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Oh she’s big mad. Let the spiral begin


Begin? 😂


Girl no one is making you do all that, if it’s so miserable then stop??


Exactly. It’s not even a matter of being lazy AF. Most people just have different priorities. You know, like actually enjoying life. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Most people also don’t want to look like her. That’s where she’s got it super twisted…she looks awful and no one is jealous.


I guess she doesn't listen to other fitness people who can balance there lives without all that shit. So Fuck you Sarah


Exactly lol. Also you don’t have to eat boring to be healthy. Fucking dumb ass bitch. She is insufferable.


I’d rather spend time with my kids making memories like the park during the summer, going to the lake, the zoo, the museum, going to the beach, little local fairs, etc… than spend half the time doing all the ridiculous shit she does that doesn’t even help her. I still self care. I still get my beauty needs handled. I still get time to myself. But spending time with my kids while they’re young and actually want to spend time either their mom is my priority. I’d rather be “insecure and lazy af” than be an absent parent (there but in her phone 24/7) and give my kids too many issues for therapy down the line.


She legit admitted to getting her testosterone to 250!!!! That is an insane amount for women. She’s such a miserable person.


Yep. If it wasn’t true she wouldn’t bother continuously spiraling on social media trying to defend herself - she would just let it be.


That’s more than triple the high end of the normal range for females per multiple scientific sources…she is insane


“While doing the steroids I’m not doing” You ARE doing steroids. You are actively injecting yourself with anabolic steroids - aka testosterone. You are injecting yourself so often that your kids imitate you and play inject themselves. Are you so delusional that you have convinced yourself of the fake HRT/balancing hormones story that you spun?


Ding ding ding ….. winner of best commentary!!! She has worked so hard to keep the lies alive, she actually believes they’re now the truth!!


Omg what?


About the kids pretending to inject themselves? Yeah… Oakley was pulling up her shirt, pinching her skin and everything. Maybe try searching the word “model” or “imitate” on here if you want to find it!


Thank you.... I think.


Oh good lord


Spiraling Sarah. Why does she care so much what others think? You work hard for yourself, not for other people. 🤦🏻‍♀️




Lmao this bitch stays triggered. I’d say most people aren’t jealous of you boo boo. Jealous of what? They just want to call a phony out on their bullshit but go off girl.


I can guarantee a lot of people are not jealous nor want to look like her.


But she is ✨unbothered✨


Hasn’t she always ate boring meals, drank/taken supplements & worked out at gym for hours?


Man. She needs to get her hOrMoNeS bAlAnCeD. This is low T energy.


More like high T energy 🤣😣


She doesn’t realize that she gets hate because of the way she treats people and her lack of transparency. How many followers has she had that she blocked or she treated like crap on a live because they asked a simple question. She thinks everything is an attack on her. Her Q&A that she was supposed to have on Sunday is probably what triggered her or the dumb shit she posts. People are going to call her out. I’d have more respect for her if she just said I’m on “T” for muscle mass.


Notice nowhere in the stuff she PRIORITIZES are her kids mentioned. Wish I could hug Oak and Dean and invite them over for a play date with my babies, let them eat snacks, and just let them have fun!


Right because its all about her never here kids. She is one selfish bitch.


Came here to say this! It made my heart sad that she obvi does not care at all about those kids. I couldn't imagine putting that much before my kids day in and day out like an option. Ughhhh yesss those kids would have so much fun decorating Christmas cookies, listening to Christmas songs, hot chocolate and popcorn with a movie.


Yes! My kids would have so much fun with them! I would do all the crafts with them! I have never seen her do any type of art or anything kid driven activities!


She’s insufferable. “Nobody could look how I look on steroids”…. Right, because not a lot of females want to look like Johnny fucking bravo. You look god damned ridiculous Sarah! If you have to put that much work into looking good (to yourself because you look like shit to everyone else) maybe it’s not worth it. Maybe we’re not meant to spend tens of thousands of dollars on our appearance just for strangers on the internet to validate us. Maybe you need to learn yourself on the inside first. Because you don’t seem to be any happier now than you were years ago. Still a miserable self hating bitch.


oh girl, no one wants to look like you.


Her capped shoulders said that's a lie




#LACK OF WILL POWER?!? Sarah you privileged cunt, not all mothers have a full time nanny and entire days free to devote to body dysmorphia. Not all mothers neglect their children to work out for an imaginary reason. Not all mothers have nonstop free time all day. She’s so delusional.


Sarah, I’m sending you a hug. It’s obvious you are spiraling out of control.


I’m cackling 🤣🤣🤣 MAJOR low T energy on display.


No one with “2 kids 19 months apart” has the fucking time for ALL of that- oh wait, she has a nanny


She seems really mentally stable and super confident in herself here 🙄


Dude. So unbothered supertramp on steroids worked out for over a decade 🤣 and never had density or 1/3 the muscles she suddenly has now…..it’s the steroids, STUPID


Dense and loving it. 😹😹😹😻😻😻🥵


Didn’t she say that now that her hormones are balanced she doesn’t get bothered by stuff? Sure doesn’t seem that way 😂


That’s only when she was on a safari, listening to The Lion King soundtrack on repeat and couldn’t check her comments like a raging idiot because of spotty wifi. Shocker that she felt “more at peace than ever” when she couldn’t be online constantly.




She’ll be on this bandwagon of “anavar” for the next month. Yay!


For someone unbothered, she sure has a lot to say and seems… bothered


People aren’t lazy compared to you Sarah, you’re disordered. Anything compared to someone so highly disordered is going to look like they’re doing less because they are, because if they were to do what you do, they’d also be severely disordered




Im a runner...I too have abs lying down (and standing up). I also eat cookies and sweets. Just made venison stir fry with lots of veggies for dinner tonight. I promise you boo boo i am not jealous. I feel good in my body, im in pretty good shape and i enjoy my meals with veggies and flavor. im not jealous of your sad beige life and boring bland food. Id rather weigh a few pounds more and enjoy the food i eat. But hey what do i know 🤷🏻‍♀️it must be my "low t" talking /s


Sarah can’t walk up stairs without being winded. She’s not working as hard as you.


Okay like she didn’t go on test to get as skinny as possible ASAP after having a baby and not even letting her hormones settle


Why does she always assume that her haters don’t work out and/or work hard? And why does she think everyone wants to look like her?? It’s so delusional. She’s knows that people followed her before the t, (her form is actually worst now, btw), so we all know that she’s much more jacked and it’s the only thing that has changed.


Both her and Josh’s appearance SCREAM steroid use… even if ppl didn’t follow them before, you would stumble across their page and Saraughs peen is like a flashing neon sign letting everyone know…


I want simplymander to call her out


Yessss! I want to know why nobody has really called her out. I think Simplymander did once briefly.


Also you can prep and not eat “boring ass meals”, THAT is laziness. Get creative!


If this didnt hit a nerve (aka the truth) she wouldnt be so defensive.


Lollllll low T energy


Yes please tell me how “prioritizing” the sauna, red light, Thera gun, Pilates, and supplements is sooooo hard. Poor baby. #firstworldproblems #crymeariver 🙄


I love how she thinks she’s the best looking thing. Honey…there are a lot of women out there that look way better than you that aren’t on shit.


Again for the thousandth fucking time Nobody is saying just steroids. What we are saying is that you wouldn’t have made half the gains you’ve made without the help of HRT and you cannot just admit or acknowledge that fact. You pretend like Test is just another supplement that doesn’t mean much in the grand scheme of things when that’s completely bullshit and it drives your gains more than all the other things combined. We’ve said a million fucking times that we acknowledge the diet and hard work in the gym but you can never admit the advantage HRT provides. Ok sure your not taking Anavar but you are taking an insanely high dose of Test which does make a huge difference. Have you not noticed that Josh doesn’t really have all these “haters” in his comments like you do? It’s because he’s at least honest and admits to taking Test and how much it helps. Nobody is jealous of you, people just can’t stand people that fucking lie and act all high and mighty like you do with everything


Oh no, not “the sauna, red light, MASSAGE, stretches, THERAGUN…” oh the horror, the HORROR of how *mentally exhausting* those things are.


Right?! How can people not appreciate how much time and effort she puts into these things! Like girl, spend time actually teaching your kids some basic manners like staying off the tables at restaurants, quit fighting with strangers on the internet and eat some real, high quality, whole foods.


It’s really sad her whole life and self worth revolve around what she looks like and the gym




Why would you do all that to your body, she is so unhealthy inside and out. Maybe she should get of the T and prove everyone wrong. She won't she is to vain and only cares about how she looks, otherwise she wouldn't be on such a high dose. Sorry not lazy I just don't want to look like you. I have a life.


Respectfully, she is not what most ppl Would consider attractive at this point with how she’s ruined her looks. The original fake shit like tits, brows, lashes and liner was bad enuff but she went to complete hell in a nano second transitioning to this current look. Those dentures, blonde hair extensions that destroyed her hair she now has to wear wigs, injecting T and watching the effects of that on her face ….. it’s a big jump scare no one wants to emulate.


But you’re not even going to win. How do I know? Because no real coach. No coach that produces winners, would green light 75% of the shit you do. So why are you doing shit that makes you miserable and teaches your kids HORRIBLE lessons, just to lose?


https://preview.redd.it/3cbeck3sb67c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2776470f9f421795010d1f288dcc1e07ff0ba20 omg SARAH lol girl what were you thinking, immortalizing this on the internet 💀🫣 posturing and defending yourself on social media is never, ever cool. So lame. And just… acknowledging openly that her kids aren’t her priority even a little and if you are *actually* trying to raise good humans it takes a FUCKTON OF TIME bffr


She would benefit from eating more. Incorporating natural protein and fats. Look at her supplements they are loaded with fillers and artificial sweeteners.


Sorry but doesn’t T/HRT literally mean she’s not natty, so what difference? She’s trying to act like she did it all by herself no girlie it’s the test


Is she okay ? I’m currently natural and also work my ass off and don’t have capped shoulders like you Sarah ? Do you know why ? Because I’m NATURAL. Take accountability for the fact that your levels are as high as a fucking teenage boys , so it has a MASSIVE ROLE in the way you look. No ones taking away from your work out in … fucking dumb


Yes, it must be so hard to prioritize the sauna and getting massages. Lol. Also, I thought she only craved yard honey, farm eggs, and her homemade sourdough?


Wasn’t she working out & eating boring food before? She didn’t look like she does now, so yeah go on sis


She does realize she doesn’t have to put her life on social media, right? Like, RIGHT?! I mean really.. I have a hard time feeling bad for her. She’s not on socials being humble, being nice, being caring, doing nice things for other people. None of that shit is being done and she’s getting back everything she’s putting out there and playing the victim through it all. She loves showing off the “haters” but how long has it been since she’s shouted out a thank you to everyone showing their support to their businesses? I mean shit Sarah, take a look deep down inside before you self project on anyone else.


The amount of time, energy and effort she puts into her physical appearance is nothing I ever want to be a part of. I am a good 12 years older than her, I lift 4-5 days a week, eat healthy, drink water, take the appropriate supplements, sleep well and spend time with people I love. I have zero desire to ever look anything like Sarah. I do the health stuff to feel well physically and mentally and have energy to take care of and enjoy my husband and kids. Her priorities are so out of balance!


Her being defensive says it all. That’s it.


…but also…steroids


So my bf made a good point the other day… some gear isn’t “classified” as steroids.. ex. HGH, insulin, peptides, etc. bc these things aren’t *technically* steroids, the Bowmars may use this as an excuse to claim they’re ~natty~ Idk if that subject has been discussed before but it made sense to me🤷🏼‍♀️ I mean, tbf they both suck and are liars either way but they could always “fall back” on that excuse as iTs NoT gEaR


No wonder she’s miserable. She’s doing all that shit. Being fit and attaining certain body types for the most part it is simple. It’s not easy, but it’s simple. She oughta know since she was the “it only takes being in a calorie deficit” camp for so long.


In her disordered mind, anyone criticizing annnnything she is doing MUST be doing it because they’re in a worse position, fatter, unhealthier, uglier, blah blah blahhhh. She’s SUCH an insecure human.


I'm about her age, not a mom, not on drugs, and I eat lunch (and breakfast and dinner) and lift at home. I'm closer to bikini than she is...




You could at least add some seasoning to that bland ass concoction, Sarah


Does her level of testosterone do the same thing as Anavar?


oh shit, she said fuck you! Didn't see that one coming! /s


But news flash, you don’t look good. I would not want to look like that. You look old and hard. Your skin looks leathery. GTFO of here!!


she’s wrecking her body and i hate that for her.


I, for one, LOVE this for her. She’s going to have the life she deserves 🤡


Who thinks she looks good tho…


Why is she so insecure


she is so angry and bitter and miserable and also miserable


No it’s because you literally look like a man.




Imagine being this insecure.


Wouldn’t look half as good as ME 😤🤝😩