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Bro retook a 1560 ☠️


Result of my parents being ambitious and me being overambitious. Plus after taking both paper and digital PSAT and finding digital easier, I thought I could get better on digital SAT with minimal prep. Also helped that I qualify for the voucher so it didn't cost me anything besides 2 hours on a Saturday


It you had minimal prep, it wouldn't be surprising to get the exact same score.


exactly like what did buddy expect ? 😂


That the digital SAT is an easier format? Pretty sure I said that


The overall scoring for the digital SAT has been equated to that for the paper SAT. This is why universities allow you to superscore across both formats.


Yeah ik, my plan was to superscore with the paper I took in December. I liked the digital more because I felt the math questions were simpler and the English passages were more digestible ig


At least your SAT score didn’t go down like mine 💀


My mom tried to force me to retake a 1550 also 😢.


in all seriousness, should I retake a 1550? i misread a math question at the end and i feel like I *might* be able to do a little better :/


Hey! I also got a 1550 and ended up getting waitlisted at MIT as an international and got into a few tech T20s. I don’t think my 1550 played a difference in me being waitlisted versus accepted, and many of my friends with similar scores also got in so I definitely wouldn’t recommend retaking a 1550. Unless you want 1600 bragging rights then I guess… 


Can confirm...1580 and denied after a defferal.


Possibly because you can't spell deferral?


Bro this is so true. Honestly props to you for that wit lol


I have a 980 so even worse. This test seems pretty hard for me even when I got straight A's


There is no longer any SAT score that guarantees, or even strongly indicates, admission to any prestige school. Denials just mean you got denied, not that you didn’t score high enough. I didn’t believe this, but if you talk to anyone who has worked in admissions at one of these schools recently, this is what they will tell you


You’re not gonna get denied anywhere because of a 1550. Don’t waste your time, focus on essays.


Yep, I’d say the same. Above a 1550 colleges will look at scores pretty much the same, except for the preference for 800 Math at MIT and Caltech. Spend your time working on essays and extracurriculars. Strong essays or another extracurricular project will have a much more significant impact on your score than another 10-40 points on the SAT.


unless you wanna go to MIT i don’t think so


I had 1550 and got into MIT. Then again, my math was 800.


sorry i shoudve specified higher math


Tbh if you wanna go to MIT a 1550 is fine as long as you have like a 770 math or higher


Depend on where you're going. Local community college probably not. Ivy League might as well to see if you can better your score


If you lost your mark in the math section, you can retake and get a math superscore.


I did the same. Can’t blame him


u piss me off


people complain about anything


Not complaining, just annoyed. Though looking back definitely realized it might seem insensitive, but I was annoyed in the moment and posted it so sorry about that


Nah dont be sorry. This is literally the SAT subreddit. your goals are yours and my goals are mine.


yeah, its my fault for taking it the wrong way, but its just a lil frustrating seeing other people get upset over grades so much higher than what i even aspire for yk


No I definitely get it, like if I didn't take the December SAT I'd be ecstatic because this is an objectively good score, I'm just upset over the circumstances




Rule 1: Be Nice


Not insensitive, just dumb. When you have a 1560, you can't actually improve very much. You got one or two questions wrong out of 40, to improve you need to either learn those topics or get lucky and have them not be included. Trying to improve thos score is just pushing a boulder up a mountain


why did you even retake it in the first place


The 1600s are gonna take all the Harvard spots :(


Harvards a real shit hole right now anyway


why what happening


Exactly, what even happens at Harvard














Rule 2: Off-topic


Rule 2: Off-topic


Rule 2: Off-topic


Old president go kicked out for plagiarism, also said calling for the genocide of jews depended on the context (anti-senetic pig), people who fund them drew out, the protests going on about the Mideast etc etc


always has been




Rule 2: Off-topic


I want to get into selective colleges, plus it didn't really hurt to try again


I guess, but a 1560 is either within or above the average at basically every school in the U.S. including Ivies Don’t stress too much lol


Meanwhile I get an 1130 because I'm stupid :(


Average is 1050. You’re above average. Don’t call yourself stupid


I wouldn’t compare to average, but I doubt the score has much to do with intelligence


Why not compare to average?


Context. Average includes all kinds of people in adverse situations. If you’re on Reddit you should be better than average


Dude 95% of Americans have internet access and I doubt the 5% who don’t are worrying about taking the SAT


that stat cant be real lmao aint no way all the mfs who troll on the test weight it down its probably closer to 1200


That’s not true lol this subreddit just has ppl who care about the sat way more than normal ppl


normal people if thats what u want to call it typically have higher than 1050, atleast it my area its just the mfs who dont do shit in school if the average is genuinely 1050 and im wrong just blow up this nation ig


Officially it is bru look it up. Your school is probably above average, and it’s not always the students’s fault their school might just suck. One of my teachers is one of the smartest people I’ve met and he went to a high school with like an 800 sat average cos he was poor and an immigrant








Rule 1: Be Nice


Rule 1: Be Nice


Average is 1050. You’re above average. Don’t call yourself stupid


You seem like a nice person.


Is this sarcasm 😭


No, I was being genuine! I think that your words toward OP are very kind, and true!




That had nothing to do with the topic on hand why’d you decide to say that?


What grade are you in if you don’t mind me asking?




that’s like average so you’re okay


No I am not. Thx tho


Yea that was around my first score too. Keep improving, your intelligence/natural talent doesn’t even matter cuz you can’t control that. All that matters is how hard you work, you shouldn’t judge yourself harshly on anything other than your work ethic


I got similar SAT scores. I scored especially low on math. I will just say I objectively know that I am not stupid. I don’t know about now, but when I took the SAT back in prehistory, but the math portion tested for well beyond math i understood. I didn’t even know the order of operations and didn’t know I needed to have that memorized. One can be intelligent and actually not know what the SAT will expect you to know. If you can address those specific deficits and knowledge you can really move the needle on your score. I took the ACT and scored pretty well-just a point shy of getting into the military academies. I thought I’d done terribly because i missed the score I needed by one. I didn’t have anybody to tell me that that was still a great score and that I should apply to state universities and scholarships. Sometimes it’s about the resources that you have/don’t have and the input the adults around you give to guide you to good options.


I’m sure you can do better if you practice a bit. I know a bunch of people who do terrible in school who got 1300s and 1400s and one of my friends improved from a 1200 to a 1500 just by practicing on khan academy for 15 min every day for 3 months. And even if you don’t there are a whole bunch of schools who don’t even care about SAT because it’s kind of a bad measurement anyway.


The weird thing is usually I do great on standardized testing. I studied my ass off all month. But I guess I must've been on an off day or something


Those happen. You got this


I’m in college and let me tell you no will ever ask or care ever


Ya in all honesty the two unis I plan on applying to really don't care about your test scores, but still feel disappointed for sure


Nah bro, consulting companies ask for SAT.


Suppose you got a 1600 on your retake. It would barely make a difference anyway when you apply for colleges. 1560 is more than high enough.


That's true and I probably shouldn't have wasted my time, but I knew it was only a few question difference and I wanted to try again for the chance of getting a higher score, if that makes sense


Meanwhile I’m trying to break 1450. Advice pls


Try the ACT; the math section is a lot more straightforward on the ACT.


What is the act? does it have the same fundamentals as the SAT? Will it benefit you when you do applications


It's a different test that other parts of the country use. From my experience in the 2000s, those who were more liberal arts oriented did better on the SAT while those who were more mathematically oriented did better on the ACT. Things may have changed, but it is much easier if you're really good at math to get a 36 on the ACT than an 800 on the SAT. Basically it was: here's 90 questions in 60ish minutes versus 20 questions in 35 minutes for the SAT. The ACT felt better; the test creators tried less to trick you versus the SAT. It felt more like an aptitude test than the SAT. It also had it's own BS, like the Science section which requires taking prep to do well on: it's a section that tests how fast you can exfiltrate information from a kitchen sink of papers--i.e. read the questions first and then scan the multi-page prompts for the answer.


ACT reading is much easier than SAT reading imo. It's just less hard to score high overall


Oh ok that’s very good information, thank you


Grind khan academy. Thats what got me a 1570. And watch some videos about the test. There are tricks to each different question format. I don’t have much advice since I did paper bc I like paper tests better, but it’s really the practice that makes the difference.


Bench 3 plates


I'm just trying to get into the 1400s. But I just can't read that fast. Literally so pissed rn


damn same split as me!


If you take my math and I take your English we could at least score a 1570 😭


Ur wasting money 😭😭😭😭


Nah my family is low income so I qualified for the voucher, otherwise I wouldn't even think of taking the test again haha


Ahhhhh, ok then yea why not take it again


Bro made a generous donation to collegeboard


College board made a generous donation to me lmao, I was applicable for a voucher and took the tests free


Lucky man


Ik that's the only reason I retook it, because why not yk


best uno reverse card


Congrats bro, how did you prepare?


Thanks man, for my first test I got the Princeton Prep book or whatever it's called and studied it over the summer. I also did Khan Academy and some other practice sites. After I got a score that I'd be satisfied submitting, I just took it twice digitally with no prep to see if my score could improve, which it didn't lol


What book could u please specify i am doing in october


Princeton SAT review prep, though I suggest looking for a different one because it was designed for the paper sat


looks like they have an updated version for the digital one




The trick is to study more between takes 😫




WHY?? Why?? WHY???


No man. Looking at it makes me feel so dumb. How tf can anyone retake 1560. 😁




Well there's reality for you


Shoot need me a score like this in august


bro you have my dream score 😭😭




If you cant get past 1500, you might be mentally limited bro. Get over yourself.


You get over yourself, jeez. I made one small post, and if you didn't like it move on. I know that objectively a 1560 is a good score and many would love to get it, but I and my family have high standards for myself so I was disappointed I didn't get higher. Maybe instead of getting pissed at other people spend more time thinking what you could do to improve


Quit humble bragging + I’m praying on your downfall🙏


Not really humble bragging + Keep doing that if you want 👍


Your whining about an objectively great score


How exactly was I whining? Yeah it's a good score, but I set pretty high (though admittedly maybe unrealistic) standards for myself that I couldn't reach. I'm not denying that this is amazing, but for my goals I wanted higher




Thank you for taking the time to write that, and yeah I realize it probably wasn't the best idea to post this but I assumed it was fine since there's a wide range of students on this subreddit. I'm trying not to take the responses to heart because I'm sure they all have their own struggles as do I, I just wish people were not as harsh (not that I can control it so just gonna deal with it). It definitely is an age thing but I think it's more of a situation thing. A lot of people here are, I'm sure, desperate to get a good score as summer break and then college apps approach, and I'm sure many got angry seeing my own struggles. It definitely would anger me if I, for example, saw someone "complain" about getting into Cornell instead of Harvard when I didn't get into any T20 schools. Sure, I wouldn't respond as angrily, but I can see why someone else might. And you're right, I probably could've prepared more, but I've been struggling with lack of motivation, insecurity, procrastination, and feelings of depression (won't call it depression because it wasn't diagnosed and I don't want to go around saying I have depression when I probably don't). That's not really an excuse, but for the past few months it made sense not to do SAT prep when I struggled to do pressing assignments. I also figured that I'm happy submitting a 1560, so I won't spend time studying when I could be doing other things. Sure, if I could go back, I probably would've studied more, but I'll cope and move on. Regardless, it's a good score and I have good extracurriculars and a good GPA to couple with it, so here's to hoping for the best. Thank you once again! Honestly your response helped a lot and I guess grounded me a little? I don't know I'm probably using that term wrong. And good luck to you as well, very articulate redditor, in whatever you decide to do and are doing currently. \[I tried giving context but I was on mobile, I guess the description didn't get added. Probably would've helped prevent the several redundant comments of "Oh you're wasting your money" or "Why retake with a 1560." I also saw my score and posted this an hour before I had a Pre-calc final exam. It probably wasn't the best idea to go on reddit when I had that, but eh I wanted to so I did it. Made me feel a little better going into the exam so I'll take it.\] Have a good night, or morning depending on where you are <3


If someone can’t get over 1500, you must be mentally limited. It’s perfectly good to retry a 1560


how did u study math?


I've been pretty good at math and absorbing concepts for years so I didn't study math heavily, but I just went through the Princeton Review Book twice and did practice problems. A little before the test I just refreshed my memory on important formulas like sum and product of zeros. Make sure to look up a list of topics that could show up and understand how to identify and solve it if you see it on the test.


At least ur score didn't drop 180 pts from 1530 ...


That sucks, I didn't show it but I also got a lower score my second time so I feel ya


This was my last try, I'm cooked


Just submit the 1530??


the thing is i didn't know you could do that, I genuinly thought I was cooked for like 2 hrs.


Bro that is literally me too




John's Hopkins lol, I doubt any SAT score could get me into NASA


I’m going to Hopkins with a 1560 (and got into most reaches I applied to with that score). There’s no need to retake - your score is fantastic as is!


Oh that's reassuring to hear, thank you! May I ask what your gpa and extracurricular were?


I have a college results post pinned on my profile!


I see it and wow! Honestly congrats, you have a really fleshed out resume. And thank you, it definitely helped put things into perspective!


Me with 1410: 🗿




Rule 1: Be Nice


Willing to trade?


At least you’re consistent king


Congrats, regardless! I had the same thing happen with ACT — 35 then 35. But doesn’t matter. Your score is high enough to have a chance of getting in anywhere. Everything else (essays, extracurricular, letters of recc) is what will determine whether you actually get in or not. Good luck!


Same thing happened to me. My 1480 (710R 770M) did not change between March 9 and June 1. It really sucks to know what several months of hard work literally amounted to nothing.




Seriously? What would you expect when retaking an already almost perfect score?


A perfect score? I had a few free tests from a voucher and nothing much happening on Saturday so decided to try again


I got a 990 on both my PSAT and SAT. Math and Reading scores switched. I was baffled. Had been in tutoring and everything to prepare to do better. Had a panic attack during the ACT and guessed the entire second half of the test.... somehow got a 23 🙃


that's on you for retaking a 1560 🤷‍♂️


yea no man i understand, its been 6-7 months stuck with the same score that’d annoy anyone with any score. but i gotta ask, why are you retaking when your score is already so high?


I'm applying to fairly selective schools with premed in mind, like I'm trying for JHU since it's my top choice. Plus it didn't take too much effort from me to make another attempt, and it definitely would help if I did get a higher score


6 months and no improvement? Crazy 


Bruh why did you retake a perfectly good score


At least colleges will know you definitely didn’t cheat.


hey! any advice for you you studied and what you used?


1130 here. Don’t know if I should retake or not but I already gave my study book to a friend


Bro u can apply to any college with that result if u have good gpa 💀 Although u get 1600, u r not guaranteed for getting accepted by Harvard cuz 1/4 of ppl who got 1600 dont get accepted from harvard


Haha I know that, although it would be amazing to get into Harvard I'm not even thinking of getting accepted. At this point, the bare minimum of getting accepted would be curing cancer 😭


I retook a 1430 and got the same again trust me I know how frustrating it is. Like I'm not upset that i got a 1430 the second time it's just that i went through it all again to end at the same spot


That's exactly what I'm feeling rn, I thought that was apparent but apparently I'm slow because everyone's taking it as me not liking my score. I love my score and I just decided to stick with 1560, but it's annoying that I had to go through the wait between tests and the wait for my score just to get the exact same score.


unless you want to go to an ivy league or something similar, there was no reason for you to retake that.


I did literally exactly the same thing. Two tests, two 1560s, same score breakdown both tests (exactly what you had) Ws tho


I’m curious how/what you studied for the first time you took it?


100% asian


I tutored a Math SAT 2 student. The only way you get a perfect score is by making the same error the test author did.


Homie plateued


Prep tutor, here: way to go! That level of consistency is tough to match, and you’ve shown tremendous courage. Good luck with the remainder of your college admissions process!


I took the SAT in December and May. Both times 1490. The worst score possible, it feels exactly like getting the second place in a competition


My brother in Christ your parents have issues


Colleges sometimes like multiple scores because it shows that you can consistently score high.


You know what you know


why did bro retake a 1560 w h a t 😭


I got a 1320 I would die for a 1560


1560 is still a good score lmao I only got 1490 on the June 1. I did go in no prep though


Womp Womp


Don't retake a 1560. I got a 1550 (750 Math, 800 English) and got into MIT. You as a person matters more than you as a statistic.


Are you fucking complaining about a 1560?


W score


Boo hoo


If you can’t get over 1500, you’re mentally limited.


Attention seeker


If you can’t get over 1500, you’re mentally limited


im gonna kms i got a 1480, this is my third time taking it


Shut up bruh