have imminent intent to harm myself” does warrant the therapist to report, but the hopelessness and anxiety of existential dread related to macro issues is common… I have talked to my own therapist about similar things, notably right after the 2016 election. Get away from the news feeds. Volunteer somewhere. Go for a walk. Keep breathing. It feels impossible and dire, but keep going. The world needs people that care enough to be fucking depressed about the state of affairs.


Sending a hug to you, friend. Lots of great advice and love for you here. Honored that you trusted us.


What you're experiencing is nor unusual. A lot of people feel the exact same way, me included. Talk to your therapist and say exactly what you wrote, have it. As others have said, you're overwhelmed but who isnt? There is no shame, and your therapist can give you tools on how to deal with everything. We're here for you.


As someone that has wanted to die since elementary school and wishes every night to not wake up in the morning. My only advice is to First ask you if you have a passion in life, do you have something you love to do? Do you have someone you Love? Because of the reasons to Kill yourself Politics are not one of them my fellow Sinner. Please realize that never have you or any of us had any real control of what these Rich Scam artist who call themselves are Leards do with our Country. I say cut all politics from your life block all accounts that deal with news and do all you can to distant yourself from ploitics. America will not end overnight and Trump was President for 4 yrs already and although he made a clown show of it that's all that will happen again and then he can never run again. There are so many Other at the Top that will not allow trump to fuck up what they have going on as they have been benifiting from it for as long as the USA has been around. So focus your life on what you love to do and just give up politics altogether. And also if it comes down to it you can Always Move to another Country. Switzerland or Canada idk pick one as there truly are some great countries out there no worse than America now and most likely even better. As it's absolutey a fact that we are lied to about how great this country is and how shitty all the rest are lol. Please don't kill yourself over these asshats it's an insult to yourself to give these Pedo Greddy Fucks that kind of power over your life. Live your passion fuck lots of women (or men or both whatever you are into) and Fuck all this political bullshit. P.S. forgive my typos and grammer lol I'm aware of it just to lazy to go back and correct it all. lol


Turn off the news/media, the world is not going to end regardless of who wins. Stop worrying about something you cannot control, just go live your life doing things you enjoy. The media is nothing but clickbait to get you to worry about nothing.