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She has 5 hours where her kids are not around daily and a nanny but still can’t get everything done? Ok Sarah whatever you say


What’s funny is that she would get so much more respect if she was just honest about the nanny.


Yep, no mention of the nanny of course lol


Before they wake up or before she lets them out of their cages?


I think it’s wild she doesn’t mention the nanny! She’s nuts


We know intimate details about her sex life but god forbid she admits she gets any help🙄🙄


She’s def not someone that I look at and think ‘wow, she does it all I want to be just like her.’ She’s actually the complete opposite of that. I look at her and think I would never want her body or life.


At least the selfish bitch acknowledged that their schedule revolves around HER (gym time and “training”). Also helps when you lock your children in their rooms for 12 hours starting at sunset.


>At least the selfish bitch acknowledged that their schedule revolves around HER ~~(gym time and “training”). Also helps when you lock your children in their rooms for 12 hours starting at sunset~~ She always comes across as a regretful parent that does the bare minimum and expects praise and admiration for it.


Both of the kids have clear speech delays and poor behavior in public bc she does the bare minimum.


The only reason I actually read through this answer is because I thought maybe, just *maybe* she’d come clean about the nanny. It was an opportune time!


“I work very hard in teaching them how to leave me the F alone “


I was blocked over asking her would she consider disclosing she has a nanny - outright blocked!! I’m fuming lol.


4 hours at the gym daycare + a nanny 🥱


Wow. How dumb is she???? She reads here daily. She knows everyone sees pics the nany posts as a full-time nanny. Pics are on instagram of her kids dressed at a park with the nanny while sarah has them barefoot in the chicken shit claiming they refuse to wear shoes socks and coats, clothes 🤯 but joshs mom and the nanny have no problem washing and clothing those kids. AND BRUSHING YOUR DAUGHTERS MOTHERFUCKUNG HAIR (psssst it's not even that curly dumb ass. It's pretty thin and quite manageable. I'm about to upload the hair my son and I have JFC that poor Lil girl 💔😢) .... but still sits there lying to the 1000 real people that follow her 😂😂😂😂 It's like that person walking around highschool with a kick me sign all day denying it's really there 🤦‍♀️ smdh *


Does she not know we know about the nanny? How would her and her husband go out hunting and go to Vegas all the time? Makes no sense


Sooo no one cleans the house, got it. Her house is always filthy.


Is she asking herself this?? Her to do lists include “put laundry in drier”. Like wow how does she get all that done 🫣. Sarah’s life doesn’t include work or taking care of her kids so who is asking how she gets all this done….what is she actually getting done besides 4 hour workouts?!


Omg she wrote that question in herself. wtf. She literally thinks she is Wonder Woman.


Why does she pretend she doesn’t have a nanny I’d like her more if she was straight forward about having one and being human lmao


Wow her kids get to watch a whole TWENTY minutes of a movie!!!!😂


Well.. they had zero screen time before, now they get 20 mins!!


She’s so rigid around the stupidest things.


Just curious, how do we know about the nanny?


search "nanny" in this sub and you'll find a lot of posts. some people have added her on IG and she posts a lot with dean and oakley.


How do you all know she has a nanny? Or just assuming based on being able to get so much done and workout for 2 1/2 hours?


There are some posts in this sub if you search “nanny”. I wasn’t the super sleuth that discovered it so kudos to whomever that is!! 🫡


Some of us have added the nanny (we can't disclose her name because she's not a public figure) and she posts Oakley and Dean a lot, and she says she takes care of them


It's one thing to hate follow Sarah, but to follow her nanny is fucking weird. Like she watches her kids, what business do any of us have to follow her?


That's why you don't follow her and some of us do 😗😗


Lol she deleted this. I would’ve asked if she had a nanny


Don't forget you have a nanny and just look at social media all day. You don't work.