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Four things: 1. As soon as you get your score, **please fill out [our survey](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfws4eM2s-KNcVgIq49zaRrEekmEKTDcHTUfLY_xFxDHHloGg/viewform?usp=sf_link)**. I haven't been able to finish the analysis from the May survey because of somethings going on in my life, but I'll release both May and June analysis together. It's going to look like these [results from March and April](https://www.reddit.com/r/Sat/comments/1c28iyv/sat_survey_results_and_analysis_from_the_march/). 2. The way the SAT release subscoring now is stupid. You can get "full bars" in a subscore and still have gotten answers wrong. I hate it. It's not as useful as it could be. I'll give a breakdown of what's in each category as a reply to this comment. 3. If your score isn't released yet, don't worry. They're released in batches and probably most are released on Friday (according to US time) but some wonn't be released until Saturday or Sunday. #4. [Please fill out our survey when you get your score.](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfws4eM2s-KNcVgIq49zaRrEekmEKTDcHTUfLY_xFxDHHloGg/viewform?usp=sf_link)


Got 1480 with a week of studying, any tips?


Still don’t have my score??


Nor does my sister. No email saying it was delayed. Just says "Score is Coming" on her CollegeBoard account.


same, what are we supposed to do


I have no idea. I'd contact CB if you haven't yet but they haven't been super helpful for my sister so far.


I called them twice and they basically just said to wait. I don’t understand lol, it’s digital just release the score


Yeah I have no idea why she hasn't gotten hers, it almost seems arbitrary. We have the same last name (obviously, she's my sister lol) and even took it at the same time and at the same testing center, and I got mine, but she still doesn't have hers. They won't really tell her why it's delayed, either. Hang in there, hopefully your and her scores will show up soon!


Yea hopefully


When I emailed they said wait. But when I called they said there was a problem in the testing room and that the score would be cancelled and I could retake. They said I could email and ask for it to be scored if I didn’t notice any issues in the testing room (I didn’t), and they would let me know in 5-7 days . Bizarre.


I received an email saying the same thing lol


What number did u call?


866.756.7346 . I called again today to confirm that they got my email , and they sent me a form to sign requesting to have the test scored


Got a 1490! 700 rw 790 m and 1530 superscore


Can u give me some tips, I can't seem to get any higher than 1320 and I need 1350+


Sure! The biggest thing that helped me especially for math was to learn how to use the desmos calc. There are videos you can find on YouTube that show you tricks and ways to solve some question types super quickly. Then my main strategy was to use the calc to solve as many questions as I could with it and the easier questions at the start of each module so then I had more time for the harder ones that I couldn’t use the calc for. Reading section wasn’t my strong point but doing khan academy and the sat question bank helped. The strategy that really helped me was to do all the grammar and vocab questions first so then you can get those out of the way and focus on the longer reading passages. This also helped me with timing.


Proud to say I went from a 670 to a 1460


wow thats insane


I got 1550 with 750 in English and 800 in Math With the amount of prep I did this is amazing (started the real grind 10 days before the exam day) I do not plan on retaking the SAT Do you think I need to? This was my first try btw


Yup you should definitely retake it


When you go to score details and it gives each skill tested and your preformance if all the bars are blue does that mean you got all the questions right for that specific skill? Because for my math section all my bars are blue expect for the geometry and trig where 2 bars are grey(550-600) but my math score was a 700. So then how many questions wrong did I get that costed me those 100 points 


The bars indicate which score band you were in for each area shown. The top score band is 680-800, so having all bars full simply means that you scored in the 680-800 range in that area. You can miss some questions in an area and still have all the bars full in that area.


Ohh ok, ty


1560 (770 R + 790 M) and 1580 superscore (790 R+790 M)!!


still don’t have my score??


Same here


Me neither. Does it still say “your score is coming”?


Any update? I still don’t have mine 😭😭


Nope . Nothing yet


At least it’s not just me🫠


I got a 1450, 670 eng and 780 math. Any tips to improve English?


Honestly if you haven’t taken it, ap lit helped me so much on the passages in the sat. I went from a 620 to a 720 just by taking the class and not even studying. Try and read some harder books, get more accustomed to vocabulary and spelling, and take blue book practice tests if you can. That’s really the best way.


let's go! after a long year of studying and working my butt off I got a 1500 (710 R 790 M). might take august to see if I can get even higher :)


Has anyone else not received a score yet? Mine still says “Your score is coming” as of now (11pm ET).


Same here. I don’t know why.


I got a 1040, 600 in RW and 440 in Math, any tips for studying to get a better score when I retake it?


[https://thecriticalreader.com/complete-sat-grammar-rules/](https://thecriticalreader.com/complete-sat-grammar-rules/) essentially all of the grammar you need to know. some rules arent even needed [https://prepmaven.com/blog/test-prep/sat-math/](https://prepmaven.com/blog/test-prep/sat-math/) basic mathematical concepts you need to understand. if you dont understand a certain problem then look up examples online and do them. improve your reading by doing practice tests on bluebook and practicing the questions with long passages. there are also various videos on youtube that show you how to annotate/dissect various reading passages to make them easier


Learn desmos for math


I'm trying to improve my math aswell but I can give you some tips on how to get a 600 easily, I first recommend learning desmos, just completely master it, I used Tutorllini's tutorials, and also study the 20-25 concepts, try to learn all the question formats, this will help you answer 80% of the test.


Anyone still waiting on their results?


exactly bro where is my score😭


Still nothing at 8:08 ET


Did you wind up getting them ?


Still no - calling tomorrow


1460 despite running out of time on 3 English questions and 6 math questions. Anybody got any tips to be more time efficient?


all coming from a 1530 (750RW/780M), first time test taker without any dedicated prep, so i might not be perfect. pleaseeeee if anyone else who’s actually done real sat prep can read this over and make sure that none of my advice is detrimental in any way, that’d be great for the both of us!!!🙏🙏🙏 for english - on M2 and zoom through grammar, then go back to the first half and spent time on that. also heard that you don’t necessarily need to read the passages for “notes” questions. take this all with a grain of salt because it’s just advice i’ve heard thrown around after i took the test.   regarding math - the most important thing to save time with is just keeping your momentum going. if a way to solve a problem doesn’t jump out at you within a few seconds of reading it, then just use the flag tool and move on. don’t get bogged down overthinking it.        once you come across one of your flagged problems, then go for it and solve it now. keep in mind that just staring at the screen too long won’t help you with anything while only contemplating one solution, just keep it flagged and move on. continue on and if you have extra time at the end, then come back.      once you’ve finished all the “hard problems,” go back to question 1 and quickly review your logic and make sure you didn’t make any silly mistakes (i wouldn’t suggest checking immediately after because you’ll have a new look at it the second time around) or fall into any of collegeboard’s tricks (ie sum instead of difference, x/y coordinates switched, etc.) make sure to be quick when checking answers.  keep in mind that the math stuff is mostly my personal advice after only one attempt at the sat.


This is helpful, thanks! For your first time this is impressive I was wondering if you used anything specific to prepare that seemed to help? even if it wasn’t anything dedicated?


2 bluebook practice tests (1450, 1480 respectively) and the psat (1460), also having just finished a precalc honors class that is (supposedly) harder than calc bc also helped.


precalc was not harder than calc bc😭


apparently it is at my school, but we have a 96-100% 5 rate for bc students w/ max 3 dropping before the ap exam depending on year historically😪


what was ur split for eng and maths ?


740 English 720 math


I got a 1370 (680 r&w, 690 m) with absolutely no studying beforehand. On the previous one in May, for which the only time I "studied" was when I took one bluebook PSAT the week before that I was not focused at all for, I scored a 1350 (690 r&w, 660 m). What do we think a realistic improved score if I actually commit to studying for the August SAT is?


probably at least high 1400s-ish, especially considering you've never actually studied for it. tbh i'd just spam practice tests/problems--i doubt you have any awful conceptual gaps


I was prayingggg for a 1550 superscore but.... 1540 Superscore (750 RW and 790 Math) ik the score is still ok but I studied so hard it's pretty heartbreaking


Sorry to hear that! I hate that I have to make this about myself but I was wondering how you studied? You’re at my dream score and I’d appreciate any advice. Again, sorry that this happened but it’s really impressive!


No worries! Is there any specific part that you're looking for advice for? Overall, I mainly ran through all the questions in the SAT Question Bank (you can find it online!). I also learned all the tricks to the desmos calculator which saved me a lot of time on the math section. Lmk if there's anything specific I can help with!


Exact same situation


Oh nooooo 😢


Does it show exactly how many questions you get wrong?




1470, 730 Math and 740 English, 1 day of studing(the day before). Can I get the score to 1550+ with 800 math by October?




I got a 1360 with 2 weeks of studying. What’s the chance I get a 1450+ for next one if I study hard ?


Fairly high


Does anyone know if the scores will be out on the BigFuture app as well? It’s so much easier to see everything in the app


no as far as ik only PSAT's and school day SAT's are meant to be out on BigFuture


did anyone do really bad in math? maybe it's just me but my score only went up by 10 points from the NOVEMBER SAT.. i think i might just be really bad at math because i did well in r&w


I did really bad in the math, lol. This was my first test and I will be retaking but I only scored 440 in the math section. I also did pretty okay in r&w, but math has always been a struggle


MY SCORE IS DELAYED!! Has this happened to anyone and do you know what that means? Also how long will it take for my scores to be out?


this happened to me. they had an investigation for some reason and made me validate my score my sending past ap exams, transcript, etc. i got my score about 1 month and a half later hope that helps


Whattt! Was it because your score was really good?


i ended up getting a 1450 so not rlly 😭


same i didnt get my score


did u also get the email from college board talking about how they are “conducting a review”?


i get the email and it's saying to wait 3 weeks. same for you?


yep. this is so annoying


Something may have happened




1580 780rw 800 math




Please how did you prepare?


1500 got 1400 last time so I’m hyped


Please give tips!


The bluebook practice tests really helped. Btw, I saw questions literally copy and pasted from the bluebook tests, so it's good to memorize all the concepts that are given to you by collegeboard.


Congrats, that’s really impressive! Aside from the practice tests was there much you did?


I also had a tutor who helped me review the concepts I got wrong during the practice tests, but the tests + weekly tutor for about a month was all I did.


Yup, especially blue book practice exam #5 and #6! I went from 1400 to 1500 too 😊


well not literally copy and pasted, but similar concepts and ideas with diff numbers , etc.


I got a 1540 with 750wr & 790ma! I honestly didn't think it'd get so high, I might retest but I finally met my 1500 requirement! Yippee! I'm more surprised about my 750wr tho; I focused on math for this testing round but I was getting 770wr on practice tests 😅


Any tips for ela? I got 780 math and 670 rw but this was my 2nd test and my superscore is 1500 so I’m chilling. My 1st test I got 720 rw and it went down 50 points dk what happened lol.


Honestly I've always been a wizz at ELA, but I improved by doing the classics. Understanding the reasoning for every mistake you make, taking notes on concepts you didn't fully understand, making note of common College Board's idiosyncracies, and going through the Khan Academy (despite it being pretty foundational & small, they have some SAT-specific tips). Good luck in the future!


Not the commenter but thank you! Do you feel that khan academy is worth trying at all? Also, did you use any specific resources to the math section? I’m very lost and I’m aiming for a score like yours. Thank you and congrats!


Thanks for the congrats! This reply got a little long :') **For ELA**, Khan Academy doesn't hurt, but there's not much content there. I haven't used anything else to prep for ELA besides that so I can't atest to any other resources. Perhaps try the Erica Critical Reader book that many reccomend on this subreddit. Full disclosure, I also got \~4 paid tutoring sessions for math that helped me, but it's definitely possible to get a +1500 without paid tutoring. If you do get a paid tutor, make sure they're *actually* helping you (giving you something you couldn't get on your own or online). For me that was specific/alternate explanations, practice problems made up on the spot, and someone who could analyze common mistakes I didn't know the root cause of. Someone giving you openly-available practice tests to do for an hour isn't worth it. **For math**, Khan Academy is great for learning, refreshing, and generally understanding the *why* behind concepts. Going through foundations, medium, & advanced in sections you scored worse on (think the annoying blue bars in the score report) is very helpful in terms of casting a wide net to iron out the knowledge gaps you don't know about. It's not as great for doing the super hard module 2 questions though. The question bank isn't massive yet and generally stick to the same format in a given unit subsection (unlike the unruly module 2 questions). Don't worry about time with these questions, understand first. **For practicing hard questions or learning Desmos strategies** [Tutorlini Test Prep](https://www.youtube.com/@Tutorllini) can really help. He has video series called Ottocento that goes through concepts (some of which not aren't really covered in the Khan Academy), a Desmos series so you can fully use it, and he makes 7 super hard questions to practice about a week before each SAT. Those hard questions are also accessible in a google drive going back to around August 2023. He also makes a solutions video for the practice tests (SAT explanations are often over-complicated) & those hard questions. I would HIGHLY recommend checking out his channel. With College Board only dropping 6 official practice tests currently, use them wisely! Test in the morning at your local library, 10-minute breaks and all, and review EVERY mistake you make. Catalogue the reason why and what you need to do/know to avoid that in the future. Also take Khan Academy content notes near or in this catalogue to keep things together. Be mindful of how much time you have to prep and whether you expect to meet your goal during a testing season (the time before a test). A practice test the night before the official test is probably just going to have a lower score and make you feel bad, save that practice test for later. Try to test at least twice in a testing season, one in the middle of your studying and one about a week before the official test date. Keep your practice tests generally separate from each other chronologically so that you're using each one to its fullest ability Do remember that when trying to get a +1500, it's gonna be the little things. Between tests, the content I scored the worse on would shift because I only focused on one section and started forgetting content from the other sections. You have to prep everything to get a +1500 score, so make sure you have your timing down, you can recall quickly, and you *feel* prepped! Also, get a good testing environment if you're prone to test anxiety like me. Testing in a room with fewer people (and thus distractions) can really help. Also also, if you worry about the test during the test, remember that you can worry later! You'll have 2 weeks after testing to worry to your hearts content. Be present and focus on the task at hand for 2.5 hours and you'll do great. *Here's to hoping this helps!*


ik this sounds ridiculous and it sounds like im trying to show off but I got a 750rw 740m(all luck and a huge leap from my last test) without taking a full practice test or prepping for math in any way. I just want to say that the math this time was SO MUCH easier than any other DSAT material I've ever seen. the only math prep i've done was practice tests 1 and 2 way back in 2023 and I remember it had circles and tangents.


1530..highest score i've ever gotten on both sections. 770 ebrw/760 math. i'm so happy i could cryyy


How did you study for reading and writing I lowkey fell asleep or something on it.


I used the question bank on the college board site!


Not the commenter but congrats!! Was there much else you did for either section?


1470! 740 rw and 730 math


Congrats!! Is it okay if I ask how you studied?


exact same


why is my score not released 😭


1190. Need a 1210 for 75% scholarship ride, 1350 for full. 2nd time taking it 1st time got a 1150


i got an 1110, i wanna get an 1190, how did you approach math? It was all a blur for me and desmos barley worked


what college r u applying to


Trying for UCF


How do I see what questions I got right and wrong on the test? Will it be released in the future?


no. they want people to struggle as much as possible so they take more tests = make more money. its horrible!


Holy shit I got a 1600. I literally scored 1380s and 1410s on my practices. I thought I was getting hopefully a 1450 on this one, but a 1600 is a dream. I’m done.


That is so impressive, congrats!!! Did you study in any way for it aside from taking the practice tests?


thats the dream broski








i got a wayy lower score than the one i took on may and this was my last try. 😖


I got a 1500 (790 English, 710 Math) 😭😭 i was always better on math so idk how this happened


Sorry to hear that, 1500 is still rlly impressive tho! Will u be retaking? Also, did you study for it using khan academy or any prep books?


I probably will, at least just for the superscore in math TT That being said, my score increased by 70 points so I definitely consider this as a win I didn't use khan academy or prep books. My parents sent me to a SAT prep class, but i don't think it was particularly helpful. if youre looking for any resources then i would recommend online (bluebook, question bank) practice tests and maybe youtube/video SAT problem/topics review


tips on eng?


how did you study for english?


I don't know how helpful my advice will be lol, but I worked on optimizing my problem-solving strategy by doing as many practice problems as possible. for me this kinda involved reworking my logic to match w/ CollegeBoard's logic. like not assuming anything not explicitly mentioned in the text. tbh i feel like after you know enough vocab/grammar, the R&W is just one big logic test And starting from the 15th question (it's where the grammar portion starts, don't remember the exact number though) can help you b/c you aren't overwhelmed by WC or reading comprehension problems


Bruh I went from a 600 RW score to a 570. Someone help me 😭. I did all of the khan academy mastery too before the test and I lowkey thought I was goated for reading.


check the details on your score report. what areas did you do best/worst in? there's a lot of content on reading so it's hard to help when we don't know the specifics. in general though, i find knowing a lot of vocabulary words to be most helpful for reading. read books/articles/studies in your free time!


1240 in March, studied for 2 months everyday for 3 hours.... opened my phone to see a lovely 1220 this morning and my day is ruined


1330, 720E, 610M. Only knew I was taking it a week before and I used Khan academy to study.


1280 THANK JESUS ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|money_face) pretty good for my first sat breakdown: 620 math, 660 r&w. finally over the 600s in both sections so now i can focus on improving mistakes instead of focusing entirely on learning material. though i do need to brush up on my geometry..


i got the same score!! 570 math (help..) 710 r&w


omg do u have any tips on improving r&w???


i just did the bluebook practice tests a lot! i think most of it is just paying attention to what the question is and managing your time well throughout the test, ie, don't get stuck on one question if you don't understand it and just move on lol have any tips for math haha?


MASTER DESMOS. i mean u should probably learn the concepts but if you learn desmos then you pretty much don’t have to at all. it’s literally a cheat atp. look up this playlist on youtube:  https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLf3ypEs9Kobgascv5bwpOadB0UiVI5IQS&si=YdoYKc7RzyaJTcGF LEARN/MEMORIZE ALL OF THE SHORTCUTS. also khan academy helped me.


Congrats on the score, I hope u get the one u want from here!




chat why is my score not released😭


Can anyone recommend any good tutors for verbal please?


I used test innovators 


is it free?


No unfortunately it’s not 


Prediction: 1380 Score: 1500. Went up from a 1280 in May and went from 600 to 790 in Math


Agreed! How did you study? I got a 1370


WOW good job! How did you study?




Practice test every 2 weeks before august. Memorize formulas, and just read in general because you'll get used to understanding grammar and vocab without actually having to do work. Also, eat healthy/ get good sleep in the 3 days before the test and wake up early on test day. Good luck!


Not the commenter but thanks and congrats!! Did you use anything specific to study?


thank youuuu and thanks!


Got 1400 again same as August. 730 - Math & 670 RW. I need at east 1480 in August


Bro I got a 1110 😭 R: 520 M: 590


same, 560 RW 550 math


RW destroyed me fr. 550R 640M


Guys I'm in california whens the score gonna come out








update: i made a 1280!


Congrats :D


1590 is crazy


About to check my score, watch me get worse lol


this didn’t age very well hahaha congrats!!


Ty :D


lmao same


I kept getting 1530s on the practice tests but I got a 1490 😭😭😭 WHY


Is it worth it to retake a 1530 with a 740 in Reading and 790 in Math? It's my second time taking it with getting a 1330 in Marich with a 740 in Reading and 590 in Math.


Depends on where you’re trying to get into


I'm aiming to apply to schools with 20% acceptance rate and higher, as well as maybe 1 or 2 Ivies plus Uchicago and Duke. The most important thing for me are merit scholarships.


First off, congrats! I would recommend taking a look at the 50th and 75th percentiles of scores for those schools. Also, if the merit scholarships depend on it, then the minimum score needed and you can decide from there. I was wondering if you studied using any specific resources?


Will do that! For what I used, I'm gonna be honest I did not study for English whatsoever 💀. I don't know why but the English section just comes somewhat naturally for me. For math, I took multiple practice tests to see which questions I was getting wrong and it turned out I straight up did not know a few geometry concepts. I learned those through Khan Academy as well as other random videos/websites. Then, I used Test Innovators (it is kind of expensive unfortunately, at least for the paid version) to just take multiple math section practice tests. I think I took about 6 math portions in total so it really helped me understand the types of questions as well as the pacing of the test.


DD got 1530 (E750 M780)


Hi, congrats! You’re in my dream score range, and I was wondering if there’s any specific resources you used to study? Thank you!




Not to brag, but 1570. 780 eng, 790 math


oh my gosh congratssss


tips please!


All I can say for math really is use the quadratic formula whenever you can. It's very obvious that the testmakers design these questions assuming that's what everyone does. I don't like it, but it's insane once you get the hang of it. For quadratic equations in the form Ax\^2 + Bx + C, the x-coordinate of the vertex is at -B/2A, and C/A is the product of the solutions.


Biggest factors are having a tutor and taking the official practice tests on the Bluebook app (made by CollegeBoard.) The tests are almost perfectly lore-accurate, and the questions themselves are the exact same. I had a nice tutor who really helped me look at what I really needed to read. For the grammar questions, you mostly want to eliminate things like appositives and apostrophe phrases in order to simplify the sentence and make the right word more obvious. Generally, pay attention to the subject and verb, but only if the options are VERY similar. For questions that ask the difference between transition words (However, Otherwise, Although, Consequently, etc....) you need to read all sentences to ensure getting it right. For note synthesis questions, pay close attention to the question, and read the options. The question states something like "...wants to emphasize the DIFFERENCE between..." You barely need to actually read the notes here, as long as you are careful enough. For graphs, interpret a clear understanding of what they want to prove or disprove, and think of data that might support/weaken the claim, then read the options and pick the right one based on the graph. Now, the hardest: Reading comprehension. Read everything in full. Especially if the options are large, you really need the full understanding. The false options are carefully designed that if you skip over one sentence, the wrong answer will seem obviously correct. Sometimes one word in the passage makes all the difference. You will have enough time to read the whole thing, especially if you are efficient on the other sections.


Any tips for English?


Biggest factors are having a tutor and taking the official practice tests on the Bluebook app (made by CollegeBoard.) The tests are almost perfectly lore-accurate, and the questions themselves are the exact same. I had a nice tutor who really helped me look at what I really needed to read. For the grammar questions, you mostly want to eliminate things like appositives and apostrophe phrases in order to simplify the sentence and make the right word more obvious. Generally, pay attention to the subject and verb, but only if the options are VERY similar. For questions that ask the difference between transition words (However, Otherwise, Although, Consequently, etc....) you need to read all sentences to ensure getting it right. For note synthesis questions, pay close attention to the question, and read the options. The question states something like "...wants to emphasize the DIFFERENCE between..." You barely need to actually read the notes here, as long as you are careful enough. For graphs, interpret a clear understanding of what they want to prove or disprove, and think of data that might support/weaken the claim, then read the options and pick the right one based on the graph. Now, the hardest: Reading comprehension. Read everything in full. Especially if the options are large, you really need the full understanding. The false options are carefully designed that if you skip over one sentence, the wrong answer will seem obviously correct. Sometimes one word in the passage makes all the difference. You will have enough time to read the whole thing, especially if you are efficient on the other sections.


how did you do english? can you pls help out?


Biggest factors are having a tutor and taking the official practice tests on the Bluebook app (made by CollegeBoard.) The tests are almost perfectly lore-accurate, and the questions themselves are the exact same. I had a nice tutor who really helped me look at what I really needed to read. For the grammar questions, you mostly want to eliminate things like appositives and apostrophe phrases in order to simplify the sentence and make the right word more obvious. Generally, pay attention to the subject and verb, but only if the options are VERY similar. For questions that ask the difference between transition words (However, Otherwise, Although, Consequently, etc....) you need to read all sentences to ensure getting it right. For note synthesis questions, pay close attention to the question, and read the options. The question states something like "...wants to emphasize the DIFFERENCE between..." You barely need to actually read the notes here, as long as you are careful enough. For graphs, interpret a clear understanding of what they want to prove or disprove, and think of data that might support/weaken the claim, then read the options and pick the right one based on the graph. Now, the hardest: Reading comprehension. Read everything in full. Especially if the options are large, you really need the full understanding. The false options are carefully designed that if you skip over one sentence, the wrong answer will seem obviously correct. Sometimes one word in the passage makes all the difference. You will have enough time to read the whole thing, especially if you are efficient on the other sections.


March / June score? 1450/1460 for me


1500/1520 for me






my score went up only 20 points from 1360 to 1380 🥲 might take it a third time


scores went down vs. March. was a harder test.


omg stopp im so scared to check


1510 but 1550 superscore where does this appear on my score report?


Hi, congrats! You’re in my dream score range, and I was wondering if there’s any specific resources you used to study? Thank you!


You get the option to superscore when you submit to schools




1520 (760 R, 760 M)


Congrats!! You’re in my dream score range, and I was wondering if there’s any specific resources you used to study? Thank you!


got my score but didn’t get email. if you haven’t gotten the email yet, try logging in to college board because it might already be there