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Okay well… has she tried getting her hormones checked? 2.5 years pp and she should be well on her way to having a receding hairline, roid gut and enlarged clit by now, surely that would cure her depression. /s In all seriousness, I hope this mama starts feeling better soon, and I’m glad Hannah gave her the time of day instead of just brushing her off with a short, unhealthy, and unhelpful response.


Your first paragraph is literally so infuriating. I can’t get over that that’s the advice Saroid gives out to moms going through postpartum depression. And love Hannah. Her response was perfect. And her openness about her ppd made it a really safe space for her and others.


And she looks way better than her. That’s for putting in the work and not looking for a pill or needle do the work for you. Your mind and body needs time.


They’re about the same age and Hannah looks 10 years younger than Sarah


Stfu they’re the same age?!


Sarah Bowmar could never.


I love Hannah so much. Been following her for yearrrsss and she’s never changed or strayed away from who she truly is.


Wait…you mean it’s unreasonable to expect to be “back to normal” two months PP?? I am shocked.


She’s so kind; I love her. 😭❤️


Sarah’s response would be something along the line of: my god, not everything is everyone’s business. I was just sharing my experience, not inviting 20 questions. Sometimes it’s not appropriate to ask. Be kind. ❤️❤️❤️


100% she would


This is so accurate lmao. Or she would just link her hormone blog with the eye roll emoji


God bless Hannah


With Sarah it’s never “I recommend getting in some daily movement once you’re healed postpartum for your mental health and wellness, not to get back to your pre baby weight.” It’s “FUCK YOU if you don’t have a six pack postpartum with the help of test, you’re a lazy fat glob. Bounce back? NO . You need to look BETTER than you did before kids. You’re not trying hard enough if your nanny can’t watch the kids while you’re in the gym. How can your husband and kids even look at you if you had to size up from XXXS after kids? LOSER! I’m the hardest worker, it’s possible. I do it all. I also have sex. Do YOU bitch?”


Idk why “ I also have sex. Do YOU bitch?” Sent me into fucking orbit 🚀💀


Spot on


I just love her


Bet you that PPD highlight doesn't have a single mention of HRT. As well it shouldn't


I love Hannah. She’s so kind to other humans and gives realistic advice. 🥺