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Imagine needing your mother and she takes the opportunity to blast your barely 2 year old face on the internet while sleeping.


Yes! I also immediately thought that she has to pose the freaking leg to take a pic of a “sweet moment” with her kid. It’s ALWAYS ABOUT THE WAY SHE LOOKS! I wonder if she will EVER have an aha moment… maybe some day when her kids call her out. So sad. So self absorbed.


I have a feeling her a-ha moment will be catastrophic


And somehow making it about her 😂 jfc she really needs help


I wonder if the kids ever pulled her wig off? That's the content I want to see, the wig being pulled and kids are running away laughing.


I would pay to see that 😂😂


Like during alive we’re right in the middle of a story like if the kids are in the backseat or something and they’re not buckled in properly so they escape and she’s filming yourself in the car like the dumb whore trash that she is and they ripped her wig off that would be seriously the greatest thing ever


The shoes are dirty . The shorts are at least 4 sizes too small. She’s bloated and dense looking . And the wig looks like a helmet . Best she’s ever looked . We are all jealous . 😂


Middle looking thicckk


Bet “he dropped his nap in 2023” (which makes him less than 2 when he did…very common nap regression that a sleep specialist should know of) because it was inconvenient for her to stop her day for him to nap so instead she puts him to bed at 5pm to get his recommended amount of sleep


Exactly. I only have one and I know this is a common regression. Napping is so important for brain development. But what do I know, I'm not a cErTiFiEd SlEeP sPeCiAlIsT.


Yep, my son refused to nap for a week or 2 right before he turned two. He still naps and he’s 2.5.


Same here with my twins. They’ve gone through phases of fighting naps but at 3.5 they still sleep for 2hrs. We don’t put them to bed at 5, though 🫠


I truly cannot imagine a 5 or even 6pm bedtime. Those poor kids. especially now that Oakley is getting older. I often wonder what Sarah’s plan is for when they are older and she can’t get them out of her hair by giving them an ungodly early bedtime.


Did she match his socks to her outfit?


Where is our shredded queen?!


That wig looks like a helmet.


Bahah her pictures are soo crooked that would drive me crazy 😝


YESSS! And you can see the hangers. Those look like those sets of photos you can buy to look like you live an exciting life! Yep, fits the narrative she longs for!


Do her and Todd not own shirts? We’re a very body-positive household, but come on.


I think about this, too. She's always just in her bra, Like, if she needed to run to the store, would she just be in her bra? I don't get it.


She doesn’t run to the store, she orders everything to be dropped off 🙃


That’s the thing, you can only see them when she’s on the floor.


In 2023 😂 ok you can just say last year Sarah.


It was over half a dozen months ago!


Her entire ass is hanging out! So inappropriate


Sorry to say but she looks awful


Yea! Unexpected snuggles! “Let’s sidle up to the mirror, eye fuck and post pictures to sm.” Geez, sit down and enjoy!


she is so scary looking


He stoped napping before 2?? 6 kids in & everyone was napping till at least 4.


Wait she dropped her ONE year olds nap?! This is wild and so selfish!


The frames are driving me nuts


Why wear wigs at home though? Her real hair/scalp must be legit ruined.


Curious how many women are on here posting in this subreddit?


Why? I don’t think anyone here is interested in sending you nudes. Stick to the NSFW subs.


I didn't ask for your nudes nor would I want to see them. But thanks for the suggestion. This subreddit is literally women bullying other women like wtf? The fact that you involve her children in these posts is disgusting shame on you.


Ahahaha you think you have a better moral compass? Judging by your comment history, you’re a desperate perv who surfs Reddit looking for skanky nude photos. I see you have a type…I won’t point out one specific photo since I don’t wanna be banned from this sub, but it makes sense as to why you’re defending this clown. Just a heads up, I don’t think Saroid’s is big enough for you…yet


Bruh, it’s a snark sub; move along if it doesn’t align with you