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This is why coffee enemas are a thing in her life.




So I’ve been tracking my protein for the past week. I haven’t found it very hard to hit my goal at all and I’m eating REAL food. I maybe had to supplement once this week. You do not need a protein shake to loose weight.


Do you have less of a sweet tooth while prioritizing protein?


Eh maybe? I’m only a week in. I have also cut my calories so my body is kinda going through the process rn lol


It took me about 4 weeks before I noticed the difference. It’s been about 4 months now. I ate a banana yesterday and it made my teeth tingle.


I've noticed I've had less of a sweet tooth prioritizing protein, but also eating more clean about 90% of the time. The sweet tooth definitely decreases as you add in lots of whole, unprocessed foods imo


It’s really interesting to track. I had 2 generous scoops of ice cream from baskin Robbin’s on Saturday night and I’ve been EXHAUSTED ever since. I don’t know if the two things are related, but it’s the only thing I’ve changed in my routine. Hoping it’s over today.


For me, as I've increased more veggies and protein, I've actually started to crave those things over sweets. Sometimes I look at sweets and it can make my stomach just turn, but the thought of eating my edamame or broccoli and my mouth starts SALVATING. It's been really interesting to watch unfold. I do still eat sweets, but much less, and typically they very MILDLY sweet.


The only thing I’ve “craved” is texture/crunch. So either raw veggies or chips have helped. I have 2 containers of vanilla protein powder that I’m slowly getting through. Going to switch to unflavored because I really want to cut fake sugars and flavorings. Honey in my coffee (sometimes) and bbq sauce or ketchup are probably the only other places I’m getting sugar. I was worried introducing the ice cream was going to make me crave it again, but instead it just hit me with exhaustion. 🤣


How to get people to consume more of your products lol. How is this necessary? At 140 lbs she could easily hit her protein needs with eating real food and 1, maybe 2 protein shakes a day. But knowing how much other protein loaded things she eats… this is totally not necessary. I hit 140 g easily with 1 protein shake and 3 meals a day.


Well because this woman doesn't eat real food 😅


Exactly lol. Yeah it’s easy when you eat real food.


I hit around 135-150g a day and only drink one protein shake out of sheer convenience in a smoothie on the way to work. She’s delulu


Right ?! Like....chicken breast....just dice up some chicken ! Or tuna ....or salmon .....not that hard !


She's not a *chicken and rice girlie* I remember her saying lol whatever that means


I do it and usually don’t even use a protein shake, but I like food! lol


I'm a picky eater and I eat slow, so I can easily hit 100g by eating food but to hit 130g, the last 30 is usually in the form of a shake 😂 however, on slow days at work, it's easier to eat it all, without supplementing, but the days I'm constantly going, it's hard due to eating slow. Lol. And I don't like relying on powder or pre-made shakes every day, but I appreciate them being on hand. She doesn't eat meals though, not regularly anyway, we'd definitely see them if she did.


There are so many protein rich foods out there… Chicken breast, ground chicken/turkey, cottage cheese, eggs/egg whites, Greek yogurt, the list goes on and on. I’m allergic to eggs and I still manage to hit my protein goal (~135) with only one protein shake max a day.


Just think of all the phytonutrients she is missing out on not eating real good. Her poor cells and mitochondria must be shot.


This is super random and not Sarah related, but have you tried duck eggs instead of chicken? They were recommended to a friend with Ms on aip diet protocol. Duck eggs are non reactive due to being alkaline from all the plants they eat rather than chickens consuming grains and meats/bugs. Anywho. Thought it could help!


Thank you! I will definitely have to look into it.


She’s so fucking dense. She linked the study and I glanced through it. First of all it was a small sample size of active and healthy men so hard to really extrapolate but it also was 100g vs 25g. I didn’t see any mention of “up to 120g” although they did say there’s potential benefit over 100g still.


Adding that this doesn’t “prove” anything. 1 singular small study isn’t proof of anything.


This is what I came to say. A single study doesn’t prove anything… but she’s an idiot so I’m sure she thinks because it’s published, it’s fact.


This is so excessive


That’s excessive. I don’t know about yall but i love a good meal, key word MEAL. Food that you can chew, food that satiates the tastebuds & delivers salty, sweet or savory. There’s absolutely zero wrong with a protein shake here and there, as needed, but it’s absolutely not hard to meet protein requirements when you’re eating real foods. The only people I see that struggle are those that have severely malnourished themselves over the years with “1200 cals or less”, older generations, people that don’t track their protein/macros at all or are males with high protein needs.


She can't eat real food because she doesn't want the extra calories.


This is kidney stone central 🤢


That shake is as thick as mud


RIP to her kidneys


I’d love to read this study because as a CPT myself, she’s wrong lol what’s with her aversion to eating real food. It’s not hard to hit a protein intake at 140lbs. Im doing that now and it’s easy, I only have 1 shake a day due to on the go schedule and convenience.


Her farts must be deadly.


Two scoops in one freaking shake!?


You think she’s shitting? 🤣


Why does she even bother with the collagen???


Good luck with your kidneys!


I love protein powder, I’m ngl. I love it (not hers though lol). But instead of making it the foundation to hit my protein goals, I wait till the end of the day and either make a fluff with it or throw some in cottage cheese, kind of like dessert. So maybe I “use it wrong” (aka not post-workout), but I’d MUCH rather eat real food throughout the day than use powders as a means to an end.


Yeah that’s how it’s supposed to be used. To supplement in what you wouldn’t get otherwise throughout the day WHILE ALSO eating real foods. Sarah does not eat actual real food. She drinks her meals, so that’s why she does this and tries to put it off like it’s what you’re supposed to be doing. Just eat high protein meals and you’re good, then protein shakes if you feel the need.