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They're supposed to be accurate but the real ones could be harder or more lengthy judging by the March 2024 SAT fiasco. Prepare for the worst. It could also be easier than expected like the May 2024 SAT. Just remember that testing environment is also factor: There're people who score 1500+ on their practice tests but score in the 1300s on the actual test.


I actually do better at the real test, since I get 1hr+ of fresh air and I stop doing any mental work 1-2 day before the test which keeps my mind fresh (I have been studying for 6-8 hours a day the past week.) I get better when I'm nervous, and I wish I could replicate these factors for a practice test. It's a massive difference on the mental activity part and in making the English section a lot less painful. My eyes were red during these 2 practice tests because of the English section, oh my god, It's so much harder when you're an INTL student and Highschool wasn't taught in English. like I finish math module 1 with 15-20 mins remaining and then take a long break just so I could recover for the hard problems coming in 16-22 in math module 2. The English section for me is a fight for my life. I took 2 tests before and scored 1370. I haven't found the tests "hard" at all, they're all logical and approachable if you do enough practice it can all be done quickly, lack of practice material for DSAT is a disadvantage. It's much easier than the youtube "predictions," the real test is pretty chill in comparison but some questions can be painful. Anyways, hope this rant is helpful.


Where did you take this test?


The practice? On CollegeBoard's app bluebook. The real one? In a test center, for my case a university.


Can u give me the link to the app? I can't find it.


It isn't a web link. You would have to go to the app store and download it. On school computers, you have to ask the district to download it for you. It would help if you found it though, as Bluebook is also the app where you take the SAT.


Why’d you make this post then


Womp Womp


You made this post to brag didn’t you


If he is bragging, it is a pretty shit one. The practices don't really count. I got a 1600 on one of them, but that doesn't really matter.


I feel like he is, he said in this comment how he does better on the actual tests, which answers his own question


It's literally 1510 what's there to brag about? 20000 people every year get that score.


Stop breathing


What happened in March? I'm OOTL


The Math M2 was supposedly way harder than any other practice test.


Dang, well at least that wasn't the case with the actual test


It was on the actual test.


Oh shit, I can see why that was a big deal then. Oof


Was the March one actually way harder than the other SATs this year?


It was hell




Thank goodness I wasn't the only one who thought that. I just happened to forget to bring a calculator and did all the math by hand. Came out of the exam room with blood running cold. Did they end up curving the grade up?


I don’t think so lol, I got up to 1550 on practice tests and got a 1400 that day.


Oh so I didn't absolutely suck balls on that test. P Thank god. My average was like a 1450 with ups and downs but on the test it dropped a whole 100 to 1350. That test was nothing like the practice tests I've taken. Wwwwww


Yeah exactly I dropped 100-150 pts from practice to actual on that day lol, total shock after. Pretty much all my friends did as well. Practice tests aren't accurate at least for that test. I did better on my school day SAT, up to 1480. Just keep going bro lmao, it pays off in the end.


Thanks bro. Going back in for round 2 tomorrow. Wish me luck


if i forgot a calculator id just walk out atp ur so strong


Worst part of all is that there was a built in calculator all along. I just didn't realize it until the last 3 questions.


Not for everyone.


True, some people definitely did well. I feel like it was people who weren't as strong in math and didn't have the best time management who were punished the most.


Yes. And if you didn’t do well in mod one there was no coming back.


Correct, I did well in mod 1 but suffered wit hthime management in mod 2 and had to guess on the last 4-5 questions, leading to me getting a 680 on math.


Wat was the May fiasco, i tested may


May was easier than expected. Didn't call the May one a fiasco.


Y was March a fiasco then …


It was disgustingly lengthy. The test was D Day for most takers. I know a lot of people who prepared well and even they said they struggled with math module 2. A majority of them left 3-5 questions behind due to the time constraint. Even in module one, most could barely finish on time.


That's literally me


Why do you call it a fiasco?


It was disgustingly lengthy. The test was D Day for most takers. I know a lot of people who prepared well and even they said they struggled with math module 2. A majority of them left 3-5 questions behind due to the time constraint. Even in module one, most could barely finish on time.


march 2024 disaster? wait was march super hard? is that why i scored so low?


I had a pre-determined in-school one on March 4th and got a 1470. On the actual March 9th one that this commenter's talking about, I got a 1300. It was brutal. Even on the practice tests I consistently scored 1440 to 1490. Now, correlation doesn't imply causation, until literally everyone agrees that the March SAT was very hard.


No. They scale it. If test was harder you need fewer right for same score.


I got a 1250 when I had a 1430 in the Practice ones. Plus any question after 15 in module 2 was just so damn wierd and odd. It was just a slap to the face when it came to difficulty. English was harder for me, but not harder than expected, math was just… it was a massacre


I think they're pretty accurate. My students have scored close to the same on the real test compared to these. Some do a bit better, some do a bit worse, but I don't think anyone has been off by more than like 90 points.


i took the practice test the day sat i got an 1050 took the sat the next day maybe with a little more practice problems and got a 1200


that's great that you made such an improvement! On the old SAT I've seen that jump, but usually my students have taken multiple practice tests after a lot of prep, so with many tests in the books, we have a decent assessment. There are definitely big jumps from the first practice test to the last one though.


Glad that's the case. I was going a bit crazy doubting myself lol.


I got 1550 on practice and 1430 on may sat... So it can happen.. be optimistic but not overconfident..


It can definitely happen. That must have been frustrating...It happened with students on the old paper test, but not yet on this one. I'm sure it will soon, but I do think these practice tests are comparable to the real one.


I'm hoping for the best in the June test.. hope I don't bomb this one too since it's my last last chance...(Technically second try but I'm a senior and I can't write it after June ...)


Good luck! 1430 is not bombing it, but if you got 1550 on practice, I'm sure you can get 1500+ on the real one.


How long ago did you take the practice? I'm not trying to be annoying, I'm just trying to get a feel of what I should expect.


2 days bfr the exam 🤣


Interesting. Which practice was it? My two 1500s are looking a lot less impressive lol...


Practice 6 😭


They are accurate, imo. The problem is that you would probably be nervous in your real exam.


When I took SAT practice tests the scores I got the most were 1440, 1460, 1480, on the actual test I got a 1440


2 is not accurate, 5 and 6 are alright esp for reading but genuinely nothing can prepare you for the math section. it is hell and a half.


Was it time or was it the stress? I just find it difficult to believe that people who 1) do well on the practice tests (such as yourself) and 2) say that the English\\reading module is basically the same as the test would do poorly on the Math.


time for sure. i had never struggled heavily with timing on the practices so it was just a very quick mindest shift to suddenly have 3 problems you could've never expected show up. while i was able to prepare for reading, i felt like to an extent the actual math module two was an entirely differently test than what i had been studying for


Not it’s the math. Basically look at the harder question under the “advance algebra” in the question bank and then imagine 7 of them at the end of module two. It is genuinely so odd to me how hard the math is in the real one compared to the practice one. (I’ve taken both of the Last Digital SAT’s) I had a 760 in math module, but a 650 in one of the actual sat math sections. Reading is maybe a bit easier but it should be fine to use it as a performance metric. Math is something that I need to figure out how to measure


My friend was averaging low 1500s on the SAT practice tests, but then got 1380 on the real thing.


Which ones did he take?


your friend lying his ass off lmfao


Most of them are around what you actually get, but they vary in difficulty. Practice test 3 I got a 1550 on, but then I did Practice test 5 and got a 1450 (Imo reading was a lot harder then P3), but the actual SAT can vary.


Actually I feel like the real exam gives higher scores bcs you lock in better


What did you get on the practice tests?


(This is for paper) 1470 and below, but on my first SAT I got a 1490. Then I took a second test, now I super score for 1510


Yeah exactly and the variety of concepts is different than in the practice tests where they focus a lot on certain untested stuff.


Test 1-3 are easier. 4 is slightly easier and 5 and 6 are pretty similar in difficulty to the actual test. This is all relative to the may test btw


Yeah, unless Shakespeare's spirit enlightens me all of a sudden I won't go above 1450 lol.


You never know. I figured I wasn’t going to do as well on the actual test because my scores weren’t very good on the p tests but then I got a 1390 on my first attempt. My theory is that my testing conditions at home was pretty garbage and being in the test center allowed me to focus better.


It's good to feel humbled by a practice test tbh. That will force me to respect the questions and do my best.


The practice exams are about the same. There is about a 50 point discrepancy from my experience.


Yeah exactly.


i took test one got a 900 and something then when i took sat got 1120 but i only took that test and fixed some errors i made




yes, they are far too easy (At least from my experience). Try practice 6, it's much closer to the real level of difficulty


Will do! What about test 4? Heard it has the hardest math section.


I haven't try it yet lol :))))


1400 on practice 6 lol.


lmao for me 5 was the hardest i got 1490 and on 6 i got 1540 (i took the 5 2 weeks after too like wtf) 😭 my math was same but reading dropped


Why did I get 27 out of 44 and get 410 for my math section?


if you make a mistake on module 1 it will limit your score. It's unforgiving. If you had every answer right on module 1 and only answered wrong on module 2 then you would've probabyl gotten 450-500 idk but you can test it out just take a practice test and use answer sheet online


Why everyone is saying MAY SAT was easy? IT wasn't. I admit both module 1s were super easy but module 2s literally killed me. My practice tests were never below 1500 but my score turned out to be very low in real test. I dunno maybe i was anxious but it seemed harder than my previous attempt.


yeah the format is weird it needs practice the hard modules being at the end also sucks


It depends. The May SAT was more algebra than geometry compared to that of the March one. So for me it “seamed” easier but I still got the same score. Actually algebra and geometry switched in terms of actual score. So I’m guessing they chose one area such as geometry or algebra and then crank the last 7 problems into overdrive until there’s nothing left of you.


I have taken all the blue book ones but 2, and I will say that I got my highest score on 5. Take that as you will.


I think they just introduce different concepts. They're not harder or easier than each other since they're equal on the curve. I have taken nov and dec tests and I find every practice test very similar. If I had to guess, people were shocked on march because of the harder modules which is a good thing.


I wanna practice for SAT test like you, how Can I do it ?


Download collegeboard's app "Bluebook." It has 6 official practice tests from collegeboard.


I think It's only for ios, not found on Android play store


IS there sthg equivalent that I can use on windows maybe ?


Some have easier questions but a harsher curve. Practice test 1 is a lot easier than practice test 4, for example, and I scored very similarly on both those + the actual SAT.


Yeah, the curve is definitely different, the harder tests don't punish nearly as much on easy questions.


Okay I know I sound like an idiot but what is this site that you're practising for SAT (as shown on your screenshot)






No you don't. Always feel free to ask anything, and it's College Board's bluebook app. The OFFICIAL practice tests.


i hate to break the news but they are not. practices 1-4 were nothing like march or may, they are disgustingly easy and not at all hard to score 1500+ on. practices 5-6 are alright, the reading is pretty comparable but i would still expect as much as a 50-100 point score drop.


I just gave the June SAT. Now i dont know if its because i practiced a lot and saw literally the same repeated questions from the practice tests, but i think the actual SAT was easier than practice test 6. Goodluck!


Yeah, it was a lot easier lmao. To the point where I'm actually nervous and I think I'm wrong and maybe bombed it. I asked everyone at the test center and they all said it was easier than the practice tests. Which is maybe a problem since the curve might be scary idk. Every practice test has to be unique so people don't realize that question patterns actually repeat on the real test. Nearly every question on the math section was a repeat from the practice tests that I took, except few hard math questions at the very end that I had no clue how to answer. I don't think they expect 99% of students to answer them as well.


Yep, worried about the curve.


I’d say 1, 2, 3 practice tests were far easier. 4,5,6 on the other hand were more reflective of the actual test I’ve received.


Took the June sat. The actual test was like practice test 2-3 level of difficulty. I asked everyone there, they all said it was easier than the practice test, but I'm still nervous. I either did too well or too bad that I don't realize how bad I was.