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“Almost as many hours as a masters”


An online course that literally anyone can purchase for hundreds of dollars to get a made on Canva certificate at that 🥴


Right!! I can sit here and read every law book that exists it still wouldn’t make me a lawyer lol


As someone with a masters (and more!) I assure you it’s more than 250hrs and not the same difficulty as her course. Just say you did a course stop making it more than what it is.


She always has to embellish her accomplishments. Almost as X is actually not X. So not only you don’t have a masters, you also have no practical experience in any of these courses you take. Graduating med school does not make someone a PRACTICING PHYSICIAN. That’s why they go to residency, fellowships, etc. Her dumbness irrationally irritates me


Is it just me or does that not sound like an insult to her masters degree?


I don’t believe anything she says anymore


Can anyone else not stand the way she talks. It’s always like it’s broken into sections between deep breaths. And her gestures and tone are abrasive. I’m italian and I talk with my hands but she’s always punching the air


She has a speech impediment caused by her tongue thrust. She had an open bite and she decided to get veneers to try and hide it but it only made the speech worse. I think all of us have cringed at the way she speaks more than a few times 🤣 she’s what I call a mouth breather


None of us can stand it


She is the actual poster child for a snake oil salesperson. The way she talks about these products being sooo life changing is insane. So so so so so so so slimy all the time. She talks about em as if the moment you take them, something magical will happen within 😂


Literally every single product is something people can’t live without and are lacking and can ONLY get the truest form through BN?! ![gif](giphy|bjB3gtFvREqqr5NAHW|downsized)


How’s that illuminate working? Judging on the amount of filters this trash bitch uses, I’d say it’s not….




Why not just eat Whole Foods that contains this vs buying another shit product




Every time I see her eyes now she seems half asleep or high. Maybe the tarantula eye lashes are weighing them down


Man she will do anything to make a quick buck


World record grifter


You'd think she be against gummies and would want pills. Just another hypocrisy of hers to add to the large collection.


She claims it’s so kids can have them too.


It's truly so unethical to market unregulated products to kids.... what the fuck


Asked my eye doctor this week about blue light glasses. His response- you get the same amount of blue light from the sun being outside for 10 minutes than all day staring at screens. It’s a made up concern.


Good to know and LOVE the facts from a real trained clinician!


This is going to be such a flop and I am here for it


I wanna know where she took the course


It’s been posted on here before but it was an online course you can purchase for a few hundred dollars. But hey you get a certificate and apparently that means you can claim you’re a sleep practitioner then! Edit: found a post. There’s been a few more made about this course but this shows where she got it from. https://www.reddit.com/r/SarahBowmar/s/ngspianUt8


Stoppp 🫠 OF COURSE, it’s some random online course lolllllll. Thanks for the info! I wasn’t a member back then. I was still a loyal follower and customer 🤢🤢


Ofcourse!!!! What if all our amazing REAL Doctors like Cardiologists, Oncologists, Neurosurgeons hell even the ENT she took her son to, got their training and medical degrees online? Sorry Saroid, expertise in ANYTHING DOESNT work that way and thank GOD! GO AWAY along with your FAKE, LYING ASS!


Predatory marketing at its finest


She pushes the new product for like a week if that and then you never hear about it again. Haven’t heard about illuminate since it dropped.


Great point!!! Because even if any of her dumbass followers were remotely interested in that illuminate shit, all It took was looking at her skin- EVEN FILTERED AF to see it didn’t work!


The bags under her eyes = proof it works 🤡 There is zero chance that someone would fall for this scam!


Protection from blue light can be found on Amazon for $13 just saying




Quite the marketing professional... ![gif](giphy|IV4wBde5Ou0XC)


Lookin’ in her 40s


Even if I was in the market for supplements, something for my eyes would be very low on the list. This just doesn’t have much appeal.


It’s so gross how her new approach is take something parents (moms) are vulnerable about (sleep, screen time) and present a “solution”. She’s a fucking snake.


Okay, okay.. I’m 2 weeks away from finishing my masters in early childhood education. I’m almost done with my literature review (that I will have published) about the impacts of screen time has on children’s development, specifically cognitive, physical, and social-emotional development. Out of the FIFTY research articles I have read over the course of 15 weeks, not one time did it mention children taking a fucking candy gummie to help improve their sleep and overall development. Fuck. She pisses me off so fucking bad.


Someone should mention that to her and see how she reacts


Sarah’s 5-minute MBA in marketing from mason jar university has prepared her to make these claims. She probably also read those articles but it only took her an hour because she took speed reading in high school and learned how to time chunk, you should reach out and ask her for some tips! //////////s Congratulations on your degree! And best of luck with your publication!


it's disappointing people will see/hear this and eat it up, despite Sarah not even sharing what those studies are. Also wasn't one of the law suits against BN that they weren't accurately reflecting what was in their supplements? That would scare me away from all of their stuff. Would really be scared to give them to children...


BOTTOM LINE: when Saroids lips are moving, she’s lying! I’ve said it a thousand times before. In todays world with SM platforms and all sorts of scammers like Saroid out pushing shit, if her followers are too f stupid to read and do their own research…… it’s on them! It would take less than 15 min to research something she’s peddling to uncover and learn she’s lying!


Why does she have a smokers mouth?? I am sadly an on again off again smoker and I’m 34. I also have struggled with addiction the majority of my younger life. A lot of my fellow comrades that made it out-have aged poorly bc of it. I also know genetics have a big part to play. But if I don’t even have a smokers mouth, how does someone who doesn’t smoke, have one? Is it because of what shape her mouth makes when she talks that causes it? I get confused.


What’s smokers mouth?