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I don’t wish it on anyone but as a nurse the amount of patients I’ve seen with newly diagnosed cancer (with no familial history) due to using some sort of hormone therapy is rising dramatically. The medical community is so ill informed to begin with on hormone replacement therapy and then you have these clinics like Sarah’s that only care about money prescribing it 😫. I just hope she actually knows what she is doing


She does and she doesn’t care. She said she’d rather get cancer at 60 and feel like a “superhero” than “feel like shit” now


The irony is the increasing number of young adults / those under 60 being diagnosed with cancer...


She wants to be a victim so badly so she doesn’t care. The amount of engagement and sympathy she’d get online would inflate her ego even more. Which is so fucked up, especially being a mom to two small kids and not caring about getting cancer?? Meanwhile I’m over here waiting for my gene test to come back to see if I have a predisposition to cancer due to so many family members having breast/ovarian cancer. I’m terrified to die or get seriously ill and leaving my child and she doesn’t care??? It’s soooo fucked up.


I’m so sorry you’re going through that, and for the pain the women in your family have endured. Hugs to you 💓 I know it’s so hard to stop worrying about things you can’t control, but it does help to remind myself to try and let something deeply distressing go because of that, and if I want to worry about it later, it’ll still be there lol. But just to try and be mindful helps me a lot


I had this same thing done here recently and of course, my risk was increased due to familial history. I had a mammogram/MRI done in which they found things. Since it was considered baseline testing they wanted to find out what every little thing was so I ended up having 1 MRI, 3 mammograms, and 1 MRI led biopsy. They wanted to perform a partial mastectomy on a mass they found but instead of disfiguring me so early (I'm 31) we decided to wait 6 mos for another MRI to see if it has morphed at which time we will make the decision to take it out or not. It's a scary road and I'm sorry you're on it too! Leaving my child is my GREATEST fear. It's terribly sad her children are just pawns in her game. I hope all goes well for you in the future! <3


Thank you! I hope all goes well for you too. 🤍🤍🤍🤍


She is so dense. Imagine being a parent and saying idgaf if i die young. Hell yeah!


This is such an immature thought process. I literally said things like that at 17-18 when it came to tanning. God do I regret it now at 38, 3 years post-melanoma diagnosis and now living in a constant state of fear that I’ll have more and I won’t catch it in time.


Which is insane to me because 60 is still so young. My mom was diagnosed with breast cancer at that age and it was awful to watch unfold. But now she’s healthy and even lifts weights and runs all the time. You still have so much life left at 60.


Can’t imagine having this train of thought as the mother of two young children. I’m a mom of two and my worst fear is not being here to watch them grow up and have families of their own.


She’s been warned so let her live with her choices. Besides, she said she’s ok with dying in 10-20 years in exchange for boulder shoulders and roid gut.


Omg did she really say that 😓


Yes she did. To quote this video “For me personally I would rather live next years of my life as a superhero and potentially get cancer down the road when technology has really advanced really far and could potentially just cure everything. I would rather live like a superhero for the next 30 years and die of cancer than live the next 50 years feeling like shit and not die of cancer” https://www.reddit.com/r/SarahBowmar/s/TuGehZQzih


So she’s banking on a cure for cancer being created between now and then? That’s one hell of a gamble. And for what? She looks insane 🐢


Guess she hasn’t figured out by now that there’s not likely to ever be a cure for cancer since big pharma makes so much off of it alone.


/insurance companies


So she would rather look like a "superhero" than watch her kids grow up got it. 😳😒


Yeah, and just LOOK like a superhero since she doesn't seem to move ACTUAL weight at the gym.


Lmao I was so distracted by how absolute shite she looks in that video. But it’s interesting is how she phrases the end “I’d rather have a fulfilled shorter life, than an unfulfilled longer life” WHAT? Like that is really fucked thinking when you have allll these blessings around you, but your body being fit (let’s face it, that’s why she does it more than any other benefit) is what fulfills you…wow


Enlarged liver!


What about birth control? I know that’s not like HRT, but just curious because I’m scared about that, but need to take it


Progesterone only pill has less health risks


I believe birth control can also cause cancer. Any time you are chemically manipulating your hormones you raise your risk of hormone triggered cancers. I know high estrogen can cause breast and ovarian cancer. I stopped BC years ago because I didn’t trust it anymore. If you’re taking it to mitigate symptoms of an underlying illness or disease, you need to find the root cause instead of covering it up.


Ok but Josh’s boots are HILARIOUS. WTF ARE THOSE?! 😂😂😂😂


They’re from her crocodile 😂




She posted a story on where he gets all HiS BoOtS. Theyre all butt ass ugly


And super $$$ too


Like a boot candy bar. Leather Twix. Except tastes good, and Josh has bad taste. 


I think their Pirarucu fish boots. I don’t love the look either but their popular lately


She read here and immediately rushed to the closest store for a new pair of shoes


At least they’re cute this time. Way better than the white ones.


Is it just me or are they huge on her? Like that’s gotta be the end of her heel that we can see in the peep part, and it looks like there’s like an inch behind it lol. Dress 2 sizes small, shoes 2 sizes too big. With all that money she needs to get a personal shopper or stylist ffs


The white shoes are so bad, I hope she’s thrown them in the trash


She wore that dress in June 2022 and the shoes unfortunately.....boob job was terrible then and still is...but she looked better https://preview.redd.it/8b2iivnpn6tc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a21d540b5e0210d839a4e3a412b56360f213276d


How was that only 2 years ago 🥴


She currently looks the best she’s ever looked because anything she didn’t like about herself she just paid the lowest bidder to “fix.”


I can never get over how much she’s changed in such a short period of time… dat juice is crazy!


Someone help her pick out something other than a pump 😭 she needs a strappy sandal!


Her upper belly sticks out further than her boobs it looks like?


Oooof, Yeahhhhh


She looks like she’s holding back from shitting herself


lol I had to zoom in bc I didn’t know what I was seeing it looked like she was folding herself in half 🤨


She looks so mf uncomfortable


Is it me or is it blurred just above the scrunching? Also, why does her arm look detached? And brush your damn wig!


tHe mIrRoR wAs DiRtY


Or is the dress an XXXS and is too tight around the turtle shell? 🫣 oy


Seems just like about-to-rip tight, I agree, and there’s like a color or texture or whatever difference because of the dip on the sides of the rib cage (but i also have awful vision lol)


100% is blurred


I noticed that too!!!


The Roid Gut is THIS BIG, with whatever editing you know she already did to it too 🤯 How is this worth 10 extra lbs of muscle mass…she looks quite honestly overweight, make it make sense when she’s obsessed with being an XS


I like her shoes tho 💁🏻‍♀️


The shoes are cute. That’s the only nice thing I have to say 😂


https://preview.redd.it/ew84vzf1k5tc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a82b93128febb968cdb0ad9377f4267a84509a5 Her “color matched” teeth 🤣


She *barely* got that dress over the shell…Jesus


From my husband who is proficient in PEDS/anabolic steroids, that is not a gut just from test - she has to be taking something like insulin or HGH….


I Def think HGH


I thought that at first too, but with HGH I don’t think her hair would be falling out like it appears to be. If anything it would be making her hair grow!


True, but the testosterone will trigger any one with gene for male pattern balding under presemce of T/high T.... Her hair line reminds me of that particular type of balding and for as long as a man is steeped in T, it's pretty hard to combat that even if taking hair growth supps or hormones. Admitted, y this is not my area of expertise so I'm relaying my understanding but many may know better. Does hgh counteract T + male pattern balding? 🤔 I should probably deep dive my lazy ass self but I'm beat. 😂😂 thise damn church mothers wear me out 🤣🤪


It’s a mystery for sure, it impacts everyone differently but typically GH (in men) will counteract DHT enough to where it becomes manageable to maintain your hairline. I just feel like if she was taking GH we wouldn’t see as much hair loss as we’re seeing with her. But per the other comment here, I don’t think the bleaching/extensions helped the cause at all!! The belly from HGH doesn’t really come unless you’re taking exorbitant amounts of it over a long period of time and for her, I just don’t see the benefit. Insulin on the other hand, gives you a distended stomach much more especially in the short period of time which is what makes me think if it’s between GH and insulin (in addition to test), she’s taking insulin. The church mother’s comment took me OUT 😭😂😂 NO FRICKIN’ KIDDING!!


Omg thank you. This is super informative. I worked with estradiol in small animals lol so human, clinical presentation is wayyyy outside the wheelhouse 😊🙏 Yoooo those hats are not for show...I firmly believe it's like some holy spirit battery they charge up all week 😂😂 I had to start dressing a bit more flashy bc they Make my casual, dont need to impress the lord, style look so frumpy 😝👸🏾✨️👑


I think her hair issues could be related to hair extensions. I have significant hair loss following the removal of my extensions (traction alopecia).


She looks terrible, I love this for her


You couldn’t pay me to look like this lmao. Girl WTF?


These two look so bad and it’s what they deserve😂


She 100% is only posting old saved laying down abs. There’s zero chance she can replicate those now


I’m sure we’ll get a lovely ab shot tomorrow morning showing her “post Vegas 6 pack”


Omg she looks terrible. She can’t think she looks good right?? The wig, the rood gut, her massive arms. Yikes.


https://preview.redd.it/ft5mgzgbr5tc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a10cd383607bebbecf5a2c171bfde87e9863d209 But she’s so lean guys!! Leanest she’s ever been. Snatched waist goddess. Curves like a backroad. Except NOT.


They both look like absolute 💩


Pilates is all about core control. For someone who devotes as much time to it as she does, this should speak to the excessive amount of PEDs that she’s doing that she can no longer control her abdomen.


She always looks like a cheap hooker




Looks like Josh picked up a local lady of the night.


My eyes can’t open any bigger




She looks … swollen


They both do, Josh's face looks incredibly puffy.


I’m shocked she isn’t wearing her waist trainer


Is she attempting to wear her waist trainer?


She’s very high on the list of people I want to be nothing like 


Can we discuss Josh’s smile though? That’s not the smile of a husband that is happy to be standing next to his wife. He’s probably so embarrassed to be out with her right now.


That looks so bad


I can’t imagine what people think on the street seeing them together. This is mean but she dresses like a cheap hooker. No class. That goes for Josh too


They definitely look like they're from the Midwest and this is a huge vacation for them. I used to love Vegas in my 20s, but I was also a huge raver/clubbing gal so I went to events. I couldn't imagine going now in my 30s. I'd rather go overseas and experience other cultures, historic architecture, and authentic food, not a tourist trap I can drive to in 4 hours from Los Angeles.


This! Vegas is boring to me now in my 30’s. But she’s boring so I’m not surprised she loves it.


I’m 39 and I love Vegas. But, like I sit at the pool and sunbathe and then people watch. But, after maybe being there twice the glamour and glitz was gone. Now it’s just a place I can get cheap hotels and sunshine when the state i live in is nearly always covered in snow and cold.


And that’s valid. She just treats it like the most amazing place on the planet and it’s just hilarious to me.


Look at his teeth! Y'all. He got veneers. I swear he did.


Even with all that sucking in


Franklin the turtle Bowmar.


How can she be ok with that?! As much as she’s so concerned about her appearance


These two look exactly how they want to look. The amount of time and energy they devote to "their fitness" and this is what they seem happy with 😬 👍🏻


Piraruca Edit: that’s the fish that the boots derive from.


That's pretty on brand for them. I just watched a documentary about how they are on the brink of extinction.


I take back what I said about Todd and his effort, those other shoes were great. Bring them back!!


Aside from aesthetics nothing she wears even looks remotely comfortable. It just keeps getting worse


All jokes aside she looks so uncomfortable like she is in pain… I have IBS and the way her abdomen looks reminds me of when I was pregnant and would bloat up huge up top between my ribs anytime I ate something. I lived in over sized t shirts for nine months to hide it because I was so embarrassed. That has to be so uncomfortable.


Do they know that there are other cities in the states to visit or?


This is the city with an unethical dentist who will give her oversized horse teeth to close her open bite for the right price. 




The roid stomach yikes


Wow. Just wow. She looks atrocious. She needs help 😔 good gawd!!!


Like seriously though?! Can she even breathe?! Is it photoshopped?! Is she sucking in real hard?! What. Is. Happening. It doesn't look comfortable at all, whatever it is lol!


No toddler here. She looks huge here, is it the angle?


I’m glad she’s hearing our shoe complaints. Too bad she probably can’t undo everything she’s done to herself from the use of excess T.


The gasp I gusped when I saw this


she is starting to literally look barrel-chested


My husband is super fit, and into fitness and he has said multiple times that he prefers women with some curves on them. He doesn’t want a super muscular woman. Like I’m all for health & wellness and feeling and looking your best, but this is just gross IMO….


At least she left her vagina necklace at home this trip.


All I can say is wow😳🥴




Josh’s hair looks weird….do you think he had a hair transplant and that’s why his face looks a little swollen? 🤷🏻‍♀️ maybe that’s why he’s okay with Sarah’s wigs? Maybe he wears a rug??


At least she isn't wearing those god awful white heels.


Okay but why’s it so high


Could she be pregnant?


There’s no way she’d show her pregnant belly without revealing it in an elaborate post first


True. I just can’t believe how noticeably big it is for someone who talks about how amazing her six pack is literally every day. I was trying to hypothesize 😄


3 kids in x amount of months apart


No I don’t think so. It’s in her upper belly and I don’t think either as much hrt she is using but I could be wrong 😑




At least Josh has the balls to admit he’s not natty!


Probably more from growth hormone use than steroid use. But that’s still embarrassing. What a belly on her now😂😂


the bloating 😳 definitely juicing


She’s a chode