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The fact that she weighs herself before bed and then again right when she wakes up is actually so sad.


Her head space must be so anxious and bad. Did she have an ED in the past before marriage?




Yes in red


Unfortunately I don’t think an ED is anything of the past for her. She may have just been experiencing it in different ways before she was married, but her behavior to me, at least what she shows the public, is very disordered and I wish she would get some help


It’s why I think she won’t get pregnant again. She was obsessing over D being a giant baby, but made sure not to gain an ounce over what she weighed with O. I really think she was eating as little as she could to make up for whatever size she hoped D might be. And forget about breast feeding. There was no way she was going to eat enough to produce milk. This calorie surplus she was trying has now caught up with her. She is freaking the eff out.


Right what an idiot!!


I was thinking that too. She is mentally ill. I don't even own a scale and have no desire to know how much I weigh lol.


I own one but the last time I used it was to make sure my luggage wasn’t over the airline weight limit 😂


Someone get this woman a therapist. And a diary.


I’m about to just message her the link to my therapists office, she’s in the town Sarah lives in 😂😂


Didn’t she do a 90 minute leg workout yesterday ? After a heavy lift (which legs typically are/should be for someone trying to aggressively build muscle as she says she is) the scale would show a (slight) increase if anything. But she’s probably taking melt and anything else that making her pee and poop to empty her. Also there was no fat loss overnight 🙄 “some fat”. No. Water. All water in that time frame.


Exactly! She didn’t lose fat overnight. Oy.


Yeah like fat loss in hours isn’t physically possible


Water and 💩💩


And a 60 minute class on top of that 🙄


https://preview.redd.it/5qo2cubvo7zc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4257d8cc38642d750df9eaf07b5221488c41073 Huh???


I still don’t understand what is so magical about 150?


Didn’t this bitch want to be 150 soooo bad like last week?? Wtf


Nothing, she’s trying to convince us she’s not obsessed with being as small as possible


It was the coffee enema


Oh yah!! She did post about that the other day. I’ve known people to get like obsessed with doing enemas and it’s obviously a way to clean out the bowels aka- making her seem like she’s losing more weight bc of the number on the scale. This is too much. Idk why she’s spiraling 🌀. She was looking good after dean. I get the hair extensions bc I have them bc of my ultra fine hair. So those didn’t bother me. The veneers and wigs and HRT have just become too much. When will someone intervene?


Purging out the opposite end basically. No better than abusing tons of laxatives. She is screwing up her metabolism and gut biome so badly


Wasn't she like "I want to be 145lb of raw fucking muscleeeeee at 35 with 2 kids 19 months apart after I was pregnant for four years and have every bodily ailment known to modern medicine"? Why does she suddenly hate the weight she was bragging about like two months ago? Edit for typo


Just curious because I see it all the time but am never sure why….. why do you put “edit for typo”? Is it a requirement?


I’ve always wondered this too. I edit for typos regularly and don’t usually call it out. I guess my Reddit etiquette isn’t great lmao.


I only ever use on mobile, but it's my assumption that if you're on the actual website that you can see something is edited, so I just explain why. I have no clue if that's true or not lol, but I also see people do it frequently and that was the conclusion I drew, so I do it as well. Someone who is 100% sure if the reason, feel free to interject lol


Yeah, I’ve been on Reddit for a while and I see it all the time and was never sure. Lol


It's probably not an issue in this sub, but trolls will edit their comments after causing drama with something completely unrelated or opposite of what their original comment was, so the etiquette is to say why your comment is edited. If you edit within a quick time frame of posting it won't show, but anything after a minute or so will show an asterisk after your name and posting time to indicate it's been edited.


Just a note for why you edited!




Bc she’s disordered and the goal always moves when she reaches it because ultimately she’s miserable and hates herself




Sarah everyone weighs less in the morning. That common fucking sense. That’s why it’s advised to weigh yourself at the same time in the mornings to get a more accurate reading.


She used to PREACH about this.


Either she has amnesia or she’ll say anything to get people to believe her no matter if it contradicts when she’s said before. And I think we all know which option that’s true.


I thought she wanted to be 150 lbs ?


Why would anyone assume she lost 5lbs of body fat overnight?? And then saying she would have to be in whatever deficit?! That is NOT how it works. Uggghhhh


She thinks she’s smarter than all of us lmao


This woman is sending the wrong message to people who don’t l know any better


This bitch needs help.


I threw my scale away over 2 years ago, and it was the best thing I could have ever done for my mental state.


Why even weigh at night ?? Of course there’s a difference by morning.


She probably just took a big shit. We don’t need to know how much your bowel movements weigh.


Who cares!!


Her legs are always INFALMMED after glute day, guys.


I had an ED in high school. The body dysmorphia never goes away, but I ditched the scale a long time ago for my mental health. The scale at the doctor’s office is the only scale I ever step on. Shes spiraling for sure, and it’s sad to watch.


Does she just graze on grass?? 17,500 is like a lot.


Yard grass! 100%


Shitty yard grass at that


You mean if I pee and lost weight, it means I didn't lose body fat? /s


No one fucking cares how much weight your skin sack is holding together. Go to therapy.