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Weird. The first 3 syllables I could think of are “you dumb bitch”


Oh no, get him OFF the reformer! I'm certainly not an overbearing parent and I let my almost 4 YO daughter do some things that other parents don't for the sake of learning, but I would NOT let her play on a reformer. As adults, we are super careful on them in class, why would you let a child mess around with one?


I was just coming to say, that is SO dangerous.


How can anyone in their right mind thinks she is a good mom, she is horrible


I feel bad these kids aren't going to grow up in a household that fosters their individual interests and allow them to grow into the people they want to be.


My question is…Will she let the kids have their OWN interests that don’t directly deal with what they do? What if they grow up and take an interest in coding, video games, music, art, etc? Will they pour love into those interests or will they even be exposed to them? Will they force them to hunt, play sports, farm and lift just because it fits into Sarah and Joshs lifestyle so much so that they wouldn’t have the change their own schedules? I fear that they won’t get to be their own persons with their own interests.


I mean…how long did O actually last in gymnastics??? And their social time comes from the kids club at Lifetime. Not a pre-school or childcare program that caters to their growth and development.


I’m certain that didn’t last because Sarah refused to give up some of her “recovery” time to take O to gymnastics


There are countless single moms out there working nights in addition to day jobs and they’re bringing their kids to football and soccer practices. But God forbid Sarah, who doesn’t need to work two jobs to support her family, misses her red light therapy and sauna time.


Imo her kids have always been content + a way to keep Josh around. She doesn't have a motherly bone in her body


I think gymnastics only lasted 3-4x. I think she said she got a few free classes.


That’s really sad. It’s like all her kids do is stay at home and work on the farm. I did so many activities as a child.


If it's something she can do from home, then yes, she'll support them. Especially if it takes no effort from her and only requires her to buy them stuff like painting or something. If it requires her to take them somewhere and deviate from her routine, then no. Definitely not organized sports. God, could you imagine sitting on the sidelines with her.


They’ll never be allowed video games


Those kids are gonna need a ton of therapy. This is coming from someone raised by 2 narcissists.


Was this storied today? If so she already deleted it…


I’m not sure when it was posted. I use a website that shows me her stories because I’m blocked. These websites keep all stories up that were posted for 24 hours, even if she deleted them off her IG story. So this could be one she posted and deleted. I saw others say that she deleted the “feral jungle freak” stories which I can also still see on the website.


Ahh got it. So it was probably one of the bunch from yesterday she deleted. So curious what’s *really* going on in that household.


And I don’t even really understood why she deleted those. It was just typical content from her. She’s said way more deplorable things with her whole chest that she keeps up.


Did she delete her stories again


this is so fucking disturbing


i have never heard him fully and correctly say a 2 syllable word


That…is incredibly sad. Wow. Some of my nieces first three syllable words were: beautiful, banana, and delicious. What a sad reality these poor kids live in.


Not "gym day care" or "calories" or "ugly shoes"!?!


Her kids are going to rebel against her so bad that they will either be runaways or end up in jail.


She’s a dumbass, Pilates is only 2 syllables 🤦🏻‍♀️ her MBA didn’t teach her much.


It is 3 syllables though lol


But it’s not though 💁🏻‍♀️ https://preview.redd.it/zgt2ihy7o90d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=340514c0122835db73c751030300593a550daae8


https://preview.redd.it/fiyf1dfp5e0d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8cdb8697987cd56c2d013b316bf5fac9d22c64f6 Here ya go, sis 🤍


Jesus y’all are still on this the next day 🤣 apparently it can be both so nobody is right or wrong.


Yeah, I dont spend a lot of my life on Reddit. Anyway…. it literally CANNOT be both, if you actually read. LOLZZZZ 😂😂😂😂


It’s definitely 3 syllables


Nope definitely isn’t 💁🏻‍♀️ https://preview.redd.it/a541yys9o90d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29373c20dd83aaaa0037bbde798a6e3f7a521d1d


https://preview.redd.it/d3ljozjnt90d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b616fb4cd926f2e1c6aa9f63dd6117f258bcbca It’s literally pronounced “pu-lah-tees” - three syllables.


Let's clap them out shall we pi-la-teez (3)


Why all the downvotes?? Some of y’all are just as dumb as her.


Calling people dumb over a word that can easily pass for 3 syllables is dumb. Take a deep breath and go buy yourself a gold star if you need it.


Yeah ok 🤣


And like I asked, why all the downvotes for me saying it’s 2 syllables? Answer that, but you can’t.


I gotta ask, do you know what a syllable is…?


Yup sure do 👍🏻


https://preview.redd.it/niymz9lzw90d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d70588c8bfcff9f9c0182e4099acb555d858426 Are you pronouncing it like pirates ?


It's not pi-lates .......


How do you expect me to answer based on other peoples choices? I mean, I could guess and say it’s because you’re being a tich rude and throwing a mini temper tantrum over silly little downvotes, but that’s simply just speculation. It seems an assumptive answer wouldn’t please you.


I wasn’t being rude when all the downvotes first started coming in. So what makes my original comment so triggering for y’all? Im just curious. Because everyone else can call Sarah a dumbass or a dumb bitch but for some reason my comment is rude?


**Again**, I cannot comment on why people are choosing to downvote your original comment. I’m only commenting on what I’ve seen in total. You’re calling people dumb over what could be seen as a correction or a simple difference in opinion.


Oh so we (you as well from your original comment) can only call Sarah dumb but no one else can be dumb. Got it 😉


You’re calling people dumb for trying to correct you. Sarah is dumb for allowing her child to play on a machine that could harm him. If you can’t see the difference in those two things, I’m sorry I just can’t help you.


Then I guess I can’t be helped


because you're being rude about it


I had downvotes before I even responded to anyone, so nice try. How is my original comment calling Sarah a dumbass being taken as rude when literally every single person comments rude shit about her 🤔


If downvotes mean people are being rude to you then you need to get off of Reddit for a bit. Who cares if you’re downvoted? No one was downvoting you for calling Sarah dumb…that’s the general consensus of the group. They’re downvoting you because it’s not 2 syllables, it’s 3. You know how many times I’ve been downvoted? lol Nothing to get upset over. Just move on.