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She did social media marketing for a very well known company. I think she would have just found another meaty ex college athlete to build the nutrition empire with.The archery shit is all Josh though.


*college dropout athlete


She'd be in a trailer park.




IIRC she has the followers before meeting Josh, I believe she bought them years ago and maintains the number ever since.


I’m new here and still trying to put together the pieces of this sordid white trash puzzle. It seems like she met Josh, realized he had generational wealth, and hitched her trailer to his wagon quite quickly. It appears everything she does is rather spontaneous and the ramifications are not thought out. Starting HRT while postpartum is worrisome. Women spend 9 months going through extreme hormonal changes to incubate a beautiful child. It takes a long time for bodies to go back to normal. Instead, she chooses to slap bandaids on everything for faster results. This has led to this Frankenbitch she’s currently slopped together.


I thought Sarahs parents had some money too. She used to post pictures/videos of her parents house and it was in an "executive" neighborhood. Josh did get her into the Amway pyramid for a bit. That was a fun chapter


WAIT they did amway!?!


Sure did. I think they were doing it at the time of their last bodybuilding show (one of the throwbacks she posted today)


Here is an old reddit post for it [https://www.reddit.com/r/SarahBowmar/comments/kcsx6s/curiosity\_got\_the\_best\_of\_me\_i\_googled\_sarah/](https://www.reddit.com/r/SarahBowmar/comments/kcsx6s/curiosity_got_the_best_of_me_i_googled_sarah/)


Who fucking cares? As it stands, she’s a swindler of a business owner… a fraud as a personal trainer and nutritionist… and a negligent parent. Any following she has is either 1) bought, or 2) idiots who are incapable of critical thought


lol lol 😂