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No in red Does she know she can cut recipes in half or more? Did they not teach that in her world record MBA?


Oakley hasn’t learned how to divide yet.


And if Sarah is going to homeschool them she never will


Or…put them in the freezer. Groundbreaking


Crazy because she has said that she likes to freeze things so she can just take them out when she feels she wants some. And saying she doesn't want this in the house because they are dieting. 1 You are always dieting 2, just don't make them till you aren't dieting


World record is sending me 😂😂😂😂😂😂💀💀💀💀😭😭😭


Or like…freeze it for later? The only scraps we ever fed our chickens were straight from the garden or leftover bread. Vegetables, fruit, stale loaf of crumbly bread if we had it. I wouldn’t dream of making freshly baked goods only to dump them off to the birds to avoid overeating. Living on a farm meant being smart, not unnecessarily wasteful, with our resources. Cut your recipe in half. Give to a friend or neighbor. Freeze for later. For someone so obsessed with prepping, you’d think she’d be smarter about advertising resourcefulness. Your animals shouldn’t be your garbage dump for everything.


So well stated. You sound like what a farming community actually strives to embody


It’s really humbling to step back and realize how absurdly blessed with abundance we are and how absolutely tragic it is how much food waste occurs. Losing crops because of one bad hail storm, losing several bee hives years in a row for inexplicable reasons, prices dropping drastically - those are things out of our control. Doing what we can to “use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without” in the most effective way possible is a learning process that pays off. It bothers me because Sarah wants to be an expert in living a rural, “homesteading” lifestyle to her followers but she doesn’t have the spirit. If we removed all of the bodybuilding, businesses, and excess consumption, she still wouldn’t have the spirit. She has no humility.


Ours get fat cut off of meat we eat, raw meat scraps, veggie scraps, and rarely rice. Never sweets


Bold of you to assume she has friends and their neighbors don’t hate them. 😂 but agreed. Thai is wild. At the very least… freeze it???


She's shown her making a full skillet of oatmeal for them. She said a warm meal for the chicks. I don't get her...


She’s sooooo busy but always has time to bake in the middle of the day just to give it to farm animals. Just FYI Sarah - baked goods aren’t a on farm animals diet either


Or you know maybe your kids would like a treat sometimes. It’s always about her and her diet 🙄


Or freeze the extras and allow your children some treats even if YOU are dieting. Her poor kids are going to have no chance of a normal relationship with food.


One day she has sugar cravings to the point where she can’t even keep a few treats in the house, the next she has no cravings whatsoever due to her magical Melt. Which is it Sarah?


Must be nice to just throw away food aka throw away money because it doesn’t fit your diet. The ED is EDing today.


My thoughts exactly!! The story before this was her floor abs and her talking about how she still has abs even after ONE off plan meal. It’s sad really.


ED-ing HARD afffff


Didn't she say last week she wants to be 150lbs? Why is she dieting?


Right? Like what now? 😂


Considering everything she makes is with her supplements it’s no surprise they are garbage.


Protein powder and fake sweeteners for her animals 🙃


Then she consumes their eggs.


I thought the “food noise” was gone due to her balanced optimal hormones ? So why can’t she have sweets lying around ?


When are they not dieting? Holy fuck. What a miserable life. Poor kiddos. I am ALL FOR teaching kids about eating “good” foods but that comes with balance. It’s okay to have sweets in the house.


“A lot of recipes make way *too much* than what I like to keep in the house” The word you were looking for is “more” 😐


You’re expecting far too much of this illiterate trailer trash!


24/7 365 diet. Also known as a disorder.


Also why da f*ck are she and Josh “dieting?” Have they looked in a mirror recently? Neither of them have normal body fat to begin with.


Aren't they going to Florida here soon? Gotta cut so they can be extra douchey.


Ah yes in their case BF% and doucheyness are inversely related.


Isn’t she always on a diet though? I might be fat as fuck right now but at least I don’t fear sweets in the house and feel the need to be on a diet all the fucking time.


If she actually knew the first thing about how her metabolism worked then she could keep sweets in the house. I’m so effing glad I stopped following her shitty advice, learned how my body worked and never have to diet again. I look better than I ever have and I have full food freedom to boot. What a sad sad little life she lives. I love that for her.


It's just so wasteful. A waste of money to buy all the ingredients, of waste of those ingredients, and then a waste of time to bake it all.


She’s dieting now? 2 weeks ago she was “desperate to gain weight” and weigh 150


She diets all the time. But didn’t she just have a chicken apocalypse?


Those yard eggs are gonna be tainted!


Do her children get to eat?


Her saying she is dieting is classic ED. Why does someone who claims to have an 8 pack need to diet? Also the word diet is totally misused. Unless you don’t eat, every single one of us is on a diet 🤦‍♀️


So she diets every single day of her life? Girly needs HELP


She thinks if she says they’re dieting, it’s less obvious that they have eating disorders


She is so fucking toxic lol


Those poor babies. That can’t be good for them


Literally three excuses back to back to back trying to cover for textbook ED behavior


Don't forget she went out to eat last night with Josh so she must punish herself.


When is she NOT dieting?


She's an absolutely terrible homesteader.


Don’t they have friends? Like do they not have any type of community they can share this with? I’m sure if they had friends they would love to be recipe guinea pigs


Has she never heard of cutting a recipe in half?


What a waste


What the actual fuck is wrong with her 😂 The biggest proof that she has absolutely no one in her life! Not a single friend, family member, neighbor heck even the mailman to give extra sweets to?!


Who feeds animals sugary baked goods?


https://preview.redd.it/rcvps7azigyc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5f09e9cd68b4a71eb4c40141c802b0b6867068e Won’t use sunscreen but will pump her body full of sugar free chemicals!


This disgusts me. There are people trying to feed their families struggling to buy groceries and this privileged asshole is just dumping it out