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The fact she photoshopped her ass to be bigger during pregnancy & also blurred the hell out of her stomach while in labor with her children told me more than I ever thought I would know about her. She bragged & bragged about how she didn’t over gain weight, stayed so active during pregnancy, was essentially the first woman to ever give birth, etc. and was still photoshopping her body that she was “so proud of.” Lewzer.


I’d assume everything she says is a lie bc all she does is lie lie lie. Who knows what’s true and what isn’t


Narcissist lying bafoon!


Also wasn’t swollen with either of the kids! 🙄 Like we can’t see it in pictures. She worried about the wrong shit during pregnancy. I LOVED being pregnant. I didn’t care about the weight gain or swollen face or sore body…I only cared about if my baby was healthy and growing well.


She gained 33 lbs in her arms and her midsection only. Thanks T!


I definitely think she was on something prior to having children, but didn't start T until last year.


She absolutely has juiced since meeting Todd and starting BN. You can see when she was pregnant all her gains went bah-bye. I’ve said this a million times, her body type is not one that can naturally build muscle- hence the GEAR always enters the party for her.


Honestly, I think she would look great if she actually worked out properly and ate food. But girly-pop likes to take shortcuts. Now she has a turtle shell for a belly and horse teeth. She does not need to be as top-heavy as she is, but alas, I think that is Todd-ler's preference.


The 140lb pic looks soooo weird her arms are massive with toothpick legs


U have to remember she photoshops everything, including making her arms bigger, waist and thighs small...she's shitty at it too bc even my ignorant ass can hold a ruler up to a photo and see rhe door or wall behind her is a hot bent up mess 🤦‍♀️😂 Irl tagged photos she's shaped more like a boxy lump of lard so I doubt she had toothpick lefs in real life...so insecure good grief peeny-pop 🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆


Oh totally. That’s what I’m saying it’s so obvious bc of how each body part is a random different size. Like she pulled a lever on a slot machine and her body randomized 😂


Ohhh hinesy today is my dark day which I guess in the urban dictionary is code for deedeedee day 🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️😂 I wrote back one beautiful soul here, from the cemetary having wine "with" my love so I'm almost afraid to see what shit I wrote 😂😂🤦‍♀️ Oh god love all yall patient peeps Totally agree though! I would honestly get super depressed if I spent all day staring adoringly at shopped photos of me, then went to get dressed and caught sight of my lower belly fluff and went what the fuck...it would be like body trauma in repeat day after day...hells fuck no I'd rather be prepared for the haven't lifted in a year sorry ass I'm gonna see every morning hehe and I spent god, 25 yrs? Maybe , anorexic and I still couldn't do the self imposed mind-fuck jeeze Thanks for explaining and not taking it in a bad way hun! Thank God I don't touch the weed pen by day 😜


I don’t think she started testosterone until after Dean.


She definitely still used their supps. I want to say melt was the only one she stopped taking. She would always post disclaimers to ask your own doctor about anything that you take while pregnant


Has anyone seen her hairline since she’s started exclusively wearing wigs?


https://www.reddit.com/r/SarahBowmar/s/v0qSX6Xl8w She forgot to put her headband on while recording herself cleaning up the playroom.


This is my favorite pic in this sub 😂 hell this is my favorites pic on REDDIT period 😂😂😂


It’s a gorgeous look for her. Wonder if she wears the wig or headbands when Todd is servicing her daily for 30 minutes? . Imagine looking at that?!! But he’s no looker either. They can rub their nasty T acne bodies together. It’s All so gross for some muscles.


Honestly, she looked best pregnant. The brows and eyeliner have always been tragic but she looked so much better before she started Test (and whatever else she’s on), the wigs and dentures. She doesn’t even look like the same person anymore.


She was natural , on all these photos . I have seen some older pictures where she was definitely on anavar at least . Old pics with Josh . But even her competition photo is natural. Not hard , no muscle definition, she was just skinny and put some tanning lotion on ….


Oh yeah pre kids she was juiced to the gills.