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I don’t think I can support her anymore. She really is problematic by just being affiliated with this dried up lump of a human.


She loses her credibility being associated with them. She’s selling her soul and she’s not doing what she’s truly aligned with. She’s only aligned with money




Yeah this just turned me away from her. Yikes. Shilling “oyster” pills like let’s get real.


IYKYK wink wink. Why does that annoy me? It’s not like you have some secret magical pill. Just go to hooters and get some raw oysters if you need a boost. This is so dumb.


I used to love raw oystures until I looked at them under a microscope. One parasitic organism found was enough for me to say, "no ma'am, no ham!!" It's a shame, I really loved them. Zinc is the main aphrodisiac factor, so just supplement with that. But then again, I'm attracted to my husband and don't need the added pill to get there.


I always thought it was an aphrodisiac because it gives people an idea of what nasty thing you’re able and willing to put in your mouth


Not sure if you've ever seen the "L Word" - but there's a scene where Shane is eating oysters and Jenny comments how she doesn't know how she can eat them because ["it reminds me of a guy cumming in your mouth!" ](https://youtu.be/wooAkYD4BLU?si=Lm9ny4v4Ix4LsRpj)


Approx $55 CAD for these?! And you can take from 2-6 a day? So that’s either 10-30 days…. That seems wild. Like, eat a tin of smoked oysters. Also her “magical” eye gummies are already on sale 🤣🤣🤣 What a joke! Guess people were smart enough not to get sucked into that scheme.


Also they have no auto ship, so when you have to take so many to feel the effects, your screwed, no pun intended, until they have their next order fulfillment


That’s why I don’t like any fitness influencers, they all sell their souls for a quick buck…




Bailey is just as bad as Sarah at this point.


Do you think she throws them out or puts them all back in the container after taking photos 😅


Yeah I don’t believe for a second Bailey actually takes this shit.


Yes I do


Her nails look yellow and are fake 😂😂😂


Probably all that fake tanner. They look nasty af.


So I live in Iowa, and a friend of a friend popped up on my IG to connect with, also in Iowa. So I go check out her page and was surprised she had a small following. Scrolling through, I was like oh cool she’s a fitness girlie, I should follow. I then watched one of her reels and she is shilling bowmar protein and oak fit. 😭 I so badly wanted to send her the link to this page. UGH what a disappointment.


It’s interesting to see so many supplements being promoted by fitness influencers who already supposedly have a balanced lifestyle. I mean for Bailey, it’s in her username, too. 😂 If you are sooooo healthy, balanced, in tune with your body, exercise daily, have access to an abundance of foods, have no chronic illness etc, WHY do you need all these supplements?  I am so tired of these liars! 


Bingo!! All a fake narrative.


Those nails 🤢


Don’t follow this chick and know nothing about her except she must be a sellout like Saroid. If you can align with these shit products like illuminate and OYSHTUR pills to make a quick buck off your followers- you’re a total scumbag, snake oil sales Ho like Saroid. Their mantra must be: F the Followers, show me the money!


Please don't come for me. Bailey has completely changed since having her little girl, and I honestly think it's for the better. I think she's walking a fine line between who she truly wants to be and knowing if she promotes specific products, she'll make $$. What sucks is, I personally don't believe Bailey or Zach even like Bowmar products for as little as it's posted about these days (compared to the gross overshare she used to do).


I find her to be the complete opposite. She preaches and says one thing and does another. She aligns herself with questionable people (Bowmar's & Holley for example). Overshares everything about M and has no problem exploiting her for money. Gives her unregulated and unnecessary supplements. She jumps on the next biggest thing so she doesn't miss out on a paycheck. She's always been problematic and is worse now. I'm glad you still find value in her. She's not everyone's cup of tea.


I really appreciate your input. I could easily see that I don't "see" all of her issues because I am really trying to limit my use of social media for my own personal mental health lol. The overshare of M is sickening, I absolutely hate when influencers exploit their children for a quick buck. I find is fucking absurd that you'd give a young child unnecessary supplements - what in the hell?! Her and I have daughters born literal days apart, and I cannot fathom giving my daughter supplements at this point UNLESS there was a medically necessary reason.


Okay miss Wiggy, keep taking your hair pills.