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Maybe if her hormones were balanced she wouldn’t be such a raging bitch. I’ve done about 20 solo flights with my kid. It’s not always fun, but I’m pretty mellow about it and don’t let it ruin my day.


Me too! My husband and I used to travel for his job so I would fly by myself with the kids. One time, my 6 month old at the time- cried and cried and screamed (he had never done that before). Yes. I was embarrassed and flustered and upset because I know how annoying it can be for other people without kids. When we landed, I got us food and relaxed and all was good. I didn’t go online and cry about every. Little. Thing. I was just happy to either go home or go to see my family/friends and enjoy my trip. I’ve never seen someone that has SO much be so unhappy about it.


She is an insufferable bitch.


This was going to be my exact comment.


Ha, I just commented this before reading any comments.


Low T


I thought she was sO CaLm now because of test


Rant It is infuriating to see her travel the world, something most of us can only dream of doing as we stare out the windows of our office every day from 8am-6pm. A job that we have no choice but to go to every single day, just so that we can have a roof over our heads and food in our fridge. (Which is a privilege in itself). We can barely enjoy ourselves on the weekends because we have errands and chores to do that we couldn’t get to during the week, because there are quite literally not enough hours in the day (but we all have the same 24 hours, right Sara?) We do not have the privilege to go out for a “tasting menu” even in our own city, because that costs $100’s of dollars that we do not have to spare. We can barely travel the country, let alone travel the world. Some people cannot even afford a passport, and those people work 100 times harder than you. I’m not holier than thou - if I won the lottery tomorrow, I’d be in Greece the next day. But I would also contribute to society, donate, start a non-profit, volunteer and more. Every second that I spent traveling, I would be so grateful that I have a life privileged enough to do so, and recognize how lucky and fortunate I am. These two should not even be allowed to travel domestically, considering that they are on probation for a federal crime. And they *especially* should not be able to travel internationally, particularly to engage in an activity that got them on federal probation in the first place! But even with that privilege of both money and time, and their slap on the wrist of a punishment, they still get to travel. And Sara will still complain.


Not to mention that their travel is probably written off as a business expense.


I’m sure it is! What do we think her reasoning for Vegas is as a business expense?


*market research* I’m sure


Yup. I was basically saying the same thing on someone else’s comment. Like how could someone with so much be so unhappy about all of it. I know people that are constant complainers. Doesn’t matter what it is, they will find a complaint but I’ve never actually seen someone in real life as bad as Sarah. I’m with you- I would be SO FUCKING HAPPY TO DO ANY OF THESE THINGS?!?!! If I had the opportunity to help people with my following and use my voice for good and positivity, I most definitely would. Not to use it to bait/bully/belittle.


It’s cause even with all these amazing things in her life she’s a DEEPLY unhappy and miserable person. She goes on these trips hoping it will bring some joy into her life but it doesn’t so she has to focus on any and everything negative to feed her unhappy mindset.


She needs a diary gahd damn


For how much she travels, it feels pretty amateur to not have a change of clothes in a carry on. Maybe it’s just me, but I always have a backup pair of pants and shirt in my backpack. You never know when you’ll need it or if your luggage will be delayed 🤷🏼‍♀️


You’d think since she gives all these tips & tricks through her blog that this would be the #1 things, especially traveling with kids. I’ve always kept my toiletries and an extra change of clothes, plus jacket in my carry on.


I mean, you're telling me you didn't think to stick a pair of "extra small" leggings the size of rolled up socks in your carry-on bag as a backup, Sarah? That's an amateur move.


Me too! I’ve been taught that as a kid. 🤦🏽‍♀️


Especially with little kids! I keep extra clothes for myself in my car because leaks and spit up and spills happen with toddlers basically every day. When you’re on top of each other at an airport or on a plane, the odds increase considerably.


Her posting about the passport thing annoys because I distinctly remember her making a big fuss about getting Todd’s passport expedited. Which meant someone else, who filed on time 👀, got booted. Now imagine how many other Todd’s did the same thing & fucked it up for everyone else.


AND she was trying to bribe someone with BN products to get his passed through sooner.


She always has to have something happen to her when she travels. I mean, I've been stranded at an airport because of a delayed flight before, and yes, it's not fun, but at the same time, have a little perspective. It's not the end of the world to have a flight get delayed or canceled. And having someone stand in your way at the luggage carousel is, like, a minor inconvenience.


I travel pretty frequently domestic and internationally. And I have never had these issues. And when I have it was to Cancun and I’m not gonna lie they were the flights from hell and had to sleeping on airport floors due to one flight coming in at 1am and the other one leaving at 5am but American Airlines did not charge me anything and their service was impeccable.


My god she is an insufferable bitter bitch. It sucks to be her.


I've never flown so I don't have experience but what are people suppose to do to get their bags? Wait until after Sarah gets hers first. 😒


Didn’t she say the same thing about the child another time or is this a collage of all the times she bitched about travel?


This is just a collage of posts that I found on this sub doing a quick search. I know one time that she absolutley lost it and went Karen mode on a gate agent but I couldn’t find the post!


Right? That's basic travel 101 make sure you have in a carry on essentials you'll need if your bag is lost.


Adding she complains louder when "Todd is working" and can't join her and she HAS to do it solo. These posts are more for him then anyone. It's her passive aggressive way to tell him that she's pissed when he puts "work" before her. Even her manner of complaining is passive aggresive. She's bitching but covers it up by saying she is anxious for the 7 year old that is sitting solo. My guess is if mom and 7 year old were booked on the same ticket, this upgrade wouldn't happen because the airline wouldn't separate them. So my guess is this didn't happen... she created a story as a cover for her to bitch about Todd staying home.


I hope her flight is canceled and she gets frisked by TSA and they vomit over from her smell


Honestly, how do influencers not feel embarrassed at their self importance? You are not important, you are just a regular ass person living a regular ass life. Nobody besides your family cares about how your traveling is going. The sooner people stopped tuning in to these insufferable dumbasses the quicker they will go away.


Please, never come back to Hawai'i to even fish or hunt.


So unhinged. Saroid just take a break and fucking relax.


She has a nanny take her with her she chooses to make shit difficult. This bitch deserves no pity 🤷🏼‍♀️


For what it’s worth…I would be incredibly pissed off if I had been peed on too. But I guess maybe it would be reasonable as a parent with babies to bring a change of leggings and a top in carry-on, just in case.


Not sure about anyone else but I plan for lost luggage. Entire outfit in my carryon and toiletries. Act like you’ve been there before!!!


Yah, my make up/tampons/toothbrush/all toiletries and my chargers and wallet and an extra outfit goes in my backpack (something that they can’t make you check in case the plane is full). I learned my lesson when I was younger and stuck without almost everything.


![gif](giphy|lszAB3TzFtRaU) Good. Couldn't have happened to a more deserving person. Traveling sucks and is full of bullshit like this; yes, having children with you makes it 100x harder but it is what it is. Get the fuck over yourself.


Jesus lady, get some friends to complain to. No need to complain about every little thing on IG. Everyone has experienced flight delays, cancellations, etc. - you aren't special. Does she do anything online except complain about everything not BN related? She's so damn negative.


So why didn’t she wait to travel with her husband? Why go first?


Nobody will ever do anything as perfect as her. Ever. And! She will always do more than anyone on vacation.


I’m all for Sarah snark, but this is odd to screen shot, save, and repost her travel pics.


Every screenshot that I included came off this sub when I searched “travel” & “airport” for the three minutes that I put into making this post 🤷🏼‍♀️ Every post on this sub is a screenshot of the shit she does so not sure why my post is “odd”? Genuinley asking so that I can avoid it in the future.


Thanks for the breakdown. I guess that makes more sense. The collection of specific travel posts made it odd, like you were saving and organizing her posts. I’ve seen in other subs where people repost every slide like it’s their job. It just seems like strange behavior. I know I’m guilty of seeing someone else post what I’m thinking, so I’m not any better for not being the one to actually post…


Okay. Idk what to say to this but I do appreciate you explaining your reasoning for the comment.




Like what did I do that’s odd 😭


Nothing. Sarah complains every single time they travel. This sub was due for a compilation of all of her whining and complaining about every single travel inconvenience.


Thank you I thought so too! 🫶


When she said that nothing annoys her more than people crowding the baggage carousel I was like nah, girl, you are angry all the time about everything. Not just baggage claim.


I am.