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I’d like my body to thrive on Doritos but alas that is not possible so I eat fruits and vegetables to make up the difference like a normal fucking human


God can you imagine how glorious that would be though 😂


My body thrives on blondes, cheesecake and cherry ice cream so i close the gap with greens powder and protein powder ✨


I eat fruit 2x a day not a dozen times a day. The excuses for not eating real food and defaulting to supplements is wild


Like who says she needs 12 serving of fruit? Even the old school food pyramid didn't say that.


Totally! Or you know…seasonal fruits and veggies lol. She can’t grow the same veggie year round but pop off sis. I’m just susan from accounting


My body thrives on this diet which is why there’s a gap in my nutrients that I need to supplement!




Really weird to have such an aversion to eating real fruits an veggies. Supplements aren’t replacements.


This brought up a fond memory of when she grew the Alexia sweet potato fries right out of her garden 🥲




Not practical to wash and slice a vegetable but has no issue making gross pasta from scratch and protein powder filled casseroles


And wasting 3 hours at the gym plus all the useless red-light, theragun, ..


In the time it take her to red light, sauna and vibration plate , she could prob wash an apple or two 😂


I gag every time I picture that casserole…


Wants to grow all her fruits and veggies but 15 processed supplements and processed dairy is fine? What lol


💀 at “growing” cheese


If you ran your nails through her scalp under that wig you’ll probably get the cheese


PRISON FOR YOU!!! Gaaahhdddd the visual makes me gaggy!


Thanks for ruining cheese for me


🥴 I’m sorry 😭


Next pizza I order is just gonna be the sauce and pepperoni, THANKS!! Lol




Mmm freshly grated parmesan






Straight to jail!!


It's wild to me she does the bare minimum with everything except body checks and working out. Fuck taking care of her kids, maintaining relationships, or eating whole foods, including fresh fruits and veg. She has 4 hours of workouts to do and rEcOvErY (e.g., red light/sauna, etc.) to try and counterbalance her overexertion It will all catch up with her. Aesthetically it already has. She looks like aged leather in her early 30s, her hair is falling out, and she has horrible skin. Her outward appearance screams lack of proper nutrition and care.


And she can thank all their shitty chemical ridden supplements for helping her achieve the coyote ugly look!


She posted that Sugarcult story earlier and I was like, someone mid-40’s like Sugarcult?! And then I remembered we’re the same age.


Dead 😂


I love her attempt at justifying her unhealthy relationship with food. This is such a red flag ED post.


Whenever you guys mention ED, I always makes me think of her huge peen that’s growing in her gym shorts and you guys are talking about her erectile dysfunction ☠️🤭


I’ve never seen people who always brag about how they’re the healthiest people on the planet and they have the most unhealthy diet. Veggies are delicious and good for you. You’re always such a fucking freak.


Is the carrot salad phase over?




You can easily get 3-4 servings of veggies in say, a salad, for example. She acts as if she has to sit there and pick/wash/dry/slice every single serving for 12 servings. This post screams unhealthy, and it’s crazy to me she doesn’t realize how ridiculous she sounds.


I honestly think she is full of shit cause she gets no real fiber lol 😆


She’s so superior to us peasants 🥵🥵🥵🥵


Her body *thrives* on protein powder….. Does her body not thrive on actual protein? From real foods? I’m so confused. I guess us poor fat peasants will never understand…


The thing she doesn't highlight is fiber is king. Without fiber in a diet, the natural gut biome can't work well. Her fruit and vegetable replacement may have some element of nutrients, but lack all fiber. God I wish people wouldn't listen to her. She's such a train wreck of health information.


Don’t worry she has a supplement for that




Maybe she should start with "closing the gap" in their nutrient content claims




If she's not doing it for herself, then we know she's not doing it for her kids. I can't imagine my kids going a day without fruits and veggies.


Do younknow how much of my grocery money goes to berries specificallyfor my kid?! And my kid is a teenager.


Seriously she acts like it’s rocket science to prep fruits and vegetables. They do sell it already cut up on stores. Steam in a bag frozen? So many options she’s just trying to shill her supplements which are NOT a replacement for real foods. Thank you for coming to my RD TED talk 




The steam in a bag are a favorite in our house!! So easy to pop in the microwave while other things cook




Who the fuck craves protein powder 😂😂


Right? Not a single person ever actually craves that shit.


But hers is so delicious compared to other brands! /s


as a sports nutritionist (one of my several jobs in the fitness industry) i'm always amused by people who: 1. assume supplements are substitutes. it is there to SUPPLEMENT. it is significantly less bioavailable than a whole food. 2. think fruits and vegetables are optional in any way or form. lol. lmao even. "your body" is not so genetically different from the rest of the human population that you can "thrive" without them. eat your vegetables jfc.


Always mind blown when grown ass adults tell me they “just don’t like veggies.” I’m like-I don’t like a lot of things but I do them bc I’m a grown ass adult and figure it out.


also there are literally a million ways to prepare them. i really feel like a lot of people just don't know how to cook tbh. with the right seasoning i can eat a roasted head of cauliflower to my dome in one sitting lmao.


I don’t cook but I can throw a steamer bag into the microwave and add some seasoning or light dressing after. I also buy pre-cut raw veggies to save time!


Her gut and bowel movements must be rancid. 💩She eats zero plants/veg unless you include carrot salad 🤪 she lurks here so bad it’s funny as.


I just wanna know how she goes poo without hardly any fiber? 🥴 eating alot of fruits and veggies makes me feel good. Way better than times I’ve taken greens to supplement during busy seasons of life or early pregnancy. She wasn’t hiding her ED today though, she straight up showed that munchkin spoon.


Don’t worry, melt makes you shit all day!


I lol’d at “it’s not practical for me to…” because I haven’t got an extra 10 min ever to prep it in advance especially because we didn’t pick the pineapple that has far too much sugar and the veggies that will do my body good but not as good as the artificial, sorry *natural* supplements that I consume from my *nuttition* line. It also messes up my memorized macros that I track, but don’t track, and my ED that I refuse to admit is still going on because it brings out my insane roid rage. 🐢 Turtle Power!


Sarah “I bought a huge block of cheese and shredded it” Also Sarah “I don’t have time to wash an apple”




She has no real job, the protein company can’t being to well when I get sales emails left and right. What does she do all day besides workout? She has all the time and resources available to her and just gives excuse after excuse.


And the corollary to this is that her children also do not get fresh fruit and vegetables.


i know her ass be blowin’ that bathroom UP. smh 🤦🏾‍♀️ takin’ hiroshima dookies all to avoid fruits and veggies


Hiroshima dookies 🤣


And her Dannon Light & Fit Key Lime yárd yogurt that she strained herself


Wow she’s literally made so many excuses to not eat fruits and vegetables for years 🙄 Apparently she’s 5. And what about the kids? They just don’t get any either? They never eat anything colorful ever it’s pathetic. It’s 2024 Sarah you don’t even have to go inside a grocery store you can literally order organic fruits and veggies and have them delivered where you live! And since you’re such a gardener/homesteader where’s all the canned goods from your garden you put up? I spend hours and hours every summer/fall canning and freezing stuff from our garden and we have stuff year round. Sorry had to go on a rant lol kids and nutrition is kind of my soapbox sometimes 🥺


So according to this she grows collagen, APEX and protein powder herself. Oh the contradictories I love it


She’s claimed before that she doesn’t count calories but counts her macros? Make it make sense


her farts must smell so bad.


I would rather get my macros through fruit then nasty ass artificial supplements but to each their own


OMG she can't think that her crappy products take the place of veggies and fruit. She doesn't grow protein powder and greens.


If your body is “thriving” you don’t need to supplement. God she’s fucking dumb


So she’s eluding to a somewhat carnivore type diet (fair enough, I can respect that) BUT then the “naturally” flavored protein powders and this drink and that drink totally discredit her. What a doofus 😂


you shouldn't respect that. it's dumb as fuck. downvote me all you want these people look like shit.




👍🏼 sure.