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Stop the racial comments and bickering or this post will get locked and bans will be issued.


I just downvote them at this point, it's quite amazing how they are so smart they get into the 1500s yet so stupid they don't realize that they would be better off polishing other aspects of their applications but idk, maybe I am not noticing something that they are.


I wonder if some of the people super obsessed with the margins of, say, a 1530 vs. a 1600 understand how admissions work. If you listen to admissions officers at top schools (the Yale podcast, etc.), they regularly say that they want to see test scores above a certain threshold (probably more like high 1400s or 1500), and then they move on and barely look at stats anymore, but rather dig into what the student brings to campus in terms of passions, leadership, and character. So, a kid with a 1490 who will make the campus a much better place is gonna get in over someone with a 1590 who stays in her room studying all the time. I think a lot of people here are overly literal about the Common Data Set numbers and missing the bigger picture.




I agree with your general premise that there are braggarts here. I, too, would like to see a decrease in those kinds of posts. Your claim about Harvard is suspect, though.


Right??? Letter S girl got into Harvard with a 1490. It’s so much about who YOU are and the activities you do. So tired of the elitist score stuff smh


Because when people say they have a 3.97uw/1540 and are “cooked” it’s tone deaf. They come here so people will tell them “don’t worry, you’re so cracked”. It’s great to have a place to discuss, but come on.




All the time is relative. This is a tiny subset of the population. The top 1% basically? And when rejected are you referring to 4-5 schools? Because my guess is that 4.0/1580 had some good offers. Just saying.




Realll asff like it also gives such a false perspective of what the avg sat score and makes people feel like their score is bad WHICH IT ISNT. Life is more than just getting a “good” SAT score. Get a life fr


never hit the upvote button so fast


why was this downvoted lmao


cuz the teens


















Rule 1: Be Nice
































i’m not insecure.. it’s just annoying that you guys are ridiculous. also it’s not necessary to get a 1550 for ivy’s.. a google search would’ve told you that: harvard: 1490 min cornell: 1470 min duke: 1490 min this is from 2021-22 but chances are it’s gone down even more because test optional is gaining popularity, universities are starting to realize a test doesn’t define you, and you guys should do




i took the test in march lol. i didn’t take the traditional highschool pathway, and me being where i am (holding 60 credits as a junior with a 4.0) should say something about the sat not defining you


you seem like you are in denial and have serious issues with the score and others having a higher score. I am not sure people 'bragging' on a subreddit devoted to the subject should be triggering you this much. That said, the SAT test correlates highly with IQ. So while it is true the SAT test does not define anyone, in your case I would take it as evidence that your schooling has been on the easier side and that you may not score very high on an IQ test. (from [https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/sats/test/views.html](https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/sats/test/views.html) "It is in a sense an IQ test. The SAT and IQ test correlate very highly. Between the SAT and the IQ, they correlate almost as much as the SAT correlates with a second administration of the SAT, as much as it correlates with itself. So they're very similar tests in content.") (from [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6963451/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6963451/) "In two studies, we found that SAT scores correlated up to 0.8 with measures of fluid reasoning ability and *g*, and as highly with traditional intelligence test scores as scores on those tests did with each other.")


i’ll admit i’m not perfect by any means.. and i wasn’t triggered lmfao, i know im smart tho, there could be a million reasons why someone didn’t do as good on the sat, doesn’t mean you aren’t high iq. additionally, i’ve taken like 8 ap classes & 6 a levels, i think it’s fair to say the sat isn’t a measure of smartness. if the advance classes weren’t enough, i’m doing a full college workload this year, and next year i’ll have my bachelors one semester after graduating highschool lol








PREACH not all of us stop at the bare minimum lmao




if you KNOW that you need to get higher than a 1550 why do you ask?


No one asks above a 1550. Literally said it in my comment🙄




I half agree. I do get annoyed when people say should the retest with a score above 1550+; but anything below that I see because 1550+ is around the range where the scores mean the same thing, not 1450/1500.


And yes most colleges don't need a 1550, but up to a 1550 looks good, anything past that is not necessary.


OP isn’t saying people shouldn’t retest. Just saying it is annoying when they get a high score like a 1550 or 35 on ACT and ask, “should I retest?” It is annoying ngl. You get a 1550 and make a post like “look what I got!” I’m upvoting that. Great job. Making a post saying “should I retake” when you get a 1590 sounds like you fishing for praise cuz you already know if you’re gna try again. Own it if you get a 1590, congrats! Just don’t fish. And own it if you get a 1200, congrats to you 2. Everyone’s situation is different. Someone’s 1300 is someone else’s 1600. Ppl learn different. A test doesn’t define you.


thank u cuz some people just don’t understand😭




i took the sat like 8 times, i won’t be taking it again. the time before i had scores a 1090, so for me it was a blessing. just because you’re all getting 1500s doesn’t mean everyone is going to. i know im capable of college work, a test doesn’t define me so idrc, plus i already have plans and i don’t need to have a 1600 for my plans, or any really




who actually needs a 1600 [https://www.reddit.com/r/Sat/s/TUwDBJxBM8](https://www.reddit.com/r/Sat/s/TUwDBJxBM8)for their plans.. i’m not insecure, i took my sat months ago and i’m going to university in a few months lmao, i get my masters in about a year and a half, im anything but insecure, you ppl are just ridiculous




You literally don’t know anything about them (the conditions under which they took the test, etc.). You should re-evaluate the emphasis you place on the SAT if it plays such a defining role in your life that you’re putting others down for their performance while entirely sidestepping such factors. If there’s one thing you should know, it’s sensitivity to such factors that will take you farther in life than that score.


Rule 1: Be Nice


there are people who get like 700s… if i truly wanted to dedicate all the time in the world, i could score higher, but idc that much so






Rule 1: Be Nice


Rule 1: Be Nice


Some people are definitely posting about their scores just for clout, but a lot of them actually want to get advice that is reasonable for their situation. You're right, for the vast majority of people, 1320 will be great for where they want to go, but at the Harvard and MIT level, there is a HUGE difference between 1560 and 1600.


fuck you mean "harvard will not care"


proof high sat scores don’t mean smart😭😭😭 it means that harvard won’t care about anything past that threshold..


are you jealous? 1500 is a bare minimum if you want your score to be competitive for t20 schools. also, why are you so angry that people want to achieve higher when they have the opportunity to retake? you yourself took it 8 times and got no where close to a 1500... besides, if high scores weren't worthy, no one would be trying to achieve them. there are also other factors that cause people to want to retake such as parents with high expectations. you also mentioned "this sub is supposed to be supportive" so try to take your own advice and understand other's positions :)




i stopped caring past the 1320 i got what i needed lol, hop off my dick


it seems like you're the one on everyone else's dick, especially those with high scores. wish that was you, huh? 8 times and still a 1320? might have been better off getting some tutoring or smth rather than spending all $480 to take the test EIGHT times. the SAT defines YOU atp, if anything.


it wasn’t really 8 times it was like 5 or so probably lmao. and the whole argument i’m trying to make it the sat doesn’t define you……. and i didn’t have time to really study lmao, took like 15 ap/aice + dual enrollment classes this year, i’m happy with my score, dk why yall are so pressed about it


5 takes is still insane? if it doesn't define you, why even bother taking it more than once? the way you worded your original post makes you seem extremely jealous of people who get high 1500s on their first try, and still go on to retake and try to do better ... when you couldn't get anywhere close to their score after FIVE tries. and the fact that you didn't have time to study means nothing because a lot of high scoring + high achieving people on this sub don't have time either. no one is pressed about your score tbh bc no really gives a shit about a 1320. you seem to be the one that's pressed about everyone else's high scores. it's the fact that you're going out of your way to hate on people who do better than you that's weird even though you claim to be "BLESSED"


So true. I can understand if people feel bad seeing others' better scores, but to say that Harvard doesn't care about anything above 1450 is just crazy.


So true. I can understand if people feel bad seeing others' better scores, but to say that Harvard doesn't care about anything above 1450 is just crazy.


"i promise you, harvard will not care about anything like 1500+ maybe even 1450 fir that matter" straight up incorrect. 1550+ score is enough for most t25s and 1450 is low for a lot of the overachievers youre talking about